A Cinderella Story: Asgardian...

By JEDI271217

22.3K 624 73

Jamie has been living with her stepfamily ever since she was little. Her father married her stepmother, but a... More

Chapter 1: Jamie's Life Afterward
Chapter 2: Meeting Loki
Chapter 3: Talking with Thor and Odin
Chapter 5: The First Ball
Chapter 6: A Problem with the Maiden?
Chapter 7: The Second Ball
Chapter 8: "Extra Ordinary"
Chapter 9: Seeing Heimdall
Chapter 10: The Third Ball
Chapter 11: The King and Queen's Waltz
Chapter 12: Final Decision
Chapter 13: A Planned Wedding
Chapter 14: Not Everything Goes According to Plan
Chapter 15: "Speechless" No More
Chapter 16: The Truth
Chapter 17: The Wedding

Chapter 4: A Three Day Ball

1.1K 34 1
By JEDI271217

The next day, Jamie was cleaning the tile floors of the house while singing a song she had heard from Midgard.

"Most people see me as ordinary
But if you look close you'll find I'm very
Interesting and hard to know
You can never tell where this might go
'Cause I'm not your average, average person
I don't know much, but I know for certain
That I'm just a little bit extra, extra
I'm just a little bit extra ordinary"

That's when there was a knock on the door.

(A/N Jamie's outfit is the same as Chapter 1.)

"Get the door, Jamie!" Sanem demanded.

Jamie got up and dusted herself off as she approached the door. She opened it to reveal the royal messenger.

"My lady, the All Father Odin has invited all eligible women to three grand balls for the next three nights. It is in honor of Prince Loki," the messenger said, holding a gold envelope out to her.

Jamie blushed a little as she took it and said, "Thank you."

At that, the messenger left and Jamie shut the door. She then went up the stairs to where Sanem and Sigyn were. She exhaled then knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Sanem said.

"Jamie. Permission to enter?" Jamie requested.

Sigyn groaned loudly from the other side and pleaded, "Mother, don't let her in. I need to concentrate."

Sanem paused for a moment then said, "Permission granted."

Jamie entered and approached them. Sigyn was posing for a portrait while Sanem was doing flower arrangements.

(A/N Sanem's outfit.)

(A/N Sigyn's outfit.)

Sigyn scoffed and said, "What do you want?"

The she noticed the painter had stopped painting.

"Who told you to stop painting?!" she demanded, scaring the painter.

He continued painting immediately.

"Sweetheart, let me handle this," Sanem told her than remarked to Jamie, "Why are you here? Don't you know you are not allowed in these chambers while portraits are being done?"

"I'm sorry, Lady Sanem. But the royal messenger was at the door about a three-day ball in honor of the youngest prince," Jamie answered, holding the golden envelope.

"Prince Loki?!" Sigyn exclaimed excitedly.

"Don't move," Sanem warned her as she took the envelope from Jamie, took the invitation out, then read aloud, "'In honor of his royal highness, Prince Loki of Asgard, we will host three balls, one for each night. And by Odin's command, every young maiden who is not betrothed must attend.'"

Sigyn squealed with joy as Jamie smiled.

"This is fantastic news, Sigyn. You still have a chance with the prince," Sanem told her.

"It is a great honor to be in the presence of his royal highness. I can't wait to be a princess," Sigyn said, smiling.

"And I can go to the ball as well," Jamie added happily.

That's when Sanem and Sigyn looked at her with disapproving looks.

"Who would say a thing about you going?" Sigyn asked.

Jamie looked confused as she answered, "The All Father. It says that by Odin's command that every young maiden who is not betrothed must attend."

"Well, he does not have to know about you," Sanem told her with a smirk.

Jamie could not believe what she was hearing. Her stepfamily were not going to let her go to the ball, even if Odin himself commanded it.

She immediately left the room on the verge of tears and ran to the barn. She looked out the window to see the house and wiped her tears.

"Father, I know you had me promise to always be nice to my stepmother and stepsister. However, I do not recall you telling me to obey them with every command. I have done everything they have asked of me; I never asked anything in return. And I think I can finally put my magic to better use. I am going to all three of these balls and I won't let them stop it," Jamie said, determined.


A/N Jamie deserves time for herself, anybody agree?

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