A Cinderella Story: Asgardian...

By JEDI271217

22.3K 624 73

Jamie has been living with her stepfamily ever since she was little. Her father married her stepmother, but a... More

Chapter 1: Jamie's Life Afterward
Chapter 3: Talking with Thor and Odin
Chapter 4: A Three Day Ball
Chapter 5: The First Ball
Chapter 6: A Problem with the Maiden?
Chapter 7: The Second Ball
Chapter 8: "Extra Ordinary"
Chapter 9: Seeing Heimdall
Chapter 10: The Third Ball
Chapter 11: The King and Queen's Waltz
Chapter 12: Final Decision
Chapter 13: A Planned Wedding
Chapter 14: Not Everything Goes According to Plan
Chapter 15: "Speechless" No More
Chapter 16: The Truth
Chapter 17: The Wedding

Chapter 2: Meeting Loki

1.2K 36 2
By JEDI271217

Jamie and Sif, both with cloaks on, walked throughout the village.

"Remind me again why you are still suffering under the control of Sanem and Sigyn," Sif brought up.

Jamie sighed and answered, "Because I promised my father."

"I thought you said your father wanted you to be nice to them, not obey their every whim like you're their slave," Sif pointed out.

"It doesn't matter," Jamie replied.

"It does matter. You have people who care about you," Sif told her.

"Not Sanem or Sigyn," Jamie responded.

"They don't matter," Sif stated.

"Look, regardless the promise, I am not allowed to leave until I am betrothed," Jamie explained.

"Yeah, but you are one of the most beautiful maidens in all of Asgard. Anyone would be lucky to have you," Sif remarked.

"Thank you, but—" Jamie started.

Then she accidentally bumped into someone, sending them both to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, sir," Jamie immediately apologized, getting up in a panic.

"It's alright. No harm done," the man said.

Then they locked eyes and Jamie saw it was Prince Loki himself.

(A/N Loki's outfit (just add a cloak).)

"Your highness," Jamie said, bowing respectfully.

"Please. That is not necessary," Loki said politely, looked at Sif, then greeted, "Lady Sif."

"Prince Loki," Sif returned.

"Sif, we will be family soon. You can just call me Loki," he inquired.

"Until we are, I shall call you Prince Loki," she stated.

"Very well," Loki nodded, turned back to Jamie, and told her, "You are beautiful, fair maiden."

Jamie blushed then said, "Thank you."

"Loki! Father requests for your presence!" Thor yelled from a ways away.

Sif blushed, making Jamie smirk and nudge her.

"Alright!" Loki called back, turned back to Jamie, then said after gently taking and kissing Jamie's knuckles, "I hope I see you again."

"And I you," Jamie responded with a smile.

Loki then left, but Jamie couldn't remove her eyes from him until he disappeared in the crowd.

"It would seem you have already fallen for a man," Sif smirked at her.

Jamie looked at her with a teasing glare, then told her seriously, "He is a prince; I'm a commoner. There is no hope for that."

"You never know," Sif reminded her.

Then they made it to the dress shop.


A/N OMG! I love it!

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