You're Not Alone

By SommieMusso

19.6K 538 193

A Kid x F!Crona fanfic about first kisses, first dances, and first loves... More

Part 1 - Boyfriends and Girlfriends
Part 2 - What Do You Know?
Part 3 - Kid's Mother
Part 4 - Shinigami
Part 5 - Do You Like Crona?
Part 6 - Tell Me
Part 8 - Dance With Me. Please?
Part 9 - Where's Crona
Part 10 - Why?
Part 11 - Ready?
Part 12 - For the One You Love
Thank You :)
Part 13 - Some Endings Are Better Than Others
Part 14 - Epilogue / Announcement

Part 7 - The Next Day

1.1K 37 9
By SommieMusso

I'm really sad right now and I'm gonna tell you guys why below...I'm not a bad sad though. I'm a happy sad or more of an excited sad but you guys will be sad...or happy...depending on the news..


The next morning was Saturday which meant no school for all DWMA students. The previous night, during dinner, Soul decided to invite BlackStar to play a game of 1 on 1 in basketball. BlackStar invited Tsubaki and Tsubaki invited Liz and Patty. Maka decided that she would come to since she had nothing better to do but as always, she said that she would be sitting on the sidelines reading Blame The Kiss by Jamie Alvarez. While eating, Maka decided to invite Crona to come with them to the basketball court.

"Hey Crona," Maka started, "do you wanna come with us to go play basketball tomorrow morning?"

Crona swallowed a piece of her chicken and looked up at Maka. It wasn't rare for Crona to be asked if she wanted to go someplace with the rest of the group, but she usually declined with the fear of being a burden to everyone else.

'A-are you sure you want me to come with the rest of you guys? "

It was finally Soul's turn to speak, "Of course. We might need an extra person on our team since a certain stick-in-the-mud doesn't would rather read books all day."

Maka shot Soul an angry look and Soul responded with a kiss on her cheek. Maka blushed and continued to eat her dinner. Soul knew that Maka always gets embarassed when he starts to act lovey-dovey with her and used this to his advantage to avoid getting Maka-chopped.

Crona started to speak again,"I'm not r-really good at sports. I don't want to cause anyone trouble."

"Don't worry. Maka's probably worse than you but we still let her play."

This time, no amount of kisses could stop Maka from giving Soul a Maka-chop with one of her largest books.

"Since when do you keep dictionaries at the kitchen table?" soul asked recovering from the blow to his head.

"Since the day we first moved in together." Maka looked at Crona. "You'll be fine Crona. I might not be good at basketball but Patty is. She'll teach you all there is to know about basketball."

"T-thank you Maka. Will Kid-kun be there a-also?" asked Crona, looking down at her plate with her bangs in her hair, picking at her mashed potatoes.

Soul, after finally recovering, answered, "Most likely."

Crona tried to hide her blush, with no prevail, and said a simple quiet, "Oh."

The next morning at around 10:00 am, Maka and Soul were already dressed and eating breakfast. Maka noticed that Crona was not at the table with them and asked Soul, "Where's Crona? I thought I told you to wake up her up an hour ago."

Soul shrugged, still eating his pancakes and said, "She said she was feeling sick and didn't feel like going with us today."

Maka, who obviously knew that  was a lie, got up and went to Crona's room. If there was one thing she knew, it was that witches never get sick. Maka opened Crona's door to see her sitting in her usual corner, unaware of Maka's presence, hugging her legs saying, "I can't deal with lying." over and over again.

Maka walked over to Crona and said, "Hey Crona, are you alright?"

Crona jumped up and began to do some fake coughing.

"M-Maka. Is that you? I-I'm sorry but I-I can't go with you guys today."

Maka began to rub Crona's back and said, "This is about Kid isn't it?"


Maka let out a small laugh and  told Crona, "It'll be alright Crona. I'll be with you the whole time."

"T-Thank you."


At around 11:00, the rest of the gang was already deciding who would be on what team. BlackStar and Patty were playing a game of rock-paper-scissors to decide whose team Maka would be on.

"I win. I win. That means you have to have Maka on your team, Black Star," said Patty, the younger of the Thompson sisters.

"No fair," said the blue haired boy. "I'm going to be god someday so that means you have to do whatever I say. And besides Maka sucks. She probably couldn't dribble a ball to save her li-."

BlackStar was interrupted by a Maka-chop with the book she brought with her.

"Well you don't have to be so rude," she said. "And for your information, I don't plan on playing anyways."

"Sorry Maka, but you kind of have to," said Liz. "We only have 5 players."

"What do you mean 5?" asked Maka sounding confused. She looked around and couldn't see the young shinigami. "Where's Kid?"

Liz pointed to the bench where Kid was hugging his knees, having a nevous breakdown, and saying, "It's not symmmetrical. How could i ever leave the house in such a state. I'm worthless. Worthless I tell you. I should just die."

"What's wrong with him?" asked Soul.

Patty started to giggle and said, "Kid was being silly again and didn't realize that one side of his shirt had a different amount of triangles on each side of his polo shirt."

"Oh," said Maka, already used to Kid's breakdowns when things aren't perfectly symmetrical.

"Until Kid gets his act together, we can't start unless we have a 6th player. That means that you have to play Maka," said Liz.

"Do I have a choice?" asked Maka.

"No." said the others in unison.


Mak turned to Crona while the others got ready and spoke to her.

"Is that okay with you Crona?"

"Y-Yes Maka."

Crona walked to the bench and sat down next to Kid who was still having a nervous breakdown. Kid looked up at Crona who was sitting quietly with her hands in her lap. He almost started to blush when he remembered the decision he made last night. He decided to just start a friendly conversation with her.

"Well good morning Crona."

"Good morning Kid-kun... I mean Kid."

The two sat in silence for a little while watching the game. It was Soul, Maka, and Patty vs Liz, BlackStar, and Tsubaki. The score was 2-0 with BlackStar's team in the lead.

Crona started to twiddle her thumbs.

Kid, who was tired of the awkward silence, started to speak.

"So, how has life at the academy been for you?"

"G-Great," said Crona. "Everyone at the academy has been so nice to me."

"Are you sure about that?" asked Kid knowing very well that there are some people at the academy who would rather have a 2 year old in their classes rather than Crona.

"Not really. I know that some people still don't feel comfortable with me being here considering I'm a witch and all, but I have a lot of nice friends who make it easier to be there. I have Maka, Soul, BlackStar, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Ragnarok, even you Kid. Especially you. You really helped me out a lot when I first started going here. Sure, Maka and Ms.Marie were the first people I knew, but you were the first person that I was ofiicialy able to open my heart to. Everyone here is important to me. Especially you."

Kid started to blush and feel flustered. He didn't know what to say. He struggled to find the right words but they just wouldn't come out.

Especially ME?

Kid thought to himself.

Especially me...

Kid felll sideways into Crona's lap and then everything went black.


This is probably the longest chapter so far... I had a lot I wanted to put in this one because the next chapter is really important. For anyone still confused on Kid's feelings toward Crona : He sort of likes her but knows he's not able to be with her so it's easier for him to deny his feelings than face them head on. So the reason why I'm happy/sad is because me and Jamie (Polariod_kid) came up with a whole bunch of ideas on how the story should end and acame up with like 3 side stories. The sad part is that we almost started crying because of how beautiful yet sad they were. I'm so excited to write the upcoming chapters :) Love goes out to my Velociraptors

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