[op male reader x dxd]

By KuhakuAndTheNoNames

205K 1.6K 1K

y/n is an 16 years old boy. he has been alone most part of his life until he met a strange girl. being a huma... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Merry Christmas

special halloween

11K 90 164
By KuhakuAndTheNoNames

Hope you enjoy it.

"Whispering or muttering"
"Phone talking"

Y/n's pov

After the rating game ended, Rias' peerage was still shocked along sona's peerage, Sirzechs, Serafall, and the heads of the Gremory and Phenex clans who were surprised for Riser's forfeit.

In the other hand, I went with Koneko and teleported us to my house where I petted and congratulated her before going to sleep since it was already late.

Later, Ophis joined in the bed.

Next day

I woke up early to make a special breakfast for Koneko since it was halloween and as a reward for all her efforts.

I got out of the bed replacing myself with a pillow that was hugged by the 2 girls in my stead.

I went to the kittchen and started cooking.

Timeskip of 1 hour.

Y/n:"and finished" he said while putting the last dish on the table.

Just as he was taking off his apron, the 2 girls walked into the kitchen hypnotized by the sweet scent.

Y/n:"good morning"

Koneko:"good morning~" she said still a little sleepy.

Ophis:"nh..." she only noded.

Y/n:"come, sit and eat" he said sitting on a chair.

Koneko made her way towards y/n's lap and sitted there.

Ophis:"that's... not... fair"

Y/n:"well, she worked hard yesterday, so let it pass this time" he said patting koneko's head.

Ophis didn't answer as she just grabbed a chair and putted it next to Y/n's before sitting in it.

After that, the 3 of them started eating, but since Koneko made Y/n feed her, he couldn't eat much himself.

When they finished eating, koneko got a call.

Koneko:"who is it?"


Koneko:"and what do you want?"

Rias:"you see, my brother invited us to a halloween party, do you want to come?"

Koneko:"mmhh..." "y/n, do you want to go to a party?"

Y/n:"if you want, then I will go"

Koneko:"yes, but my boyfriend is going as well"

Rias"ok, It's at 7 pm at (randon direction), bye"

Koneko hanged up and looked at Y/n.

Koneko:"It will be at 7 pm"

Y/n:"okay, It seems like we will have to go for costumes"

Koneko:"nnhh" she nodded thinking on what costume would y/n like.

Y/n:"Ophis, do you want to come with us to the party?"

Ophis:"yes" she said having a little smile also thinking of what costume would Y/n like.

Y/n:"well, what do you think about going shopping?"

Koneko and ophis nodded and so they changed and went shopping.


Koneko:"Y/n, what do you think about this one?" She said showing him her costume.

(With her cat ears and tail)

Y/n:"you look so cute that I want to keep you for me alone for all the night" he said while smilling.

Koneko blushed a lot and murmured: "If you like it that much, then we don't need to go to the party"

Y/n:"mmh? Did you say something?"

Koneko:"eh?! No, not at all" she said lowering her head while blushing even more.

Ophis:"how do I look?" She said going out of the change room.

Y/n:"you are wonderful" he said smiling.

Ophis:"that's all?" She muttered.

Y/n:"mmhh?" He tilted his head confused.



After they bought their costumes, they headed back home to change into them, after they were dressed, Koneko and Y/n went to the party in Y/n's car and Ophis opened a portal and went through it.

As they arrived, Y/n opened the car's door, revealing his outfit.

He then made his way to the other door, opening it and taking koneko's hand. While doing this, Ophis appeared through a portal and clinged to Y/n's arm. Seeing this, Koneko held on to his other arm.

They then knocked on the door and Rias opened it.

Rias:"oh, you are finaly here, come in"

She Invited them to pass and then locked the door.

Rias:"follow me, all the others are already here"

They went to a big party room where they saw Sirzechs, Serafall, Gabriel, Michael, Azazel, some others that I don't care, Sairaorg, Sona and their respective peerages along Rias'.











Etc, etc...

Akeno:"oh, you are finally here koneko and Y/n"

Koneko:"hello akeno-senpai"


As they aproached her, Akeno noticed Ophis.

Akeno:"ara ara, it seems your popular Y/n, who might your new lover be?~"

Y/n:"she is Ophis"

Akeno:"ara, you are not denying she is your lover?~"

Y/n:"well... I think that if I say something I should not, something bad might happen"

Akeno:"ohoho, so you are not the one who wears the pants~"

Y/n:"eh? Pants?" He tilted his head confused.

Akeno"ara ara, you are so cute. Koneko, what do you think about sharing him with me too?"

Koneko and Ophis:"NO!" They said attaching more to Y/n's arms.

Akeno:"ara ara, what a pity, and I already wanted to take him to the bed and do bad things with him~" she said licking her lips.


Koneko and Ophis:"don't you dare touch him" they said glaring daggers at her.

Akeno:"ara ara, I made them angry, well, anyway, enjoy the party" she said leaving.

After Akeno left, Serafall approached them dragging Sona along.

Serafall:"Hi koneko-chan"

Koneko:"hello serafall-sama, sona-senpai"

Sona:"hello koneko-san" she said trying to regain her composure.

Serafall:"koneko-chan, Is this your boyfriend?"


Serafall:"Hi, I'm Serafall, but you can call me Sera-chan"

Y/n:"It's a pleasure to meet you Sera-chan, I'm Y/n, I love your costume"

At this Serafall had stars in the eyes, but she saw her sister hiding behind her.

Serafall:"what's wrong So-tan? You should great him too"

Sona:"but this costume is too embarrassing"

Serafall:"don't worry, I'm sure he will like it"

Sona:"hello Y/n" she said blushing trying to hide herself.

Y/n:"hi Sona, you look good in that magical girl outfit, it makes you look different than the usual"

Sona:"t-thank you, you look good as well"

Y/n:"you think?"

Serafall:"yes! You are outstanding with that costume"

Ophis and Koneko nodded at this.

Y/n:"thanks" he said a little embarrassed.

They kept talking and danced a little until the party was over, they parted and Y/n, Koneko and Ophis went home, where Koneko and Ophis showed Y/n other disguises.

They had a good night without much sleep.


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