
By Kulthumm_a

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Ever Since Faryah was six, she couldn't say words out loud. She was mute due to an alleged accident she had w... More

Bonus Chapter
A truck load of thanks


711 76 0
By Kulthumm_a

----------------Los Angeles, California

---------------------- Olyster residence( same night)

I staggered as I walked into the mansion, I was broken. I needed Pamela by my side. She was the only one I could think of right now. I pushed the door open and walked to the living room, throwing myself on the couch.

She was throwing away all the years we spent together, she was throwing the memories and promises all away. As if it meant nothing to her. It was my fault for lying, but it wasn't a valid reason for her to break up with me. It was not a valid reason for her to throw everything away. My eyes were red from all the tears that poured out of them. I was so hurt.

" Khalid?" That was Neill. My nice step brother. His voice had a touch of class, easy to recognise anywhere. " Sup" I answered, not even trying to look at him. I heard him sit beside me. " What's up dude?, Faryah's dead?, I never thought you two were that attached" How could he possibly think that she was dead. He had a pretty crazy imagination. " No, she's still in her coma" I answered with a whisper. " Then what's up?" He asked again. He was going to find out eventually. " Ella broke up with me" I said again in a whisper. There came the awkward silence I was waiting for.

" Want to talk about it over some drinks?" He asked and I shook my head. Him of all people knew I didn't drink alcohol. " give it a try this time, or fine I'll get you a can of coke" he said as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

I really didn't know what to do with my life right now, all my plans, I had Pamela in all of them, now they were all ruined, all gone. " Here" I collected the chilled coke that he handed over to me, I took a big gulp and felt a little bit calm. He sat beside me, he took a can of coke too. " Talk to me" I sighed as he said that.

" I lied to her about Faryah, I didn't tell her about Faryah being my wife, she asked me to marry her when I got back from Indonesia and I agreed, without telling her the truth, so she found out and ended things earlier today, I'm still wondering who told her, I told Mother, Brandon and Grandfather not to tell her" I revealed to him and took another gulp out of my can coke. " It's Sophia obviously" Sophia. She was always causing trouble. Always. " But you know, she helped you, if you had lied to her longer and she found out through another source, it wouldn't have been nice, It's good she found out now" Neill added. She did, Ethan and the others were right. " I tried explaining things to her but she still broke up with me, it hurts Neill" I felt a tear roll down my cheek. " You'll be fine"

" I'm trying to find who to blame you know and pour out all my anger on, I wanted to blame Faryah, she's at fault, if she didn't agree to the wedding, I wouldn't be like this, but I can't find it in my heart to be mad at her" I said again. I wasn't thinking straight. " You are not thinking straight, how can you blame Faryah, I'm sure she didn't want to marry you either, she did it for her grandpa like you did for Grandpa Julius, don't blame anyone, you're the one to blame for lying to Pamela" He was right, always right. " Faryah seems nice, you can move on with her, she's already your wife" I wasn't in the mood for his jokes.

" You know Khalid, I'm going to confess something to you" I was the one that needed advice now. Not him. " What?" I asked. " I'm in love with Faryah" that took a different turn. I didn't know what to say, I had a lot on my mind. How could he possibly fall in love with Faryah when he was crazy about Sandra. How did he even fall in love with her?, why did he even fall in love with her?.

" You're crazy about Sandra" I answered and looked at him. " I don't know anymore Khalid. Ever since I saw Faryah on your wedding day, in her dress, her beautiful white dress, she looked so innocent and fragile and very beautiful, her beauty captivated my heart Khalid, it was like love at first sight" I couldn't believe this was happening. How could that have possibly happened. " what do you mean by that, you want to forget about Sandra, all the times you shared, all the memories and everything, you want to throw them all away just like that?"

"Khalid I don't know, I tried hurting Faryah to see if the love I had for her will vanish but then..." He tried hurting her. He really shouldn't get on my nerves right now. I cut him off and sent him a death glare. " You tried hurting her?" I gritted. I felt like I was the one he hurt. How could he. " And you say you love her, how could you do that?" I snapped. " I don't know what's wrong with me Khalid, I can't stop thinking about her, I can't even bring myself to go see her in the hospital, I am a mess Khalid, I'm finding it hard to sort my feelings out" I tried understanding him, he was really a mess but that didn't give him a reason to hurt my wife.

" Dude, take a break, go somewhere with Sandra, you two love each other so much and I am sure that you'll be crushing her feelings or her life if you break up with her" I advised. " You're right, you should give Pamela space too, distract yourself with work, she'll come back, hopefully" I doubted that. " So don't cry man, be a man and stop sulking okay" he added as he patted my back. " Sure, fine" I answered smugly and sighed. " How do you really feel towards Faryah?" he asked again. I liked her, that was a fact. But people telling me that I have more feelings for her just doesn't feel right. " She's a nice lady and friendly" I managed to let those words out. " only?"

" There's nothing else" What else was he expecting me to say. " You know Khalid, I'm going to be honest with you, You like Faryah, but the so called love you have for Pamela makes you feel like you don't " He was so wrong. I loved Pamela, with all my heart. " Nah" I said as I took a sip out of my coke. " Well I'm just letting you know" I didn't need to know lies.

" Well in case I don't get Faryah out of my mind, I need your permission to court her, you're going to get divorced so, I'll take over, you good with that?" I wasn't good with that. But I had to, besides Pamela was going to get back with me soon and he was obviously going to get his senses back concerning Sandra. " Sure, go ahead" I felt a bad vibe as I said that. What if Pamela never came back and he breaks up with Sandra.


All was going to be fine. 

" I'm going to go take a shower, I'll see you later, and yeah before I forget, we need your photography skills on Mothers birthday, plus a Grand Launch for Olyster textiles, hire others too, I know you can't handle lots of guests on that day, hire like five more" I requested as I got up from the soft couch. I really needed another bath. " Well I hope I'm being Paid, I'm not doing this for free cause you're family" I rolled my eyes at that comment. " Don't worry Neill bunny, we'll pay you, so you can get a house for yourself and Sandy cheeks" I teased and smirked at myself. " Don't call me that" He was blushing. He really did love Sandra, he was just infatuated by Faryah. " I'll see you by dinner time" I said as I took another gulp out of my coke and headed up the stairs.

I threw myself on the bed immediately I got out from the bathroom, I was going to wear the clothes I wore before, I didn't have time to check for clothes. I changed the ripped jeans to grey shorts and wore my socks. I threw myself back on the bed and brushed my hair. I couldn't get what Neill said out of my head. I liked Faryah, but the so called love I had for Pamela made me feel like I didn't. It was like I didn't want to admit it to myself or accept it. Pamela and I were together for 5 years, five memorable years, five years filled with Joy and lots of plans for the future. She was the one I always dreamt of having my children with. And Faryah, she just came into my life a few days ago, and here I was. I couldn't get her out of my mind. She was just her. Her beautiful self.

I couldn't let go of Pamela after all what she had been through, after all what she went through with her Parents and siblings, her Family. I was the only one she told her story too. She was actually an Italian princess, daughter of the King Marcus De Luca and Queen Serena De Luca. She didn't like royalty, I understood that. When she was sixteen, she was almost forced to get married to a certain prince, Prince Carlos Marchesa. He was around 30. She ran away from that with the help of her lesson teacher, her parents thought she and her lesson teacher eloped due to some lies her siblings accused her of and finally disowned her. She was no longer a De Luca anymore. Her lesson teacher took her to the US, Cambridge, where she passed the Harvard Scholarship exam and got admitted to study Medicine and Surgery. He was the only family she had before she met me. She also found out that her younger sister got married to the prince she was supposed to marry. I helped her get rid of her accent, there's still a small hint of it but not much.

I finally came to fully realise that Yeah!

You can never have a perfect Family, we all have specific flaws so we'll be able to move on, make better decisions and make our lives better than they are. Those flaws aren't supposed to drag you down, they're supposed to make you stronger and tougher. Those were two of the reasons why I fell in love with her. She was always determined to get what ever she wanted and I stood by her, always. That was why I couldn't let her go, I was already used to being by her side.

I got up from my bed and sat on my window, the stars were already out. They called them Najm in Arabic, Mother told me that when we were back in Turkey. I loved the name and always dreamt of giving it to my child. My child had to be as pretty as the stars, like Faryah.

She was beautiful, with her graceful smile. Very beautiful, with a charming personality. I really wanted to see her smile again. See her eyes shine bright again.

I got up from the window and took my Nike sneakers out from my closet and took my car keys and ran out of my room. It was just 10:30pm. I rushed out from the house and drove to the hospital. I was going to see Faryah, if possible I was going to spend the night there. I walked into the hospital and took the elevator that led to Faryah's room. I wore my masks, as I watched Sophia sleep on the small couch that was outside her room. She looked just like Mother and slept so peacefully. I kissed her forehead and fixed her cover. I happily headed towards Faryah's room and found a doctor injecting something into her.

The doctor shook immediately I opened her door. What he was injecting into her fell from his hands. He seemed scared. " Good evening doctor" I greeted as I closed her door. He stood still, he didn't shake or move. Why was he like that. He slowly turned to look at me and I recognised the dark eyes immediately. He wasn't a doctor. He was the one that stabbed Faryah.

He quickly took to his heels and fled the room. I threw my nose mask off as I followed him. He was trying to kill Faryah again. I chased him as he ran out of Faryah's room. He took the stairs and I followed behind him. I finally caught him and gave him a punch in the stomach and another on his cheek. He swiftly kicked me off him, making me fall to ground and he pounced on me, giving me heavy blows everywhere. I pulled off his nose mask and hair mask. He was the person that stabbed her. The bastard. I instantly pushed him off me and pounced on him. I wasn't just going to stay and do nothing for Faryah. " Why are you doing this to us?" I snapped as I punched him harder. " do you really want me to answer that?" He asked back with a smirk. I stopped punching him and dragged him up. " Answer me you bastard" I snapped again and watched him cackle. He was a psycho. I felt a sharp pain in my manhood as he hit it and ran off. I couldn't run after him. I staggered as I walked back to Faryah's room. My ribs hurt badly from all the blows he threw at me.

I found doctors and nurses rushing towards Faryahs room. What was going on. I opened the door leading to the room before her room. Sophia was been dragged out of her room.

" Sophia" I called as I saw her eyes filled with tears as she rushed to me. " She flat lined" Tears rushed down my cheeks immediately she said those words I never wanted to hear.

Faryah was giving up. I was losing her.

Faryah please don't die on me.

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