How to Write The 100 Fanficti...

By stilestastic

257K 8.8K 6.9K

i know a thing or two about a thing or two tips, tricks, and memes to help you write a fanfiction about the 1... More

0 | requests
1 | knocked out
2 | cardboard characters
3 | a lesson in badassery
4 | the 100 timeline
5 | siblings
6 | opinions in fanfics
7 | runway model OCs
8 | pacing
9 | injuries
10 | grounders
11 | grounder culture (rant 1)
12| playlist song ideas
13 | crime ideas
14 | jasper jordan
15 | echo (rant 2)
16 | helpful replacements for "said"
17 | characterization
18 | action scenes
19 | name ideas
20 | faceclaim ideas
21 | the ark
22 | should you read the books?
23 | trigedasleng
24 | octavia (rant 3)
25 | and they were roommates!
26 | redemption arcs
27 | clarke griffin
28 | ways to make your story stand out
29 | faceclaim ideas ii
30 | common spelling/grammar mistakes
31 | my writing process
32 | we are two different people
33 | female characters or plot devices?
34 | roles for your character
35 | contradictory traits
37 | recommend fanfics here!
38 | trauma
39 | death scenes
40 | jobs on the ark
41 | the name's bond. emotional bond.
42 | characterization pt ii
43 | faceclaim ideas iii
44 | character backstories
45 | bellamy in season 3 (rant 4)
46 | the council
47 | crime and punishment
48 | stop white-washing or perish
49 | how to make your character more realistic
50 | echo, pt. ii (rant 5)
51 | faceclaim ideas iv

36 | 50+ dialogue prompts

3.4K 148 254
By stilestastic

( if you use any of these, please give me credit. i worked hard on them! also, if you plan on using any of them, please leave an inline comment telling me so on the one you wish to use )

"i have a plan!"
"please don't tell me it involves fire."
"...i have no plan."

"i didn't kill him!"
"you stabbed him and then left him for dead. how is that any better?"

"you broke me and then left me to pick up the pieces."

"i didn't just dance with the devil. we tangoed. did the sprinkler. the waltz. ballet."

"what did you do?"
"do you mean setting that on fire, or maiming that guy?"
"oh, you didn't know about the guy?"

"i'm like a moth attracted to the light— i'm drawn to things that only end up hurting me."

"it's time for plan b."
"we don't have a plan b!"
"right. so, er, RUN!"

"you look high."
"thanks, it's the drugs."

"you left me to die. sorry if you're not at the top of my best buddies list."

"did you bring a weapon?"
"i brought seven weapons."

"with you, i feel safe, like nothing bad can touch me. like we're separate from everything that tried to break us."

"i wasn't even that drunk."
"you climbed onto the side of the dropship, proclaimed that you could fly, jumped off, and sprained your ankle."
"so that's why it hurts so much."

"i can handle it."
"trust me, you have no idea what you just unleashed."

"that was a secret! as in, you don't tell anyone!"
"well, i don't really count murphy as a person, so..."

"how do you expect me to forgive you?"
"you can start by forming the words 'i forgive you.'"

"i've known you since diapers. i can tell when you have your murder face on."

"i was born in darkness and shadows."
"stop being dramatic. you were born in the medical ward like everyone else."

"for most of my life, i wasn't wanted. being here with you... i don't feel that way anymore."

"i'm not good. but you — you make me want to be. i think i would change the world for you."

"i would die for you."
"i didn't ask for that."

"maybe we are too soft and kind for this world."

"life stomped out all the good in me with a steel boot. you can try, but you won't find any light in me."

"do both of us a favor and don't put your faith in me. you'll only end up disappointed."

"our lives are full of nightmares. if i wanted those, i would have fallen asleep."

"drop the savior act. we all know who you really are."

"why are you doing this?"
"you should really learn not to trust a bunch of criminals."

"your innocence shines through like a beacon. keep it that way."

"i've searched high and low, and it seems that you're the only good left in this world."

"i was doing fine on my own!"
"then why is the entire camp destroyed?"

"you'd better get your act together, because one day, nobody is going to pick up after you."

"the blood on my hands is like a stain i can't remove. i can feel it sticking to my skin."

"how can you be so calm about this?"
"i was very traumatized as a child."

"sorry, can you repeat that? i wasn't listening— i just kept thinking about how much i literally could not give a shit."

"do you hear that?"
"no, what?"
"it's the sound of me telling you to screw yourself."

"clarke, i think i might be coming down with something."
"okay, well, what are your symptoms?"
"every time i'm around finn, my skin gets all itchy and my eyes start watering. i think... i think i might be allergic to his bullshit."

"i have seen the face of the devil and laughed in his face."

"if anything happens to her, i will gut you painfully and slowly until you're begging for it to end. got that?"

"why did you do that?"
"you see, i never said i was a good person."

"i don't know how, but you sons of bitches have become my family, so if any of you die, i'm going to be very pissed."

"that's illegal, you know."
"is it? golly, goodness me! i'll just have to turn myself into the guard, then! oh, wait, we don't have one because the council voted to send us down to a radiation-soaked planet and probably die in a fiery explosion. right."

"i hate everything and everyone. except you. you, i tolerate at most."

"what's wrong with her?"
"she's either smiling or having a stroke."

"you're in a place where god can't reach."

"i'm here to have a good time, not a long time."
"clearly, because you threw yourself into that ring of fire without hesitation."

"you know, with the decisions you make, sometimes i think you want to die."
"you caught me."

"if you ever say something bad about yourself again, i will show affection and make you so uncomfortable that you're forced to love yourself."

"think positive thoughts!"
"stealing! swords! anarchy!"

"i did my time in hell. and, let me say, i was not impressed."

"what is wrong with you?"
"everything, darling. i'm surprised it took you that long to ask."

"what... the... hell?"
"he went out with a bang."
"that is NOT what you're supposed to say after you shoot someone!"

"you can't save everyone."
"you don't know that."
"what i mean is, you can't save me."

"i don't know how jasper weeded his frail body into my life, but now he thinks we're friends, so i'm kinda stuck with him."

"you are not the bad things you've done. we all deserve to keep on living."

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