St. Salvador High school

By Poison_beri

36.6K 1.6K 161

"Let's play a game. If you win, I'll tell you the name of your killer and when you lose, you become my slave... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Three

1.7K 70 22
By Poison_beri

I was finally going to have a session with them today and we were given the guidance and counsellors office. It was large and spacious and could contain seven people with space inside.

I sat down to see a lot of sweets and snacks inside with books and textbook in the office. It had posters which were inspirational and life changing. I sat down waiting for lust who was always late for an appointment.

Finally he came in and his hair was braided across with a few let loose. He wore an off-shoulder sweater with a tank top inside which was so light and loose on his body. He had a thing for baggy pants and then he wore sneakers which matched his outfit. I noticed that his earrings were a playboy style and he applied makeup but it was light and made him look beautiful. He was really the definition of a beautiful boy.

He sat down and took a lollipop from the container before he licked it and looked at me.

"Mr Jeff was keeping I and a classmate." He informed me as he groaned and then he pouted.

"I won't forgive you till you say your sorry." I told him with a stern face before he looked at me and smiled.

"I'll think about it Lucy."

"I would correct you but I know you won't do it." I said as he winked at my answer.

"So Lust, tell me about yourself." I requested as he placed a finger on his face where I noticed his nails were painted black which was pretty.

"I'm Lust. I'm going to be sixteen next week. I love all my big brothers as much as they all love me and I care about my younger brother since his so shy. But, I love sex more than my brothers but they don't mind it. I like playing a lot and I give an amazing Blowjob." He said happily before he pointed the sweet at me.

"I also like it when the people I want always wants me back." He added as he brought the sweet close to his mouth then used a finger to slowly guide my eyes down to his semi-hard dick.

I wouldn't lie if I said that I wasn't turned on by him but he had to try better of he wanted to get me on him. Even my ex who was an escort before she met me tried harder than she did with her customers since I had self restraint.

"Thank you for the information. Tell me what you know about biblical killer?" I asked before he paused the candy he was licking and hummed.

"Why should I? I ain't snitching." He responded before he stood up and walked up to me.

"Why won't you? You could save innocent people that this psychotic person is killing. You could be a hero." I tried to convince him as he straddled me then placed his hand on my neck.

"You seem tense Lucy. Why don't I help you feel better." He said as he slowly traced his fingers up to my lips as he started to sensually grind on me.

I took his hand and then got him off me before I dropped him on the table and he gave me an unbelievable look.

"I asked a question not for a massage." I stated before he gave me a shocked look.

"Well I'd rather be the villain than the hero. The hero always gets the girl and he never fuck her but the villain always has women and his single. So I'm better where I am." He said before he climbed down from the table.

"I didn't get what Hades like about you but I final see it. Well good luck Lucy, you'll need it." He finally commented before he left the room.

I sighed as I sat down on the chair. Lust could take a step forward if he chose too and I shivered because I had a feeling he was holding back.

I checked my file to see the next one was Joker, the sin of greed from what 69(six-nine) told me.

Name: Tyler Valentine
Age: 17
Academic status: Average except in history and Spanish.
Family Status: Only child
Disorder: Fetishism, PTSD, nightmares, insomnia and masochist.
Cause of disorder: kidnapped and tormented by a senior at the age of 13 due to senior's obsession with him.

The door opened to reveal another student. He was 5'9 with very black hair and emerald eyes. He had a one cheek dimple and then he dressed pretty expensive. He wore an original designer shirt which I was sure wasn't on the market, jeans, a gold wrist watch with real diamonds on it. He also wore an expensive brand of sneakers that I couldn't remember.

He sat down opposite me as he folded his arms as I stared at his styled hair. We didn't talk till he started laughing for no reason in a foolish way that I didn't know when I started laughing too.

"So let me get this straight. Your the new Psychologist? I expected better." He said before he laughed making me to fold my hands and give him a serious look.

"Sorry I just can't help it. OK, OK I'm serious." He said before he brought out a card and gave me.

I took it to see a joker card from the house of flush. I put it in my reports about him before I looked at him as he dropped his feet on the table.

"So tell me about yourself. Why do they call you Joker?" I asked before he brought out a gift and dropped it on the table.

"It's for you. I thought I should get you something since your on a low level." He insulted me in a non serious way but I ignored him and then took the box.

I didn't direct the box to my face and opened it to see a bomb smoke explode out from it. I coughed since it wasn't a big blast and was just to cover the room. I looked at Joker who wasn't there. He then banged the table from my side shocking me a little.

"Well I'm Joker because I'm just as crazy as him or maybe because of the fact everything makes me laugh especially pain." He added before he walked back to his seat.

"So Joker. Do you like anything? A hobby?" I asked as he looked around the room.

"I love to play poker, gamble. I like money, clothes and let's not forget a good show." He responded as he looked at the hour glass in fascination. "What about you Michael?"

"I like to read. I also like getting answers when asked." I told him before he looked at me in interest.

"Give me the ace." He requested then I breathed in and out.

"Tell me everything you know about biblical killer." I responded as he stared at me before he burst into a fit of laughter.

"What pathetic excuse for a name is that. Biblical killer more like biblical loser. The best part is a nosy teacher trying to play cop. Unless..." He said before he walked close and looked into my blue orbs.

"Your are the cop." He stated like he was sure of the claim.

"Do you think I am, Jo-ker?" I Stressed his name before he laughed lightly then sat on the chair.

"Depends. Even if you are it's not like I care. After all your to pathetic to handle a job." He belittled me making me annoyed.

"You know I can't work with you. Get out!" I commanded before he gave me the fuck you finger with a gleeful expression and walked out through the door.

I massaged my forehead as I sighed in frustration and exhaustion. I have only handled two and I'm already stressed out. I just hope the others will be more useful.

Name: Celestine Russo
Age: 17
Academic status: Impressive. Possesses a high IQ, best in maths.
Family status: Youngest child. Has an elder sister who loves him dearly.
Disorder: Asperger's syndrome and schizoid personality disorder. Has a strange hair discoloration.
Dislikes: Staying in bright light, sunny places and being woken up.
Obsession: Habit of fixing or putting things together. Likes colourful objects that isn't white.

The door opened as I was reading on Ghost. It was Ghost and he looked so different from his profile picture. Ghost had white hair and from the way it looked, it was his natural white but a pretty type of white.

He had dark brown eyes and light brown skin. He was pretty tall with a height of 6'5 and his dressing showed he was lazy about coming. It looked like he was on his pajamas and a regular shirt with slippers.

Ghost sat down and then he started playing with the Rubik as if I didn't exist. He was really fast in assembling it and then scattering it in different colours. This Rubik had about twelve colours if I'm correct. I then coughed and placed my hands on the table but Ghost didn't look.

"Earth to Ghost. Earth to Ghost." I said it like he was a child and then he looked at me, still plays with the dice.

"So you like Rubik's cube? Your very talented." I complimented him but he didn't say anything. He actually looked lost in his mind.

"Ghost." I called out to him before he blinked and then looked at me.

"Can you do something for me?" I asked before he looked at me in seriousness.

"If you tell me what you know about biblical killer, I'll get you a 1000 pieces puzzle." I demanded and then he raised eight fingers.

"You want eight thousand?" He nodded before I thought about it.

"Deal. So talk to me?" I said before he stood up and went to the shelf and literally picked a bible.

He opened the Bible to the new testament and went to where the journey of Paul started and just tapped the name.

"Is Paul the name of the killer?" I asked but he shook his head before he closed back the Bible and returned it back.

Ghost sat down and then started to get lost in his mind. He didn't focus or look at me and then I realized he wasn't willing to work with me.

"Why Paul?" I asked but he didn't respond and just stood up and then left the room.

Ghost was one strange student and probably the first person I've ever seen to be so withdrawn and ignore the person in the room like they don't matter. I sighed as I checked out for the next one who went by the name Flames, sin of gluttony.

Name: Volkan Griffin
Age: Unknown
Academic status: Not here for educational purposes.
Disorder: Pyromaniac and dyslexia.
Cause of disorder: Witnessing how fire burnt mother at age of ten, enjoyed fire ever since.
Dislikes: Being restraint, being hungry and women from age 37 and above.
Obsession: Making chemicals and explosions in mild quantity. Take from him when seen.

The door opened and then Flames came in. Flames was as tall as Ghost with bright red hair which looked dyed and black tips. He had amber coloured eyes which went well with his hair colour and he looked freakishly strong.

He wore a baggy shirt and shorts with sandals and had a bracelet on his hand that looked like it was made by a woman. If he was gluttony, he was handsome for it. I expected him to be fat but he was muscular in a likeable way and I believed he had packs. He sat down with a mischievous smile on his face.

"So Flames, I..."

"Open the last drawer of the table, there are many bags of potato chips. Give me five." He demanded like he was actually the senior here.

I brought out the chips and placed it on the table. He took some and looked so happy and comfortable as he ate the chips.

"Why do they call you the sin of gluttony?" I asked before he paused eating and then rubbed his face.

"Who you calling a glutton?" He asked a bit meanly as I maintained eye contact with him.

"I don't know who am I calling?" I responded before he aggressively chewed on the chips.

"What do you want doc?"

"You seem straight to the point."

"I don't have time for this bullshit. So tell me or I'm leaving!" He said impatiently that I swore I could see smoke coming out from his head.

"I know you know Biblical killer, tell me everything about him." I responded before he calmed down and then gave this mischievous smile.

"Should we make a deal?" He said as I folded my hand.

"Go on." I said before he dropped his third bags of chip on the table and say properly.

"How about you let me burn down the school and everyone in it then I'll show you your guy." He said then I saw how his bored eyes started to glow.

"No. I won't endanger lives."

"Your doing the earth a favor by reducing the population after all we don't need population." He said making me bang the table.

"I will gladly give you anything except burning people alive."

"If I said I want your soul would you give it to me?" He asked as I paused to think.

If I had to sell my soul just so people could be safe was it ok? Was it worth it.

"You can't expect reward without sacrifice Mr Morningstar." Flames added before I finally faced him.

"I will. If it means people will stop dying then it's worth it." I replied before he scowled.

"Your so Hades type. Well I would tell you but I love the selfish." He said before he stood up and left.

I relaxed on my chair with a sigh. I have the keys to cracking this case but then they aren't willing to help. They prefer for society to crumble than to risk helping it. I wrote down my observations when the door opened.

He looked cold and mean like he wasn't in the mood to play. He sat down before he quickly stabbed the table making me surprised.

"How fast are you with a knife?" He asked me as I shrugged.

He then grabbed the knife but I was quicker and took it. He stood up as well as I and we both started to try and see who would be the final winner with the knife. I was quick but he was strong and the impact he used in holding the knife was strong before he grabbed the knife and placed it close to my neck.

"Your really good. I've never seen a psychologist who could try to match my speed." He said before he covered it and then put it into his pocket.

He had copper coloured hair and light brown eyes. His skin was toned and was very smooth. He wore a tank top and sweatpants with a black puma slippers. He seemed to love the color black since everything on him was colored black. We sat down before I pulled out his profile to see it was Pain, sin of envy.

Name: Grant Augustino
Age: 19
Academic Status: Certified computer genius.
Disorder: Sadism and mild exhibitionism.
Likes: Hacking and computers. Best friend with Flames.
Dislikes: Wyatt Manchester and cowards.

"I know the usual question you ask and I want to say your wasting your time. Go back Michael where you came from." He threatened me before he walked to the door.

"I don't like you Morningstar." He added before he left.

"Weird. I didn't even get to ask him anything." I said to myself then I made my personal report.

I stood up and was about to leave the office when the next student entered bumping into me. I walked back and looked at the next one who was really tall.

He was 6'8 with black eyes and raven hair. He looked angry and then he looked down on me like he was going to squash me. He was actually on his uniform but he had the buttons opened.

"Watch where your going shorty." He said angrily making me pissed off.

"Who are you calling shorty, piece of shit?" I asked him angrily as I stared at him.

"Bloody psychologist, call me shit! Seems you badly want to die."

"The only one dying is the doctors that are going to spend a century fixing your bones. I'm done playing the calm teacher." I argued back before he went to the table and aggressively flipped the heavy table shocking me.

He didn't have a physique for such yet he was able to do it so easily like it didn't have weight.

"Open your mouth again and I'll make you a retard." He said before he shoved me and walked out.

I gritted my teeth as I stepped hard on the ground. I saw as three security men came inside and then helped me to reorganize the mess. I looked into his profile to find out who is he was.

Monster: Sin of Wrath
Name: Wyatt Manchester
Age: 19
Academic status: slightly above average. Best in sports.
Disorder: Intermediate explosion disorder, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder and obsession compulsion disorder to a particular student by the name Forest Hathaway.

I paused and then opened on Forest Hathaway.

Shy Angel or Yuki
Name: Forest Hathaway
Age: 15
Academic status: Highly intelligent but lacks confidence.
Family status: Unknown
Disorder: Night blindness, Dependant personality disorder, anxiety disorder and claustrophobic. Afraid of loud noises, ropes, violence and surprise. Be patient with student.

This information was interesting and I waited for the last since when a security guard came in.

"Sorry Mr Morningstar. The next session is in the isolation unit." The security man said with seriousness as I gave him a surprised look.

"Isolation unit?" I asked then he nodded.

"We keep students who need to be punished or controlled in their to cool office. Be warned this next student isn't going to be like the others." He informed me before I nodded and followed behind him.

We walked out of that building to the third building which was apparently empty in the hall way bit it had rooms where I saw few students in. They had teachers in there and seemed to be discussing but the room was soundproof so I just passed by.

We got to a large metal door which had three guards with guns. It was weird how they were securing the door like what was inside was dangerous even one of the guards had a tranquilizer.

I entered to the room and it was really white and large. It had a table and two chairs and then on one of those chairs was those hazel eyes that always amazed me sitting down with a straitjacket.

He was really handsome with purple hair and brown skin and gave off this cocky aura. He stood up and I was amazed by his 6'7. I felt so small among the larger sins especially monster. Why couldn't they all be small like Lust.

"Hello Michael Morningstar. I expected you five minutes ago." He said as he glared at me. I took my sit opposite him and then read his file.

Hades: Sin of Pride.
Name: Aiden Storm
Age: unknown
Academic Status: Impressive. First to beat school highest grade.
Family Status: Unknown
Disorder: Psychopath, Ganser's syndrome and Narcissistic.
Warning: Highly unpredictable and dangerous. Dislikes someone questioning his ability which could lead to extreme consequences.

"You could have just asked me about my profile Michael. Isn't that what a psychologist does first?" He asked as he sat there taunting me with his eyes.

"I'll pass. I just want answers. Tell me what you know about Biblical killer?" I asked as he grinned and then sat up straight.

"I know quite a lot about him but it all depends on you."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's play a game. If you win, I'll tell you the name of your killer and when you lose, you become my slave." Hades said as he smiled proudly.

"Deal. I intend to win." I said as he smirked and then I watched him.

"The rules are simple. Pain has something I want. It's called a spider 2.0, he created it but pain is stingy with his inventions so I want you to get the spider for me. By any means necessary." He explained as I looked at him.

"What do you want with it?"

"That's personal. You only have a week Michael. I'm waiting for you." He said before he whistled and two guards took him away.

"Well I expect to see you in action Michael. I think I'm going to love school." He said before he was taken into the room behind our white room.

I left with one intention in my head. If I had to sell my soul to help people stay alive then I will.

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