St. Salvador High school

By Poison_beri

36.6K 1.6K 161

"Let's play a game. If you win, I'll tell you the name of your killer and when you lose, you become my slave... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter One

3.4K 93 21
By Poison_beri

"Morningstar, got a call from the café down town. We got another victim." My partner, Skyler Smith informed me as I wore my jacket and stood up.

"I fucking hate the maniac. I can't wait to catch him." I said as we left the station for the crime scene.

We got there to see police tapes, police and citizens who were watching the police cleaning up the crime scene. I walked passed it as Skyler talked to the witness who called in about the body.

I walked up to Brian Jones, a forensic scientist who was great at his job and loved it. I saw as he put little evidence into the evidence bag before he looked at me.

"So shoot me." I requested as I brought out my reading glasses from my pocket.

"Well it seems we have a breakthrough. Our victim was actually poisoned and before she died she was grabbing onto this." He informed me as he handed me a piece of paper.

"It's a flyer for St. Salvador school. How is this a breakthrough to finding biblical killer?" I asked as I looked at him.

"I asked myself the same question till I found her ID. Our victim was Emily Turner and she wasn't a teacher. She worked as a waitress at a diner far east from here. Which means..."

"She grabbed it from biblical killer before he killed her. Due to the way she crumbled it, means she grabbed it out of panic when choking and our guy didn't notice."

"Exactly. Always on point doc." He snapped his finger in excitement.

"So what was her sin?" I asked then he lead me to a wall not far from the victim.

"Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Exodus 20:16." I read out loud before I looked at Brian.

"Emily Turner was a witness in a hit and run case last month. The assailant was found not guilty." My partner, Skyler informed me as he gave me the file.

"That was quick. Probably should look back into that case. I'll go check out this St. Salvador's school. I'm sure it'll be full of spoilt and bratty kids so this case will he cracked in no time." I commented before I closed the file and walked towards the yellow tape.

"You going undercover?" Brian asked.

"Maybe. Should be fun to be a teacher for sometime." I responded with a smile on my face.

"Wow. The school is a lot bigger than the pictures." I commented as the driver laughed.

"Been working here for nine years. St. Salvador is the biggest school I've ever worked in." He informed me as we entered into the building.

St. Salvador was really as prestigious as its name. It was very large that walking would feel like hiking a mountain. It was decorated with flowers and garden arts and before the school building was a dolphin fountain.

St. Salvador had three divisions from my research. It had the boys boarding school, girls boarding school and then the day school which was a coeducational academy. These schools were located in different states of the country. I was also lucky that they were hiring and looking for psychologists which yours truly was.

The driver stopped me in front of the school building where I saw a man and a woman who were obviously married and three new male staffs from how they seemed so tense. I walked up and stood beside them.

"Welcome my new staffs to St. Salvador Boys High school. I'm the proprietor Mr Jonathan Prescott and this is my wife Mrs Janet Prescott." He introduced himself and his wife before they turned and entered the building.

"St. Salvador was a school my grandfather built because he wanted to develop young minds to be at their best. So he built this school first before the other ones came along." He informed us as his wife showed the classroom which were empty.

"School for the second semester starts next week. A few students are back but their expected to be back on Sunday." Janet explained as I nodded in understanding.

When we were done with the tour around school. We were directed to the receptionist who gave us our room keys before we all headed back.

"It's a shame the teachers this year are handsome." The receptionist whispered but I heard her and then when she noticed I heard, she kept quiet.

Something about St. Salvador was odd. Most of the old staffs didn't talk to us, it was like they were avoiding us. For what? I couldn't think of anything unless they weren't friendly.

I entered my room and started unpacking my things. The room here was larger than my own kitchen so movement and space wasn't a problem. Finally, I was done and it was time for dinner. I left my room to see opposite my room on the left, one of the new staffs.

He was really small with a height of 5'5 unlike me who was 5'10. He had hazel eyes with a touch of green and golden brown hair. He also wore medicated glasses which I felt he didn't depend on but wasn't confident without it. He looked like a little kid trying to be a teacher.

"Hi. I'm Michael Morningstar. I'm a psychologist." I offered my hand which he shyly shook.

"I'm Whitney Stones. I'm the new maths teacher but call me White." He responded shyly not looking into my eyes.

We headed to the dinning hall where we saw all the staffs eating. There were about thirty seven staffs here and the population of male was greater. There were about fifteen females but only five were teachers and the rest were non academic.

They were actually friendly than what they exhibited earlier but I had a feeling they were not being completely open about the school when I brought it up.

I returned to my room after a meal and then decided to write my report on how this school was. Since the students weren't allowed out, the killer had to be among the staffs and if he was close to anyone then it would make my search faster.

I was typing in my report when I heard a paper slip in. I turned to the door to see a piece of paper on the floor. I stood up to pick it and then examined the paper. It was white but had rose designs at the edge of the papers. I looked down at the typed word which was clearly done by a typewriter.

Be careful. Trust no one and be alert. You'll need it.

I didn't take the note serious since it might have been one of these spoilt kids prank to hype a teacher. I tore the note before I threw it in the waste bin. I shut down my laptop and was about to take a drink from the fridge when I heard a knock on my door.

I opened the door to see Whitney who had a scared expression on his face before I looked down at his hand to see a note.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked before he handed me the paper.

"I got t-this note and I'm scared to stay on my own for sometime." He replied as he looked around as if expecting someone to attack him.

I collected it and read. Be careful. They have eyes on you everywhere. I studied the paper to see it was the same person who dropped it. The person who dropped this might have a valid reason.

"Come in." I invited White who entered before I locked the door behind us.

I went to the fridge and brought out a beer and soda before I handed White the soda which he shyly took. I opened my beer to drink when suddenly, the power went out.

"W-what is happening?" White asked as I put on a flash light I kept on my table.

"I don't know but I know that this isn't an ordinary blackout." I responded as I walked to the door.

"W-where are you going?"

"Wait here for me I wanna check things out." I instructed before he shyly nodded and locked the door behind him.

I walked down the hall to see that it was too quiet. Usually in normal cases, people came out to check on their neighbors but they were inside and quiet. I heard loud noises coming from downstairs so I walked to the large window of the hallway, switched off my phone light and observed.

I saw students all gathered together like they were rioting and cheering. I looked closer to that a fight was going on before I finally recognized one of the people fighting.

That was one of the new staffs and he seemed to be losing terribly to his opponent. When he was finally knocked down, I saw as one of the students pulled down his pants as his classmates cheered. I continued to observe before my eyes widened.

Are they having sex in front of all these students? I looked at the teacher to see him resisting but he was weaker against the bigger male and then I looked to see the second new staff being held by four students as one out of the four fucked him at the back and another had him blowing him off.

It finally hit me what the mystery messenger was telling us. He was warning us about this school's savage tradition. Oh my God, White! I thought as I ran back to my room.

I got there to see two students with one who had White on his shoulders. The second one was heading towards me but I was prepared and dodged his attack before I brought out the taser from my pocket and tasered him. When he was down, I received a punch to the face by the one who carried White but I was glad he dropped White somewhere.

I blocked his fist when he came at me again before I gripped him and threw him over my shoulders as hard as I could before I tasered him to be sure I knocked him out. I went to White and grabbed him as we ran away from the teachers dorm since most teachers had their doors shut.

We got to the ground floor where I saw four students blocking the back door since the front was walking into the heat of this operation. I signaled for White to be quiet as he held his mouth.

I crept quietly behind the unsuspecting students before I knocked two of them heads together before they fell on the floor and quickly tasered the other one before he could react. I saw as the third one looked he was going to call for backup before I ran quickly and then covered his mouth and held him till he passed out in my hold.

I took Whitney and we headed to the school building. I looked at the door to see it was locked so I took out a pen from my pocket and a hair pin I saw on the floor before I skillfully opened the door.

I was thankful for once about Skyler forcing me to learn how to fight and hack locks after giving me a few beatings.

We entered the building as I searched for the safest place to keep White because he was my top priority and the fact he was like a minor not by age but the aura and innocence he possessed didn't deserve to be messed up this way.

I saw that the chemistry Lab looked safe since it was locked and the window was big enough for sometime as small and slim as him to crawl up in.

"Can you fit through there?" I asked as I pointed at the window which he shyly nodded.

I helped him up the window before he climbed in and then looked at me as if waiting for me to join him. I couldn't risk both of us staying together so I shook my head.

"Stay here and wait for me. Don't come out till I come back to get you." I instructed him before I left.

As I was leaving to the ground floor, I heard some students noises before I ran back to that floor. I ran up to the third floor where I saw a corridor. I also saw some ropes before I tied it to a pillar and then climbed down from the third floor.

My feet slipped a few times but I was lucky not to have fallen. I finally got to the ground where I landed on some bushes before I untied the rope. some students spotted me before I took off to the students dorm.

Using stairs was exhausting and for once I wished for elevator. I didn't even work out this much when I was in the gym. I got to the last floor of the dorm and then I saw a door opened before I entered it and locked the door behind me. I sighed in relief before I was pushed to the door.

"Don't make a sound or you'll wake him." The voice commanded me which was clearly a male as he covered my mouth.

I couldn't see anything except for his hazel eyes that seemed to have this kind of glow. It was the only thing I stared at before he slowly released his hand from me.

"What are you doing here? Get out." He demanded like it was a law.

"There's no way I'm going back there with a herd of savages who want to eat me alive." I complained as I looked at his eyes which was the only thing I could see.

"Well if you don't, then I'll do it for them." He threatened me before he came closer to me.

"Like I'd let you. Let me stay here till it's safe. I'm the adult here." I insisted before he pushed me back to the door.

"Then isn't it funny that an adult is scared by a few horny kids. You should really be proud." He teased me with amusement.

I couldn't believe this. This was the first time that I had met students who seemed controlling. The criminals I had sessions with weren't even this wild and here he was talking like it was natural.

"Well I'm staying here because I don't wanna be eaten." I responded a bit authoritative before he laughed softly.

"Biblical killer should have told me your this amusing. I think I'll let you tag along." He said with that his husky voice with a slight Spanish accent.

"How do you know that?"

"I know everything. If you ever want to chat again then ask about the seven deadly beasts of St. Salvador. I'll be waiting Michael." He said before he opened the door and threw me out.

"The power will be back in three minutes. Take that has your cue to head back." He informed me before he closed the door.

I found him very weird but from our conversation, he clearly knew biblical killer on closer terms. I was glad that I made a breakthrough so I wouldn't stay in this weird school before the power came back.

I left the building to see that the coast was clear before I headed to the school building where I saw White standing outside of the building. I was shocked he was out of the lab before I ran to him.

"A-are you okay?" He asked as I nodded. He sighed in relief before I looked at the door to see it was locked back.

"I told you to wait for me inside, why are you here?" I asked before I saw him blush to his ears.

"I-I, there w-was a student in there." He informed me making me to grab him as I checked if he was okay.

"Did he hurt you?" He shook his head before he looked away.

"He a-actually protected me and t-told me when it was safe to come out." He responded before I sighed in relief.

We walked back to our dorms before White and I entered our room. I sat down and added my report of what I experienced today before I showered, changed and changed to a pajamas.

I jumped in my bed and starting to think about this school. If this was one of the activities that happened in this school then St. Salvador wasn't what I signed in for. I just hope that I can find the killer before this place drives me crazy.

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