One-shots {Spider-man}

By BrodyCrimson

299K 6.6K 1.9K

Spiderman stories. Field trips Rouge Avengers Internship stories MJ + Peter <3 AU's Harley Kenner and Pe... More

Stiles is Spider-Man
Sons of Tony Stark
Field trip where Peter doesn't go
Peter meets the rouges, gone bad
Anxiety Attack
Walking into tears
Project PTR-15 (Part one)
Project PTR-15 (Part two)
Project PTR-15 (Part three)
You're English?!
Your English?! (Part two)
Feeling Low isn't a weakness (Part one)
Feeling Low isn't a weakness (Part two)
Feeling Low isn't a weakness (Part three)
Shot and saved.
Suggestions and requests.
Unknown Family
Brothers in everything but blood (Part one)
BIEBB (Part two)
BIEBB (Part three)
Son of Thanos
The runaways (Part one)
Bucky's brother (Part one)
Unwanted kid
Fallen Angel
Ghostly secrets
Something deep in the ocean
Coming soon (hopefully)
The essay
The haunting past of Winter
Am I- Am I real?
Skin Walker
Hush darling
The Runaway Prince
The Runaway Prince (Part two)

Spider of HYDRA

7.7K 189 24
By BrodyCrimson

Summary: Peter was sold to HYDRA but escaped. Tony thought his powers came from Oscorp until he saw Peter's branding.

Backstory: Peter's dad sold him to HYDRA when he was young. He escaped at 11 and moved in with May and Ben. He became Spiderman and met Tony Stark who adopted him after May was killed by an unknown person. After Civil War and Hoco. Rouges are back but there's still tension.


Peter didn't mean to get found out. He wanted to keep it a secret for longer but the night was young and had many plans for him. 

He moved into the tower not long ago. (they decided not to sell it) Peter was happy to be adopted by his mentor but it cost him a great deal. Peter was hiding something big, something he was afraid to tell Tony. He never told May and now he was too late, she died. Peter never let himself be shirtless in front of others otherwise they'd know the truth. Across his back, he had a huge tattoo of the HYDRA branding and on his chest, he had Property of HYDRA: Project Spider 015 in black writing. He was a part of fifteen other kids who's parents sold them to HYDRA at young ages to be tested upon. Peter was the only one who survived the process and was put into training, then used as a killing weapon. He never wanted Tony to know what he had done. 

Until one night, Peter awoke from a flashback. He was struggling to breathe or think. Peter took off his shirt and changed into tracksuit bottoms, splashing water onto his face. "FRIDAY, is there a piano anywhere?" He asked the AI. 

"Yes, I shall lead you towards it," Peter followed the lit path which took him to a music room full of instruments. He sat down by the piano and tested it out. Soon it turned to a song, What About Angels by Birdy. "Mr Parker, you seem to be in distress. Shall I call Mr Stark?" 

"No-no, I'm alright FRIDAY," Peter assured her while playing silently. After a while, Peter sang the song, playing the keys correctly. He got cold and wrapped the blanket around him slightly but it came loose during the end of the song. Peter was thinking about what HYDRA made him do, innocent people they forced him to kill. He started crying softly until someone's arms wrapped around him. It was from Tony. 

He hugged Peter who pulled the blanket around himself further. "It's alright kid," Tony whispered to the crying boy who calmed down. "Bad night?" Peter nodded slowly, wiping his face. Tony caught a look at something black on Peter's chest, he moved the blanket and saw the work HYDRA before Peter hid it with the blanket, pure fear written on his face. "P-Pete?" 

"Please, don't," Peter begged, tears starting to form again. He stood up, the blanket had now fallen to the ground. Tony clasped a hand over his mouth. Peter backed away when Tony stood up. 

"Peter, I - you work for..." Tony couldn't seem to get his words out as he tried to understand. How could my boy, my innocent kid, work for HYDRA? Tony thought in confusion. His confusion turned to anger. "Peter, what the hell is going on?" His son backed away scared. 

Tony came closer, waiting for answers that he didn't entirely want. "I'm-I'm sorry, I couldn't t-tell you," Peter choked on his words, barely realising he'd have to explain. "I didn't w-want you to f-find out," 

"Fine out what?" Tony asked, now knowing Peter wasn't working with them but understanding something else was going on. 

"That my powers are from HYDRA, that I-I was - "Peter took a breath to pause. He couldn't say it, not right now. Tony brought him into a hug, letting the boy sob. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tony rubbed circles onto his back. 

Tony held him tight. "Peter, please tell me," He begged, pulling away. Peter bit his cheek, swallowing another sob. "Kid, I need to know," 

"I-I-I can't," Peter stammered, shaking with fear as tears continued to flow down his face. "Please, I c-can't." Tony stepped forward but Peter stumbled back. He put his hands up to show the younger boy he was not a threat, knowing Peter was panicking and thinking the worst. Peter never wanted to tell Tony but now he knew, and Peter was afraid of what Tony would do to him. 

so, he ran. Peter jolted out of the room, Tony calling after him but not chasing. He understood that Peter needed time and so did he. 


The next morning Peter hadn't emerged from his room. Tony hoped to talk to him but his door was locked and FRIDAY refused to open it. Peter hadn't slept, up thinking about all possibilities that could happen, all of them with a horrid outcome. 

The others wanted to know where their little spider friend was. Most of them had gotten close with him and were used to him living with them. so when Tony came into the lounge looking solemn, the others demanded answers. 

"Peter had - he, uh," Tony began, not knowing how to tell them. "FRI, can you show the image of Peter last night before I found him?" An image on the telly displayed Peter shirtless, HYDRA branding on his chest. A second image showed the back where he had the HYDRA symbol widely displayed. The others looked at Tony for answers he didn't have. "H-he had a bad night. I saw and I asked him about it but he ran away from me. I-I tried to get him out of his room but he won't let me in," Natasha puts a hand on his shoulder to calm the worrying billionaire. 

"I could try," A small voice belonging to Bucky spoke up. He hadn't gotten too close to Peter, worried the boy could be harmed by him but they knew each other still. Besides, if anyone understood Peter it would be Bucky. 

Steve looked at his best friend. "Are you sure, Buck?" He asks concerned Bucky could bring himself into bad memories. Bucky nodded and went to towards the lift and out to Peter's room. 

When Bucky got outside his door, he knew Peter would be aware of his presence already. The soldier sat down outside the door and knocked, not expecting a reply. He was experienced with these things since Bucky himself is known to locking himself in his room when he thinks he'll hurt someone or relapse back into the Winter Soldier. 

"Peter, it's Bucky," he began. Bucky took a big breath. "You don't have to come out or even talk to me. I just want to be here for you," He could've sworn there was a faint sigh on the other side. Bucky traces the dents in his metal arm. "It's alright to be scared. When Tony found out about me it didn't end well. I did some bad things, really bad things that still haunt me to this day. Whether you killed or not, Pete we'll always be there for you. Pretty sure we're all responsible for some deaths," 

There were some sniffles on the other side. "They hurt you bad at there. HYDRA is known for some shitty torture and punishments. The branding is a painful one I'm sure. Tony wasn't angry at you, he was just confused. We're not going to push or force you to talk so soon, you can take as long as you need," Bucky continues. "I've left a pack of food outside your room if you're hungry. I'll go now," Bucky stood, leaving the food behind outside his door and beginning to walk away. 

Bucky was about to turn a corner when he heard the door open and a voice calls out. "Wait," Peter shakily said. Bucky spun around and walked back to Peter who was clearly tense and unsure of his choices. "C-can you - "Peter's sentence trailed off with a red face.

"You want me to stay?" Bucky wondered, catching onto the boy's embarrassment. Peter nodded, holding his arm with his hand and standing as small as he possibly could. He picked up the food and followed Peter into his room. Once Bucky closed the door, Peter's lip quivered. Bucky opened his arms, letting Peter come to him instead of the other way around. He hesitated at first and flinched but Peter hugged Bucky after a few moments. They stayed like that for a bit, letting both of them feel safe in the other's embrace. 

Peter broke free first, still being held but moving to sit on his bed. Bucky sat beside him. "I'm sorry," His voice cracked. "I sh-should've told you," Bucky put his arm around the young boy. 

"It's alright Pete," Bucky assured. "Do you want to talk about it?" Peter shook his head timidly, looking fearful for a second. "Okay, we don't have to talk. Let's watch a movie," 


Peter fell asleep throughout the second movie. Bucky got on his phone and shot Steve a text claiming what had happened and to not worry. He didn't mind Peter sleeping against him but Bucky's mind wandered to thoughts he wasn't ready for. Was Peter controlled like him? How long was he captured by HYDRA? Has he killed anyone? How badly was he tortured? 

Those thoughts and scenarios filled his mind until a sleepy spider awoke beside him. Peter opened his eyes, sighing deeply before seeing Bucky again. "Hey kiddo," Bucky greeted in a raspy voice. 

Peter mumbled a hello. "Thanks for staying," Peter got out in an unused voice. "You're a good uncle," Bucky smiles at the compliment. 

"Thanks, Peter. Do you want to go down for breakfast or should I bring it here?" Bucky asked, making Peter wake up a bit more. He debated it for a while that Bucky nearly thought he didn't hear him. 

Peter looked up. "I want to go down and eat with the others," Bucky moved so he could sit up. Peter rubs his eyes, not looking awake or ready for talking at this time. "Are they going to question me?" Bucky shook his head. 

"If you don't want to talk about it then you don't have to. If they ask, it's because they're worried about you," He replied to the spiderling. Peter nodded and stood up. 

They headed out to the lift and went to the main floor where people were awake and making breakfast. Wanda, Vison, Clint and Tony were sitting in the lounge. Sam and Rhodes were setting the table while Steve and Natasha were making the food. Steve and Nat were the first to notice them but Bucky put a finger to his lips. He led Peter to the kitchen so he wasn't around so many people. 

"Good morning," Steve greets while flipping a pancake. 

Peter takes his seat at the island counter. "Mornin'," he replied, rubbing his tired eyes again and yawning. Natasha sets down a plate in front of him and goes to call the others. Bucky sits in his usual spot and plates up his food. 

The others come in slowly and take their places, spotting Peter who has his eyes glued to the table out of nerves. He ate cautiously, anxious to finish before someone speaks to him. Luckily they only spoke to one another, letting him join in and chat as though nothing happened. Bucky would give Peter a thumbs up when he spots the kid looking nervous or out of place. It continues until people are getting up to clean their plates. Peter sits on the sofa in the corner like he normally would but it's not as it was before. 

Bucky sat near Peter, checking on him often. He noticed the kid's desire to leave but wanted to see how long he held out for. Eventually, Peter retreated back to his room alone. 


Tony knocked on the unlocked door. He heard an answer to come in and went inside. Peter looked up from his spot on the bed and set his phone down. "Hey, underoos," 

"Hi, Mr Stark," Peter replied shakily. Tony came further in and sat beside him. "I'm so sorry. I was scared to tell you and I didn't want you to hate me. Then I waited too long and I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry I ran away from you and - "Tony shushed Peter with his hand. 

"It's alright kiddo," He assured. Peter leaned into his touch and tears fell from his eyes. "It's okay, you're safe now," 

Peter mumbled out, "M-my dad sold me to them. They experimented on m-me and made me hurt people, I'm really sorry," Tony rubbed circles onto his back. his voice was shaky and scared but he felt safe in Tony's embrace. 

Somehow, despite all that had happened, he knew it would be alright in the end. And he had Bucky, Tony and his avengers family to thank for the recovery. 

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