Jumping on the Train (Thomas...

By SunnyCoolKid

777K 23.9K 20.6K

"I don't know, Thomas. It just seems like it could be the start of something bad." Thomas leans over and... More

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The First Day

Age Can't Slow Me Down

8.9K 278 288
By SunnyCoolKid

And here we have the dreaded day of the year. The worst day of the year that you wish everyone would just forget. When everybody wants to do something for you, but you just want to be left alone.

Your birthday.

Birthdays were fun when you were little but now they're tiresome and annoying. Everyone wants to talk to you on your birthday. They want to give you stuff. They want to tell you you're special and whatever.

But you dislike birthdays because you feel like the world thinks they owe you something on your birthday. Just for exsisting. I mean, you gladly exsist EVERYDAY. You get older EVERYDAY, but do they celebrate EVERYDAY? Noooo. So you don't see why they should the day you were born.

And you figure that's a good excuse.

And dispite all your best efforts, people manage to find out that it is anyway. You don't even write your birthday in the calendar, you just put a pretty little star.

So when you wake up the morning of your birthday, you expect NOTHING from Thomas. You throw on some cargo pants, and an old sweatshirt, get up and make some coffee because you're going to need a lot of energy to get you through this day.

You snatch a mug after the coffee is finished and pour it into the mug. You hear a noise from the other room and seconds later, Thomas walks in, "Morning, flower!" He says cheerfully.

"Hey, babe." You say, accepting a kiss on the cheek as he walks by. He walks over towards the fridge, but stops in front of the calendar, "What's this star on today's date?"

You stir your coffee, nervously, "It's ....a lady issue."

Thomas walks up behind you, placing his hands on your hips, "Meaning?"

You sniff, and shift uncomfortably, you're going to be in trouble....

"I've started my period."

Thomas wags a finger at you, "Liar."

Your mouth drops open as you try to cover, "What are you trying to say?"

Thomas squints at you playfully, "Today is your birthday."

You look at him, a confused look on your face, "What would give you that idea?"

"Erm, your best friend AND your sister." Thomas says counting them off in his fingers.

You click your tounge, and sit at the dinning room table, "They suck."

Thomas grins and sits down next to you, craning his neck so he can see you better, "Now that we've established that, what do you want to do today?"

You shrug, "I don't know. We don't have to do anything, really."

"Mmmm, yeah, we do." Thomas says, thoughtfully.

The two of you sit quietly for a minute. Thomas is in deep thought. Maybe he dropped the birthday thing?

Then he jumps in his chair and whirls around to face you.


Never mind.

"I just had a bloody brilliant idea." He says slowly.

"Spill." You say. You get a little excited seeing the gleam in his eye.

"There are a few things on your bucket list that are doable. Even with the rain." Thomas says gesturing out the window.

You stare at him for a minute. Then slowly a grin starts to spread across your face, "Have I ever told you how much I LOVE the way you think?"

Thomas smiles, "Several times. Come on. Grab your coat."

"Where are we going?" You ask jumping up.

Thomas grins, pulling out his phone, "Some where you'll like. But hang on, i've got to text someone and tell them to meet us there...."

"Who?" You ask, eyebrows furrowing.

Thomas looks up, a twinkle in his eye, "Oh, no one. Just Dylan O'Brien and Ki Hong Lee."

- - - -

To be honest, you about died when you found out when they were in town. How had they been able to keep it that quiet? When you actually saw them you nearly tripped running to give them a hug. And also came really close to squeezing their guts out. You'd missed them a lot. A lot more than you even realized.

Until you actually started playing hide-and-seek. In IKEA. Before then you'd come to the conclusion that Thomas was already the best boyfriend in exsistence, but now he was about 100 times better.

But anyway, the point is you're hinding behind a bunk bed with two, unproven, but definitely mentally challenged idiots. And let's just say, a bunk bed is not exactly the best place to hide.

"My gosh, Dylan. I love you, man, but if you don't shut up, I'm go all Once Upon a Time and rip your heart out." You threaten.

"Iris, your competitiveness with hide-and-seek is dangerous and I don't think you should be playing, if it causes you to have such violent feelings." Dylan says nodding.

"I'm with both of you." Ki whispers, "Hide-and-seek is no game, but killing Dylan is not worth the jail time."

Dylan looks taken aback and places a hand on his chest, "I'm personally offended by that. I mean....you just said I'm not worth it. And you know what, man, that hurts."

Ki leans over to look at Dylan, jokingly sad, guilty eyes, "I'm sorry, man. I don't know what I was saying. Can you forgive me? Will you take me back."

Dylan fakes tears, "Of course! You know you're my one and only. I love you man."

"Ew, I taste barf in the back of my throat." You mutter.

"Stop raining on our love parade." Ki glares at you.

"Yeah, we're in love and-"

You spot Thomas peeking around a dresser, "Shut up, you idiot. Thomas is RIGHT THERE." You point in his direction.

"I want to say hi to Thomas." Dylan says, glancing at you mischeviously.

"NO. I swear if you do-" You start.

Ki chuckles, "When you feel the need, you've just got to, you know?"

"No! Dylan don't-"

Too late.

Dylan jumps up, "Hey, Tommy!"

Thomas' head jerks up and spots him. Then Ki stands up and pulls you with him. You stand frozen as both boys stand there giggling like little girls. Finally, Dylan hollars, "YOU CAN'T CATCH US!"

And then he books it, "RUN, YOU IDIOTS!!!!"

You and Ki share a glance at this unexpected turn. Ki breaks into a grin before he turns on his heel. All you do is shout, "OH, MY GOSH! I HATE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!"

You find yourself dodging through gaps in between furniture. Barely escaping Thomas' grasp. He came after you, of course. Who else would he go after?

"Nope, nope, nope nope!" You find yourself yelling after every time he tries to grab you.

Finally, you make your fatal mistake of trying to leap over a bed. The thing is, beds don't slide. And in green cargo pants, the cloth kind of hangs up on each other.

You shriek as you land belly first on the bed, shrieking as Thomas grabs your hips and pulls you back, "Got you!"

He rolls you over on your back and sits on top of you. And then he begins tickling you.

"No! Thomas stop!" You laugh, "Crushing. My. Legs! Bruising. My. Ribs!"

You hear an athorative voice say, "Excuse me, sir? Could you kindly stop?"

Thomas faulters as you both look up, finding a strict looking woman tapping her foot. Thomas rolls off of you and you slide off the bed, breathing heavily.

"Sorry." Thomas says, looking a little embarrassed.

The woman doesn't say anything else, she just walks off shaking her head.

The two of you look at each other, a little causious at first. But then your mouths start to twitch upward and both of you start laughing quietly.

Soon, you're both shaking with silent laughter. Dylan and Ki creep out from behind a dresser. They must have seen the whole scene because they search for the women. When they find she's really gone, they grin, "We were going to make a sexual remark about how the two of you were in bed, but we're not going to anymore. Because you guys just got in trouble!"

Thomas and you grin, "Shut up, O'Brien."

"Should we leave?" Ki asks looking around, "That lady scared me."

You smile, "Yeah we should probably go."

Ki looks around nervously, "Well, then, let's get out of here quick. That woman was really terrifying!"

- - - -

"No way. I'm not doing that in this shirt." You say with wide eyes.

Thomas grins, "Well, then, I guess you'd better go bloody change your shirt because this is happening."

"The neighbors are going to think we're freaks of nature!" You try to talk him out of it.

Dylan comes up behind you and throws an arm around you, "Well, they'd be right. What've you got to loose?"

"Um, an eye?" You say squinting at Dylan.

He rolls his eyes, "Nonsense. At most you'll get it IN your eyes and we'll have yo rush you to the emergency room. No biggie. That's why we have goggles."

"Oh, thank you, Dylan, for those comforting words. I'm bloody inspired."

"BLOODY better be inspired!" Dylan says, not hiding his excitement, "This is going to be awesome!"

"I vote we stop mocking Thomas by not saying bloody." Thomas grumbles.

"We're not mocking you. We're mocking Newt. In the friendliest way possible, because we love Newt." You say.

"Newt and I are one. We can relate to each other. We have a connection." Thomas says.

"Well, don't let that connection run too deep because he turns out to be -" You feel a cold wet splat on your back. You freeze up and gasp.

Thomas' mouth drops open and Dylan laughs with surprise. You hear an erruption of laughter from behind you.


You hear Ki giggling behind you, you slowly turn around as Ki says, "I filled up the paint guns."

- - - -

" I refuse to loose to the two of them." You mutter.

You and Dylan duck behind a tree, panting. You refused to team up with Ki. He ruined your shirt. And there was no way you were teaming up with your boyfriend. So Dylan, the lovable idiot, and you teamed up. He of course, was very pleased when you choose him.

By now, you're both drenched in paint. The forest you play in has been decorated with lovely shades of red and white and blue. Much like the fourth of July.

"Don't worry we'll win." Dylan assures you, "We've got to believe in ourselves first and then we take them on. And let me ask you, Iris - do you believe in yourself?"

"My vengeance believes in me." You nod.

"So I'm going to take that as a yes?" Dylan confirms.

"Oh yeah." You nod.

"Okay, then. On my count. Ready? One. Two. Three, go!" You jump out and run full speed ahead, shooting as you run. You hear hollars from all around as Thomas and Ki jump out too. You jump out of the way just in time. Thomas had tried to grab your arms. He takes another couple steps forward and before he can turn around you whip around and hit him in the back with paint.

You hear a scream behind you and risk a glance. Ki is running away at top speed. Dylan follows a few steps but then turns around to join you, just as Thomas turns around. You and Dylan raise your guns, "Suck it, Thomas!" Dylan grins before he squirts him with paint.

"Agh! No, stop! I surrender!" Thomas hollars.

You blink and look at Dylan. He shrugs.

"Can you do that?" You ask.

"Maybe. I don't know." He responds.

You nod and look over at Thomas, "Drop your weapon, prisoner."

"Yes, flower." Thomas smiles, dropping his gun to the forest floor.

"Take five steps back." You instruct.

He does.

You walk forward carefully, keeping your gun trained on him, "Don't try anything, apple-john."

"Apple-john?" Thomas scoffs.

"I'm a woman, don't question my methods." You bark.

Thomas laughs, "That's EXACTLY why I should question your methods."

"Silence!" You exclaim.

He holds his hands up and makes a zipping-lips gesture.

You grab his gun off the ground and toss it to Dylan.

Dylan grins mischeviously, "Oh, yeah."

"Now what?" You ask.

"I don't know. I've never been in a hostage situation before...." Dylan shrugs.

"Should we call out to Ki? Tell him that if he surrenders, Thomas lives?" You ask, glancing around.

Thomas frowns, "Yeah. I really like the whole living thing. Let's do that."

"I wasn't asking you, peasent!" You say, playfully sharp.

Thomas widens his eyes and looks at the ground.

"Sure. Sounds good to me." Dylan says, grinning.

You grab Thomas' arm, "Come on."

Dylan clicks his tounge, "Flirting with a prisioner? That's highly unacceptable."

"Just walk, Dylan." You say, scowling.


Thomas furrows his eyebrows, adorably, and looks at you. It's quiet for a minute before you hear Ki yell, "Thomas, you idiot! What do I do now! Why'd have to go get caught for?"

"Sorry, man. She's a temptress." Thomas shrugs.

Ki steps out from behind a tree, hands raised, scowling, "Just so you know, I hate you all."

"So we win?" Dylan asks.

"Yep." You smile, popping the P.

"And just what do the winners get?" Dylan asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

Thomas grins at you, "Kisses?"

You blush and roll your eyes.

Dylan scrunches up his nose, "No thanks, man. I'm not that kind of person."

You laugh and look at Thomas, "I'll give you a kiss anyway."

"Kissing is always a good idea." Thomas smirks as you stand on your tip toes.

"Ew." Ki says covering his eyes.

"I'm feeling like a wheel. Not sure which one because Ki is here too, but I'm a wheel." Dylan says.

"It's okay, Dylan. We can be a wheel together!" Ki says in a feminine tone.

"Oh, yay!" Dylan says, placing a hand on his chest.

"Okay, now would be a good time for you to shut up." You say pulling away.

"So what now?" Ki asks.

Thomas throws a paint covered arm around your shoulder, "We go home and celebrate Iris' birth!"

- - - -

"HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR IRIS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Your friends sing from around the table, all way off key.

You blow out the candle on a cake Kelsie made. Her cake shouldn't be dangerous. Or....too dangerous....

They cheer as the flames disappear.

"Iris is so OLD!" Ki grins.

"Not as old as your ugly face!" Thomas says, trapping Ki in a headlock.

"Hey, whatever. Age can't slow me down. Especially when it comes to eating." You shrug, smiling.

Thomas gestures to you, "This is why we like each other."

You grin as you take a bite of cake. After you eat, you play just dance until your feet feel like they're going to fall off.

Kelsie sighs, "It's late. Dylan, Ki, we should probably go. Leave these two alone. Let them sleep."

Dylan pouts, "Awwww." But then he gets that light in his eyes, "Oh, they're going to bed are they? Okayyyy." He gets up and walks out of the room giving you and Thomas a smug look. Kelsie rolls her eyes and follows him out.

"I'll kill you, you know?" Thomas calls to Dylan. You hear Dylan laugh.

Ki gets up from the couch, chuckling, "Ah, how I've missed this."

You smile, "Me too. Thanks for coming!"

"Yeah. No problem." Ki smiles back. They all walk out the door calling happy birthday to you.

Finally they leave, "Well, shall we go to bed?" You ask.

"Yeah. I could use a little sleep." Thomas yawns.

You smile softly and kiss him on the cheek, "Night Thomas."

"Night, Iris. Happy birthday."

The two of you start to get up off the couch and walk to your rooms. But then you hear, "Hey, wait."

You stop in the doorway and turn around.

Thomas looks at you nervously, "I love you."

You're surprised.

Pleasently surprised, but surprised all the same.

You feel heat rise to your cheeks, as a smile slowly spreads across your face, "I love you too."

Thomas smiles too, "Night, flower."

"Night." You say, stepping in your room and closing the door. You just stare at the wall for a minute, smiling.

It's officail.

This is the best birthday you've ever had.


Sorry for the late update today. It was a bit of a crazy day. :-)

Plus, I'm sick as a dog. Feel kinda like someone shoved rocks up my nose.







Thanks for the birthday wishes to my Mum!

Love you guys!

- Sunny

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