You Only Live Once (Jerrie) D...

By SmolJellyBeanz

59K 953 242

Jade Thirwall starts to get lonely being a little by herself, so she turns to Kik to try to find a Mommy. Lit... More

The start
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Another Age play book?
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Punishment part 1)
Its all over
Chapter 16 (Punishment part 2)
Sorry guys
It is the end

Chapter 17.

1.3K 33 16
By SmolJellyBeanz

Thanks to @Jerriemixx for giving me this idea. Ive adapted their idea a little sorry if its not what you imagined or wanted:/

Perrie's P.O.V

Its been a couple of weeks since jades little episode and I can definitely say her punishment took a toll on her as she hasn't misbehaved that badly since it and we've only had a few minor tantrums and eye rolls. which is amazing cause it's been quite a peaceful time at home.

Tour just started and lets just say the little mix household is a fu*king madhouse, Everyone is nervous and stressed out about different shows and all the travelling, everyone's worrying about missing family but we cant wait to meet our fans. Tour is like one of the most funniest times of our lives but  sharing a bus with crap ton of people Is hard although it's always worth it in the end.

I was quickly brought out of my thoughts by the sound of small feet running down the hallway i look up to see a nervous jade infront of me.

"Whats up Buttercup" I spoke softly pulling her into my lap

She looked like she was in deep thought before she looked up at me

"So.... I know tours just started and all and because of that we have an interview early in the morning tomorrow butt as ive been good for the past few weeks, I was wondering if I could go out with my mates tonight as she's holding a house warming party......." She spoke carelfully looking at me with great hope in her eyes

"What time does it end"

"umm starts at 11:00 and ends around 2 but i can be ho.."

"No way" I immediately interrupt staring down sternly at her. as she stood up Her gaze quickly shifted to the floor

"But perrieeeeeeeee I've been good" She whined

"Don't but me the only butt in our conversation is yours, I don't care if you've been good or not we have glam at 4am tomorrow morning there is no way your going to that party cause you will be exhausted and very cranky in the morning and Im not about to be dealing with a tired little who wont get out of bed at 3:40"

"Please." she begged frowning

"Nope little one, begging only works in the bedroom" She whines louder I quickly place my fingers around her chin guiding her gaze to my eyes

"Jade Stop, I'm not telling you no as your fellow band member, friend or just to be mean, I'm telling you no as your Dom i know from experience that you will be extremely grouchy in the morning and you will not want to cooperate with us, Also Little girl Im not about to let you have about 2 hours sleep when we've only just started tour" She Huffed aggressively pulling away from me running up stairs

"Get changed jade dinner will be ready in 35" I yell

I walk into the kitchen to seen a very happy Leigh

"Hey babe" I smile

6 hours before (Jades p.o.v)

It was a fine cold morning and I was sitting in my bunk on the bus watching Bambi alone as mama and the girls were sleeping. We didn't have a show last night and we don't have one until tomorrow night so everyone is busy making sure they catch up on sleep. *DING* I jumped and was quickly bought out of my thoughts by my phone going off  I look down smiling at my background photo of me and mama after a date cuddling in bed 🥰😍. I swipe up typing in my simple code it was Ashley Martinez

Ashy: hey hun wondering if you wanted to come over tonight for a party starts at 11 :)

I stared at the message.  I mean we don't have a show tonight and I've been good recently sooooo Perrie would say yes right?? Right ? I mean why wouldn't she. I sat in anticipation wondering if I should ask Perrie before I confirm or deny


Me: Sure I'll be there what times it over ??

Ashy: Great 🥳 bout 2 ish but if you need mistress said you can leave earlier as I know your busy with your tour  :) Perrie definitely okay with this cause I gotta tell mistress if your coming can't have you bail last minute?  xx

Me: Of course I wouldn't be coming otherwise, Please just call Kathrine by her name around me Mistress makes me feel funny 😂

Ashy: sorry 😂 I'll pick you up at 10:45:)

I smile now all I have to do is ask Perrie that can't be too hard,

By the time Perrie came to check on me the movie had ended and I was snuggled up to my little stuffed bambi about to take a nap

"Hey my pretty princess" Perrie spoke coaxing me into little space

"Hey mama" I smiled playing with the ring on her index finger
"'Mama cuddle with jadey?" I question looking up at perrie

She smiled widely getting into the bunk next to me as I moved over before immediately cuddling as close to perries chest as possible

"Love you mama" I whisper quietly into her chest. she just smiles playing with my hair


Fuck! I don't know what to do Perrie said no and i can't tell Ashley that I can't come cause then she will know I never asked Perrie and then she will tell Kathrine who will speak to Perrie about it. And perrie would be soooo pissed

I looked up at the clock that hung loosely on my bedroom wall. I'd excused myself to my room after we had eaten dinner


"Jadey come brush your teeth we are all going to bed in 10. Leigh fell asleep on Jesy so we are all gonna call it a night" Perrie yelled happily

I GOT IT!? Why don't I just sneak out after everyone has gone to sleep perfect now all I gotta do is brush my teeth, find an outfit and get into bed wearing that outfit so when Perrie comes to say goodnight she would never no. Perfect

I run into the bathroom wielding MR Bunny grabbing my tooth brush and paste I quickly brush my teeth sprinting in my room grabbing a pair of Lilac dress pants with a matching blazer jacket thing with a casual bra.

*stomp* *creak* *Stomp*

The sound of someone walking upstairs startled me I grab a blanket throwing it over the clothes and jumping into bed seconds before Perrie walks in my room xx

"Aww look at my cute little girl all snuggled up in bed ready to go sleep" I yawn softly smiling

Perrie pulls my covers up and grabs Mr bunny cuddling him next to me before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead

"Last day of punishment baby. We get to sleep in the same bed again tomorrow night which is good cause mamas missed her cute little cuddle buddy" I smile giggling.

I've honestly hated not been able to cuddle into Perrie at night i missed her body head radiating into mine and waking up before her just admiring her adorable sleeping face

"Anyway princess it's time to sleep I'll cya in the morning love you" she says gently kissing my head and lips once before switching the light off and walking out

"Love you more mama" I yell back


Now we play the waiting game I sit up quite after I watch jesy enter her bedroom with a fast asleep Leigh Cuddled up to her arms. Grabbing my make up I start glamorising myself making sure I'm as quite as possible.


I look down at my phone

Ashy: I'll be there in 10 :) I'll be down the road cause the girls are probably sleeping honestly surprised pez let you come tonight

Ha well she didn't exactly. But that's for me to know and ashy to not

I scramble pulling on my suitish outfit .placing a pillow under my duvet to make it look like I'm there. Before opening my window climbing down the roof and running

Thank god I didn't wear heals
I turn the corner before spotting Ashley I jump in smiling

"Let's go party"

Words: 1424

Part 2 coming soon :) I finally uploaded sorry for the wait I'm gonna try my best to upload more often

If you have any requests for chapter please comment on message me them
Hope everyone had a good Christmas

Thanks for reading


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