TPO5: Still Charmed

By JunesSpellbook

292 29 32

Book 3: The girls time of trying to live separate has came short when all the elders have died, while battlin... More

1. Trouble in the Pot
2. Manor Mayhem
3. The Brooms are Back Pt. 1
4. The Brooms are Back Pt. 2 (Power Switch)
5. Daddy Dearest (interlude)
6. Simply Normal?
7. Are You Ready? (Interlude)
8. Half-Bloods
9. Here Comes the Bride!
11. We're Ready Pt.2 (interlude)
12. Something Wicca This Way Happens!
13. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 1
14. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 2
See next:

10. We're Ready Pt.1

31 1 7
By JunesSpellbook

Omniscient POV
The girls knew it was time to get serious when they saw a glimpse of their enemies at Ashly's wedding.

"First of all, even though the gesture was totally sweet, but not even we should have that much power." Brie said as she took off her necklace their men made for them.

"You're right, especially that our everyday powers are hard enough to deal with." Shyann said as she took off her necklace too.

"Well I'm glad you said that, cause those necklaces were ugly, so I made my own version, they don't give us any special powers like the others, just act as another guide of protection." Gabby responded.

"Oh my God, these are so beautiful Gabrielle!" Kristal said as she put on her new necklace.

"Thank you I'm glad you like them, I also made a new Book of Shadows cover, but for now I like our little tacky cover." Gabby laughed.

"And this is the necklace I made that represents all of us." Gabby finished.

"You snapped, Gabby!" Brie said uplifting her sister.

Ashly wasn't saying anything she was quiet the whole time just flipping through The Book of Shadows.

"Did you find anything?!" Kristal asked.

"Well, I was just reading about our ancestors, one of our ancestors Dominique Chase had the power of cyrokinesis; the power to manipulate ice and the cold, which is also Gabby's power." Ashly responded.

"Well, what about her?" Gabby curiously asked.

"Unlike you, she channeled her power through her eyes instead of her hands, but what I was reading that she was able to create a fog to create a distraction then she was able to use that icy fog as a way to keep her enemies from moving since it was so cold." Ashly read out loud.

"Keep reading to see what else we can learn about our ancestors." Brie said as she was becoming interested.

"Our great-grandmother Freya Rowland vanquished a demon by blowing up their heart, meaning she had Kristal's power." Ashly said as she had read some more.

"Pass me the book, I wanna read some too." Shyann stated.

Ashly did just as so.

"One of our ancestors Pelenda Chase had the power of telepathy, heyyy Ashly." Shyann said making the girls smirk. "She used her telepathy to link her mind with Reita, Polly, Dominique, and Celeste Chase making them work as one person to vanquish a very powerful demon." Shyann finished reading.

"Yeah, that's badass right there." Kristal said as she was nodding her head.

"Ouu look at this, this says Polly & Rhainé Chase, once used their intangibility to quickly kick-phase a demon's brain out it's skull." Shyann read and she kinda made a fave since what she read was pretty gruesome.

"Damn, our ancestors were on some assassin type shit, you girls better not let my ass get beat either like y'all did at Ashly wedding." Brie blurted when she started talking bout the incident.

"We talked about this, we are sorry, we didn't want to risk exposure, and we wanted Ashly to keep going with her wedding, cause if she would've saw another one of us step down, she would've stopped the wedding right then and there." Kristal sounding vaguely apologetic.

"That's not the point, I could've died and y'all wouldn't have known till it was too late, and if I would've died, my babies would've died too!" Brie said as she was really hurt.

The girls looked at each other as they were disappointed in themselves and gathered around to give Brie a hug.

"I'm sorry, you're my sister and you come first, regardless of me wanting the day to be perfect, I should've made sure you were safe, especially because you didn't have to do what you did, it hurts me that you still have to be shaken up about this." Ashly said as she made Brie feel safe and secure.

"I understand, but I really thought I was going to lose my baby." Brie cried. "I just freaked out." Brie added. "I'll get better, but see if there's another relative we can get inspiration from." Brie said changing the subject.

Shyann hesitated, but she continued to read, "This name old as hell, but our ancestor Evangeline Chase, had the power of premonition and she wrote a very powerful blinding spell." Shyann said as she finished reading.

"We come up with a plan that lets us fight and still get home to our families, but first we write a spell that channels our ancestors." Kristal stated and everyone simply agreed.

"Aren't we going to need a potion?" Shyann asked. "The Quintrix are upper level demons, that means we're going to need their flesh for the brew as well." Shyann also mentioned.

"I was thinking since a demon is still a demon we can use the flesh of Luke's demon form, especially since he used to be connected to them." Kristal stated.

"Oh wow sis, that actually probably could work." Gabby responded in a agreeing tone.

Kristal walked away and came back and she had a whole piece of Luke's demonic skin on a plate waiting for this exact moment.

"So I'm guessing this was already talked about." Shyann said giving a look.

"Yeah you know just typical pillow talk." Kristal responded.

Everyone else looked at each other trying to hold in their laugh.

When she turned around everyone fixed their faces.

Out nowhere a light bulb went off from Ashly.

"What sis?!" Everyone asked.

"Those necklaces our significant others gave us were really just confident boosters and we had the powers all along?" Ashly asked.

"I think you're on to something though." Brie said chiming in. "I mean the book said our powers are at the point where we could do almost anything we want with them." Brie finished

"Wow Luke was really right, we've been stuck in our ways we haven't realized it's a bigger picture if we die, who's going to take over?!" Kristal said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"So with that being said, what's your plan Ash?" Brie and Gabby asked in unison.

"We use The Power of Five, meaning I would do what our ancestor Pelenda did, I will use my telepathy making us one, I will, astral project us so they think we're there and if we lose the first time, we'll have a rebuttal, and it'll most definitely throw them off their game." Ashly responded.

"That's perfect!" Kristal cheered.

"I'm going to the herb store, anybody wanna come with?" Gabby asked.

"I'll come with, you and I need to talk anyway." Kristal responded.

"Uhm, okay..." Gabby awkwardly chuckled.

"Is that a problem?" Kristal asked as she was willing to step back.

"No, I just didn't expect for you to volunteer, that's all." Gabby simply replied.

Gabby's POV
I'm not going to lie, Kristal is right, her and I only just exist around each other it seems like, so I am glad she said it first that we need to talk.

I snap my fingers getting Kristal and I out of Charmada and we arrived in the back of the herb store.

"So what do you need to talk about?" I asked not knowing what I was getting myself into.

"Okay, I just feel like seeing our sisters with their father made me realize that you and I have a whole other part of us that we don't even explore with because we don't understand it, I was thinking when everything is done with we need to find our father." Kristal said to me.

"Wow, I didn't even think about that, but now that you bring it up, I wouldn't even know where to begin." I simply responded.

"We're demon-witches, we'll find a way, now let's get these ingredients, so we can get back to our everyday crazy lives." Kristal said as she playfully nudged me on my shoulder.

Omniscient POV
Kristal and Gabby walk around from the back to enter the store.

"I did not think the inside would look like this based on the outside." Kristal stated.

"I said the same thing my first time coming here." Gabby responded. "And it stinks every time." She said as she scrunched her face.

"You're right about that, there's jars and bags of bat shit, pig parts, frog tongues, crows feet, and whatever hell else in here." Kristal blurted.

A tall slim girl, brown skin, and her hair slicked back to a big curly ponytail by the name of Calia walked from the back.

"Hi Gabby, I hear you're still talking about the smell of my shop, you brought company, who is this, you two have a lil resemblance." Calia said and asked all in one.

"Well she's my older sister, Kristal." Gabby responded.

"Uhm big sister would've sufficed." Kristal said as she was hurt being called old.

"Well let me tell you something about your sister Gabby." Calia said  referring to Kristal. "She is one of my most loyal paying customers, but she is thee weirdest, most people come here and buy garlic, rosemary, mint, ginger, and you know things like spices, but she comes in here and goes straight for the dead animal parts, and deadly insects, just give me the heebejeebies." Calia said as she shivered.

Kristal laughed while Gabby started to defend herself.

"Well what's the point of having all that stuff if you're gonna be weirded out if people buy it?!" Gabby chuckled.

"Cause girl... that's there just to fill up and fit the vibe of the store, it was there for decoration until you hounded me for a price two years ago when you first started coming here." Calia clapped back and all Gabby did was smirk while shaking her head.

"So what can I get for you ladies today?" Calia asked.

"We need something for a very powerful po-..." Kristal started to say right when Gabby stepped on her foot.

"Ouch Gabby! What the hell?!" Kristal shouted in pain.

Calia just looked in complete confusion, "Is there a problem, like what's going on, I don't like shit like that." She said.

"Nothing is going on with your paranoid self." Gabby said trying to clean it up that Kristal almost revealed that her and Gabby were witches.

"Hmmm... alright, so what type of weird shit you looking to buy today?" Calia asked in a tone making sure Kristal and I wasn't up to something.

"I need a big jar of frog tongue, some mustard and lemon seeds, you know I'm going to need some pig parts, some ginger, rosemary, mint, and bat guano, the rest I'll find on my own." Gabby listed.

Calia grabbed everything Gabby needed from off the shelf and said, "Girl I don't know what you be doing with this, but if it's cooking, please remember not to invite me over for a plate." Calia said shaking her head in disgust.

"No, we're just very into weird medicines." Kristal spoke up.

"What kinda- mhm never mind, long as y'all paying, your total is $89.99." Calia said and Kristal clutched her pearls.

"Girl that's how much you pay for this stuff?" Kristal asked appalled.

"Sometimes even more, good thing I have the money,our lifestyle ain't cheap." Gabby nonchalantly responded. "Bye Calia!" Gabby waved bye as her and Kristal left.

Gabby and Kristal walked to the back and held hands as Gabby chanted a spell, "Eb ot deen ew ecalp eht ot su ekat!"

Lights swaddled around them as they teleported back into Kristal's kitchen with Ashly, Brie, and Shyann.

The girls slightly jumped startled at Kristal and Gabby's arrival.

"This is my house, I don't know why y'all jumping." Kristal chuckled.

"Well while you two were gone, I found the spell our ancestor Evangeline wrote, should we cast it?!" Shyann asked.

"We shouldn't have to." Kristal stated.

"Well, why is that?" Everyone asked.

"Because Shyann can control the light, she used her powers with Christian to make the sky dark, I'm sure she can make someone blind without casting a spell." Kristal said.

"You're probably right, I have been holding back." Shyann responded.

"Not just you, we all have." Brie replied.

Everyone sighed.

"Okay enough small talk let's get this potion ready, what's the plan? Just so we can be sure." Kristal asked.

"Just like us all The Quintrix need is one of them to die for the whole collective to be weakened, after one of them is hit with the potion, we chant the spell calling our ancestors, then boom their vanquished." Ashly replied.

"Sounds like a plan to me." The girls agreed to the plan.

Brie filled the cauldron with water and put it on the stove so it could boil a little before they started to actually add some ingredients.

Gabby laid out what was brought on the kitchen counter.

"I hate touching this stuff." Shyann said as she was kinda squeamish.

"Since pigs are very intelligent animal, when added to a potion it gives the brew wisdom and strength, so we wanna add 5 pig feet since The Quintrix consist of 5 demons." Gabby stated. "While lemon seeds are used to active and season the other ingredients." She finished.

Ashly was looking at the ingredients Gabby wrote and simply started to shake her head.

"What's wrong with you Ms.Chef?" Brie asked.

"Well some of these ingredients aren't supposed to in the same brew, it'll blow up the whole house, hell even realm, and now we did a favor for The Quintrix killing ourselves." Ashly jokingly responded.

Brie took the paper from Ashly and read, "Gabby... you put wiccan blood, dragon tail, on the same list as demon flesh."

"Well I just want us to make a powerful potion, we need all the help we can get, but that's why I also have mustard seeds to balance the seasoning with the lemon seeds, and the bat guano everything becomes fertilized, the demon flesh, dragon tail, our blood, the pig feet, billing's root, and frog tongue is just the offensive ingredients, and the rosemary is just the added herb." Gabby explained.

"Gabby reads on witchcraft almost everyday, so I say we trust her, at the end of the day it's only two outcomes, we either live or we die." Kristal said and even though her wording was a little harsh the girls still couldn't help but to simply agree.

The water started boiling and the girls just knew it was time.

"Don't mess up my kitchen y'all." Kristal said as Gabby started to add the pig feet. "And you know you gotta let it boil a little bit before adding the next thing."

"Kristal Lyndriette, I know that you're nervous, but it's been 3 years, I think I know how to make a potion by now luv." Gabby responded.

While Gabby was making the potion, Brie and Ashly look through Kristal's refrigerator and grab some butter and jalapeños, then they proceed to her cabinets and they both grab themselves a bag of popcorn, then they take out the creole seasoning.

"Uhm what are y'all doing?!" Kristal asked.

"We're pregnant, enough said." They said defending themselves.

Kristal just simply backed down because she's no stranger to that feeling.

Gabby added the three lemon seeds and the bat guano.

The potion started to bubble a tad bit.

Gabby began stirring while Shyann kept writing and rewriting the vanquishing spell.

"Take your time, remember we're honoring our ancestors, so focus on that." Ashly said calming down her sister.

"Okay, the next ingredient is our blood, prepare y'all fingers for be pricked." Gabby said pulling out a knife.

"Ugh I always will forever hate this." Shyann cringed.

Gabby pricked each of her sisters' fingers letting the blood drip into the cauldron.

Soon as the last sister blood dropped the pot poofed.

"We cooking with something now!" Ashly shouted.

Gabby adds the dragon tail covered in mustard seed into the cauldron.

Soon as it gets added fire shoots up from the pot.

"See, remember what I said earlier?" Ashly stated in a inquisitive tone.

"Ashly we're fine relax." Gabby chuckled.

Gabby added the the frog tongue and the brew started to change color, she stirred it and slowly added the last ingredients: billings root, rosemary, and the demon flesh from Luke.

Soon as Gabby added Luke's demonic form flesh the potion let out a big poof making Gabby fall in her back.

"Well at least nobody died." Ashly said as she was eating her pregnant woman popcorn.

"Yes!" Shyann shouted. "I finished the spell." She said proud of herself.

The girls came over to look at it for approval. "Good job!" They said giving Shyann hugs and high fives.

They write the entry into The Book of Shadows making the book bigger the more they learn their craft.

"We have a spell and a potion!" Brie loudly shouted.

"Now it's time for the vanquish." Ashly stated.

"Yeah do you know how you're going to connect us?!" Gabby asked.

"Well, I'm sure Pelenda wrote a spell, check the book." Ashly politely ordered.

Gabby started flipping through the book until she found a spell.

"Aha! I found it!" Gabby blurted in excitement.

"It says we must form a spell around the telepath, which is Ashly and candles must be lit around us." Gabby skimmed.

Ashly grabs the potion and says, "I'm ready, but we don't even know where that are."

Soon as Ashly said that everyone looked towards Shyann.

"The hell y'all looking at me for?!" Shyann quickly asked.

"Didn't recently your powers let you see present events?" Brie asked.

"Yes but.... wait oh my God, if I focus my thoughts on The Quintrix, I should be able to sense or even see where they are!" Shyann said piecing things together.

"Yeah we're ready." Kristal nodded.

Shyann started to take a deep breath and murmur 'The Quintrix' to herself a repetitive amount of times.

Finally, Shyann's eyes began to glow a super bright yellow:
"Wherever they are it seems very secluded, they're in the form of a pentagram around a altar with bloody hearts, It's seems like they're in a dark forest."

Shyann finished saying as her eyes stopped glowing.

"That's the Wiccan Forest, that's the mission I had the half-bloods go on and random, I just realized Mani and Josh has been calling me Elder Hydra when my witch name is Aquaria." Gabby said sounding ditzy.

"Okay uhm not important, but let me go get some candles." Kristal said as she left the kitchen for a few seconds.

"Remember girls, we're still using The Power of Five, so we can switch powers like we did before and more." Ashly stated.

"I'm ready." Kristal said as she cane back with 4 lit candles.

The rest of the girls move stuff out the way in the living room so they can do the spell.

Ashly gets in the middle of the floor crossing her legs Indian style while the rest sit around her doing the same placing a candle behind them.

Kristal, Brie, Gabby, and Shyann holds hands around Ashly as she begins to chant.

"Clear thoughts,
Clear mind,
Let our mind, body, and spirit intertwine!
I am the host and your bodies are mine!"

Once Ashly finished chanting, their bodies immediately went into a slumber while Ashly's unconscienced body slightly raised.

Ashly's POV
Connecting my sisters and I as one has just took a big toll, I expected the spell to be powerful, but not that powerful.

But soon as we astral projected our regular clothes changed into our combat fits and our personal weapons, Kristal with her magical lighter, Brie with her green sharp fans, Gabby with her water daggers that can also be used as whips, and Shyann with her magical bubble wand.

The Quintrix sensed our presence and stopped chanting.

They turned around from the altar, joined hands and soon as we stepped they released a blast towards us.

I make my sisters and I quickly join hands putting up a deflection shield blasting the energy towards them knocking them down.

Omniscient POV
"Good one witches, I see you learned how to properly use your collective power as The Charmed Ones." Kristos said as he was getting up.

"In more ways than one, and if I were you I'd stay down." Gabby said as she used her water whip slapping Kristos in his face.

"You shouldn't have done that." He said as he threw fire from his hands.

Ashly tapped into Gabby's powers making them teleport out the way through electricity.

"They have tricks of their sleeves!" Ashentas yelled.

"I say we stop this now!" Brentas said as air circled around the girls making them choke slowly dying.

Brie gained some strength spinning around in the form of a tornado knocking Brentas down.

"Let's handle this one on one!" Gavantas said getting angry.

Kristal's POV
Ashly quickly let us get control of our bodies while still being able to tap into each other's powers since we're still connected as one, and I have to tell you this one of my favorite spells we casted thus far.

Since I have the fire power the leader Kristos and I go at it.

He creates a fire sword so I do the same.

He get sneaks in a slit on my arm, I started to scream very loudly because I've never felt a burning sensation like this in my life.

"What kind of witch with demon blood can't handle pain, you're weak." He said to me while I was still screaming.

"I'm not weak, I'm stronger than you'll ever be!" I said as my hair and eyes glowed in fire.

I covered Kristos whole right arm in fire then I flicked my hands blowing it up when I got up.

Kristos screamed and fire shot from his mouth, my skin got scorched a little, but I was able to move out the way before I was burned completely.

I grabbed my lighter flicking it absorbing the fire from his mouth wrapping it around him turning them into burning chains.

He broke free and grabbed me by my neck and started to squeeze tightly.

I was choking my eyes were getting watery, I grabbed his wrist and channeled Gabby freezing it then shattering it.

"No arm and no hand." I smirked rubbing my neck.

"You stupid witch! You still need the full Power of Five to kill me." Kristos said.

"It's already here!" I said as I conjured a fire portal behind him, I kicked him into hell watching him burn as he fell, then I closed the portal.

Now it was time to see how I could help my sisters.

Omniscient POV
The collective power of The Quintrix has been weakened now that Kristal was able to vanquish one of the members, she has grown confidence in her powers and realized that she is one the most powerful witches in the world.

If one of The Charmed Ones die this round they have a second chance since their only astral projected and not really there.

Ashly's POV
"You girls aren't strong enough to kill us, so I don't know how your sister-witch did what she did, but your days are numbered." Ashentas snarled.

"Haven't you learned by now, we're the most powerful witches to exist, and if not here's a lesson now!" I said as I as I swung my head to the left making Ashentas move away to the side.

"You shouldn't have done that!" He said as he levitated towards me and his eyes turned completely black, "I command you to turn use your powers and kill your sisters."

I guess he was using his mind control but since I'm astral projected his powers doesn't work.

"Wait a minute!" He said coming to a realization.

I squint my eyes shooting a very powerful telekinetic bolt sending him halfway through the forest.

He shimmered back in front me with a brick knocking me across my head it quickly broke the spell as I sisters and I woke back up in the middle of Kristal's living room.

"What happened?!" The girls asked.

"I died, that's what happened." I simply replied.

"So what does that mean?" Shyann asked.

"It means we have to fight them fureal, get the potion and spell, we're going to finish this once and for all." Kristal said in a very stern and protective tone. "I'll keep hold of the spell and potion since I already fought my counterpart." Kristal finished.

We just nodded our head, "Whatever the outcome is, I just wanna say that I'm very proud of us, we could've just said no to being witches when we had the chance, but we put our pride away seeing that it's a bigger picture out there." I smiled and we proceeded to give each other a hug.

"Alright it's time though." I said hating to interfere with our tender moment.

Omniscient POV
The girls hold hands and cast a teleportation spell, "Eb ot deen ew ecalp eht ot su ekat."  

Lights swirl around them taking them to the Wiccan Forest.

"Welcome back witches, did you really think we weren't going to figure it out, your ancestor Pelenda already pulled that stunt, The Charmed Ones huh? You witches don't have one original bone in your body." Ashentas stated. "Now you'll pay for what you did to Kristos!" He finished.

Gabby's eyes turned icy blue as the moisture in the air became chilling fog letting the girls move around without being seen while The Quintrix's bones became stiffer and stiffer.

"Now Shyann!" Kristal shouted.

Shyann's left hand glowed a bright yellow, she walked over to them putting her hand over their face blinding them.

Gabby got rid of the fog.

"You ignorant witches, I can't see." Gavantas said, Shyann created a big ball of light and she released it and rolled knocking The Quintrix over.

"I have a bad feeling about this y'all, this is getting too easy." Brie noticed.

While the girls weren't looking Gavantas stabbed each of the girls with a ice dagger and they fell to the floor.

"That's the power of illusions." Shympes said as he and the other Quintrix started to drag the girls to the altar.

Blood smeared through the grass of the forest while the girls were coughing.

The Quintrix started to chant in an unknown language.
"Fiti uma kleb f'kishi inkla bet!"

The more they chanted the more the sisters became weak.

Somehow, someway the sisters touched a rainbow shield of light covered them blasting the The Quintrix.

The magical bond of the sisters healed the girls giving them all the strength in the world.

"What?! That's impossible!" Brentas exclaimed. "You witches should be dead!" He yelled at the top of his lungs loud enough for the whole world to hear.

"Yeah but, we aren't! You can't mess with sisters, let's get this show on the road!" Kristal said as she threw the potion on the ground and The Quintrix slowly started to burn.

"Nooo!" They shouted.

"Shut the hell up!" The sisters said in unison as they began to chant the spell they wrote.

Kristal: Dominique, Polly, Pelenda, and Evangeline Chase,
Ashly: We call on your spirit to help us in this time and place!
Brie: Freya, June, and Kelendria Rowland,
Gabby: Powerful witches stand beside us,
Shyann: And send these demons to hell screaming and rolling!

The Quintrix screamed as the fire fully covered their body as they screamed and their bodies dispersed leaving a powerful impact that sent the girls flying in different directions of the forest.

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