Forced Paradise

By toN_eM_tegroF

103K 2.5K 493

A girl finds herself in paradise. Only she is caged, like a bird, by the secret stranger who seems to know he... More

Unknown Territory
Towards Freedom
Scaredy Cat
Radical Honesty
Alone Time
Breakfast revelations
Tag, you're it
Late Night Snack
Message from the subconscious
A Glint Of Hope
Suggestive clues
House Tour part 1: Interior

Finally free..or not

5.5K 130 23
By toN_eM_tegroF


The photo is a Harry Potter aesthetic collage. I don't have the exact source, but I'm confident it's from Tumblr.

I thought it was pretty, suitable and I love Harry Potter so why not catch 2 rabbits from one go (the usual saying is "kill two birds with one stone", but I don't really like it so I used the translation of a similar in meaning expression from my native language).


I was so used to this place being empty that I did not expect seeing a person sitting on a sofa, facing an open window, who was, I assume, reading. I could see his light brown stylised hair from behind.

The room looked more like a library. Bookcases were everywhere, covering the walls, which contained neatly arranged books. There was also a white piano with small details on it in the room.

I stood frozen in the doorframe. "He didn't notice you. Just keep moving." I was trying to calm myself down. But I couldn't move. I was frozen from fear, surprise and anger.

Then my thoughts were interrupted by a a deep, calm voice "Good morning, Emily. Did you sleep well?"

My mind went blank. I couldn't think. I was just staring, his voice echoing in my brain.

Then I heard the faint sound of a book closing and saw him moving and standing up. I instinctively backed down and was preparing to run, yet I couldn't look away. "H..he.. knows my name... Who is he? Of course he must be the one who kidnapped me." I had to look at the one who brought me into this situation.

When he turned towards me, I saw him more clearly. He must have been in his early twenties, approx. 1m 80 cm (6 ft) of height, wearing a dark blue suit. He had wavy light brown hair and ocean blue eyes.

My eyesight isn't the best, but I could see those dark blue eyes from miles away, staring intensely at me. I immediately felt intimidated. "This guy.. this guy is a cannibal?? No.. he must have much higher standards"

And the worst with people that feel intimidating, powerful and are handsome - I couldn't lie, he was handsome - is that you fail to read their emotions. You become too mesmerized in their gaze to be able to decipher their intentions and thoughts.

I heard him chuckle slightly. "Is everything alright, Emily? Cat got your tongue?"

Hearing this, my shock turned into anger. He was making fun of me. I clenched my fists and tried my best to keep my mouth shut. I knew I would blurt out something stupid in trying to sound smart and sarcastic. In my head I was already thinking of remarks to fire back at him "What cat? There isn't any animal that would come near you or this place, and animals ..uh... feel the energy of people.." / "Well, you're the cannibal and it seems like you haven't gotten my tongue yet, because I can still feel it in its place.." / "So what if it got it? I wouldn't want to waste my time speaking to you anyway.." Of course I couldn't think of something smart on the spot, I would think about the perfect comeback weeks later, in the shower... hopefully in my home.

Then I remembered I was in danger. My main objective was to get out and he was my enemy. "He is going to kill me." With that, the flame of anger from my eyes turned into pure fear. My body betrayed my thoughts and I instinctively put my hands in front of me to protect myself.

I broke from his gaze and looked on my right and saw the corridor continuing. I didn't think twice before darting and running for my dear life. "I just hope there won't be a dead end."

I ran as fast as I could, in slippers, that is, passing by doors, windows, paintings, flowers, bookcases until I saw another staircase. My breathing was erratic and my heart was racing along with my legs. I jumped 3 stairs at a time, the only concern of my conscious mind was to not fall or trip over something. I was making a lot of noise with my slippers on the marble floors, but I didn't care.

Going down those stairs meant I was on the first floor which in return meant that I was closer to my escape. I thought that this time I would not hesitate to break any barrier that would stand between me and the outside.

I passed by rooms which seemed like a kitchen, a dining room, living rooms and I again convinced myself that this place was sure as hell a maze.

Just when my hope was getting thin, I saw it. The main door. My eyes lit up and I could already visualise my home. I passed through a huge corridor and almost crashed into the wall. My legs were hurting and I was reaching my limit. "Not a chance, body. Don't fail me now when I'm so close"

I stopped for a minute and caught my breath and then aggressively grabbed the door handle and pushed as hard as I could. To my shock, it opened! "Honestly, I don't think I can crack the door code and expect which doors to be unlocked."

I braced myself and stepped outside. "Freedom." I said while gasping the air and the feeling of release.

I didn't hesitate and continued sprinting. There were a few more stairs which I practically flew over. It was a miracle I didn't break any bones. I was also shocked I could run so fast with my backpack full of my school books.

From the stairs there was a paved path, but I decided It would be smart to run on the grass in slippers. So I did. I passed by and sometimes through hedges and flower beds when I finally noticed other people. They were workers. Some were watering the flowers, some were cutting the hedges or mowing the lawn.

I noticed their shocked stares as they stopped what they were doing and watched a girl in white slippers running like she's escaped from a mental asylum.
"Yes, I'm your boss's dinner that escaped. Au revoir, suckers" and with that, for some reason, I imagined myself as a headless chicken running away from the Christmas table.

I continued as I drifted away from the yard and thought it was weird that they didn't try to stop me or that I didn't seem to be followed. But I was too focused on forcing myself to run to think further about that.

I noticed that I was approaching the forest that seemed to have been surrounding the property. "Perfect, I'll disappear through here in no time." Or I'll get lost and die, which was better than being eaten by a handsome monster.

I entered the forest and immediately felt more relieved. I didn't know where I was going, only that I had to get away. I jumped over roots and branches while trying to run in zigzag. I wanted to stop, but couldn't, even though my lungs were burning and my legs were aching like hell.

I slowed my pace but kept going. .. until I saw something in front of me. It was of a lighter colour than the bark of the trees. As I approached it, I realised. It was a wall.

I stared in disbelief while standing in front of it. It was easily as high as 40 m (131 ft.) and it seemed to go along the forest.

Finally, either from shock, exhaustion or both, my feet failed me and I fell to the ground on my knees. The wall seemed to be of thick stone and almost as high as the palace/mansion, whatever it was.
I stared at it, my mind being similar to a television stuck on static. I was trapped.

Ideally, I would have already started debating on which would be the best way to tackle this issue, but now I couldn't. I was tired, physically from all the running and mentally from being overwhelmed with the situation I was in.


Thank you for reading!

The inspiration for some ideas are a manga & anime called The Promised Neverland 
!!! (There might be some spoilers in the trailer) !!!

(I'd specify the reference, but I don't wanna spoil the amazing show)

and a book I read on Wattpad called
Hope Is Mine (A Stalker Story) by ImjustMANG .
No copyright infringement intended. I loved the book a lot and I'd like to recommend it.


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