Thinking of you (Cameron Dall...

By lexichic4056

8K 124 19

Having to choose between vines most watched Internet hotties Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas, Alessia and her s... More

Authors note
Chapter- 1 Magcon
Chapter- 2 Falling
Chapter- 3 Jealous or nah?
Chapter 4- Hotel
Chapter- 5
Author's Note
Chapter- 6
Chapter 7 -Dinner
146 reads
Chapter 8 -☺️
Hey Guys
Chapter 9 - Alessia
274!! Reads
Chapter 10
330!! Reads
Chapter- 11 Haysie poo
Chapter 12
Chapter- 13
471 reads
Chapter- 14
Chapter 15 - Home sweet home
Chapter 17
Chapter - Not a chapter
Chapter- 18 Bye bye California
Chapter - 19 Distance is never the answer
Chapter 20 - 1 week later
Authors Note ✌️
Chapter 22 - Fine
Chapter 23 - A deal is a deal
Authors Note ✌️
Chapter 24 - NASHHHHHH
Chapter 25 - We used to be eachothers heart to share
Chapter 26 - I'm sorry I ever left
Authors Note: Writers Block!?
IM BACK GUYS / Chapter - 27

Chapter 21 - I guess we could be forever or Nah?

163 4 0
By lexichic4056

Alessia's POV
Cameron and I kissed.
Sparks flew everywhere.

Could it be true..?
Could I really be in love with Cameron Dallas?

I was suddenly taken away from my thoughts.

I pulled away from the heated kiss. I looked at Cameron. He smiled, and I smiled back.

"Okay guys, let's head home." I smiled at Kayla trying to take my mind off the kiss.

Kayla laughed "Um, We don't even have enough room for everyone in our car." She looked around, "Man, I should've thought this through."

I laughed.
"It's okay, Carter and I will call a cab." Cameron smiled.

"What?" Carter said, not hearing what he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Carter and I will meet you there."

Carter looked confused. I laughed.

"Okay, see you guys at casa da Lexi and others." Nash waved.

"Oh, thanks Nash." Kayla said.
And with that Kayla, Nash, Hayes, and Shawn, were in my car and we were ready to head home.

( Skipping to car ride )

"Alessia?" Nash said.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Do you like Cameron?"

"What?" I said, even though I knew exactly what he said.

Why would he be asking me this?
Is it that obvious?

"Hm, let's see. Oh! I don't know you were kissing him in the airport!?" Nash smiled, "It's pretty easy to tell."

Kayla looked stricken at me. "Oh, hey look! It's my favourite song!"

She turned up the volume and started dancing. "Kayla, that's a guy telling the news."

She turned the volume louder and started dancing.

I laughed.

I'll have to thank her for changing the subject later.

We arrived at the house.

"Thank gosh you guys arrived, I'm tired!" Carter laughed.

"I'm sorry your damn flight had to land at 3:00a.m." Kayla laughed.

"Sorry not sorry." Cameron laughed, then winked at me.

I looked at him and smiled.

He truly made me happy.

I love Cameron.

"Okay guys this time I'm laying out the rules" Chloe laughed coming down the stairs.

"4 bedrooms, 1 couch in each of the rooms, and 2 couches in the living room" I smiled.

"So all of your guests get a couch?" Nash asked.

"Yeah but you get to pick which one you rather sleep on" Kayla said.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor, bro." Carter laughed. "Where's Jenny?"

"She's asleep dude, and bro, you have a girlfriend.

"Stay in your lane" Kayla laughed.

Carter pouted.

"Okay well can we call our couches?" Cameron said.

I laughed. "May the odds ever be in your favour." (If you know this reference, bless you)

And with that all the boys ran up the stairs barging into each of the rooms.
After all the commotion the boys were finally decided.

Hayes was on the couch in Kayla's room, Nash was on the couch in the living room, Shawn was on the couch in Chloe's room, and Carter was on the other couch in the living room, Yet Cameron was still left undecided.

Chloe, Kayla, and I headed back to our bedrooms.

"Night ladies" I smiled.

"Night." they both said in unison.

I walked into my room to not see anyone there.

I then heard Cameron and Nash's voice.
I listened closely to see if I could comprehend their conversation.

"Where should I sleep?" I heard Cameron ask Nash.

"Sleep in Alessia's room" Carter laughed.

"I don't know if we're on speaking terms"

"Why wouldn't you be?" Carter asked.

"We kissed at the airport" He stated in a high whisper.

"Did she kiss back?" Nash asked.

"Yeah, but it's complicat-" Cameron started but Nash cut him off

"Dude no buts, ifshe kissed back she obviously still likes you don't make this moe complicated, man."

I smiled to myself.

I decided to walk down stairs and bud into their conversation.

"Cameron are you sharing with me?" I asked pretending I didn't hear the conversation.

Nash looked at Cameron.

"Yeah,I'll be up in a second." He smiled.

Nash tried to whisper, "Told you so!"

I tried not to laugh.

"Okay." I smiled.

I started walking upstairs.

"Aless?" Nash said.

I turned around.

"Would you mind if Cameron and I threw a party tomorrow?"

"What's the occasion?"

"To meet girls." Cameron laughed.

I felt hurt from his comment.

I thought this time this one time, Cameron and I were going to be different.

I guess I was wrong.

I should've never thought Cameron would ever like a girl like me.

To him I'm just another fan I guess.

"Uh-" I cleared my throat, "I-I guess." And I started walking away.

"Wait!" Nash said.

"What now?" I said flustered.

"Text me what's up when you get upstairs okay?" He smiled.


I walked upstairs to my bedroom.

I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone.

I texted Nash.

Nashty🙊💩 - Is Nash
Bestie👑🙋 - Is Alessia
Bestie👑🙋~ What's the deal?
Nashty🙊💩~ Aless, be honest, what's wrong?
Bestie👑🙋~ I thought Cam liked me.
Nashty🙊💩~ Alessia I don't think you understand how much that boy likes you.
Bestie👑🙋~ But he said he's throwing that party to meet girls
Nashty🙊💩~ He was just joking. I guarantee you he won't even talk to any of those girls
Bestie👑🙋~ Why are you such a good friend?
Nashty🙊💩~ I don't know but I think you should return the favour.
Bestie👑🙋~ Ew, no, I don't want to be your friend..
Nashty🙊💩~ Your loss.
Bestie👑🙋~ Oh, um, Cameron just walked into my room.. Night..
Nashty🙊💩~ Night 💕
Nash always knows how to make me feel better.

But if Cameron want to be a player and pretend he doesn't like me fine.
Too could play at that game.
Eh Guys💕 Lexi here,

(This may not be her right now)

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