dark possession ❥ YOONNIE (sl...

By kpopinesss

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"bittersweet honey." BOOK 2 of the DARK SERIES (DEMON AU) More

1 ; "guilty pleasure, am't I?"
2 ; "I never told you that you couldn't touch what's yours."
3 ; "I have limits. I'm not pushing them just to lose you."
4 ; "it's hard for his kind to feel like us."
5 ; "what makes you think you won't be happy with me?"
6 ; "what i want..."
7 ; " .. is you"
8 ; "but will you learn to love him even if he doesn't love you?"
9 ; "your situation may not be so bad after all.."
10 ; "so fight for her the way she fought herself for you."
11 ; "will you marry me?"
12 ; "..when does the fun part happen?"
13 ; "until he got what was his."
14 ; "say I love you without fucking it up."
15 ; "the little things."
16 ; "you spoil me ."
17 ; "how can you love me?"
18 ; "when do you mean anything you say?"
19 ; "so this is what it feels like,"
20 ; "you can take it."
21 ; "i dont like to share either."
22 ; "will you teach me?"
23 ; "unfortunately yes."
24 ; "fallen, bide well please."
25 ; "i cant just burn a whole town down."
26 ; "i love you"
27 ; "the message."
29 ; "he resents you."

28 ; "say hi to momma."

572 39 4
By kpopinesss


"The witch is heinous."

Yoongi sighed helping me kick of my shoes, my demon hormones getting the better of my temper.

"She helped us determine our child. Have some compassion."

"No, you."

Yoongi chuckled at my childishness, taking me in his arms as I pouted chin against his chest. My husband lovingly wrapped his arms so his hands curled around the growing belly of mine, nothing but honorable when it comes to affection.

"We're not given a choice but to trust the woman." Yoongi reasoned as we got ready for bed. "You're carrying a child with abrasive emotions. Let's not be too finicky."

"Ugh." I groaned shoving his face away from my reachable distance. "I hate when you get all technical."

At one point, I found his deep chuckle attractive. Now it was just annoying.

"I can not wait to get this child out of my body and focus on just having you and him."

Yoongi reaches back, his arms not failing to find out developing child in my tummy. He places a kiss not far from where our lips would touch and hums in approval.

"We should be more concerned about fixing a situation up for Chaeyoung and Jimin." He lead me off knowing that's where the other lost part of my mind wandered. "Where her child will be is where ours will. And we protect what's ours, am I right honey?"

I snuggled my nose into the crook of his neck and moved my lips softly against his skin. "Absolutely."


"Okay you did not tell she got that big, Yoongi."

I couldn't take Taemin seriously. Even if he was talking about my weight. Not under all those shackles, eyes circled with tired dark bags and his skin leaking with black veins. The demon I once I knew as someone my husband looked up to, a smile never fading from his face, now chained up against metal restrained and a shabby wooden shed that was too keep him away from what his virus so truly wanted.

The day was coming near and my child could sense the danger wanting me to leave. I couldn't.. not when I was looking into the eyes of a friend. One I knew still was living despite the leech inside him waiting for a new host.

"Taemin, the day is nearing.."

"And I'm afraid this is my fate."

Yoongi sighed, handing him a bowl for feeding, Taemin devouring the insides of the recently slaughtered animal like it was his first meal in his lifetime.

Poor thing, I thought. He deserved better.

"You shouldn't bring Jennie with you." Taemin muttered eyes looking elsewhere from me. "It's getting too close for comfort.. the time."

Yoongi protectively shadowed me as he fronted the lethal threat knowing he was still a friend more a foe. "She insisted. You know how it is with women."

"The month after Chaeyoung gives birth, I want the both of them, her's and your's to flee the country." Taemin choked out. "Jennie herself makes me feel stronger. Hungrier. Which makes time shorter. When the moon reaches it's peak, it'll be too late for us to determine when it is safe."

The usually playful demon was weakened by power that wasn't his. His eyes were dread red and his face were covered if not completely drawn on with black blood waiting for the day that another being already inside of him ate his body whole. He didn't understand it much like the rest of us.

I pitied him.

And it was then I realized my child was begging to come out.

I tugged on Yoongi's sleeves, my eyes drooping and eyes turnt gold. Instinct blew over and before I knew it I blacked out.

Minutes later I found myself in a new room miles away from Taemin, on a bed shackled by a witch doctor who wanted my baby. At least, that's all that was washing my brain as the maniacal woman held two scalpels waiting to cut me open.

Sound resonated back to my quiet eardrums and I went into a panic state. The pain was near to unbearable and my husband stood and watched from the side without a faltered expression. My mouth didn't move but the shrieking voices in my head echoed in the room. It mimicked the stresses Yoongi expressed when he would fall under conflictions.

The demon in my stomach was not having it.

He wanted out.

And as much as I would love to get him out of my stomach and into our world, I was torn between killing the witch doctor next to me and laying still.

More minutes later, I realized my body had decided the latter and my child was out in an instant.

I was speechless, exhausted, and motionless when my husband took our fast growing newborn in his feeble hands. I blinked at him everything seeming hazy when more time— time being of the essence— passed by like money in a casino.

Spent and regretful.

Until I locked eyes with the one thing I was willing to give Yoongi up for.

His blue eyes glimmered at me. The first thing my child laid eyes on was my own. I fell in love again.

And when I closed my eyes this time around, I saw white. The color I see when I'm the most content I could ever be.




At the sound of my husbands luring voice, my eyes shot open searching for him in my recovery. He held our fast growing child in his hands, the boys eyes locked with mine as he sucked on his thumb head cradled in his father's chest. He was the size of a 3 year old, waiting to be held by his mother.

Yoongi sat at my side and laid a kiss on my cold forehead. I hummed in response and gestures for him to hand me the pain in the ass I had for a couple weeks on end. You know.. the demon I had carried in my poor human body for the sake of my dreams.

Dreams. Uhuh.

"Jihoon." Yoongi mumbled against the newborns ear. "Say hi to momma."

"M-momma." He mumbled obediently, reaching his pale fragile arms at me for assurance.

He mirrored his father in too many ways, his eyes and expression only being one. He learned quickly and I think I gave him too much time with his father than needed.

I carried the beautiful gift given to me by god, the last thing I could ask for after being damned to hell, planting a loving kiss in between his temples. The boy immediately grasped onto me, fighting his hold like an imprint on my body.

Yoongi chuckled coming closer to speak.

"He likes you."

I rolled my eyes at my not-often child like husband. "How long have I been recovering?"

Yoongi now laid beside me with our child lingering near him for closure, my husband moving his lips to the crown of my head and his loose hand to our son's feet. "Two days. Jihoon can't sleep without being on top of you."

"Didn't feel a thing."

He sighed bringing my tired figure closer in his cold embrace. "You didn't feel me bring you home either. I have the house on a protective spell. I'm not letting anyone near you and my treasure until we've all acquired a sense of stability. His powers are raw."

I glanced to Jihoon who still sucked at his thumb not moving his eyes from me. "Raw?"

"He can't control his form. He's bigger.. than mine when I was a toddler." Yoongi explained while playing with our baby's toes. Jihoon curled closer to me as his father spoke. "I keep him on a medicated atmosphere but now that you're awake, he's prone. Though he's been doing well so far seeing as he hasn't turned."

"You say it like our son is a beast."

Yoongi silenced and his eyes looked to mine with a hardened glare as if trying to speak words that would hurt me.

I knew what they meant.

My hand weakly reached out to cradle my tired husbands face. "You may be a beast. But a beast who forced me into a life in love with you."

"Jihoon's gonna be like me." He whispered palming his face with my hand, lips moving against it. "A monster. He'll blame me for the rest of our lives like I did with my father."

The black haired toddler cuddled closer to my chest and seeked closeness to Yoongi who distanced at the speech he made. It was then I knew this was what I dreamed for. And it was Yoongi I had to thank for giving me the one thing I was willing to live for.

Just this.

A family.

"He will love you."

"I never learned how to love." Full of negativity my husband was as he sulked in the presence of his wife and son. "I'm cursed."

Jihoon slowly moved his small figure towards the changing man curled against me, burrowing himself in the arms of his father. And that partly human side of me started to tickle at the sight of two cursed demons learning to love.

Yoongi let go, arms unraveling from my still trembling body as he embraced his son— his new possession.

Smiling, pain coursing through my veins, I whispered to them.

"My two cursed beasts."

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