Higher (East Knights book 1)

By ravensconnelly

87.6K 1.4K 408

Margot and Monty dated for 2 years until Monty picked smoking weed over his girlfriend. And neither of them s... More



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By ravensconnelly

Saturday 5:52 pm

I asked Monty if he wanted to hang out with me earlier. He never replied. Oh well, I guess this is a perfect opportunity to talk to Ivy. I guess. I reach for my phone and go to open Instagram. I pull up Ivy's account and message her.

Margot: Hey!

Ivy: Hey! how are you?

Margot: I'm good u busy tonight?

Ivy: No, what's up?

Margot: Wanna go get food?

Ivy: Sounds great I'll meet you at the Hawthorne restaurant at 7:30?

Margot: Deal. See you soon!

I don't know why I did that. I guess I just feel like I should get to know the girl before my dad tries to marry her mom. Yeah, that's exactly why. Oh well. I set my phone down, playing my music through my speakers before going to pick out what to wear. I look through my closet for a solid 40 minutes before settling on a plain black dress. It looks like the one I wore last night except there are ruffles on the neckline. It's one of the dresses my mom got for me before she passed a couple of years ago. God, I miss her.

I decide on taking a shower before going. I don't put on any makeup though. I know I know why get dressed up but not put any makeup on. Well, homecoming is exactly 2 weeks away and I don't need my face breaking out. So no makeup it is. As I walk out the door locking it behind me my phone starts vibrating in my clutch. I pull it out and see Monty's name popping up on the screen. "Hey," I answer excitedly. "Can I still take you up on that offer?" Those words make a frown reach my lips. "God, I wish you could. But I actually made plans with Ivy." I sigh into the phone. And if I'm not crazy I hear Monty sigh too. "For what?" He asks with a nervous behind his voice. "Well, my dad said that he's dating her mom. Isn't that something. So I feel like I should get to know her." A sigh of relief reaches my ear but I don't bother asking about it. As much as I wish I would have seen Monty this morning before I left his house I'm glad I didn't. If he would have been awake or probably would have led to a fight of some sort. "Anyway, I have to go now. Maybe we can do something tomorrow if you're still up for it." I add before hanging up.

Once I pull up to the Hawthorne I see Ivy sitting outside on one of the patio tables. My clock reads 7:45 pm. Fuck. How did I even manage to be late? I started getting ready at like 6. I get out of my car and walk up to meet Ivy. "Hey, So sorry I'm late." I call out making my way over to give her hug. I love her dress. She's wearing a simple white dress that has ruffles all down the bottom. She looks so tan. She's just so pretty. I don't really understand how she's single. "You look stunning." She says as her eyes travel down my body. "Thank you. I was about to say the same to you." I say as a pull my seat out and sit down.

Ivy and I order our food and chat for about an hour or so after we finish eating. I'm too scared to bring up my dad and her mom, so I'm kind of relieved when she does it for me. "So, our parents? That's crazy." She laughs which causes me to do the same. "I know my dad just told me yesterday. I was so shocked." I add. Once the words fall out of my mouth she turns her head to look at me as if she's confused. "Just yesterday?" She questions. "Yeah, when did you find out?" I reply back to her. "Oh, well my mom actually made me move out here once your dad asked her to move in with him. That's why he's in Boston right now he's helping her pack." The words coming out of her mouth make me feel sick. I don't know how to respond to her. My dad and I haven't always been the closest, but he's not one to lie to me. He said he was going to Boston for work and that he was gonna help his new girlfriend make some money to send to her daughter. He never mentioned anything about his girlfriend or his daughter moving in with us. I take another sip of my water before speaking again. "Where exactly is she moving into?" I ask as I watch Ivy's eyes glued to my movements. "Well our place here," She responds pointing up to the building to my left. The Hawthorne. She lives in the fucking Hawthorne building. It's been my dream since I was a little girl to live in one of the penthouse suites of the Hawthorne. When Celia and I were kids we used to have sleepovers at her apartment once a month and I was always amazed by how beautiful the place was. Fucking hell. "Oh, so just the two of you are living together then?" I look at her in confusion. "Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to confuse you. My mom said that she just wanted to move out to California to be closer to your dad. We're not like packing our bags or anything." She laughs. And I can't lie a wave of relief passes over me.

From what I've learned today Ivy is so sweet. She's so nice. But I don't think I'd be ready to call her my sister or live in the same house as her. No offense but I don't really need a repeat of what happened between her and Monty last night playing through my head again. Or better yet me having to see it in real life again. But I don't have a problem being friends with her. Even if I did walk in on her fucking my ex-boyfriend last night.

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