Stuck In Love

By MadlyninBliss

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Arthit is a newly appointed journalist in a big news agency's scandalous branch called Exposé and his first j... More

Will There Be Ice Cream?
Nothing Comes Above Pink Milk!
You're Married?
Date Him Before I Kill Myself
I'm In A Big Mess, Kong
My Gaydar Is Pretty Strong On You
What Were You Thinking?
So, What's The Plan?
Bro What The Hell!

It's Complicated And Stupid

2K 152 64
By MadlyninBliss

A/N: This chapter is one of those 'I don't really know why I wrote this but I had to' kind and it's kind of soft and hot and I don't know whether it can be tagged mature or not....

Is this mature? I don't know, it's just a make out scene but let me know.

Also.... POLAROIDS ARE SUPERIOR. Don't fight me.

Happy reading!


The first time Kongpob had heard about a skateboard, it was because of Arthit.

Arthit and his skateboard….

There was hardly a time when Arthit was found without his skateboard.

Kong watched the way Arthit’s billowing shirt flowed with the air when he skateboarded through the streets or empty areas, Kongpob always tried to keep up with him but Arthit was like an unstoppable force on that board and Kong felt he would one day be left too far behind.

But Arthit would never let Kongpob go, that was a very obvious fact.

It was Arthit who had deliberately made Kongpob get on the skateboard one day out of the blue.

“I’ll fall.” Kongpob uttered but reluctantly trying to stand on the board anyway.

“I’m right here.” Arthit tried to encourage him and held his arm, helping him but eventually getting on behind him on the board too.

“I’m scared.”

“You’re not going to die! Stop being dramatic.” Arthit scolded before Kong felt his arm around his mid-section, supporting him as he gave the skateboard some speed and Kong tried so hard not to jump at the sudden increase in speed.

He felt his best friend giggling behind and reaching to hug him before he jumped off the skateboard and Kongpob was on his own.

Of course he fell off after barely a second or two.
It was then that Kong knew skateboarding wasn’t really his thing.

But there was one thing that he was good at-

Taking pictures with his polaroid camera, it was old school, Kong knew that but polaroid cameras always attracted him more than any other camera out there in the market.

So after dusting his jeans, Kong sat back at the deserted sidewalk and watched Arthit laugh at him for a moment before getting on the skateboard.

Kongpob reached for his camera, snapping a pic of his friend.

He pulled out the polaroid that came out, fanning it a little until it developed.

Kongpob smiled looking at the photo…

Arthit's eyes were crinkling by the corner as he was still laughing at the candid shot, one of his hand in his hair trying to comb through them, one foot reaching to the road and the other on the board.

There was no one as beautiful and amazing as his friend.

There was no one out there like his friend.


Kongpob’s P.O.V.

Modelling for some of the products of my own company was my way of grounding to the things I loved.

But sometimes photoshoots turned pretty tiresome, especially when I knew Arthit wasn’t there to accompany me.

In college days, it was a whole different scenario with Arthit never really leaving me alone and I was so used to that, but when my own idea took off and now that I was running a huge company, things changed drastically.

The most of it all started to play on my personal life, I didn’t want my family or lover be a part of media's unnecessary attention, so we had toned it down to a great extent.

Sometimes we could manage to slip through it but most of time we couldn’t risk it all.

I understood Arthit’s shyness and unwillingness to come out with me in public, despite everything, Arthit had a lot of dignity and didn’t want any kind of news or negative comment falling around for us.

But at present, my craving for my lover was to another level, I had just got off my photoshoot, given some of the interviews to keep up my front and looked into my other works.

Like always, I couldn’t risk it and arrive at Arthit's place in broad daylight, so I finished the last of work, it was already midnight and gradually made my way to his place.

His mother was the most understanding person out there, she was the second one I had confessed about my sexuality, even before when Arthit and I had started to date.

Also…. One time she may or may not have seen me almost naked on Arthit's bed….. that was one awkward time we never wanted to talk about but later we were sat down and got the 'talk' from her.

So it wasn’t a surprise when she smiled warmly despite looking so sleepy in the middle of the night as she opened the door to me, I really hoped she got enough sleep, she had a little bakery shop by the end of the streets, a place where we all used to hang out as kids, the reason why we almost always saw her in the kitchen, she loved cooking too much and pampered us all even more.

I hugged her for a moment before making my way upstairs to his room.

“Hey, turtle.”

“Whoa! You scared me!” Arthit was almost asleep with a file on his chest, on seeing me, he had immediately thrown the file under his bed before trying to straighten for a moment, he looked tired but panicked too, looking at me with a little confusion.

I didn’t wait for him to get up as I climbed over him, snuggling to him.

“Am I dreaming or are you really here?” He drawled and I held him tighter, “I was just- missing you…”

“Sometimes you’re surprising and too dramatic like that…. But I'm not complaining.” I heard him.

“Why did you throw your file, though?” I asked, supporting my chin to his chest and he nervously chuckled.

“Got scared.”

“Of what?”

“….Nothing- how was work?” He pulled me until we broke into a chaste kiss and then back to talking.

“It was fine, I had a photoshoot.”

“Ahh… that explains your sudden clinginess.” He grinned and I shrugged.

“You’re still in your suit… did you head here straightaway? Wait- were you still working? It’s too late! Did you eat anything?” He asked, suddenly turning more concerned and I knew he was already aware.

“Get up.”

“I wanna sleep, right here!” I whined.

It was then my eyes fell on the old polaroid camera kept at the night stand.

“Y- you kept my polaroid camera?” I asked, gradually getting off him and grabbing the camera.

It had been years since I last seen it, I checked for films, it had a moderate amount of it, it looked in perfect condition, I had almost forgotten about it in the fast pace of my life but he had definitely not.

I smiled, holding it and looking back at him.

“You almost abandoned it in your room when you were moving into the new place, I've had it ever since.” He shrugged and I laughed, getting back on top of him, straddling his waist as he gasped at my sudden action as I was almost sitting on his  slender belly.

“What?” He looked at me perplexed as I brought the camera to my eye and tried to take a photo but he started to struggle under me.

“Kong! I'm not wearing my shirt!” He was a little embarrassed.

I smirked, grabbing his wrist as he tried to hide his face, feeling so shy all of a sudden.

I pinned his wrist above his head before crouching down to kiss him, this time he let out a surprised yelp when he felt my tongue exploring his mouth all of sudden, he moved a little until I felt his free hand tugging at my hair but eventually he moaned, groaning when I abruptly separated and immediately clicked a picture of him.

He rolled his eyes in exasperation before I pulled out the photo and fanned it until it developed.

Arthit with his lips slightly swollen and more red than usual, the red blush over his face and neck, the little vein of hus neck that popped up whenever he was worked up, his naked chest and his messy hair…. He looked ethereal.

“I’m keeping this in my room.” I announced and he glared at me before pushing me off him, reaching for the nearest shirt.

I still managed to click some more pictures, he didn’t try to stop me anymore.

I let my eyes wander over his body as he glared at me for my shamelessness before he was walking out.

“I better get you something to eat- you’re tired as hell!” He hissed and I smiled watching him head out and soon enough hearing his echoing footsteps descending the wooden stairs.

I sighed resting back on the bed, playing with the camera, clicking random pictures of the bedsheets, at the floor and then my eyes fixed on the corner of the file that peeked out from under the bed, I crouched and clicked a picture of it.

I furrowed my eye brows, the file looked a bit tattered, I almost reached for the file, to pick it up from where it was thrown when I heard the door open with a loud bang.

Arthit looked a little panicked as he pushed me away and swiftly picked up the file.

“Don’t touch my stuff! Also- here have it.” He looked a bit grumpy before passing me the larger bowl of soup he was able to procure from the kitchen.

“Thanks…. What’s in the file that you’re being secretive about it?” I asked, taking a spoonful, and he shrugged without facing me.

“Stuff from work..” He said and I nodded.

“Looks like you’re already stressed with it.” I said, watching him keep the file in his closet before turning to me, skipping onto the bed and he sighed.

“I'm actually stressed… it’s…” His voice trailed away as he looked at me, his shoulders tensed a bit.

“What is it? You barely had your first day at work and you already look like you'd choose death over the work” I commented.

To that he sighed and shrugged his shoulder languidly.

“It’s complicated and stupid.” He seemed to come to a conclusion and I tried to nod, not really understanding what he meant by that.

“Want any kind of help?” I asked.

He smiled at me.

“At present I just want you to finish that soup.” He said before taking the camera and taking my photos as I took another spoonful.

"Want to talk about it?"

"....No." He took a moment before he answered that and I nodded in support.

By the time I finished, he immediately took the bowl and kept it at the nightstand and was in my lap, straddling me, his lips a breath away from mine and a mischievous smile played on his lips while helping me get off the coat and unbuttoning the top buttons of my shirt before he pushed me down on the sheets and clicked a picture of me, hardly giving me the time to cover up.

“Oh my god…. You’re looking like such a-“

“Mess? Yeah, a bit tired.” I lifted myself a little on my elbows as he was still on my lap and admiring the photo he had clicked, eventually clicking some more until I leaned in and met his lips again but he broke away as he still admired that one specific photo.

“Even though you’re such a geeky nerd, you’ve got a body of a Greek god.” He uttered under his breath before keeping the photo away.

“I’m taking this camera-”

“You wish! This is mine now.” He grumbled before pushing me back and clicking some more until I tried to snatch it from him and he laughed and I tackled him down the bed, successful in getting hold of the camera.

“Get the shirt off.” I said in a more stern voice and felt him obliging at once, I knew sometimes my demanding tone was such a turn on to him.

I leaned in, clicking a photo of his red lips, his bruised neck and jaw when I left my marks on him to eventually heal.

“You’re tired as hell, Kong…. Don’t even think about it.” He eyed me and I tried to act confused by his statement.

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean.” He shrugged.

I sighed, eventually settling beside as we looked through all the polaroids we had clicked.

“You’re so hot.... no wonder I decided to turn gay for you.” Arthit muttered and I almost kicked him away until I realised I was actually craving his warmth too much to do that at present, maybe later.

“Anyway, change into my sweatpants before I find you dozing off in your suit.” He said and I agreed with him.

By the time I showered and changed into just the sweatpants, Arthit had already fell asleep with the photographs and the camera on his chest.

I smiled as I moved over and neatly collecting all the stuff and keeping it at the nightstand.

Though, before I kept the camera, I did click a final photograph of my fiancé sleeping ever so peacefully, half of naked chest visible between the covers, his little smile that tugged at the corner of his lips as he slept, reaching for my fingers and falling asleep again.

There was no other person out there who would’ve been there with me through all my ups and downs, smiling and laughing with me through every part of my life, being there to cry with me when needed, no one other than him would’ve understood me and given me the space I needed, the support I needed and always and forever being there for me.

He understood every little emotion of mine, when I was tired, when I was hungry or why I acted a certain way, and the way that affected him, the way he couldn’t tolerate me in any of those phases and just wanted me to be  healthy and happy more than anything.

No wonder I love this guy more than anything in this world.

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