Blood World - Book Three ✓

By jllnnah

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With families to protect, the fate of the wolves and vampires hang in limbo when a dark figure from the past... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

38 0 0
By jllnnah

The Nuptial

Chapter Summary
Sabrina and Divinity are finally wed, and so, a new chapter in their life begins.

Somewhere in Tokyo. The market was a very noisy place. A six year old girl ventured past the stalls with bounces in her steps. She was eager to do her first ever independent activity which was to run errands for her father.

She pulled out a sheet of paper with scribbled ingredients her father told her to buy. "Cabbage. Doko de nyūshu dekimasu ka? (Where can I get one?)"

When she passed by a menacingly dark alley, she stopped in her tracks, frozen. She sensed an ominous aura radiating from the pitch black. She slowly looked at the alley. A nervous and itchy feeling crept upon her body. "Dare ga iru?(Is anyone there?)"

Not only was the alley a creepy place to enter, the nighttime scenery heightened the shivers running down her spine. The moonlight did no help at all in illuminating the every darkness of the world. But, in some way, she felt herself become a fragile prey stubbornly and irresistibly getting tugged into the dark.

As she melted in the darkness, pitch black embraced her in cold welcome. The more she sauntered deeper into the alley, the more the lights of the market behind her faded away into blurry dim lights.

Then, a sudden flickering red light startled her. She looked up to read a display neon sign now lighting up the alley that was once dark and eerie. For now, the frightened side of her hid in the shadows as bravery took control.

She was about to turn the brass door knob attached to the dark green metal door when a voice called out behind her. "Little girl, what are you doing?" A female voice asked.

The little girl stiffened. She refused to look at the woman behind her. She was scared already. She thought to herself that she shouldn't have walked into the alley.

What a stupid decision it was...

The woman behind the little girl folded her arms and cackled sinisterly as if planning something wicked for the little girl. "Oh, it seems you have a little list there," The woman noticed the sheet of paper the little girl's hand was clasping.

At last, the little girl spun around unhurriedly, her eyes fixed on the floor. The woman she was facing tilted her head and clicked her tongue three times. "Where are your parents?" She asked.

The little girl fiddled with her fingers, not wanting to meet eye to eye with the woman in front of her. "Where are they?" She repeated. The little girl reluctantly answered. She knew that she should never talk to strangers but this time was an emergency.

"H-house," The little girl hesitated to give a response but she felt relief flooding through her as she finally spoke.

The woman cracked a scary smile, one that couldn't be trusted especially when in the mist of darkness. "Young kids like you shouldn't go out at night into general places. Who knows what danger you will face."

The little girl didn't understand the English lady since the language was foreign to her. She only learned a little but it was no aid to her desperate need of communication.

"Oh, I guess I should make this easy, then." The woman snapped her fingers and suddenly, the red neon light died, leaving both of them in darkness. The little girl could feel her heart leaping in her throat as she desperately searched around for an escape but her hands only found the brick wall.

There was only an eerie silence accompanying her. Then, a glowing pair of red eyes stared blankly at her. She gasped then sobbed immediately.

She turned around to see the market lights just a distance away. The little girl was about to run when her arm was seized by something calloused and unnatural. Then, her faint screaming turned into gurgles until everything was quiet.


A bird flew through air and landed on its nest, tilting its head at a nearby pristine white chapel before it.

In a grand chapel sitting on the lands of Blood World... a magnificently enticing bride walked down the aisle. Blooming and aromatic flowers surrounded her, embellishing the walls that were once dull and plain. The name of the bride was Sabrina.

After a ton of missions had been carried out from another world to the next, Sabrina was engaged to her lover, Divinity, as a reward. The two locked eyes as the bride continued walking down the aisle.

Sabrina tightly clasped the bouquet of flowers in her hands, her eyes were only trained on Divinity. Not anybody else, or anyone around her. Her veins were flowing with nervous blood, her heart thumping louder, loud enough that it could drown out the music beautifully travelling across the chapel.

At one final step, Divinity moved forward and escorted his soon-to-be wife to the altar.

The officiant beamed with joy, as he extended his arms out to the sides. "Ladies, and gentlemen, creatures of the Blood World. We are all cordially invited to this special day, the nuptial of two different lovers bound to love." The audience behind the couple standing by the altar, watched as the officiant carried out the rest of the wedding ceremony.

"Now it is time for the ceremonial vows." The officiant said. A ring bearer holding a purple pillow with two silver glimmering rings resting on it, stepped forward beside the officiant.

The officiant slightly turned his head to look at Divinity, a stern yet excited expression forming on his face. "Divinity Caldwell, do you take, Sabrina Rectores, as your wife and do your duties as a husband. Love your wife forever and ever, in hard times, in sickness and in health, and in every course of your life?"

Divinity smiled at Sabrina, nodding, "I, Divinity Caldwell, accept Sabrina Rectores as my wife and will do my duties as a husband and a father to our future child. I will love Sabrina forever and ever, in hard times, in sickness and in health, and in every course of our life." Divinity calmly glided the ring onto Sabrina's finger.

Now it was Sabrina's turn to pledge. The officiant repeated the same question to Sabrina and without hesitation, she vowed.

"I, Sabrina Rectores, accept Divinity as my husband. I will love him for eternity, in hard times, in sickness and in health, and in every course of our life," Sabrina vowed, then slid the ring onto Divinity's finger. The officiant happily raised his arms up.

"Now I officially declare you as lovers bound in eternal affection. I pronounce you, husband and wife, you may now kiss," As the officiant held his hands together, Sabrina and Divinity closed the gap between them with a passionate kiss.

Pink and white flower petals from above fell lightly like a feather, brushing past the couple kissing intimately. With mustered effort, the two pulled away and faced the audience. "We're married!" Sabrina and Divinity lifted their hands up and showed their rings.

Now the afterparty had begun after leaving the chapel and travelling straight to the palace garden. Tents shielded the sets of table and chairs inside from the unrelenting heat of the sunlight.

Sabrina and Divinity linked arms as Snowdust, the former Wolf Queen and the mother of Sabrina, trailed after them. Alongside her were her daughter, Lisa, and her younger sister, Stella. The day was blissful, and bright as the golden sun etched to the sky, providing a hot light over the venue.

The newlyweds stayed on their designated table. Sabrina swept her gaze around with a smile on her face. "This feels great. No more danger." She turned her head to gaze at Divinity. "I don't wanna jinx it but I feel like this is the happy life we deserve and nothing," She held his hands in hers, her fingers slipping through the gaps of his then twined.

"Nothing will ever break us apart. Never again," She was interrupted by Yuki who came forward with purposeful strides.

A smile widened on Yuki's face as she surveyed the table guests and the newlyweds, "How is the afterparty so far? Does it bring the emotions and style you ask?"

"It's just like we want it. Thank you Yuki for planning this wedding. Without you, we may," He shared a glance at his wife before looking at Yuki. "Have a much plainer event."

Lisa already perched down on her seat, folding her arms as she rolled her eyes. "I could have been the replacement wedding planner but someone already took the job."

Yuki's lips curled to a smirk. "My apologies. Anyways, according to my clipboard," She skimmed the writings on the paper clipped to her clipboard before sliding her gaze back up. "The final toast occurs after the newlyweds have eaten their dessert."

Divinity and Sabrina both nodded at her. "Okay. Thanks for the reminder!" Sabrina looked at her in gratitude before settling down with Divinity. They patiently waited for someone to serve their table with freshly sliced cakes from. The cake they had chosen was the vanilla one with a bit of a twist in its flavor.

Soon, a waiter arrived and placed down the plates with a slice of cake on it, provided with a fork. Sabrina took her silver fork from the plate and sank it into the sweet pastry. Then, a horrified expression flashed in her face as her vision was blinded by a bright light, one that the other eyes had not experienced as of now.

Divinity darted his eyes at her, attention claimed by her. He looked at her worriedly then clasped her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Sabrina? Sabrina? Are you okay?"

Inside Sabrina's head...

She was stuck in a white room with a blue flame crackling in front of her, fizzling uncontrollably. She ambled toward it in unsure steps and halted when she realised she was near the scorching cerulean flame. Its heat hit her bare flesh then the bottom of her dress caught the fire.

The blue flame shifted to a figure then embellished the fire with bulge and slopes so as to resemble a glaring lady with glowing blue eyes. Sabrina looked at her with a puzzled look on her face. "What are you? Who are you?"

"Head be spilled. Blood be cut. Truth be within. From lies told." The burning blue lady eerily whispered. Its form changed again then molded itself into an even larger wolf, its blue skin decaying slowly until all that's left were blazing brittle bones. Sabrina's finger touched the bone, making the fire die. Her face morphed into a terrified expression as she backed away until she stumbled backwards and fell.

The motionless bone was a dread inducing statue standing eerily still in front of her, until it suddenly lunged for her and clawed at her face. The skeletal figure of the Blue Lady screamed at Sabrina. Glitters of gold flurried out of the deep gashes and scars on Sabrina's body.

And Sabrina felt this growing cold within her, a searing power so frigid, and full of strength.

Then, everything went white.

Snapping back to reality, her hands hastily searched for Divinity's arm. When the final piece of nightmare had wilted away from existence, the view of the afterparty returned. She panned her gaze towards Divinity with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hey, is everything alright? We can go back to your Palace and let you lay and nap." Divinity suggested. Sabrina mustered enough strength to plaster on a false smile.

"I'm fine. I just spaced out." She responded, trying her best to reassure her husband. Snowdust, her mother, peered at her with concern.

"I'd take his suggestion if I were you. Darling, you don't need to force yourself to this." Snowdust knitted her eyebrows in perturbance.

"I swear I just drifted off to wonderland while my tongue craved for sweets." Sabrina's eyes moved downwards to find her fork buried deep into the slice of cake. She heaved the fork up and swallowed the portion of cake. Her tongue sensed the sweetness of the cake, the sugary taste rushing and tickling her mouth.

As the mushed cake travelled down her throat, she made the effort to ban negative thoughts from her happy day. The happiness went on and it was time for the toast.

Divinity and Sabrina stepped into the sunlight, holding a slightly filled wine glass in their hands. Divinity clinked his glass to grasp the attention of the party guests. All conversations were silenced as all eyes were laid upon the couple standing straight near the almost-fully-eaten wedding cake.

"I would like to thank everyone who attended the wedding today. Your presence means great value to our blissful day. It made me smile knowing there were people who supported me to tie the knot with the one who I really love with all my heart." He gazed at Sabrina, his smile breaking into a grin. "The woman who makes my heart race. The woman, well, wolf rather, the one who set the darkness in me into freedom."

Sabrina smiled and held his hand then squeezed it gently. "I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who is in presence right now. You all have pushed aside your duties to attend this very special day of me and my husband. You all are also family. So, let's raise our glass and cheer to the den's success!" She raised her voice, and her glass of wine, Divinity followed suit.

A round of applause followed afterwards. They were both able to restrain their hunger from kissing each other more but they had a honeymoon ahead of them so they wanted to make the most out of it before diving into the life of a full time ruler.

At a local paradise. Sabrina and Divinity strolled alongside the azure ocean sending cresting waves that crashed over the crusty shorelines. The sun dipping low on the horizon painted the sky pink. She licked her lips as she inhaled fresh air.

Hand-in-hand, they were headed for the beach house. There was this growing temptation torturing both in the inside but the closer they were to the beach house, the more it swallowed them. Eventually, they crossed the threshold of the beach house and immediately captured each other's lips.

Divinity ran a hand from her shoulder down her arm then lifted it back up and stroked her cheek. They both pulled away and sucked in a deep breath. "You're beautiful," He complimented her, somehow panting, his chest rising and falling in a quick pace.

Then, a devilish smile lingered on his lips. "I have an idea how to start this off."

Sabrina raised an eyebrow curiously then questioned him. "What is it? What idea?" Her lips curled to a slow smirk. "Oh. I think I get it now," She said as she slowly nodded to herself.

"I want you to lay on bed and wait for me." He instructed and she inclined her head indicating that she would do as he said.

Doing what she had been instructed, she walked towards the bed and laid down on the bed, placing her hands atop her chest. She gazed at the bathroom door, waiting for Divinity to come out. After a few seconds had passed, Divinity emerged shirtless, his taut abs exposed. He was only in his pants and Sabrina noticed the belt he was grasping.

A shiver coursed through her body, now that she saw him half naked again, his presence caused her heart to race. She wanted to strip for him but as he moved closer, she was too distracted to do anything.

Divinity played with his belt as he stepped closer to the bed where Sabrina lied. Then, he licked his lips as he tossed off his black shoes. Seducing Sabrina, he lowered himself to place the belt on the mattress then unbuckled his belt. Then, he shrugged off his pants until it slipped down to a crinkled pool of fabric around him. Now, he was reduced to his plain black boxer shorts.

Sabrina curled her toes as she bit her nail, failing to control her gaze as it couldn't resist looking him up and down especially adoring those solid muscles rippling in every movements.

Divinity crawled onto the bed, grabbing the belt along his way as he crept upon Sabrina on all fours. The growling desire within him made his heart pulse faster as he pressed his solid abs against the cloth covering Sabrina's skin. She arched her back while placing her hands on his shoulders then met his lips again.

The candles around them added heat to the burning fire that had ignited their bodies. He stared at her, biting his lip as his eyes slid downwards, surveying her like a perfect sculpture. Then, he sent a trail of hot kisses from her exposed collarbone then ripped off the front part of her dress and planted his warm kiss on her cleavage.

Sabrina sat up and helped Divinity take off her dress until she was in her lingerie. The two took a moment to study each other's bodies before closing the gap with a passionate kiss. They were consumed by desire, by love, by satisfaction but it didn't satiate their hunger yet.

He smirked against her lips as he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her close. "You're... Wonderful." His hoarse voice rang into her ears, causing her to lean her head back and grab him by the back of his head, making him press his kisses harder on her skin.

"Oh god... Divinity." Sabrina groaned as Divinity's lips skimmed near her breasts. Then, he moved backwards and flipped Sabrina over. Now, she was on all fours as Divinity knelt on two knees. He smiled devilishly as he took in the appearance of her backside.

He stroked her back gently, torturing her burning desire to be one with him. "I have a little game for you," Divinity's deep voice sent Sabrina shuddering, and wanting for more. She wanted all of him.

"What is it?" Sabrina faced the wall, eager to play his game even though it tortured her slowly.

"Don't make a sound... or else." Divinity said and that was it then his fingers touched her backside, then effortlessly tore off her underwear. Sabrina bit back a scream as she glued her eyes shut. "That's just the beginning." His hot breath hit the back of her neck as he pressed himself on her. He lowered down his boxers and connected himself to her.

Sabrina bit back a moan as Divinity thrusted himself in, rocking his hips in slow movements. The hunger in her heightened every senses in her body and now that Divinity put himself in, pleasure was amplified.

The flame sizzling her every veins, the pleasure coursing through her wasn't enough to bear but she pressed on and didn't dare to make a sound. Divinity slowly quickened his pace, Sabrina's lips began to bleed as she bit harder.

Divinity pulled her hair and quickened his pace. Then, he slowly exited Sabrina and forced her to lay on bed, her front body facing him. He slid his hands downwards, going lower and lower...

Despite the storm of pleasure thundering around Sabrina, she fought back the sound bubbling in her throat. "You still won't give up, huh?" He said and smiled. He slipped his hand between her thighs and Sabrina was about to release a gasp which she quickly held back in.

Sabrina still wouldn't give in. So, Divinity entered her again and this time, she gave up into defeat as a wave of pleasure crashed over her. "Ohhhhh! Divinity!"

Now, a sinister smile spread across his face. "What to do with you? You need a punishment," He seized his belt and looked at her. Sabrina didn't know at first until she felt a stinging pain on her thigh.

"Ow! What the hell?" She cried out. "Can we please not use a belt. I don't want a punishment. I want you."

Divinity smiled, satisfied by what he heard then tossed the belt away and fully removed his boxers. "I suppose you've endured enough punishment." As he said this, he thrusted himself inside as his tongue played around her breast. He pinned her against the bed.

Both moaned loudly, consumed by waves of pleasure cresting higher and higher until... the fire exploded into a volcano of flames spreading near their thighs.


Minutes later...

Sabrina and Divinity rested on the bed as the blanket covered them. They both stared at the empty ceiling, smiling to themselves.

"Can't you believe it? Before we were just strangers then lovers then strangers and then finally, lovers, at last. It felt like a decade since I danced with you at the ball." Divinity mumbled.

Sabrina replied in an equally low voice. "I can believe it. Time really passes by fast. For ten years... we were lost and then found again." She flipped over to gaze at Divinity, leveling her head up with her bulging knuckles supporting her chin.

With hands behind his back, Divinity rotated his head to peer at her. "I love you," He adjusted himself just so he could cup her cheek.

"I love you too," She placed a hand over his and brushed it tenderly with her thumb. He pulled her close, allowing her to rest her head against his chest. The two closed their eyes and drifted off to a serene sleep together.

"When two rival bloods merge," A soft eerie whisper aimlessly carried Sabrina through the endless void. She panicked, furiously taking haste breaths. Then, she felt herself plummet until she crashed against dirt. She jerked her head up and swept her gaze over a graveyard.

She brushed off the dust from her robe and sauntered towards a stone engraved with a name.

Vladimir Caldwell. The First Vampire.

She ran a hand along the unkempt stone of the gray grave in front of her. It was strapped with rotten vines but the name could still be seen easily. Her eyes moved downwards and read.

"For he has been beheaded of sins," The written carving formed a pit in her stomach.

She turned around to the sound of crunching grass. Then, a gray and menacing fog approached the graveyard, enveloping Sabrina.

A voice called out from above.

"And an offspring they bring," A silhouette floated downwards, asserting dominance over prey whose name was Sabrina.

"The land shall quiver to carry the feet of my return," The silhouette had landed, its feet finally touching the ground. It relished every second of reality, or the nightmare it had brought upon her and enjoyed the reek of fear filling the air.

"Amelia. Oh Amelia. I sense your blood running in her veins. Do you think she can elevate the wolves from the danger I will wrought?" The silhouette raised a hand. Sabrina staggered backwards as the land shook violently until corpses began to claw out of their grave.

"This is lovely!" The silhouette cried out and knelt on one knee then quickly crumbed into ashes. It transformed into dust until all of those small particles blew away from existence.

Sabrina gasped while she jolted awake from her bed. Beside her, Divinity was still asleep. Surprised that he didn't wake up from the loud noise she had created, Sabrina slowly pushed herself out of bed as silent as possible.

Then, she tugged a robe from the rack and put it on then tightened the tie strapped around her waist to secure the robe covering her body.

She strode out of the beach house and walked towards the ocean. She could see the waves cresting and crashing over the shoreline. The beach was lit by the sapphire moon carved to the night sky. Sabrina crossed her arms and looked out onto the dark blue ocean water, and sensed something growing within.

A gentle midnight breeze hit her skin, pulling her hair behind. Then, she hugged herself and stood by the ocean a few more moments before retreating to the beach house to sleep again.

When the dawn rose again, Sabrina yawned awake from her slumber and flipped over to find Divinity no longer there beside her. She looked around for him and decided that he'd be somewhere else in this island. She examined every area of the beach house until empty options led her outside.

"Where is he?" She scratched her hair when it itched. Then, she walked towards the forest where she felt where he'd be right now. And her senses led her to him!

"Good morning," She greeted. Divinity turned around and ran two hands through his damp salty hair.

"Morning," He smiled. Divinity was in a pond with floating rose petals. "Come join me. I want to give you a bath."

Sabrina's lips turned up to a beaming smile. She untied her robe and allowed it to drop on her foot. She lifted one up and trudged forward then raised the other one and did the same. She slowly walked towards the pond until the water reached her chest.

Divinity moved closer and put an arm around her waist then pulled her nearer to him until her bare front was pressed against his muscular abs. "Oh!" Sabrina was quickly electrified by his presence. She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned. "This must be the best bath I've ever done my whole life."

"Indeed," He agreed to her.

Unable to control himself, Divinity slid his hand downwards under water, slippery against her skin. Sabrina looked at him, and bit her lips as she felt two fingers slip in between her legs.

"Divinity... I-"

He pressed a finger on her lips, hushing her. "Shhh. I want you to relax under my touch."

Sabrina nodded, and quietly enjoyed every second of Divinity playing with every parts of her body. He gave her a bath in a seductive way, he loved how she reacted to his every single movements on her. Then, they both found themselves, slowly lost in each other as the world around them melted away to leave the two in their intimate moment.

Both were flooded with pleasure, with pure bliss, with electrified ecstasy.

Unfortunately, the honeymoon paradise didn't last long. It was the final day of their private time together so they made the most out of it. Sabrina and Divinity spent the time treating each other affectionately.

They ran along the shorelines by the ocean, deeply in love with each other. It's as if they had created a world for themselves, only the two of them.

The two had fun exploring the island. But, it was finally time to go home.

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