What if Deku became a villain

By Kira_Yaoyorozou

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Deku was born in a world in which 80% of all the people a special power named quirk has. But he belongs to th... More

What if Deku became a villain
What if Deku became a villain
What if Deku became a villain
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (and in the end A/N)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

249 5 0
By Kira_Yaoyorozou

-With the UA students at the USJ-

Katsuki watched with his usual scowl as the pro-hero Thirteen, who was serving as a guest teacher in the class's visit to USJ. He glanced around at the large dome building and narrowed his eyes. Ever since the Quirk assessment, he felt like someone was watching the class. He initially dismissed it as the same paranoia that made him think he saw Deku on the street that first day. Now, though, he was getting the same feeling—stronger than the other times he felt over the past days.

The other students were hyper but still listening intently to what Thirteen had to say. A few weren't as impressed by the speech, but Katsuki only really noticed that Todoroki was glancing at him and looking around the building with similar caution. He didn't know enough about the other, who he'd nicknamed Half'n'Half, but he recognized that the other seemed to feel like something was observing them, too. It was probably a good thing, a sign that he wasn't completely crazy. Katsuki had tried to mention it to one of the other students he found tolerable, Kirishima, but the red head just said he was probably nervous since he was in a dangerous environment. The blonde knew that wasn't right, or denied it.

Katsuki was about to give up on his paranoia when he finally saw something. A black purple swirl of darkness near the fountain in the center of the USJ building. He glanced at Todoroki, who was looking at the fountain, too. Their teachers noticed it soon after him and the other, and then soon the rest of the class. They all watched, murmurs and shouts of fear spreading in the small crowd of students. Katsuki grit his teeth, slight satisfaction flashing in his mind at the prospect that he was right. He immediately mentally shook that thought off and watched as the swirl grew.

Then, people started walking out of the swirl. Two yellow eye-shapes appeared on the dark smokey swirl as what Katsuki guessed were the last people walked out. The smoke pulled back a bit, until it was a sort of moderate size. He immediately looked at the other two standing next to the smoke—who he was guess was probably a person. Without realizing it, he was tuning out the voices of the teachers and students.

His eyes widened a bit at the green hair he spotted on one of the two near the smoke-man. A mask covered the bottom half of the person's face, but their face was tilted up, looking right at the students with shining green eyes. Katsuki couldn't ignore the pang of recognition in his mind. He really tried to, though. There's no way, echoed in his mind over and over. He vaguely heard the person was a villain in the back of his mind that was playing attention to what was happening around him. He tried to look at the other villains, but he couldn't get the feeling to stop and kept looking back at the green-haired villain. He thought of other things that could stop his suspicion. He was a hero nerd, so no... But then again...

Katsuki's hands sparked small explosions as he grit his teeth even harder at the thought that it might be who he thought it was. To the other students, the explosions passed off as him wanting to fight, but he wasn't even listening as Kirishima tried to calm him down. He kept his eyes on the green-haired villain as they turned away slightly, seeming to talk to the gray haired one next to him.

The smoke shifted again, moving over the green-haired villain before going back into it's previous position. Katsuki's breath hitched as he stared where the other had been.

"A warp quirk!" he heard some else say.

He immediately looked around for the green-haired villain, or a flicker of purple-black smoke to signal where they'd appear. Todoroki was looking around, too, having the same idea that they might appear and attack near them.

Their teacher, Aizawa, jumped down the stairs, goggles over his eyes and scarfs ready to attack. Katsuki barely registered anything as he looked for the green, curly hair. He heard Thirteen telling them all to get to the door and evacuate. Smoke appeared between the students and the door, though, cutting off Iida's running.

As the warp-quirk villain materialized, the green-haired one stepped out of the smoke. They had their hands in their pockets, eyes scanning over the students as the smoke one talked. Katsuki knew that the speech the other was making was supposed to make him scared, but instead it made him more angry—even if he was barely making sense of the words. He clenched his fists and felt Kirishima doing the same next to him. Thirteen said something back, but him and the red head were jumping forward. He didn't know why exactly, but he was really pissed and wanted to punch something. It was probably the fact that the itching feeling wouldn't leave him, and the more he looked at the green-haired villain, the more dots connected. What better to punch than a villain?

An explosion blasted out of his palm, aimed right between the two villains in a wide right swing. Kirishima was right behind him, swinging for the warp villain specifically. To Katsuki's surprise, both moved out of the way with ease. The smoke villain seemed to sigh as his smoke body moved back into place. Katsuki turned his head to look at the green-haired one, only to be met with a solid kick to his face. He was thrown back with the force, and faintly recognized that the shoe was probably steel toed, just from the feeling. Kirishima was thrown back, too, by the smoke villain. Katsuki opened his eyes again, rubbing his jaw where he was kicked. The green-haired villain's bright eyes stared at him almost bored as he slowly lowered his foot from where it still was in the air.

Katsuki stared into those eyes intently, trying to make out anything in the familiar eyes. The green-haired villain adjusted the black gloves he had on and tilted his head up to look at the warp villain.

"Told you," he said, before turning his face back to the students and raising an eyebrow. "Right swing every time."

Katsuki stiffened, instantly recognizing the voice. He shook off the hand that was pulling him back and jumped to his feet. He scowled again and stared at the green-haired villain. The students were all whispering and mumbling things as the sounds of Eraserhead fighting with the other villains seemed to echo distantly in Katsuki's ears as he stared at the other. He barely heard Thirteen saying something to him—just sounds without any real definition to the words. He felt his legs take a few steps forward, and the green-haired villain tilted his head to the side again like he was asking Katsuki to say something.

"Izuk-" he whispered, but multiple hands grabbed onto his arms and pulled him back into the crowd of students.

Immediately, he started struggling against the hold, shouting incoherently. He noticed Todoroki staring at him in confusion, and most of the others not holding him back doing the same. Thirteen stepped in front of the students, the small cap on one of their fingers opening up and the vortex beginning to draw the villains in. He stared in horror as the green-haired one slid along the ground a little, being dragged forward with just the force and the smoke one started shifting back, trying to resist the pull. Katsuki could care less about them. He was more worried that who was probably his childhood friend could die a few feet away from him.

Then, another smoke portal appeared in front of Thirteen and one behind them, the vortex following through and thoroughly destroying the pro-hero's back. Thirteen stumbled on their feet before collapsing. A few students went and helped support them.

"Scatter them," the green-haired villain ordered, pointing a finger at the students. "But leave Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, too. A-K-A explosion boy, red and white, and Ingenium-Junior."

"Right," the smoke villain said.

The students all tensed up a little bit and glanced at the three referenced. Next thing they knew, the dark smoke washed over the group, forming a giant dome of moving darkness. Students shouted to each other as the wind started swirling with the smoke. Katsuki held an arm over his eyes, and squinted against the dust that was kicked up. His eyes ended up closed as his feet slid back along the cement a little.

He couldn't believe it. It was impossible, right? There's no way Midoriya Izuku was a villain. Almost every day Katsuki could remember, Izuku fawned over heroes. He had kept notebooks of hero research! Even if the other did have a change of heart, he was quirkless! What use could he be to a villain organization?!

The smoke started to clear and the blonde looked around frantically. Almost every student was gone, leaving Katsuki, Todoroki, Iida, and a few other students near the side of the platform holding the injured Thirteen. Katsuki turned back to face the villains with his usual scowl. Todoroki glanced around in shock before turning to glare at the villains. The green-haired villain scoffed and looked over at the students who had escaped his teammate's range.

"Thirteen isn't fully out of action," the green-haired villain mumbled, looking up at the smoke villain from the corner of his eye. "And Uraraka Ochako is still here, her anti-gravity powers would send you sky high."

Katsuki paused for a second to think about how he knew the name and quirk, but quickly dismissed it as the itching feeling of being watched. He clenched his fists again.

"Deku!" he shouted. The green-haired villain looked up in surprise. "That's who you are right?"

The green-haired villain looked up to his teammate and shrugged. He pressed a button on an arm-band and a shock wave went out. The ground cracked and Iida collapsed to his knees, electricity going up the metal parts of his legs and shot pain up his spine. Todoroki and Katsuki both stumbled a little at the force. Todoroki glanced at the other in concern, and felt something wrap around his right ankle. He looked back up at the villains, following the wire that was snug around his leg to the same band on the green-haired boy's arm. The other pressed another button and ice shot along the string.

Ice hit Todoroki's skin, creeping over his hero costume. He heated up his skin and melted the ice and wire off subconsciously, also through the leg of his costume by extent. The green-haired villain immediately pulled a notebook out of his jacket and started writing things down with a pen that seemed to come out of no where. Katsuki instantly recognized the slightly charred composition notebook from when he blew it up and threw it out a window. He felt a pang of guilt at the memory, wondering for a second if he was what made his old friend fall into villainy.

Katsuki shook it off and ran forward, right fist swinging back.

"Why the hell won't you answer me!?" he shouted loudly.

The green-haired villain just ducked out of the way like he could tell exactly where the other was going to end up. The notebook and pen vanished back into the dark coat. Katsuki glared at the other with a scowl but found himself getting hit again. A knee slammed into his stomach and completely stopped his momentum. He hacked dryly looked up at the other in surprise. The green-haired villain swung his leg up again, hitting Katsuki in the chin. He set off an explosion, swinging for the others head, only to have the other duck down. A gloved hand pressed to his stomach, right where he had just been hit.

Another shock wave went off, the direct contact causing Katsuki's head to spin as he stumbled backwards. He grit his teeth and reached his hands out, setting off a flurry of explosions. The attacks stopped for a second and Katsuki got proper footing back. He noticed that the smoke villain wasn't next to the other, but he only dismissed it as one less fighter.

Behind him, Todoroki was watching the fight analytically. When the smoke cleared, the green-haired villain's mask was now covered his entire face. His arms were up, the bands on his arms taking the blunt of it. The lull of the silence only lasted for a few seconds, and the villain was moving again, arm swinging back. His fore arm flashed with electricity and it all swelled at his finger tips and palm. Todoroki ran forward, stopping a little behind Katsuki. Ice shot out from where his left foot hit the ground, shooting out and catching the green-haired villain off-guard. The energy that had build up was slammed into the wall of ice instead of his intended target of the blonde. The villain yelped loudly as the blast also knocked him back, rolling in backwards somersaults along the cement until he skidded to a stop on his back, legs flopping to the ground limply.

Katsuki let out a sigh in relief, glancing up at the other student who was regarding him blankly. He scowled again and turned back to face the green-haired villain.

"Thanks..." he grumbled, standing up straight despite the pain in his stomach.

"Do you know him?" Todoroki asked after nodding to the others comment.

"... I think so," Katsuki said, eyes narrowing as the green-haired boy sat up and climbed to his feet. "But it's really only the hair and eyes."

"Green hair does seem unique..." Todoroki muttered. He turned to face where the villain was dusting himself off. The ice wall he had put up, obliterated by the energy it had stopped. "... What's his name if he is who you think he is?"

"Midoriya Izuku," Katsuki hissed, memories of the days after Izuku's disappearance flashing in his head.

"But you shouted 'Deku'...?" the other pointed out.

"Old nickname," the blond answered simply. "That notebook belonged to him too..."

"If you know all that, then why are you second guessing it?" Todoroki asked, holding his hand out at the ready to launch another wave of ice.

"He's supposed to be quirkless..."

The two students stared across the empty space at the villain as he shook rocks and dust out of his green hair. Todoroki glanced at Katsuki out of the corner of his eye, concerned. Old connections might just make the battle harder to handle. Katsuki stubbornly shook his head and clenched his fists, setting off small test explosions.


Izuku frowned under his mask as he picked through his hair, getting rid of the dirt. He looked back up at the students. Kurogiri was handling Thirteen and the other students, Ingenium-Junior lumped in as he tried to figure out what was wrong with his legs. Izuku felt a flicker of pride at his own weapon's effectiveness. But that wasn't the problem now.

He started grinning again and flicked one of the switches on his arm-band. Little bolts of energy flashed between the generators on his arm before solidifying in a blade the stretched over his hand, flashing and twitching in small lightning-like flashes.

Todoroki and Katsuki were meeting his expectations, so far.

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