Queen She Is

By MaddyisRoll

205K 8K 966

//Sequal to Human She Was\\ ~ "I don't bow down to anyone. Especially when they are a human scum" I could onl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Im Sorry

Chapter Eleven

10K 407 49
By MaddyisRoll

"You didn't have to bring that skank with you" Damien rolled his eyes at his mothers attempt of bad mouthing me.

"Mother I really don't like you taking to her that way. She is the Queen now and you will give her respect"
He growled.

His mother only rolled her eyes at that, crossing her arms and standing up straight. Always something about her aura gave me a weird feeling about her. She has such confidence, maybe she got that because she was Queen for so long.

"Anyways I heard about this little stunt your both about to pull. Going into enemy territory? Are you actually stupid? Damien I raised you better than that"

"Mother I'm an adult now and I get to make my own choices. I know what I'm doing"

"Clearly you don't as you have yet to reject this thing" he slammed his fist down on the table.

"That's it! I've had it with your attitude and lack of respect for my mate and your Queen. You best start acting like you know your place" he snapped.

She didn't even flinch even if Axel was almost using his alpha voice on her. How can she do that? I would be cowering in fear right now if that was me.

"I suggest you watch yourself when you head into enemy lines. It would be a shame for something to happen to you" her voice was filled with such poison.

"Fine are we done here then. Be gone" she turned away from us, going to her desk. Damien looked mad, really mad.

"Let's go Claire" he grabbed my hand a bit too hard making me wince. He didn't seem to care as he continued to drag me out of the room.

"Damien my hand" I slapped his lightly. He let go of me immediately when he noticed.

The door slammed shut behind us making me flinch. He grumbled another curse under his breathe.

"Look I'm gonna go say everything up for the expedition. Do me a favor and don't get in trouble while I'm out Alright?" I nodded.

He pulled me in kissing my forehead then turned on his heel leaving me there.

Now would be a good time to go back to his office and get those tapes.


I made sure he wasn't in there before I snuck inside. I quietly shut the door. I sighed walking to the rug. The broken cassette player was still there. Thank god he didn't notice.

I picked it up setting it on the desk then went to retrieve the little box. I still had the key on me. I opened up the little box taking out the first tape. I glanced at the broken cassette player and sighed.

Maybe It will still work somehow.

I put the tape in, shutting the little compartment. I pressed play and just waited. No sound. I hit the top of it and jumped back hearing a screeching noise. I hit it again and relaxed hearing a voice.

"-first session. Damien...can you at least look up at me? You are safe now, there is no need to panic..." It was a gentle and smooth voice of a man.

Movement was heard as if someone was adjusting themselves in their seat. I heard the sound of a boy groaning, aggressively hitting something hard with I assume his fist.

"Prince Damien your going to hurt yourself" there was what seemed like a struggle.

"It hurts. My head...they are gonna get me" Another struggle and the boy seemed to yell out in pain.

He must be shifting, this might be the first time his personality was switching. More struggling noises until the boy was panting.

"Damien's gone! They trapped us in cell and he was beaten so bad! Oh god. I felt so helpless I was so scared. Where's my brother?!"

"Your brother Damien? Prince Damien I don't understand you are him.."

"What are you talking about? I'm Liam! Please I don't have time for this I want my brothers!" There was more struggling.

It was almost as if a fight was breaking out. There was a loud thump them the shattering of a glass. Then there was silence. The sound of another man enetering the conversation.

"I apologize about the mess. It seems my sons don't understand anything that has happened to them. They are only children" the voice sounded so adult, so mature.

"P-Prince Damien?" The Doctor spoke in a panic.

"No Anderson. It's your King. I may be trapped in my sons body but you will still do as I say. I want no one to know of this understood? No one. The castle will go into lockdown and the humans will scatter once we make them believe that girl is dead. Do I make myself clear?" It sent shivers to my spine.

"Yes sir. Of coarse sir" he sounded scared.

"As my last order I want no record of that human. I also want no humans allowed in my territory until we get the upper hand and then my presence will be known again understood?" I'm assuming the doctor nodded in agreement as there was then silence.

I waited a bit before the tape had stopped, showing the recording was done. I processed what I had just listen to.

That was the other personality. The fifth personality. The father. He's been behind this the whole thing. The question is how did he manage to still be aware of the situation in the body of a seven year old?

I glanced at the other tapes seeing there was a lot, they were all in order. I wonder to what extent the fifth personality shows.

Knowing this makes me question how dangerous he really is. How much does he know?

The door to the office slammed shut making me jump. My eyes widen seeing Damien in a different posture. His overall aura had changed as well, my head was pounding in pain.

"You stupid girl...what make you think you can go through my things?"


Sorry sorry sorry. I love you guys <3

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