Mr.Styles (H.S Fanfic)

By finelineNS

42K 666 689

The young beautiful Maria trying to pass her last year in high school peacefully without anything to ruin her... More

Author Notes
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22

Part 11

1.5K 28 64
By finelineNS

-Harry's POV-
"Yes hon why not" I picked my slice of pizza and beat it. Clare here was mumbling about god knows what and I was only answering her when it's needed and kept nodding my head the way students do when they try to show the teacher that they are totally focusing with them but in reality they are not.

I turned around after I heard another loud laugh to see my group and Louis's enjoying their meal together laughing. I wish I could set with them and laugh instead of settling here like an old grey teacher pretending to listen to what other adults say I mean don't understand me wrong I'm an adult but there's nothing wrong about setting with some younger people and have a laugh right?

I kept watching the happy students laughing and having smile on their faces when I noticed something...Maria is not there...her chair is empty. I saw her getting up five or six minutes ago thought she's going to the toilet but it's been a good while now she could be back.

"Harry are you even listening to me?" Clare said with annoying voice. Louis next to me chuckled and I glare at him

"I'll be right back.." I took my napkin from my lap and put it down on the table.

"Where you going mate?" Louis whispered after Clare and Mrs. white was busy chatting with each other
"Maria is not with her friends I'm going to look after her" I whispered back. Louis gave me suspicions look
"What? I'm just making sure my group is safe chill out dude" I rolled my eyes and get up.

I went to the big table that her friends are setting in "hey guys!" I said smiling softly

"Hey Mr. Styles is everything alright?" Noor said
"Eh, yeah just thought about checking on you..where's Maria?"

"She got a phone call and then she get up I don't know where she goes..."her friend Jenna shrug

"What? What direction exactly?" I asked hopefully anyone noticed
"I think she went off of the restaurant.." Logen

God what if something happened to her? I tried not to show them my nervousness so they won't get worried
"Okay guys thank you I will see where's she you can continue your meal" I said and left Towered the main entrance of the restaurant

I get out and saw that it started raining but not too heavy just a couple of drops but I think it's gonna get worse because they sky is totally grey from the clouds

I looked around but it was hard to see from the rain "Maria!" I shouted but no reply

I started jogging where's she? God "Maria!" I run down the street the rain is getting heavy with every step I took my body shivering from the cold wind that hits me with every jog I made.

From the distance I saw a shadow of a girl setting on the ground her knees up to her chest I recognized the curls. "Maria!" I run to her

By the time I reached her I was head to toe wet I pushed the stand of curls that fall over my face. I thought she was hurt or something panic took all over my body "ma..Maria!" I kneeled down in front of her.

She left her head slowly I looked at her eyes even with the dark sky and all the rain I could see her red eyes and tears on her bright pink cheeks and nose "omg what's wrong baby? Why you crying?" I said pulling her to my chest

She hold into my jacket tightly crying harder "shh it's okay I gottach.." I run my hand over her wet T-shirt from behind. I felt her shivering from the cold wind so I fast pulled away I took my jacket off and put it over her shoulders. I helped her up on her feet and hugged her close to my body scared that she would fall if I let go.

We started walking again back to the restaurant direction. When we arrived there the rain slowed but didn't stopped. I saw the bus in front of the restaurant's entrance and Louis was holding a big umbrella hurrying the students in to the bus.

I let go of Maria shoulder but kept a farm hold on her waist to keep her balance. "It's okay I'm gonna keep you safe" I whispered softly into her ear hopefully to soothe her a little.
I still don't know what's happened with her or what was this phone call she got but I didn't want to push her so I guess I'm gonna ask her later.

"Harry come on hurry up we are leaving!" Louis said when he saw us coming he give a small smile to Maria who was absolutely zoned out on her own world staring into the floor like she gonna make a hole into it.
I squeeze her waist letting her know that she had to climb the stairs of the bus which she did and I followed behind her.

Everyone was laughing and chatting but when they saw both of us getting into the bus completely socked with my jacket around Maria everyone stopped talking and I heard a couple of gasping

"Oh my god Maria sister what happened?" Noor get up from her seat next to Virginia and came to Maria who was still looking at the bus floor

"I'm- I'm fine..Noor don't- don't worry I just..lost my way.." she whispered shakily

"Noor come on before the bus move go back to your seat and wear your seatbelt" I ordered Noor gave her sister one last worried look before she nodded her head and went back to her seat.

I guided Maria to her seat next to the window and I set next to her still worried about her.

Clare came to me and throw Maria's jacket that she forget into the restaurant harshly on my face I catch it and said thank you she just rolled her eyes and disappear in the front of the bus

I tried to take my jacket softly off of Maria's shoulders but she kept a tight hold on it "Maria..give me this one it's socked" I whispered she just nodded still not looking up from her lap.

I took my jacket slowly off of her shoulders and put hers instead ", your seatbelt..wear it" I said softly and she nodded again and put her seatbelt.
Okay now I'm very worried what the hell was this phone call that made Maria's mood change completely like that? she was so happy and cheeky two hours ago in the museum

The bus started moving and Louis was checking the students "Sarah wear your seatbelt please..." he said to the girl in the front while he continued moving in the bus checking everybody.

When he reach me he looked with his worried eyes at my wet state I just nodded my head telling him I'm fine and smiled softly at him he nodded back and continue checking the back of the bus and set in his seat with his group in the very back.

I looked out the window...

And then back to Maria she was looking outside the window with focused eyes like she's deep in thoughts. I was about to ask her if she's okay but decided against it...she needs time.

After the bus stilled in one speed on the Main Street miss Clare stand up
"Okay guys so bad news as you can see it's raining really bad at the moment... aand I can't risk you getting sick we already have Mr. Styles and Maria wet from head to toe so, let's just cancel today. We are going back to the hotel" she shrugged and set down after she finished her speech. Why she had to mention us in this! God I don't like her at all.

I rolled my eyes and lowered my head in my hands after I saw a couple of students looking at our direction and whispered.

"I'm sorry..." I heard a faint whispered I burly believed that I heard it but when I looked up and saw Maria looking at me with sad eyes my heart hurt for her, she's making eye connect with me for the first time.
I set straight in my seat and get closer to her

"Hey it's okay you don't have to be sorry.." I smiled softly

"No it's all my fault you're like this because of me.." she whispered looking at her lap again
"Hey hey look at me" I stopped my self from putting my fingers under her chin to make her look at me again realizing that we're not alone

"Maria it's okay... I was worried sick about you.. please promise me you won't do that again" I said with hopeful voice

She looked up at me and smiled "I promise I'm sorry again" I shook my head and smiled at her
"It's okay"

"I guess I ruined something else" she pointed at my wet jacket in my lap and beat her lower lip trying to hold a smile

"Eh, it's Gucci..but it's fine I have three others" I smirked chuckling after that. She just chuckled and nodded her head at least I know she's okay now.

"Har- Mr.Styles?" Maria called after awhile of silence
"Mmm?" I said still my eyes closed and my head leaned back on the chair

"When we gonna go back to LA?" She asked with small voice
I opened my eyes and looked at her with confused eyes "why is everything alright? I thought you're enjoying the time here"

"Yeah I's just- nothing.." she shook her head and looked outside the window. I wanted to ask but I know Maria won't tell me that easily so I'll wait until maybe we can be alone later

-Maria's POV-
We get out of the bus and I feel much better now I stopped shivering from the cold wind because I wear my warm jacket.

Mr. Tomlinson make sure we all get out of the bus safely and Harry kept his hand on my lower back I know it's wrong and some students will start talking if they notice but I don't care at this point because I need him.

"Come on guys hurry up!" Louis said after he hurried the last students with Mrs. white inside the hotel

"Okay so, you are all here?" He breathed out
Miss Rainy checked the names and I was burly standing on my feet all I want right now is to rest.

I felt Harry's hand squeezing my hip assuring me that she will be over soon. I looked up at him and give him a small smile. His hair still wet stuck on his forehead he reached out and moved the loose of curls from his eyes and push it backward.

"Okay guys you can go to your rooms now" miss Rainy finish and I released a sigh of relief.

Me, Jenna, Louis and Harry get into one elevator because we are in the same floor. You know this awkward moments that happen when you are in the elevator with some people? that pressure you feel that getting heavy with every second that pass? Yeah that's exactly how I feel right now so awkward standing with both of my teachers.

While Jenna in the other side she doesn't look bothered at all she kept her eyes on her phone and Mr. Tomlinson have a weird smirk on his face while he's eyeing Harry up and down. Harry just glare at him giving him a look saying 'if you open your mouth you're dead man' .

The elevator's doors opened and Harry let me step out first. Louis and Jenna seemed too busy with their phones that they went to their rooms without a second words leaving me and Harry standing there awkwardly

Harry cleared his throat "um, hope you feel alright now?" He say shifting his weight from foot to another

"Yeah..I'm feeling better.." I whispered looking down at my feet
"Hey.." he left my chin up to look at him "you sure you're okay?" He asked with worried eyes

I just don't get it when it's comes to him it's like in one minute he can shut me out completely and the other minute he all open up. He's so confusing to me

"I'm okay.. I'm just- I feel like I ruined the day.." I whispered

He chuckled " not the one who made it raining so I don't think so" I chuckled with him

"Okay...I should leave you to rest now..text me if you need anything I'm only two minutes away" he said backing away ready to leave to his room direction

"Okay...thank you sir" I whispered he just nodded his head with cold stare and turned walking away.

I get into the hotel room to find Jenna changed and already fast sleeping on her bed. This girl has no chill she always sleep when it comes to rainy days. She's a bear

I head to the bathroom taking my wet clothes off and stepping into the shower letting the warm feeling of the water covering me.

After the phone call with Zayn all I'm thinking about is my parents and when we gonna go back to LA

I can't allow something bad happen again not after the last time they fought...

I get out of the shower. Blow dry my hair and putting a per of jeans and a shirt with a black jacket. It's currently 4:37 pm that's mean there's no way I'm sleeping now and if I did I won't sleep at night

I took a book I was reading on with me and I get out of the room and went to set on the chair next to the big window at the end of the hallway and started reading a little it's so calming. I know I said I'm tired but it was only stressful day after that shower I feel much better. I looked out side the window and saw the rain has stopped and the sunset on display behind the clouds it's just breathtaking but the buildings make it hard to see a clear view.

An idea popped into my head so I get up and get into the elevator. I pressed the last bottom on the top of the elevator's bottoms and the doors closed.

After some minutes the doors opened and I was faced with the most breathtaking view and the cold wind.

I hugged my jacket closer to my body and stepped farther out into the rooftop.

After some minutes I decided to order something to drink so I simply get my phone out of my pocket and deal the hotel restaurant's number.

I ordered my drink and waited a couple of minutes before the elevator's doors opened and a nice waiter stepped out. Did I mentioned that there's a couple of tables around on the rooftop? Well..they are just small couple of tables but no one here because it's freezing only crazy people like me who would come up here.

The waiter put my drink on the table and I payed for it "thank you.." I whispered setting down on the chair looking out the view

"No problem.." his voice is raspy but friendly

I waited for a couple of seconds but I could feel his present still there so I turned around looking at him with confused

"Sorry it's just I'm one comes up here in the cold weather and leaving a beautiful girl like you alone here to freeze to death seems so wrong" he chuckled

I shook my head smiling softly with a blush "don't worry I'm fine... I just...I need a clear air...and thank you for the compliment by the way" I chuckled

"You're welcome...can I..Ehm set here if you don't mind?" He asked pointing at the chair next to me

I then realized how beautiful this boy is his blue eyes are just captivating and his long blond hair is up in a messy bun he's just so attractive. God Maria from where you find all those people?

I nodded my head and he set down right next to me "my name's Theo" he reached his hand out for me to shake I took it "Maria..." I blushed softly I don't know if it's the cold wind that made my cheeks heat up or it's just that hella fine boy setting with me

I looked again at the beautiful view it's just I can't seems to get my eyes off of it. I picked up my drink and took a sip from it.

"Your hair's so beautiful.." he whispered next to my ear reaching up and taking a curls between his fingers touching it softly

I turned my head to him to find out that we're only inches away from each other our shoulders are burly touching

I looked deep into his ocean eyes then my eyes traveled down his face features his red nose from the cold wind and his dimple smile that make my heart beats faster. His red rosey lips holding beautiful smile they're just so kissable. His jawline was flexible enough to cut straight line through me

"Thank you..." I whispered softly after awhile
"Yeah...they're like a strings of gold but have this rich honey color in them" it's like a poem the words coming out of his mouth sounds like the most beautiful poem I've ever heard with his thick Italian accent that get me dizzy

"Actually...they're only brown...maybe the sun made them looks like that" I whispered shyly I don't know what's gets into me

He just smiled at me and looked out at the view in front of us. I then had the chance to look at what he's wearing, simple white blouse and a jeans with a lot of accessories, he wears rings, two necklaces and earring it's not like he's wearing a uniform like the other waiters I saw in this morning

"So, Theo you're working here as a waiter?" I asked taking a sip from my drink

"Not dad own the place I sometimes help him with management business when it's getting too much on him...and when your school trip came here I needed to help him with some stuff" he explained

"But that doesn't mean you work as a waiter here right? I mean why did you bring the drink if you're not a waiter?"

He chuckled and looked at me again "I can say you captivated me...I first saw you this morning before you go out I couldn't get you out of my head... and I was in the restaurant
When u called four minutes ago so I thought about getting you the drink is there something wrong about that?"

I shook my head with a blush this is the first time a guy telling me that I was in their mind all day "no S'fine.."

I cleared my throat "I think I should go back now.." I get up and he did the same

"Yeah...Maria can I ask you something?" He said with nervous voice

"Eh, sure" I faced him
"Are you free.. I don't know tomorrow? Maybe We can go out somewhere you know?..." he said looking at the floor and back to my eyes

Is he asking me out now?? "Ehh, I don't know honestly... I don't think they allow us to go out without the school or any teacher..."

"Can you I don't know ask one of the teachers if they allow you to go out just for one hour or two not too much" he rushed nervously Aw he's cute

"I'll see what I can do about that.." I smiled
"Great! Can I...have your number?" He asked
"Sure.." he hand me his phone and I wrote down my number. Jesus Christ he own iPhone 11 pro can I date him already?

I cleared my throat again "here...see you around" I whispered and headed to the elevator taking it back to my floor.

I stand there in the elevator with a smack grin on my face I don't know why I'm smiling. I felt my phone dinging in my pocket telling me I have a message. I took it off and unlock it

Hey it's Theo :)

I smiled typing him a fast "hi :)" and closing the phone when the elevator 'ding!' And the doors opened

I wasn't looking when I walked into someone I backed up and looked at the tall guy to be met with jade green eyes. He looked down at me with confused I just smiled nervously at him

"Sorry I wasn't looking.." I whispered fast and get out of the elevator and jogged down the hallway to my room

When I get inside I closed the door and locked it behind me I took my jacket and shoes off and leaned back on the door "god that was weird..." I whispered to my self


    I have no idea for the next chapter honestly, but really guys thank you Mr. Styles just reached 1.9k readers which is wow! Really I never thought it will get that famous I wasn't planning on anything but thank you so much.

And did you hear "LIGHTS UP"?? I can't fucking stop listening to it! It's amazing I'm so proud of him. Anyway please don't forget to vote and share the chapter
All my love. N

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