In Love With My Kidnapper . (...

By LastKing_Minnie

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This is a Mindless Behavior Adventure Love story . I ran . Running and running . I kept on running until I... More

In Love With My Kidnapper . (A Mindless Behavior Story)
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Final)

Chapter 22

15.6K 469 250
By LastKing_Minnie

I quickly pushed Chresanto away from me and fixed myself before Jordan and Arianna entered . Whew !

"Hey baby"-Jordan smiled and me which then faded as he saw Chresanto 

"What's he doing here ?"-Jordan continued 

"He thought that he would come and visit"-I said 

"For Yn and my baby girl, Ari. Obviously"-Chresanto added as he sat up 

"Mhmm"-Jordan said as he gave me Arianna 

"Give my baby girl to me "-Chresanto said as he reached for Ari

"Here"-I smiled and gave Ari to Chresanto but Ari started crying 

Chresanto tried calming Arianna down but it got worse and she wailed louder . 

"Dada !"-She screamed and begged Jordan to take her

As soon as Jordan took her, she stopped crying and I looked over at Chresanto whose face was now a little red . He looked angry .

"What did she just call him"-Chresanto asked 

"Clearly, she likes me more than you and she called me her dad ... Quite frankly because I am"-Jordan smirked and held Arianna really close 

"THIS IS BULLSHIT MAN !"-Chresanto stood up 

"Chresanto calm down please"-I flinched at his tone 

"SHUT UP !"-Chresanto shouted casuing me to jump

"Ay ! Stop will all of that noise & don't speak to my girl like that tf you think this is ?!"-Jordan gave me Ari and sized Chresanto up 

"Will you 2 just stop it ! Why are yall fighting anyways ?! Because Ari called Jordan daddy, Chresanto huh ? Jordan, why are you mad ? You know I hate it when you argue ! I thought you knew better !"-I shouted leaving the room silent 

"You're right . Baby I'm sorry"-Jordan hugged me tightly, smirking making Chresanto's blood boil

"Apologize to each other"-I said as I pulled away 

"I'm sorry Yn"-Chresanto apologised and hugged me tightly too but only this time, he grabbed my ass and smirked at Jordan 

"GET OFF HER !"-Jordan shouted as he punched Chresanto in the nose, causing me to jump 

You knew this is wasn't going to end well so you stepped out of the way. Chresanto looked at blood on his hands then looked back at Jordan with evil eyes, you could have sworn that he looked like the lucifier himself and knowing how bad Chres' anger problems were, on God would have blessed Jordan with a miracle to not to go to hospital.

Chres attacked Jordan and then they both started fighting going back and forth, I couldn't really see what was happening but Chresanto was beating the shit out of Jordan . I tried pulled Chresanto off of Jordan but it wasn't working . I soon saw flashing lights and the sound of the police, that managed to to Chresanto, he tried to escape but it was too late. The police barged through the door and I held Arianna very close to me .

"Stand up ! Put your hands behind your back now !"-The police shot at Chresanto 

"Oh my gosh"-I whispered as I was shocked as to everything that had just happened

"He's unresponsive"-A paramedic said as she felt on Jordan's pulses 

"Ma'am are you alright ? Is your baby okay ?"-An officer asked but I was just taken aback as to everything that was going on that I didn't even realize what the officer asked 

Everyone in the neighbourhood were now looking outside their windows and doors just to see what was going on. I saw Chrresantno being hand cuffed and geting into the back of the car and I saw Jordan's body being wheeled into the van.

"Ma'am ... Ma'am, we'll need you to come down to the police station"-The police officer said 

"What ? now ?"-I asked

"Yes. We need you to come and write down a statement"-The police officer nodded 

"What about Jordan ?"-You asked 

"Who ?"-The police asked

"The man that got wheeled away"-You explained

"He will be fine, you may go and visit him at the hospital after ther interview down at the police station"-The police said and walked away 

20 minutes later

At the police station

Chresanto's P.O.V

"So sir, you realize that what you did was assult ?"-The police officer said slamming ssome papers onto the desk

"No it wasn't ! Man this is some bullshit !"-Chresanto held the bridge of his nose trying to calm down

"If you do not realize, you damn well could have killed that other guy, he was badly beaten Mr. August !"-The police officer protested

"So you're saying that imma go to jail ?!"-Chresanto fired back

"Well we'll see on your court date"-The police said 

"Whatever man"-Chresanto looked off to the side

"Sorry for interrupting but, here's Yn's statement"-Another officer said 

"Aha, thank you"-The officer said taking your statement

The officer read your statement and sighed hard.

"Come with me"-The officer motioned for me to get up

We walked round to the front where Yn was waiting with Arianna in her arms.

"Okay Miss.(YLN), Mr. August, this is a very serious situation that we cannot just let down, we have decided to take this matter to court and your court date will be in 2 days"-The officer said 

"WHAT ?!"-Me and Chres both shouted

"Yes and the court will decide as for the consequences"-The police nodded 

End of P.O.V

YN's P.O.V

You was mad at Chres because this time he went too far that now Jordan is badly beaten and he could risk himself for being put in jail. He tried to apologize buy you just walked out of the station mad.

At The Hospital

"Yes, Jordan Calloway... What room is he in ?"-You asked 

"He's in room 304 on the 3rd floor"-The receptionist said

"Alright thank you"-You said and made your way to Jordan's room

"Ooh hello, are you here for Jordan Calloway ?"-The doc asked

"Yes, he's my boyfriend"-You smiled

"Oh"-The doc said and sighed 

"Uhh... Is everything okay ?"-You asked a little worried

"Yes, he had some stitches in his left eye, a bandage wrapped around his head as he had some pretty bad wounds, he's also unconscious but you can go and see him if you would like"-The doc said

"Yes please and thank you"-You said 

"No problem"-The doc smiled and walked off

You slowly walked inside of the hospital room and you began to feel anxious because you really hated hospitals as they made you feel some type of way whenever you were in them. Anyways you looked up to see Jordan's damn near battered face, poor guy. He was unconscious too, you felt tears swell up in your eyes at just the horrible sight of him. All because of one person ..


You sighed and went to go and sit on the chair that neared his bed and grabbed his hand.

"This is all my fault baby, you will be fine as the doc said but just be strong for me and Ari. I hate Chresanto too don't worry I'm with you on this one but please just wake up"-You said kissing his hand

2 Days Later

At Court

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