Chapter 25

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Chresanto's P.O.V

I woke up to shukkling around the room, I rubbed my eyes and saw Yn limping to the bathroom, damn I must have put in work. I couldn't help but chuckle. She turned her head back to me and rolled her eyes, walking into the bathroom.

"I MUST HAVE PUT IN WORK !"-I chuckled and I heard Yn groan loud asf 

I shook my head and put on my boxers and jeans. I went to go and use the bathroom downstairs. After I was finished, I went to Arianna's room and she was sleeping. She sleeps alot and she had grown as well, she looked exactly like her mama. My smiled faded when the flashback came to when she called Jordan "daddy". Up to this day, it still pains me in my heart how she called Jordan that. I traced my finger in her little palm and she grabbed my finger. I couldn't help but to be happy again. That's my little girl and she knows who I am deep inside her heart .

"Well isn't this cute"-You said standing in the frame of the door

"I was just checking if she was okay"-I confessed

"Mhmm"-You walked past him and took Arianna out of the cot

"Wait Yn"-I said 

"What ?"-You asked 

"Yesterday, did you really mean it when you said that you hated me ?"-I asked 

"No"-You sighed. "I was just speaking out of anger"-You continued

"Oh because I was going to say that I didn't hate you. I was just speaking out of anger too"-I confessed 

"Okay"-You smiled and walked downstairs into the kitchen

"You know when I was in jail, not once did Symone come to visit me with our son"- I shook my head 

"Yeah and ?"-You asked with a little attitude

"It shows how much she cares about me. All she probably wanted was a baby by me"-I sighed 

"Well this isn't my business so don't discuss it with me. Go to her and discuss it"-You said shrugging your shoulders

"No. You're missing the point"-I said 

"Okay, what's the point then ?"-You asked 

"The point is, you seem to care about others, you're soo warm hearted unlike her. I don't know how man times I'm gonna apologize but I didn't mean to sleep with her intentionally, Yn. You the type of chick to look out for their boyfriend, tend and care for them. When he comes back from work, you'll be there cooking his food, you're independent and that's what makes you, you"-I preached 

"Thank you but what are you trying to say ?"-You asked with a smile on your face 

"Nothing. I just want you to know that you're the best"-I smiled 

"Thanks"-You cheesed

"I guess that I should be heading home then..."-I said 

"Okay, you can come back any time that you want"-You smiled

"Will do"-I nodded 

I went to go and get the remaining of my clothes then I headed out back home. I was gonna settle this right now so as soon as I got home, I marched upstairs to my bedroom to see Symone hugged up in bed with some random nigga.

"SYMONE ! "-I shouted making both her and the nigga wake up

"Shit"-She mumbled under her breath 

"Ay who tf is this ?"-The nigga asked looking at me up and down 

"Don't worry about me nigga . Symone you little bitch ! I swear to God if my son isn't fed because of your ass, we will see !"-I said storming out of that room and walking into Chres Jr's room to see him crying his eyes out 

I lifted him up and held him close, poor kid must have suffered the month. I stormed back into my room to find the both of them getting dressed.

"Why tf are you getting dressed now ?!"-I shouted 

"Chresanto I am soo sorry"-Symone apologized

"Sorry my ass. Me and Chresanto are out. You can play around with your little boy toys I don't give a fuck "-I spat 

"What tf you have a boyfriend ?"-The guy asked 

"Well uhh"-Symone started

"Hell no ! She used to. You can keep her hoe ass"-I said 

I packed off of mines and Chres Jr's clothes and toys and made our way back to your house. Hope that, that bitach has a happy life. I was now soo mad I couldn't even concentrate properly. My main focus was on my son and how he coped through the month.

We soon got to Yn's house, she opened the door after a few knocks surprised to see that we were here.

"What are you doing here ?"-You asked 

"I'll explain but can we come in first ?"-I asked holing Chres Jr in my arms

"Yeah sure"-You stepped to the side and I walked in 

"So whats up & Why does he look like that ? He looks sick"-You said referring to Chres Jr

"Well, when I went back home, I saw Symone hugged up with some nigga in my bed, I was like hold the fuck up, the guy was clueless onhe was like  what the hell was going on ? Symone didn't tell him that I was living in the house with her. But then I thought about Chres Jr, I walked into his room to see his bawling out his eyes but he stopped as soon as he saw me. Man, God knows if that bitch fed my son or not. I couldn't stand being the the same house as her so I said that me and Chres Jr are out."-I explained 

"Damn"-You shook your head 

"I kinda brought all of our stuff ..."-I said scratching the back of my head

"Really nigga ?"-You have me the straight face 

"Come on, I don't have anywhere else to go right now"-I begged 

"Fine"-You rolled your eyes 

"Yessss, thanks"-I thanked her

"No problem but shouldn't you get him check out ?"-You asked 

"I will, I just needed somewhere to stay first"-I said 

"Okay"-You nodded 

No one's P.O.V 

You helped Chresanto take all of the stuff out of the car and move them in.

"Thank you"-Chres smiled

"No problem but take his tempreture to see if he is alright"-You said

"Alright"-Chres saud 

"I think that Ari just woke up from her nap so I'll be right back"-You said then walking out the room

Chresanto checked Chres Jr's tempreture and it was alright which was good, you came back with Ari in your arms.

"Is his tempreture all good ?"-You asked

"Yeah it's normal, I guess that he's just hungry"-Chresanto shrugged 

"I'll go and feed him for you then"-You suggested 

"Alright thanks"-Chresanto smiled and nodded then handed Chres Jr over

That evening

Chres Jr and Ari were getting along just fine which was good. It was time to bath them so you decided to bath Ari first then Chres Jr however something caught your eye which made you gasp in shock ...

In Love With My Kidnapper . (A Mindless Behavior Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें