Chapter 26

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You quickly called Chresanto into the bathroom and he came rushing in.

"What the hell happened to him ?"-You asked still in shock 

"What are you talking about ?"-Chresanto asked

"Look at his back, Chresanto !"-I shouted

There were belt marks , a few cuts and bruises all down his back. It looked pretty fresh.

"WHAT THE FUCK !"-Chresanto growled

"This is terrible"-You said 

Chresanto walked out angry as ever before I could even finish my sentence. A few moments later, I heard him barking on the phone to someone, I hated when Chresanto got angry especially how he has anger problems. I was scared that he would come back and take the anger out on me or something but he didn't. 


"I DON'T CARE JUST WATCH OUT BECAUSE KARMA WILL COME BACK AROUND !"-Chresanto barked and cut off the phone 

He stormed back into bathroom.

"Look, I'm sorry for all the shouting but... Look I'll just be back soon okay ? I need to clear my head"-Chresanto said 

"Okay"-I nodded 

He left. I didn't ask any additional questions due to he facct that he was already angry and pissed off. I carefully washed Chresanto Jr's little body which didn't really go well because he kept on crying. Poor little boy. I took him out the bath and dried him off, I scrambled round to find his pj's which I eventually found. I lotioned his body and I couldn't help but laugh because he was trying to battle sleep but he lost haha, I dressed him and rested him down next to Ari and left the room making sure that they were both tucked in well.

It wasn't even late but it had been a long day which made you feel a little tired. Well you had already showered so you thought why not watch a movie ? So you did. You grabbed a bowl and placed the freshly popped popcorn in it. You went and put in Lottery Ticket and proceeded to watch.

About 45 minutes into the movie, you fell asleep . Chresanto walked in later which eventually woke you up.

"Oh so now you come back"-You said rubbing your eyes

"Yeah"-Chresanto slurred

"What's that smell ? You've been smoking ?"-You asked stopping him 


"No"-Chresanto squinted his eyes

"Why are your eyes red ?"-You asked

"Man you ask alot of questions"-Chresanto hissed and pushed past you upstairs

Well that was weird. 

You turned off the lights and went upstairsto bed .

The Next Morning

You woke up to the smell of breakfast, you was a little confused then you remember that Chresanto was also staying at the house . You walked downstairs to see Chresanto feeding Ari and Chres Jr, you couldn't help but smile.

"Well well well. Look at what we have here"-You smirked standing in the door frame

"Good morning to you too"-Chresanto smiled at you 

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