''You.'' || Hamilton Oneshots

נכתב על ידי SerenityRobbins

3.7K 76 20

A Collection of Hamilton One Shots, So Original; I know. Taking Requests Via Message, Dont be afraid to ask... עוד

Thomliza || Hiding.
Hamliza || Off
Elams || Party
Hamgelica/ Hamliza || Secret || {2}
Thomgelica || Mr. and Mrs. Powell
Thomgelica || Mr. and Mrs. Powell Part 2
Thomgelica || Mr. and Mrs. Powell Part 3
Hamliza || Flattered
Hamliza || Blessing || {Flattered Part 2}
Lams || Angel
Hamliza || Chains
Lauriza || Sick Day

Hamgelica/ Hamliza || Secret

392 5 1
נכתב על ידי SerenityRobbins

Based off of another rp. Opinions on Hadestown? Gets a little steamy?

Alexander would be downstairs in the sitting room with Angelica. "I better get going, darling. Remember that Eliza will show up during sometime i'm gone." Angelica would say as she stood up. "Where are you going again?" Alex stood up as well and walked with her to the door. "My father needs me but Eliza and i made plans so i just thought you and her could hang out a while since you two barely do." Angelica would shrug as she kissed him and opened the door. "Alright, see you back tonight? Before dinner?" Alex would grab her hand before she could leave. "Before dinner, now i have to go- The carriage is here!" He'd smile as Angelica left and went to go sit down again, Alex would read over some letters.

Eliza's carriage pulled up not long after Angelica's left. Eliza was unaware that it would be just her and Hamilton, she was unmarried, something that her parents were not very happy about. But Eliza wanted to love someone for herself... even if they loved somebody else. Eliza stepped out of the carriage with her natural elegance and grace, over the past few years she matured. She had perfect manners and could easily host the summer society without being questioned.

She was excited to see her sister, it had been a while, Eliza had been staying at the pastures while Angelica and her husband had been staying in Philadelphia. Sometimes Eliza questioned why Angelica still wasn't with child, she was expected of it, Surely at her age and so far yet early in her marriage. But she didn't let it bother her, Her sisters life is her own, she didn't need to concern herself with private marriage matters.

Eliza gently tapped on the door, catching the glimpse of her carriage leave behind her. She quickly took a step back, maintaining her posture. She quickly re-adjusted her head of hair, making sure she was immaculate.

He'd stand up quickly and answered the door. "Hello, Ms.Schuyler. Come in." He'd step back so she could walk in.

She offered him a gentle smile, stepping inside. "Good Morning, Mr. Hamilton." She nodded.

"Morning." He'd close the door behind her. "I'm afraid it's going to be just us until dinner. Your father needed Angelica." He'd face Eliza and he found himself flustered when seeing her beauty, she was always breath taking to him.

Eliza let her smile falter for a moment before picking it back up. "Well, I am confident that if we find someway to entertain ourselves we will be fine." She tried to dismiss her sister's sudden change of plans.

"We haven't talked in a while, i'm sure something new has happened with you. Here please sit and we can chat." He'd snap his fingers and one of his servants would come out with a tray of tea for them.

She smiled, taking her coat off and leaving it on the coat rack. She placed her parasol beside it, before following him. "We have not talked in such a long time, you are very right." She nodded in agreement, taking a seat in the parlour with him.

He'd sit next to Eliza and poured her a cup of tea, handed it to her then made himself one. "Have you find someone for yourself yet?"

"You refer to my marriage situation?" She confirmed his question before continuing. "No. Not at the moment, It is a disappointment to my parents to say the least."

"Any man would love to be with you, are you playing hard to get again?" Alex tried for a year to win Eliza's heart but of course she played hard-to-get, yet her older sister Angelica opened up to him and he changed paths for her instead.

"Natural Instinct, I suppose." She laughed a little. "I am afraid of losing myself while trying to find myself." She justified herself, taking a sip of tea then looking at him, He was different out of his patriot uniform, she noticed how his eyes shined in the light now because the blue coat no longer stole the attention.

"I see. But you better start settling down soon before it's too late." He'd shrug. "Not that you have to rush but we don't get younger here." He'd chuckle but felt like he said a little too much.

"Ah, Well, Im afraid, Mr. Charmer, It is hard to find someone to trust." She reminded, sighing softly. "My dear sister is very lucky..." She shook her head, she had the same opportunity but she was too immature, she'd changed.

"I suppose she is, but the one who is lucky to have her, she is my first family in a way."

"Then consider yourself blessed." She merely stated, sipping her tea. Eliza looked as if she was almost 'bored' by his conversation, Dont express emotion, dont get caught. Something she showed herself.

"Well, anything exciting happen lately?"

"Mr Jefferson visited father." She said, nearly beaming. "My goodness, He is very much a flirt." She added, small laugh escaping her mouth.

He'd roll his eyes and groaned. "Sure is, even if he is married with a child." He'd shake his head and sip his tea.

"Dear me, Ever the man." She joked, sipping her tea lightly.

"I work with him everyday, he may be a sweet talker but not the brightest."

"Very confident, Are we Mr. Hamilton?"

"I am." He'd nod and sip his tea.

"Anything exciting with you?" She reflected his earlier question.

"No, no not really. Angelica has been helping me with some work things but that's it." He'd shrug.

"Miss living dear life on the edge?" She let a small smirk play on her face.

He'd chuckle. "Pfft."

"No, Please, Entertain me, Im finding this little, gossip rather dull." She laughed, sipping her tea.

"There's really much more to say but we have trying to have child of our own. I'm not sure if Angelica told you but she had a miscarriage last fall.. We didn't know she was pregnant but a day before.." He'd sip his tea again and looked at the ground.

"Oh. Dear me, my apologies, Mr. Hamilton." She offered a soft smile, before pressing her lips into a thin line.

"It's alright.. After that she now doesn't know if she's ready for a family, she's scared that it will happen again but we could always adopt a child at the orphanage if it came down to it."

Eliza nodded in agreement. "She is very strong Alexander, You will get your family, just be patient." She instructed, sipping her tea and edging in her seat a little.

"I would love to have my son already but i'll wait if it makes Angelica happy. And yes, i need to be patient." He'd nod and looked back up to her.

Eliza just softly smiled. "Ever the man." She repeated, noticing his confidence within the wish of being blessed with a son.

He'd chuckle. "I haven't been out drinking since the war, maybe something stronger could make this party more interesting if that's alright with you?" He'd set his tea cup down and went over by the wine cabinet.

"You are weighing all the blame if Angelica is upset we started without her." Eliza stated, finishing her tea and standing up, Joining him by the cabinet.

"Yet she left us for the next 5 hours. She'll just have to catch up once she returns." He'd open the cabinet and grab a bottle then two glasses that were on the bottom shelf.

"Indeed, though, I suppose she cannot bare all the fun anyway. Let us embrace your fair hospitality." She added, watching him intently, studying his eyes. Again.

He'd chuckle again, pour their glasses and set the wine on the small table infront oft he couch. He'd pick up both glasses, handing one to Eliza.

She gave him a grateful smile, clinking their glasses together before sitting herself back down. And well, By mid-afternoon, they were .... just a little bit tipsy...

"Goodness, Secretary Hamilton, pour us another glass." She asked, she still had some manners, but she was intoxicated, she was never usually like this.

"Gladly." He'd pour Eliza another glass but when it came to pour his own he'd pour a little out on his pants which made him laugh then hiccup. "I'm afraid i might've messed up my pants for the evening-" He'd laugh again. Alex had his jacket on the second couch in the room and the first two buttons on his shirt was unbuttoned.

"Dear Me, Making a mess of ourselves are we?" She laughed, adding a simple tsk on the end.

"I think so- Oh Angelica will be so upset, she chose my outfit today.." He'd laugh again, almost everything was funny to him.

"Well She ought to have chosen something different!" She cheered with a smile. Her hair was now loose over her shoulders and her shawl disregarded as the fire was lit.

"Well- Mind helping me to get a new outfit? Wouldn't want to look like a mess when Angelica comes back in-" He'd check the time. "In two hours- Wow, it's already been 3 huh-"

"Sure, Hamilton." She giggled, she would never normally address him without a title, she was well and truly letting herself free.

He'd walk upstairs and leaned on Eliza and the wall while going up. Once they made it to the room he'd throw himself on the bed. "That was so much work and we left the wine downstairs." He'd shake his head and sigh.

Eliza froze then let out a groan. "We left the wine downstairs." She repeated, annoyed. "You wanted a new outfit..." She reminded, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes- Yes i did." He'd stand up and went to his dresser that had most of his clothes. "You can look through here." 

Eliza stood up, a bit weary on her feet and walked over, looking through the well organised dresser. She pulled out a new pair of pants and a new shirt. She giggled a bit, holding them out to him then walking over and practically collapsing onto the bed in laughter.

He'd laugh with her as he took the clothes. "I don't think i can change now after all that wine." He'd chuckle and rub his face then behind his neck.

She giggled a little more, keeping her focus on the ceiling. "Dont then-" She paused. "But Angeellllllllllll may be frustrated-"

"The only thing i want to pick up is another glass of wine at the moment, I'm sure Angie will be finneeee." He'd lay on the bed beside her.

"Angie is going to be so dissapointed in us." She reminded, followed by a small hiccup and a soft giggle.

"I think once she gets back she might want to join." He'd turn on his side to look at Eliza better.

"Oooh! Maybe!" She exclaimed, an excited smile embraced her face.

He'd place his hand by her arm and smiled when he saw how excited she got. "Yknow.. You're so beautiful-" He'd quickly shut his mouth. "I'm sorry-"

"It's quite alright. It's been a while since someones said that to me." She said, turning to face him.

He'd move his hand down and held her hand. "You're um- Just always breathtaking.. Angelica is beautiful but god-" He'd look her up and down, he placed a hand slowly on her waist.

She blushed a little, not really knowing how to respond, it didn't help that she had had alot of wine. She just squeezed his hand a little.

He'd move closer to her, moved his hand from her waist to her cheek and was almost an inch away from her face. "May I..?"

"This is wrong...Very wrong." She pointed out. "But, What's life without a little risk?" She smiled, pressing her lips into his.

He'd smile too and held her close, after a minute he'd lean her on the bed and he was on top. He was still kissing her and squeezed her hand.

She pulled back, catching her breath for a second. "Gosh this is so wrong..." She added, still catching her breath.

"Nono- No one knows, it can be our secret.." 

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