The Forgotten Soldier (Doom x...

By ReaperTheDeadly

120K 1.5K 823

my Y/N L/N, and the end of me. I'm all alone, no backup, no allies, just pure death an... More

The Missing Scientist
Unknown Enemies
Slight delay
good news
The Darkness
The Darkness Pt 2
The Chamber
The Plan
The Fight
The Spider
The Spider Pt 2/Argent Tower
Welcome to Hell
not sure what to say
just asking
Christmas Special (Short)
Welcome to Hell PT 2
It happened again
Welcome to Hell PT 3
Back to Mars
Argent Facility (destroyed)
Darkest Secrets Revealed
Death of a Soldier
Rise of a Sentinel
Rise of a Sentinel PT 2
new look
The End?
Bigger Evil
Bigger Evil PT 2
One Man Army
The Fall of a Soldier
Tortured and Escaped
Indestructible PT 2/ Darkest Secrets Revealed PT 2
Indestructible PT 3
300(+1) followers
The Final Round
The Final Round PT 2
The Final Round PT 3 (Finale)

Welcome to Mars

8.8K 93 158
By ReaperTheDeadly

*I'm actually gonna upload this part because tomorrow I'm gonna be super busy, enjoy 😁*
(Y/N) POV:
My Y/N, and I'm from New York. I'm a UAC Marine that just got transferred to Mars, really, Mars? What makes these people think I wanted to go to Mars? Well, I've been accused of something I didn't do. I've been accused of murder of my Partner, my best friend. And now....I'm a Private, again. Anyways, I'm sure you want to know my story. Well, you're in luck.
Y/N:*looks at picture of Ahri* "couldn't forget this."

Y/N:"I miss you Ahri." *Smirks softly*

Pilot:"Hey, get ready. We're here now."

Y/N:"good to know." *Grabs Duffel Bag*

???:"This is ridiculous, I didn't want to come here."

???:"He left you no choice."

???:"True, but this is the last straw. I'm tired of running things over when he does something."

???:"Right, you're the control. And if that fails, I'm the damage."

???:"For now on, Betruger is gonna do things our way."

Y/N:"everyone's gotta be bitchy about something."

Finally, I got off the ship. Couldn't handle the smell of piss in the ship and their constant money talk. I like money as well but not enough to worship it.

UAC Guard:"Welcome to Mars. All new arrivals report to the entrance."

Y/N:*nods* "thank you sir."
{TimeSkip: Your Headquarters}

Y/N:"this is a room? Holy shit this is badass-"

Y/N:"alright, time to unpack and settle in."

The room seems nice and tidy, and it was kinda painful since I had so many shit in my bag. While I unpacked, I grabbed a picture frame of my love one. I'm already regretting being on Mars.... I wish I didn't come here.

Y/N:"out of all the idiots you could've had, you wanted me..? That's crazy."

???:"Excuse me, is this "Y/N L/N?"

Y/N:"yes uh, I'm coming right now."

Of course my moment had to interrupted, it's UAC after all.

Y/N:"uh, what can I help you with?"

???:"Hi, my name is Samantha Grimm."


Sam:"so, I was told to give you this by Sergeant Kelly."

Y/N:*looks at paper* "he already wants to see me?"

Sam:"yes, he's waiting for you in his command HQ."

Y/N:"alright then, I'll be on my way then."

Sam:"Great, bye now." *Walks away*

Y/N:*mumbles* "fuck me-"
{TimeSkip: Command HQ}

Kelly:"Took your sweet time Marine?"

Y/N:"be glad I am here, I would've taken even longer if I wanted to-"

Kelly:"anyways, we have a situation, another one of the science team has gone missing. And since you're the ranking FMG, you get to find him."

Y/N:"this could've been handled a long time ago."

Kelly:"Shut it. Anyways, when you're done with your lunch break, go find the missing scientist."

Y/N:"yes sir."

{Break Room}

Nothing can go wrong with a good ass roast beef sandwich. Especially with a cocoa cola soda. But goddamn did the picture of my girlfriend didn't distract me because it surely does but I ain't complaining. As soon as I saw another group of soldiers walk inside this small ass lunch room, trouble was brewing.

???:"Pfft, yeah right. No way you can get a chick like that."

Y/N:"and who the hell are you?"

???:"People around here....calls me Portman."

Y/N:"good for you I suppose."

Portman:"and that bitch needs a real man, something like you aren't." *Laughs*

I swear to God if Stephen Hawking's had a twin brother or something, this guy was him. This guy has some hideous teeth and bad breath. I'm starting to think he's another Shrek

Y/N:"I'm not one to start a fight but you calling her "bitch", does it. So I need you to back up before you get fucked up-"

Portman:"oh yeah? You wanna bet?"

Y/N:"oh yeah, definitely."

Portman:"you are so dead asshole!"

Y/N:"I heard that one before."

*Portman walks up and tries to punch Y/n in the face but Y/n blocks it and uppercuts him in the Jaw, breaking Portman's teeth*

Portman:"yuh ahs hhole."

???:"Whoa whoa whoa, easy man. Just stop."

Y/N:"you should listen to your buddies man, don't want to embarrass your dumbass now."

???:"Sorry about him, we'll just leave."

Y/N:"I was on my way out anyway." *Walks away*

{TimeSkip: Your Headquarters}

Y/N:"now I can relax and watch TV.."

Right when I turn on the TV, I see the Live Concert that was gonna show in a few minutes. Which, brought me back to thinking about Ahri. I wish I didn't leave Earth.

(Location: Earth)

???:"I miss you already Y/N."

???:"Ahri, you ready? We gotta go now!"

Ahri:"huh? Oh, on my way now Evelynn!"

Y/N:"Geez, what time is it? Getting fucking tired-"


Y/N:"well, I better get some rest." *looks at the picture* "goodnight gorgeous, I'll try to call tomorrow."

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