The 10th Titan Shifter (Attac...

By Knightslayer428

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There will be yuri in this with a female reader so if you don't like don't read. -------------------------- Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
(Y/N)'s training past
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
(Y/N)'s training past pt. 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A chapter with the titan shifters
What a goddess!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
So I need some opinions on this...
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

4.3K 132 33
By Knightslayer428

Your P.O.V

I leaned against the wall, as Hanji talked about Pastor Nick being murdered."Maybe cause he knew the truth behind the walls. That's way they tortured him, and killed him off like some useless deer." Levi turned his head towards me, having everyone else follow behind him.

"You sound like you experienced it?" I scoff slightly at Captain's words."I was a MP soldier. But it's not like I give a shit about what they do, but the MP do serve under the king. So, it's not surprising if they did something like this just to get information out of a person." I answer getting of the wall, stuffing my hands in my black jeans.

The topic continued one with us about the walls and Pastor Nick. Another scout walked in handing Levi a note, telling him it was from Erwin. Levi looked at us seriously, telling us to grab all our gear making it look like we were never here.


We stood on the top of a cliff, covered in our cloaks. Looking over the cabin we ran out of, the MPs tried finding us but failed. I wasn't listening to what everyone was saying until, I heard the MP want the scouts to hand me, Eren, and Historia over to them.

I turn on my heel, having a weird expression plastered on my face. "What? Why am I important??" I ask, having Levi slightly glare at me then stop. "That's what we want to know as well." Levi answered turning around, I groan kicking the dirt mumbling and grumbling stuff to myself about this situation.

Me, Eren, and Historia sat in a wagon. Going though town unknown to the public, "Who knew Jean looks like you, Eren?" I chuckled quietly only to have a punch be thrown at my arm. "Stop! I knew you were going to make a stupid joke about it!" Eren whined slumping into his seat all moody, "Such a baby.." I mumble then turn my head to Historia who was watching my every move.

It was strange, her blue eyes slightly stared at me. Not my face, but like my body. Examples, like my arms, neck, abdomen, and we won't go any further into this conversation. Once her eyes met mine, she pulled her gaze away from mine having pink dust slightly coat her cheeks. It was cute I'll tell you.

But this quiet moment was ruined, by...I think it was gunshots? Eren sticks his head out to ask our driver what's happening. I yank him by his shirt, pulling him back behind the cover. But it was soon ripped off by..these fuckers with fucking guns, I push Historia out the way to see something flying at us.

It landed against the wood floor, we'll all sitting on. It's a dart? A sleep dart to be more exact, Eren saw the gun and went to grab it. But before I could react, I felt a sharp pain on my neck then I realized. I got shot by one of those people, aiming for us.

I felt dizzy and sleepy and let the dark take over me, not knowing what happened to those two beside me. Probably having the same outcome as me.


I opened my eyes, only to see I'm tied and laying down in a dark room. Eren's across from me knocked out, then I move my eyes up, I see Historia which stops the heart attack I was about to have if I didn't find her. But she was in the arms of a man, I frown my brows and glare scared his a pervert who wants her body.

I hear him talk to Historia, but I start to feel sleepy again and everything goes blurry with me just falling asleep all over.

I feel cold, like someone shoved me in a fridge and left me alone. Or someone threw me outside while snowing, wanting me to get frostbite or some shit. I open my eyes and see crystals, pillars that go on and on and never seems to end. I can't even tell if it's day or night, I was chained unlike Eren who I could see from the top.

I was chain to the ground, just my arms not even my legs. I didn't have a gag over my mouth like Eren, so I could talk. Eren was shirtless, while I was lift in my black tank top. Historia comes into view and speaks about her father and humanity, I watch her very closely she seems off, this isn't something that Historia should say or is it?

A man that's quite short, but sure as hell is taller than Levi comes up. They seem to be more focus on Eren, which is good cause then I can try find a way out of this crystal cave. While walking up the stairs to where Eren is, Rod I believe his name was looks behind his shoulder to stare at me then continues up the stairs holding Historia's hand.

Rod talks to Eren but I don't know what they talking about. Then both Rod and Historia put they hand on Eren's back, Eren seems like his going though flashbacks then he stares wide eyed at nothing really.

Then Historia starts crying, then her and Rod talk about something. I honestly don't know I can't hear jack shit from down here! After a little hug between father and daughter, they both make they way down to where I am. Both Rod and Historia stand tall in front of me, "What do you want from me?" I finally ask raising a brow as Rod stares down at me.

"So your the holder of the Shadow titan?" I nod my head at his question. "You're very important to the Reiss family, cause of the power you wield." I frown my brows confused about that statement, important? What's so important about me or the power I hold? But my thoughts are interrupted when Rod places his hand on my back.

"Come Historia, it's alright to touch your guard." Guard? What the hell is he talking about? Historia hesitates but nods her head at her father, her blue beautiful eyes look into mine but they not cold. Her eyes read sorrow, regret, looking into the state I'm in makes that regret become noticeable on her pretty face.

She places her cold hand on my cheek, and rubs her thumb against my warm skin. I was about to open my mouth until I got flashbacks, war, titans, people, bodies. What the hell am I looking at? Then I got flashbacks of how I was a kid and how I got my powers, my uncle...I ate my uncle. He gave me his powers, then I get my uncle's memories of how he served under the king as his guard when my father left to start a quiet life.

After all that ended, I stared at Rod tears in my eyes. I-I don't know what to say or do, "Do you get it? Your family has always been important to the Reiss family, cause of the titan you have in your grasp. Your family has always gotten along with us, and I have a feeling it will keep going like that." I stare at him, speechless. I don't know what to do or say, me and Rod have a staring contest.

My family is royal body guards for the Reiss? My life just got more complicated than ever...

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