Jumping on the Train (Thomas...

By SunnyCoolKid

780K 23.9K 20.6K

"I don't know, Thomas. It just seems like it could be the start of something bad." Thomas leans over and... More

The Call
Hello, My Name is Southern Hospitality
Kick Back and Chill
There's More to you than Meets the Eye
It's All Good
On Television
Do Gooder
More Monkeys Than a Barrel of Fun
Let's Make Things Better
I Did It!
Talk and Text
Let's Party
As Playful As A Kitten
More Handsome
Big Trouble
On The Stage of Life
The Really Great Outdoors
You're About To Burn
You Can Choose Us!
Weather Changes, We don't
Big Red Sun
Hakuna Matata
Colorful Compromise
Play Like a Pro
Too Comfortable
Age Can't Slow Me Down
Italian Style
Love Your Color
Ask Smart Questions
Yes, Really
Easy Does It
Has to Be
Time for Dinner
The Time of my Life
Point of View
Pick and Choose
Roof of the World
We Hear You
Modern Bride
Going Public
Fall in Love
Sassy Style
Under the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Pony- Lovin'
Talk it Up
Please, Tommy. Please.
Come Home
It's an Alien
Two Human Beings
Bradley Walker and Shadow China
All the Little Babies
Oh, What a Life
Driving Lessons
Thanks Willa
Labor Day
The First Day

Discovering the Unexpected

7.6K 250 251
By SunnyCoolKid

You sit on the floor sniffling. This part was always sad for you. But now you pictured Thomas as Newt, and it made it so much worse. The sad thing was you could picture Thomas screaming, "KILL ME!" It was distressing. And you certainly didn't like the experience.

You think back to when you were filiming the first movie. Where it all began. All the good memories you made with everyone there.

You've heard people say it's the bad memories that hurt the most. But you've come to the conclusion that they're wrong. Sure, the bad memories sucked. Saying goodbye to Thomas. And the whole Kaya thing. And the moments where you felt confused and the heartache that weighed you down. But it was the good memories that drove you insane. Because you'd think back on them and wish that you could either relive those moments, or make new ones like them. You wish you could go back to that day at Krispy Kreams. Or that time you made chicken alfredo after the guys had just shown up at your house. But you couldn't. You could only wish.

Across the set you hear your director call, "Everyone on set! Get ready to go!"

You pull yourself together and close your book. I guess the depression of Thomas -you mean- Newt, dying would just have to wait.

You walk onto the stage. The commercial is really cheesy. You take your place at the dining room table. You're the obnoxious, annoying, grumpy older sister in this commercial. You can pull it off pretty well. You look younger than you are, anyway.

Braden is the older brother. And Nathan is the younger brother.

Nathan takes his position on the far side of the set. When they call "rolling" Nathan comes rushing on stage, "Mom....I kinda sorta got my shirt dirty."

Nancy, the kind older lady who plays the mom, turns around from washing dishes to examine her son, who is a little more than kinda sorta dirty.

Now's your line, "Again, little brother?"

Braden's turn, "You got into another scuffle with the neighborhood kids didn't you?"

"We were just messing around." Nathan grins.

"Don't worry, son! It's a good thing-"

"CUT!" The director calls, "Nancy, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Nancy nods and walks over to the director.

Nathan looks at you and Braden and makes a face, "Figure I have time to go to the bathroom?"

Braden glances at Nathan, "Yeah. Why didn't you go on break?"

Nathan starts to turn around, "I didn't have to go then!" Then he runs off stage in the direction of the bathroom.

You chuckle, "He's a funny kid."

"Yeah." Braden smiles a bit, staring at you.

He frowns before he leans forward, "So, I was wondering....you know, we've known each other for a few weeks and, I dunno, I thought maybe you'd like to go out sometime?"

Your eyes get wide and you can feel your eyebrows shoot up. That was unexpected. And really, really out of the blue. You feel yourself blush.

You sigh, "Braden, I appreciate the offer, but I have a boyfriend."

"Who left you to go to London. Why would he leave you if he loves you?" Braden says, trying to sound convincing.

If Thomas hadn't happened in your life....maybe you would be accepted his offer. And you would've been eager in accepting because Braden was a really nice guy, but....no matter where he was or the fact that you were to shy to voice it, you love Thomas. In nine months you had decided you loved Thomas. You'd fallen. And you'd fallen hard.

"He promised his sister he's visit. He'll be back. Sooner or later." You assure him and even yourself a little.

"The whole thing sounds really fishy to me." Braden says with a shrug, "I just figure if you don't have someone around all the time, maybe you should move on."

He looks at you and wiggles his eyebrows, "And who better than someone who already has decided he likes you?

You shake your head, feeling awkward and embarrassed at his openness, " I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry."

Braden looks a little annoyed at this point, "I just don't understand it."

You smile softly, "Don't worry. You will one day."

- - - -

"It's so good to get out of the shelter!" Kelsie exclaims. She sits down on her chair.

The two of you are in her house. Kelsie has a very....squareish house. It's kind of like Minecraft brought to life. In bright colors. Her couches are a deep royal blue. Her furniture is a light minty blue. A lit of things in her house are blue. It's like walking through an ocean.

"Don't get me wrong - I love working with the animals. But....I also like to relax."

"I feel ya." You mutter, scratching out the last few lines on your drawing.

Of Thomas.

Yeah yeah. You're drawing Thomas.

It'd become sort of a hobby of yours ever since Thomas had left. You could remember his face better if you drew it.

Kelise looks over your shoulder and smirks, "Again?"

"I haven't drawn him THAT much!" You claim.

She snatches the notebook out of your hand, "Hey! Give me that!"

She flips through the book and holds it up on a couple of sketches of him, "Says the other eight drawings of him?"

"It depends on how much you think a lot is." You mutter grabbing it back.

"I'd say eight times is a bit obsessive...."

You scowl at her and study your picture. It actually looks like him.

"What of he ever gets ahold of those pictures?" Kelsie asks.

"Then he'll enjoy my artwork and think it's cute." You say nodding your head.

"Okay, whatever." She sighs, "So what do you want to do?"

"Take a nap." You mutter.

"We'll watch Cinderella." Kelise says getting up to plug in the movie.

Kelsie has always had an unusual but cute obsession with Disney Princesses. She's told you before it's her dream to work at Disney land as Snow White. Dispite her flaming red hair.

"Okay." You say, not taking your eyes off the paper.

You feel her eyes on you, "You know, if you miss him so much....why don't you go visit him?"

You sigh, "I can't."

Kelsie puts the DVD in, "You know my favorite quote from Once Upon A Time? The TV show?"

"No. What is it?"

She walks over and sits down on her couch. "You can do anything as long as you can dream it.' Grumpys girlfriend said it, first season."

"I can dream it. I just can't do it. Won't more like it. My life is here." You say quietly.

"You've got to do something." Kelsie shrugs.

You sigh, "I just miss his stupid face."

"His stupid face?" Kelise asks amused.

It's stupid because you love it way too much.

"Yeah." You mutter.

Kelsie shakes her head, "You have issues. I'm turning the movie on now."

You nod, "Alright."

- - - -

You take your hot chocolate out of the microwave, being careful not to burn yourself. Hot chocolate is possibly the best thing you've ever consumed. You cannot go one day with out it. You make the BEST hot chocolate.

You lean against the counter and take a sip. Hot chocolate is about ten times better than coffee, any day of the week.

You walk out of the kitchen, mug in hand. You sit down on the couch and pull YouTube back up. It's what you were doing before you made hot chocolate. Watching interviews of The Maze Runner cast.

The guys are so different in front of the press. Will is more out there, cracking jokes and being talkative. Which is REALLY weird. Dylan is still funny but he reins himself in more. Then there's Thomas and Ki. They're pretty much the same, just more polite.

You click play and watch as Dylan and Will talk to each other in front of a live crowd.

Then your Skype starts ringing.

You click on the Skype icon and find a photo of Dylan pulled up. You grin as you answer it.

"Dylan, my man!" You yell.

"IRIS! OH MY GOSH, GIRL! You look GOOD! You working those jeans!"

You smile, "Dylan, I'm wearing pajama pants."

He blinks and studies you, "Yeah, well, you're working those too."

You chuckle, "Thanks."

"So how's your life going? Is it super boring without me there?" Dylan says batting his eyelashes.

"You don't even realize. I don't have to hide food and expensive, breakable things anymore! It's insane!"

"My gosh, that IS insane!" Dylan says with fake shock, "Maybe I should MOVE there just so you have 24/7 entertainment...."

"Oh, no!" You say quickly, "Don't do that! Your life is there in LA! I wouldn't want to ruin that."

Dylan hums, "Maybe you're right...."

He pauses thinking, "So what are you up to?"

You clear your throat, feeling a little embarrassed, "I'm actualy watching some interviews you guys did. It's very interesting. I didn't realize you guys could be quiet."

"We can actually do that sometimes, but there is no fun in it, whatsoever. But, hey! You're watching interviews of us! Do you REALLY miss us THAT much?" Dylan says, his eyes getting big, his lower lip sticking out.

You grin, "I do miss you guys."

"That's sweet." Dylan says in a high pitched voice.

You cough, "So, what have YOU been up to?"

Dylan shrugs, "Oh, nothing. Warding off the paparazzi. Signing teen girls things. You know. Phone cases, posters, T-shirts, and some other unusual things I'm not going to mention."

"Yes, please don't. I was a teenage girl once. I know what they think about." You mutter.

Dylan leans forward, wiggling his eyebrows, "And what DO they think about?"

You try to hide a smirk and mumble, "Shut up."

Dylan sits quietly for a minute studying you. You watch him confused at his silence.

"What?" You finally ask.

"I HAVE A SECRET!" He shouts.

"Okay." You say expectantly.

"Oh, no. I'm not going to share it. I just wanted to tell you. " Dylan says mischeviously.

"You can't do that! Why aren't you going to share it?" You exclaim.

"Because it's a secret. And he would kill me." Dylan says with a curt nod.

"Who would kill you?" You ask.

"You'll see." Dylan grins.

"Come on, Dylan! Tell me!"

"Not going to happen."

You groan, "You suck with major suckage."

"Major suckage is my name." Dylan agrees.

"You can't give me a hint?" You ask.

Dylan thinks, "Okay. I'll give you a hint. - You'll like it."

He smirks.

You open your mouth to speak, but then your boorbell rings.

Dylans grin widens, "I'll expect that's it now."

"Who would come here at this hour of night?" You wonder.

"I'll see you later Iris." Dylan says sings smugly.

"Wait!" You call. But it's too late. The screen is already black.

You get up and walk slowly towards the door.

You feel like you're in a scene in a horror movie. An ax murderer is right outside your door.

You bite your lip as you tightly wrap your fingers around the door handle. You take a deep breath and crack the door open.

But what is on the other side is even more astounding than an ax murderer. There it stands. Tall and daunting. Your mouth falls open as you take the sight in. You can't believe your eyes. This whole time you've.... Your breathing becomes unsteady.

"Hi, Iris." He says.

You catch your breath, "Thomas."














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