Is This The End?

By love-to-do-art

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A zombie Apocalypse story. You find love and lose family. You hate and love. But you maybe the cure for the... More

Chapter 1 The End
Chapter 2 Home
Chapter 3 Now
Chapter 4 Cannibals of Ohio
Chapter 5 Love At First Sight
Chapter 6 The Bite
Chapter 7 Burned
Chapter 9 What Happened?
Chapter 10 No Help
Chapter 11 I love you
Chapter 12 Back On The Road
Chapter 13 You Can't Leave
Chapter 14 Show And Tell
Chapter 15 Tell The Truth
Chapter 16 Relief

Chapter 8 Have Hope

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By love-to-do-art


    Addy grabs her knife from her back pocket and puts her left hand around it and pulled. Blood slowly came out of her hand you could see it hurt, but she hid the pain. She walks up to Murphy first and puts her hand on his chest till her hand stopped bleeding. She walks over to Chase, Ash, Lizzy, Grace, and Chloe and does the same thing cuts her hand and puts it on their shirts. She finally comes up to me she moves her lips to my ear and whispers "Just in case I'll put some more blood on you" I nod. I grab her knife in her hand and I cut her hand she puts the blood on me, then she turned around and stared at Lizzy and walks up to her "You stay here with the girl we'll be back I promise". Lizzy nods with fear in her eyes. Lizzy walks to the car and gets in it and locks the door.
    "Let's do this" Addy says.
    Everyone nods. We start to walk towards the city. We walk for about ten minutes in silence. We see tons of zombies kids, adults, baby's they all pass by us like we're not there. We slowly get to the White House. We see a top of a metal plate Addy points to it. She walks up to it and pulls it up she goes first down the ladder everyone follows, I'm the last to go down once I am half-way down I grab the metal plate and pull it down I finish down the ladder and Addy stands there with her flash light out and her knife out. She nods and we slowly walk forward.
    "Watch out zombie" I yell. The zombie doesn't move.
    "They have been in the dark for so long they are blind" Addy whispers
    Once she said that the zombie walks toward us Ash hits the zombie in the head it falls to the ground. The black oil spill liquid leaks out. We walk down a long hallway it's dark we all stay close to Addy. We get to an old elevator the button light blinks.
    "Is there stairs?" Murphy asks
    "Probably not they are probably still running on generators" I add
    Addy walks up to the elevator button and pushes it. We all stand there and stare.
    "Maybe it doesn't work" Chase says
    Right as he said that the elevator doors open with a ding. Addy walks into it slowly and everyone follows. Addy stares at all the buttons, and she pushes the tenth floor it says safe area. The elevator descends slowly then we feel a thud and the doors slide open. The hallway has light and no Z's, Addy steps out everyone follows. There is a fork in the hallway.
    "Chase and Ash go left. Grace, Chole, and Murphy go right. Me and Tommy will go straight" Addy gives institution
    Everyone goes their way Addy has her knife out ready to kill. We look through three rooms nothing just chairs. We see a fourth room we walk towards it. We hear voices through the door Addy walks to the door and pushes it open. We hear screaming from inside as we open the door. The door fully opened and there stood a tall man with brown hair the barrel of the gun he held is right on Addy's head. Addy drops her knife and puts her hands up.
    "Were not here to hurt you. We were hoping there would be scientist here" Addy says in a strong voice
    "Wait your human! GUYS THEY ARE HUMANS!" He yells
    People come out of hiding and stare we hear "Real humans? Really" we hear.
    "Can you take the gun off my head please?" Addy asks
    "Oh ya sorry" he says as he pulls the gun off her head.
    "Addy we should find the others!" I say then we hear a scream from in the hall.
    We run out the door and run down the right we find Chloe, Grace, and Murphy running they point to the left side. We turn around and run we see Ash on the ground and a zombie to the side dead and Chase at his side. I grab him, and we all go towards the fourth room. Ash is knocked out. I lay him on the table we look at his hand and there is a deep cut.
    "Do you have a first aid kit!" Addy yells
    The guy in the room grabs the first aid kit and runs toward us.
    "Addy he has lost a lot of blood we can't save him!" I tell her
    "Yes we can" Addy yells
Addy grabs the gawes and tries to stop his hand from bleeding out. After an hour of cleaning it up we close the doors and Addy lays down and slowly falls asleep.

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