The Feral, Alpha K

By vixlyez

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I snapped my eyes to his doing my best to give him the angriest glare I could. Something is his eyes flashed... More



21K 808 96
By vixlyez

The next few weeks flew by in a breeze. Mostly because I kept myself occupied with house activities. I cleaned all the rooms, planted new seeds in the green house. Dusted, swept and disinfected everything as well as some light re-decorating.

Valnush had brought me all the supplies as well as the groceries. She was a little weirded out that I asked for seeds, she had said I was crazy for trying to grow things in this weather. But isn't that what a greenhouse is for? I believe, I will have some seriously beautiful fruits and vegetables in no time.

Valnush had me write out a list of all the necessities I would need. She brought me everything within the day from hygiene supplies to snacks for the cupboards.

While rummaging through the cabin I had stumbled upon a TV. Sadly it wasn't a nice one it, was very outdated it still had the back part attached to it if you know what I mean. But beggars can't be choosers, luckily it still worked and I was able to watch movies off some of the CDs I found in the attic.

The Beta had left the morning after we arrived. He had said his task was to deliver me here and return back to Alpha K. At the time alpha K was almost completely done his tyrant rampage only a few packs were left.

I was able to learn all of this from Valnush but it wasn't easy, she often ignored me if what I was saying didn't hold value to her. She said her business was strictly taking care of me and nothing else because I was a 'filthy southerner''.

The Beta didn't lie when he said she wouldn't like me. I didn't have the balls to leave the cabin during the day anyways. There was no telling how the Northerners would react to me, the young pups would run by the house during the day as they played. Some days I would catch the eye of a little redheaded girl. She had striking green eyes and a face full of freckles, she was truly adorable. I often had to restrain myself from running out of the cabin and conversing with her.

Even if I tried, I believe she would run off before I could. When she sees me, she smiles and then just like that she runs off chasing after the other pups.

No one else has noticed me through the windows. Not many Northerners wander these parts of the woods I suppose.

But I guess it was for the best, I would wait until Alpha K returns to meet his pack. This whole situation was very odd and intimidating.

I sighed as I rolled out of my bed to get ready for today. I was sleeping in the room next to Alpha K's. It isn't as big as his; but it would do the job. It has a very cosy feel to it and a gigantic window that shows the beautiful view of the forest.

I stripped out of Alpha K's T-shirt that I had stolen from his room; his scent was deeply integrated into his clothes. I often spent hours in his room rummaging through all his belongings. Let's just say, curiosity didn't kill this cat.

I hopped in the shower and put on one of the northern outfits Valnush had taught me how to make. Though I had changed it up a bit, Valnush covered way too much skin in her day to day outfits.

We didn't really wear heavy clothes in the South due to the weather normally being hot. I had tried to wear the traditional outfit but I couldn't take it and ended up cutting it into a two piece. The long skirt is now a mini one; and the shirt was now a crop top.

I found it easier to wear it this way, I can perform all the household tasks while being agile in this. I slipped on my shoes before making my way downstairs. I tossed in some wood into the dead fire pit before throwing a lit match on top. I mended the fire until it grew; the livingroom became toasty. Just like how I liked it.

"Maybe you aren't so useless." I turned around quickly only to be stared at by Valnush. Her hair was tied up as usual but she seemed to be a little bit more dolled up.

What was the special occasion? "Oh Moon Goddess, you scared me!" My heart was beating out of my chest. She eyed me up and down before inspecting the cabin.

"You really transformed this place. Actually looks like someone lives here for once."

"Did he stay here often? He barely has anything in his room except for some clothes."

"Sounds like someone was snooping around."

My checks were probably turning a bright red as each awkward second passed by. "I- wasn't- I was cleaning the entire house. That means his room as well."

Lie. His room was spotless. The only room I didn't have to clean. Just some light dusting and everything looked brand new.

"Not really. He has a room at the pack house. But nevertheless he doesn't sleep much anyways. He spends most of his time in his office. Well before he embarked on his journey, years ago."

I couldn't believe he spent that much time away from his pack just so he could antagonize innocent lives. It doesn't matter now anyways. He ruled everyone now.

"They're returning."

Dread soon filled every fiber of my body, I didn't want to face him yet.

"How soon?" I tried to hide the nervous tremble in my voice but I failed.

"Soon. The pack is getting ready to welcome him."


"You'll be attending too, everyone must."

"Ok. Will I meet the pack?"

"Yes. But you'll have to stick close to me or else they'll end you where you stand." I couldn't believe how they were so vulgar and inhuman towards outsiders. They would kill me just for breathing their precious northern air.

"What time will we leave?"

"Now. That is why I am here." My heart pounded out of chest as my anxiety hit.

"I'll just go change into something heavier-"

"No, we leave now." Valnush grabbed my arm before leading me out the Cabin. The freezing air hit my like truck, I was shaking like a Chihuahua.

I followed closely behind her as we are travelled through the trees and onto a stone path. "How do you know they were returning so soon?"

"Everyone knows, we can feel it, it's in the pack bond."

She eventually let go of me as we approached a clearing. There was a bunch of people gathering outside of a beautiful pack house, the one from my pack paled in comparison.

It was made out of stone and wood, just by the exterior I could tell that the inside was warm and cosy.

The men bantered and laughed while the children ran around chasing after one another, the women talked quietly as they watched the pups lovingly.

They didn't look evil to me, they acted just like the Southerner's. Except in the south we didn't dress in furs and we had a wide range of races. We also didn't call people outsiders but I guess we're a little bit more 'with the times' than them.

One by one, everyone's eyes made their way towards me. It was like some had seen a ghost, some of them had mean glares or impassive glances.

"That is the scent that has been coming from the Alpha's home! Who would let such a filthy animal stay here. This mutt doesn't belong here." A woman shouted as she emerged from the crowd. I was surprised that she spoke in English. Maybe because she wanted me to understand her?

My throat was so dry that I couldn't even stick up for myself. There goes my plans of conquering them and gaining their trust. I was like a gazelle in the lions den.

"You shouldn't concern yourself with things that are above you. Questioning me won't do you any good. Know your place she-wolf, before I put you in it."

I had unknowingly moved behind Valnush in attempt to get myself out of their line of sight.

"My apologies, Beta." The woman was beautifully rugged. Her long straight white hair reached her butt, underneath the fur I could tell she had a body of a goddess. Her eyes were a scary pale blue, almost too unreal. A perfect button nose and a full lips. She intimidated me. Maybe because she was beautiful or she was a whole foot taller than me.

A man roared in Tamlik within the crowd. Everyone's attention shot in the direction the man pointed in. Did he spot them?

My breath hitched as I seen the wall of men emerge from the trees. Everyone immediately broke out into praise, cheering, laughing and crying. They all looked so Joyful to see their Alpha.

I had seen him for a split second, he looked just as husky as the last time I saw him a few weeks ago. But the rush of wolfs bombarding the Alpha and his men blindsided me.

Pups ran up to their fathers, jumping into their arms. Shewolf's basked in their mates embrace. Valnush pulled me through the crowd until she collided into Beta X.

He growled before lifting her up and devouring her lips, I wouldn't get use to seeing them so intimate. They were two of the coldest people I've ever met but nevertheless the were warmer than the sun towards one another.

He placed her on her feet before his eyes met mine. "Seems like we're finally off the hook, we can return her to whom she belongs."

Shortly after everyone made there way inside for dinner, I was truly blown away by the interior. It was beautiful, everything looked hand carved. They're way of life was more traditional and older themed compared to everyone else in the South, West and East.

I picked at my food anxiously as I stared at my mate from a far, he was sexy. Too sexy some might say, it felt like electricity was trying to force us together. I wanted to press my body against his and never let go.

That wouldn't happen though, I knew who he was, and how he was. I wouldn't even get a drop of affection, he didn't even look in my direction once. He knew I stealing glances at him, I hoped he would atleast greet me.

The food smelled and looked great but the stress of his presence was putting me on edge, resulting in the loss of my appetite.

Valnush walked over to the table I was at carrying two full glasses of whatever the older wolf's were drinking. I wish she would've sat with me so I wouldn't have had to sit alone but she had to sit at the table with the higher ups.

They emitted powerful aura's, it was unbelievable how strong these Northerners were.

"Drink up buttercup."

"I don't drink alcohol-"

"It's tradition you must drink. It's disrespectful if you don't." I took the class from her hand warily before eyeing the contents of it. It was a deep brown liquid. Without much more thought I brought it to my lips before taking a sip.

It burned going down causing me to cough. "All of it Nalu."

I held my breath before downing the drink, I handed the cup to her before hissing out my distaste.

"Loosen up. It's a celebration." I looked around at the wolf's having a good time, I just felt so out of place here.

"Can I have another?" I whispered as my eyes focused on my mate.

"The more the merrier." Valnush left and came back with another two glasses, we downed them both in haste.

"Look at you, you'll be a real Northerner in no time." Her compliment did give me a sense of belonging and encouragement. Fitting in here would be harder than I thought, not a single soul came over to talk to me that night. Perhaps it's because of the language barrier? I will learn Tamlik quickly, it is a must.

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