My first love

By _mxtthew_

9.2K 121 6

Hi I'm ( y/n ) and I live in Cali my parents are divorced and I have a older sister she's 21 so I live with h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2:
Chapter three
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 *Last one was 18*
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chatper 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 30

216 2 0
By _mxtthew_

|| Y/N's POV ||

We got home and I ran up the stairs facing the piercing pain in my stomach.

"Babe you got out of surgery it's not the brightest idea if you run up the stairs." he said "you couldn't say that before..." I said sarcastically "Sorry princess.. you have 15 mins you get ready bye!!" he said before walking out "Um ok?? see ya then!" I said and walked into my room and looked through my clothes it's 2:30 it's 98 degrees outside I pulled out my white lace sun dress and as I was about to put it on I got a text, it was Matt!

Matty🙈💘: bring a bathing suit😉

I grabbed my white bathing with white fringe and gold beads at the end then I put my sun dress on top the I decided to straighten my long brunette hair and left it out. I grabbed my old white low tops converse and my beach bag and phone checked the time 2:45 cool.

I looked over to Matt's room and he wasn't there??

"Looking for me princess" I turn to see Matt in a bro tank and some swimming trunks and a bouquet of red roses!! "Hey Matt... are those for me?!" I asked with a little blush "Of corse baby, put them in water." after I was done we left.

"So Matt where are we going??" I asked under my bandana that I had to wear cause it was a "surprise" "For me to know and you to find out... But I know you'll love it." he said stopping the car after 30 mins

"WE'RE HERE!!" he announced as he parked the car and stepped out to open my door.

As I stepped out and I took of the blind fold I was in awe of the beautiful scenery we were on a cliff over looking a beach.

"Shall we eat malady?" he asked as we walked over to a blanket set perfectly by the cliff with in-n-out burgers fries.

"Matt?? all this for me?!" I asked holding his hand but he just pushed my hand away and picked me up bridal style, and set me down gently "Ha sorry I was too heavy." I said grabbing my burger and took a huge bite out of it, cause that's how close Matt and I are.

~ After Lunch ~

"Hey so do you want to go swim!?" he asked brushing crumbs off his pants "uh sure just let me grab my bag from the car!" I said getting up, but I didn't work cause Matt blocked my way towards the car "I'll do it baby girl, and while I do you can just stand there and be sexy." "Already am!!" I said.

We walked down a couple steps and finally stopped at the sand, there was no one else here?? but it's Cali in 98 degrees WEATHER???

"Matt are we the only one's here??" I asked his while I set my bag down "Yup, do you like it?!" he asked picking me up bridal style "it's perfect!" we finally walked into the water, it was warmer than I thought. "Hey jump!" Matt said as I was running towards him on the shore and jumped, I wrapped my legs around his torso as he held me back and we walked into the water like that. We looked at each other, I've never felt so much love from some one. He leaned in as did I and our lips finally connected no sparks flew around, but huge fireworks, this kiss was full of passion and love. We finally pulled apart.

"I'll be right back." He said and walked back up the steps, wonder what he's getting or doing.

After 5 mins of sitting in the sand I saw Matt with two surf boards!!!

"Here ya go! Are you ready to surf?!"he asked as he took my hand and led me to the ocean "What do you say to a little competition??" I asked with a devious smile while one spread across Matt's face "Are you sure??" he asked "What, are you scared Espinosa??" I asked him while getting on my board "I'm not the who should be scarred Espinosa" he said back.

After the competition that I won we sat out and watched the sun set. Today was truly perfect.

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