Chicago Love Season 4

By Paulinemartin100

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How will Kelly and the family cope ? Or will he have to? Find out in the next season of Chicago Love! Face cl... More

Part 1 "I died today"!
Part 2 Little Magpie!
Part 4 It's me, you little shit!
Part 5 "I saw you in heaven"
Part 6 "What the fcuk is it with water"?
Part 7 Water! Arghhhhhh!
Part 8 The Chapter with no title!
Part 9 "I for idiot"
Part 10. Just the two of us
Part 11 "I'm glad i'm not the only one who's been a bad girl!"
Part 12 Oh thank fu ... god!
Part 13 Well if it isn't Mark "I'm a d*ck" Hunter!
Part 14 "The wheels on the bus"
Part 15 "Don't you dare push me away"
Part 16 You're a heartless b*tch!
Part 17 Unreasonable behaviour
Part 18 "My Mom's gonna love you"
Part 19 "Summer Lovin" ?
Part 20 Mickey Mouse!
Coming Soon Season 5

Part 3 Mayo all dayo!

630 17 3
By Paulinemartin100

As Beth waited on Kelly coming out of the restaurant she was on google to see if she could find out how to remove gum from hair. She read it out loud when she found something.

BETH: The best way to remove gum from your hair depends on what you have on-hand. If you have smooth peanut butter,  yeah right! Who carries peanut butter in their purse?  Brush it onto the gum with a toothbrush. I have a toothbrush!!! Try applying cooking oil or toothpaste to the gum and and the area around it. So it's okay if your in the house but not if you're out and about! Alternatively, spread lemon juice or mayonnaise on the gum and let it sit for 1 minute.  Ahhh mayo!!!  I have that!

She went into her big bag and found a sachet of mayonnaise.  After opening it she squeezed it on the gum on her hair and rubbed it into it then left it for a minute

BETH: I smell like a fuckin' salad!

She looked at the restaurant door hoping to see Kelly, but nothing!  She was still thinking about the peanut butter.

BETH: I'll need to get peanut butter!

Just then Beth saw Jays truck pull up.  He got out, slammed the door shut and went inside.  A few minutes later and ambulance appeared and Sylvie and Emily got out.  Sylvie caught a glimpse of Beth and waved, Beth waved back as the two paramedics went into the building.

Beth looked into the rear view mirror and looked at her hair.  She tried to get the gum out of her hair with a tissue but it still wasn't budging.  Kelly laughed at her as he got closer to the truck.

BETH: I'm not talking to you, you ass hole.

Kelly got into his truck and shut the door.

BETH: Is Shaylynn okay?

KELLY:  She's been shot! It went right through her shoulder

BETH:  I'm gonna go see her!

Beth began to get out of the truck but Kelly grabbed a hold of her

KELLY: No you don't.  She's alright, the bullet came out the other side.  Any way you don't want to see what's in there!

Kelly looked at her hair and laughed.

BETH:  You quit laughing at me or i'll beat you up!

He laughed even more so she punched his arm.

KELLY: Oww! (laughing)

BETH: Take me home!

KELLY: Can I smell mayo?

BETH:  Home!

KELLY:  There's a huge pair of scissors in the kitchen

Beth turned and glared at him

BETH: It's all your fault!

KELLY:  And why is it my fault?  Did you ask me for the gum? No, you just took it!

Beth was upset when she walked into the house.  Benny looked at her as she walked into the kitchen.

BENNY: Beth, what's wrong? Why are you two back so early anyway?

KELLY:  There was a shooting at the restaurant, Shaylynn was shot, but she's okay, the bullet went straight through her shoulder and out the other side!

BENNY:  Are you sure she's alright?

KELLY:  Yeah, she's on her way to Med now with Jay.

Benny looked at Beth

BETH: I have gum in my hair! It's right at the top!

BENNY: Peanut butter will get that out

Kelly tried not to laugh as he went into the cupboard to get a jar of peanut butter

ROSIE:  Mommmmyyy!

Beth turned to see Rosie walking into the kitchen.

BETH:  You're all cleaned up? (smiling)

ROSIE:  Me want big bag! Now!

BETH: As soon as my hair is fixed.  How's Jaden?

BENNY: Fast asleep. Rachel is watching him.

KELLY:  Here you go pops, you can do the honor before she beats me up again! (laughing)

BETH: You deserved it, you laughed at me all the way here!

KELLY: Well it is funny, I'm gonna go check on Jaden then we'll go out again for lunch

BETH: I'll just get a sandwich

KELLY: No, we're going out

BETH:  I'll need to wash my hair!

KELLY:  Just tie it up

He began to walk away

BETH:  If i'm not allowed to wash it i'm not going out!

KELLY:  Okay!

Kelly's phone rang. It was jay.

KELLY: Hey! How is she?

JAY: Natalie hasn't been taken out of the room on a gurney, so things must going well! (laughing)

Beth made a grab for the phone making Kelly laugh, she grabbed it again getting it this time.

BETH: Jay, how is she?

JAY: She's going to be fine!

KELLY: Ask Beth what she did to her hair while she was in the car!

Beth slapped Kelly

KELLY: OUCH! (laughing)

JAY: What did you do to your hair?

BETH: Never mind!

JAY: If Kelly brought it up you must have done something pretty stupid!

Beth never replied for a bit

BETH: Tell her to call me about the party tomorrow, I want to know if you're still going!

JAY: Alright, I'll tell her. She's walking out of the treatment room now!

Jay hung up so Beth gave Kelly his phone back.

Half an hour later after Benny managed to get out the gum, Beth washed her hair and they were back out again in the truck.

KELLY: Don't take my gum again!

She gave him a dirty look.

BETH: Where are we going?

KELLY: Fleming's! At least it's safe there!

The next day, Christmas party day!

DATE: Saturday 21st December 2019

TIME: 4.15PM

PLACE: Living room

Beth had spent most of the day finalizing the party and making sure guests were going to turn up. She managed to get last minute security thanks to Rob organizing some of his friends to do it. Most of the Firehouse gang were coming, and friends and family. Beth was on a mission to set up Capp with Beatrice who worked at Beth's bakery along with Sophie. Kelly was lying on the couch with Jaden in his arms.

KELLY: You can't just set up Capp with some random woman! What's she like?

BETH: She's real nice, she likes coloring books!

Kelly laughed

KELLY: What? Is she 5?

BETH: Don't be stupid!

KELLY: And he doesn't like it if you colour out of the lines!

Beth yawned

KELLY: Go to bed for an hour!

BETH: I'm fine!

Beth's phone rang, it had rang most of the day.

KELLY: Beth, I thought you were going to put it on silent?

BETH: How am I supposed to hear it ring?

KELLY: Well seeing as your cell is glued to your hand you'll feel it vibrate!

BETH: There's only one thing I like to feel vibrate in my hand! (smiling)

Kelly smirked

She answered and walked away towards the extension where Mary and her mom were.

BETH: Mom!

Freya walked out out of the kitchen area

FREYA: What's up?

BETH: The tables and chairs are finally arriving within the hour!

FREYA: Oh good, are you okay? You're as white as a sheet

BETH: I'm just a little bit tired

FREYA: Why don't you go for a wee sleep?

BETH: You're as bad as Kelly!

FREYA: We both love you (smiling)

BETH: I know!

FREYA: Go on then, Mary and I can finish up in here!

BETH: Are you sure?

FREYA: I wouldn't have said otherwise

Freya gave Beth a kiss

BETH: Thanks mom!

Beth went back into the main house. Kelly had Jaden in his arms. Beth smiled at him.

BETH: He's so content. Hand him over

KELLY: No, he'll wake up

BETH: That's not fair, you've had him for ages!

KELLY: I have not!

Beth made a face.

BETH: I'm going to express a load of milk, i want a glass of wine tonight

KELLY: Not too much!

BETH: No, because I'll want to jump you and I can't!

KELLY: Don't remind me! What time is the Nursery nurse getting here?

BETH: Around eight. I have two coming so they can look after all three of them.

Beth's phone rang, it was Shaylynn

BETH: Hey, you okay?

SHAYLYNN: Yeah, I'm fine! Just a bit sore! What time is this party?

BETH: It kicks off about eight but you can come over anytime

SHAYLYNN: Cool, i'll probably be on my own, Jay's working on something in Intelligence.

BETH: Is he going to make it though?

SHAYLYNN: Yeah, he'll be there, just later on. Have you see the weather by the way, I think there might be a snowstorm

Beth walked over by the french doors and looked up at the sky, it was turning pure white

BETH: Oh don't say that! Nobody will turn up! I have a ordered Uber's for everyone to get here and home!

SHAYLYNN: I'm so glad you're rich! (laughing)

BETH: Me too!

SHAYLYNN: I take it you have security?

BETH: Of course i do, I spoke to Rob and he organized it for me!

SHAYLYNN: Good! I'll see you in a few hours then!

BETH: Sure

Beth hung up

BETH: Jay's at work but he's coming later on, Shaylynn will probably be here in a few hours.

KELLY: Okay, we'll need to give the girls dinner

BETH: I'll rustle up something from the fridge in a minute.

TIME: 7.30PM

Shaylynn arrived half hour earlier and gave Beth a hand getting the girls ready for bed. Beth decided to put the girls in the same room as it would be easier for the ladies that were looking after them. Kelly was giving Jaden a quick bath.

BETH: I hope these two settle down and get to sleep, I kept Ellie awake this afternoon so she would sleep tonight!

Shaylynn laughed

SHAYLYNN: You bad mom!

BETH: Shhh!

ROSIE: Me no go bed!

BETH: You're tired Rosie!

ROSIE: Noooo

She rubbed her face into her pillow

SHAYLYNN: Eughhh snotty nose on your pillow!

Rosie laughed

BETH: Mommy will get you a special teddy!

ROSIE: Where?

BETH: You mean when, tomorrow baby

SHAYLYNN: Bribery too huh? (laughing)

BETH: Shhh!

SHAYLYNN: I'll read them a quick story, you go finish getting ready

BETH: Thanks, the nursery nurses should be here soon

Kelly was lying half asleep on the bed when Beth walked into the bedroom. Jaden was in his crib.

BETH: Kelly?

KELLY: Sorry babe

He sat up and yawned.

KELLY: Get over here (smiling)

He patted the bed with his hand

BETH: No, because you'll kiss me and it's not fair, we have to wait ages!

KELLY: There are other thing we can get up to! (laughing)

BETH: Yeah it's okay for you getting a blowie!

KELLY: Oh babe! Thanks!

They both laughed

KELLY: I just want to hug you for five minutes

BETH: We haven't got time for hugs, I need to finish getting ready

He smiled at her. They ended up kissing and hugging for ten minutes or so then Beth dashed around the room getting ready. The girls were in safe hands, Beth left the nurses in the upstairs sitting room with plenty to eat and drink while they kept an eye on Beth and Kelly's little angels! It was now 8.00PM and guests were arriving.

Geoff was first to appear, Kelly let him in.

KELLY:   You're keen! (smiling)

Rachel was walking down the stairs, she smiled when she saw him.

GEOFF: Do you blame me?

kelly smiled at him. 

Everyone seemed to arrive at the same time and the party room was filling up nicely.  Drinks were flowing and Kelly and Beth mingled with their guests.

Beth spotted Capp

BETH: Capp!

Beth and Kelly walked over to where Tony ,Capp and Matt were standing, Tony had his wife Holly with him was sitting at a table next to them.

BETH: Hey Holly! Nice to see you (smiling)

HOLLY:  You too, you look great.  Congratulations on baby Jaden by the way!

BETH: Thank you! He's beautiful! (smiling)

KELLY: Thank's Holly

MATT: I'm gonna go see where Gabby got to!

Matt disappeared

BETH: Capp, I have someone here I'd like you to meet!

CAPP: Who? A hot cousin i hope?

BETH:   I  have no more hot cousins available Capp, sorry.  But I do have a friend called Beatrice! I'll go bring her over!

Beth walked away

CAPP:   Severide! Do I need to make a run for it?

KELLY:    Capp! It's Christmas! Time for goodwill to all men and all that crap, have fun! Don't be a grinch!

Tony and Holly laughed

TONY:  I can't wait to see this! (laughing)

KELLY: You have something in common!

TONY:  She's bald! (laughing)

Kelly laughed

KELLY:  She has those colouring books like yours!

Capp smiled to himself

CAPP:   Cool!

Beth was back with Beatrice.

KELLY:    Fuck! (quietly)

BEATRICE:         Hi there! So you're a firefighter huh?

CAPP:        I sure am! I hear you like to colour?

She looked Capp up and down and smiled

BEATRICE: I like guy's with hair like yours!

CAPP: I haven't got any!

Beatrice whipped out a colouring book from her bag, Capps face lit up!

KELLY: Time to make an exit!

Kelly dragged Beth away laughing, they bumped into Jay who had just arrived.

JAY: What are you two laughing at?

KELLY: She just set up Capp with Beatrice from Beth's Bakery!

Jay looked across at them

JAY: Aww man, she's nuts! She gives me the wrong change all the time!

BETH: She what! Less or more money?

Kelly laughed

JAY: Less!

BETH: She's better not be skimming the cash register!

JAY: Have you seen Shaylynn?

BETH: She was talking to Gabby and Matt ten minutes ago! I haven't seen her since!

Jay disappeared.

BETH:  I'm gonna go talk to Sophie about her!

KELLY: Beth!  Leave it tonight! It's a party!

BETH: I have my eyes on her!

KELLY: Come and get a drink!

Beth glanced out of the window, the snow was going on thick and strong

BETH: That's the snowstorm coming!

KELLY: That's all we need! Everyone staying here tonight ! (laughing)

BETH:  They'll need to sleep on the floor then! i'm gonna go check the girls and Jaden

KELLY:  Beth, we have two nurses up there with them, they'll be fine .  I'll get you a glass of wine!

BETH:  I'm going to the bathroom

Shaylynn was fixing her lipstick when Beth got to the bathroom

BETH: Honey, lipstick ain't gonna fix that face!

SHAYLYNN: You're a cheeky bitch! (laughing) Maybe i'll buy a new one!

BETH: Lipstick or face? (laughing)

SHAYLYNN: How much have you had to drink?

BETH: Only two glasses of wine! Let me see the hole where the bullet went through!

SHAYLYNN: No, there's a dressing on it! You'd probably pass out in shock!

BETH: No I wouldn't!

Kelly popped his head in the door

KELLY:  Come on you!

BETH:  God, there's no escaping you!

KELLY: It's our Christmas party! Guess what?

BETH: What? Capp and Beatrice are kissing?

SHAYLYNN: Your Beatrice?

BETH: Did you know she gives out the wrong change?

SHAYLYNN: I hadn't noticed, I've had a tab at Beth's Bakery for about five years!

BETH: Well it's time to pay up! You've eaten way more than your quota of croissants!

They walked out of the bathroom and went back to the party. Jay handed Shaylynn a glass of wine.

KELLY: Beth, you want wine?

BETH: Red please! (smiling)

Kelly went to get Beth a glass of red

JAY: Capp and Beatrice are at a table colouring in! (laughing)

BETH: What!

SHAYLYNN: What the fuck? Who even brings colouring books to a party?

Chief Boden and Donna walked past them

BETH: Hey Chief, Donna!

DONNA: Beth! It's a wonderful party!

BETH: Thank you, go grab a table! The food will be out soon too!

BODEN: I can't wait, I'm starving!

BETH: There's a great big pot of chilli, extra spicy!

The Chief smiled at Beth

BODEN: I'm looking forward to it!

Kelly was back with Beth's wine then Gabby walked over to them

BETH: You actually look amazing Gabby!

GABBY: Thank you! So do you!

BETH: Any signs of your baby arriving yet?

GABBY: She had a twinge this morning then nothing! I'm not drinking tonight, just to make sure!

Beth laughed

BETH: You can have one or two!

GABBY: I might just have the one!

Gabby looked around.

GABBY: God, there's so many people here! I never realised I knew so many people! Oh, I'm gonna go say hi to Benny!

Kelly and Beth managed to get into a quiet corner

BETH: There's too many friends here and not enough time to talk to them all

KELLY: You invited them all! (laughing)

BETH: I know! We haven't even spoken to the guys from Med yet and my moms overs there! oh and there's Daniel and Carly!

KELLY: But everyone's having a good time! Let your hair down and don't worry about anyone!

BETH: And our baby's upstairs and I need to hug him

He looked at Beth

KELLY: Honey don't you start crying (Smiling) How much wine have you had?

BETH: Three or four glasses i think!

KELLY: Well that's a whole bottle! (laughing)

They put their arms around each other

BETH: I love you!

KELLY: I love you too

Beth saw Shaylynn walking towards her

SHAYLYNN: Hey, I'm really sorry but I need to go. Butch just called me!

BETH: You're joking?

SHAYLYNN: Jay's staying though, keep an eye on him for me

KELLY: We will, you drive careful out there, it looks bad!

SHAYLYNN: I have the tank, i'll be fine! Bethy, it's a great party! I'll call you later if it's not too late!

Shaylynn gave Beth a hug. Beth smiled at her

SHAYLYNN: What? (smiling)

BETH: You're beautiful, don't ever change! Hic!

Kelly and Shaylynn laughed

SHAYLYNN: Little Miss Piss Head!

Kelly laughed again

BETH: I hate you two! Hic! Why does Butch have to steal you away?

SHAYLYNN: It's a work thing! Kelly, she's to get no more wine, you hear?

KELLY: Sure! I'll see you later

Shaylynn winked at Kelly then walked away

KELLY: Come on you! Let's get some food before Firehouse 51 eat us out of house and home!

BETH: I'm sure I saw Trudy with a large Tupperware dish!

KELLY: We'll search her on the way out! (laughing)

An hour or so later Beth spotted Jay leaving the party in a hurry.

KELLY: Jay! What's wrong?

Jay looked as white as a sheet

JAY: There's been an accident!

Shaylynn belongs to RonnaSweeney

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