TPO5: Still Charmed

Por JunesSpellbook

292 29 32

Book 3: The girls time of trying to live separate has came short when all the elders have died, while battlin... Más

1. Trouble in the Pot
2. Manor Mayhem
3. The Brooms are Back Pt. 1
4. The Brooms are Back Pt. 2 (Power Switch)
5. Daddy Dearest (interlude)
6. Simply Normal?
7. Are You Ready? (Interlude)
8. Half-Bloods
10. We're Ready Pt.1
11. We're Ready Pt.2 (interlude)
12. Something Wicca This Way Happens!
13. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 1
14. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 2
See next:

9. Here Comes the Bride!

21 1 6
Por JunesSpellbook

Ashly's POV
At the manor because it's a lot bigger than my home in Charmada, and plus it's the home I grew up in.

In the mirror I'm doing my makeup while Kristal is doing my hair.

"So how do you feel about your big day sis?" Kristal said as she started to slick my hair back into a nice silk ponytail.

Right when I was about to answer the question my phone begins. "Hold that thought." I said.

Normani orbs in the bathroom and hands me my phone.

"Today is your day, you sit down and let Kristal pamper you Ash, don't let anything ruin it." Normani said to me and I knew she was right, but I wasn't going to let her know that.

"It's the priest, hopefully he's going to give me some wise words to help me calm my nerves." I said before I answered.

A few seconds later I hung up, "CAN MY LIFE GET ANY WORSE THAN WHAT IT IS?!" I exclaimed.

"What?! What is it?!" Normani and Kristal asked in unison.

"The damn priest's wife is in labor so he won't be able to make it, this is only like his 10th child, it's not a sin if he misses one birth, I guess I can't get married now." I said as my eyes started to get cloudy trying to hold in my tears.

Zendaya and Ariana comes from their room.

"What's going on I heard screaming." Ariana asked in her little soft voice.

"Yeah is there a demon? You know I love a good vanquished." Zendaya stated.

"Yeah my wedding, and you could blame the priest." I said beginning to sulk.

"Well I don't know if you know, but since I am half-Cupid, I'm automatically ordained, I can marry you and Antonio, and plus getting married by a Cupid, it's a guarantee your marriage will last." Ariana said which actually put me on ease.

"You would really do that for me?" I said as my heart began to blush.

"Of course! I mean you're literally letting my stay in the home you grew up in, and the old elders weren't really let us half-bloods get a chance, and I love returning love that was given to me." Ariana said as we smiled at each other.

"Ari lets go to the church, so we can already be prepared, Nothing is going to stop this wedding." Zendaya said as she grabbed Ari so they can start heading out.

"Okay Kristal, to answer your question, so far this is the best day ever." I said as we proceeded to do what we were doing before.

"Kristal, do you know how long I dreamed about this, ever since I was a little girl I just knew in my heart that I'll have a family of my own one day, and it's finally happening." I said wanting to jump for joy.

"Yes, I'm just surprised I did it before you, I thought you were going to get married first then Brie, myself, then Gabby, and finally Shyann." Kristal started, "But instead I was the one to get married first... twice." Kristal simply chuckled.

"Well look, all that I care about is that I'm happy, we're happy, and that our other family and friends is happy." I responded as I added the finishing touches on my makeup.

"I know that's right." Kristal responded as she started to wand my ponytail.

"You look absolutely beautiful Ashly, like fureal, believe me when I say Antonio is a lucky siren and man." Kristal said and I couldn't help but to smile.

"Whew I hope everything goes as planned, Minnie will pull Ava in a wagon while her pup will be the flower girl." I said.

"Oh my God I didn't know that, that's so cute, we really pay our familiars dust, Khris & K'Lynn don't go to sleep until their familiars are right beside them during bedtime." Kristal said as we just started to do a lil talking.

Antonio's POV
At the church I feel the nerves all over me.

Don walks over to me and starts to converse, "So how you feeling man?" He asked.

"I can't even put it into words, I'm just so all over the place, cause once I'm married, this is it, sirens are very lustful creatures, but I want this to last, I can't see myself with anybody else on this Earth, or any other realm." I responded the best way I possibly could.

"I know the feeling I can't wait till my wedding, and to be a father." Don said speaking to me and I can tell he was trying to calm my nerves down.

"What do you think you and Brie are going to be blessed with a boy or a girl?" I asked.

"Well since I'm really the only male nymph that makes me the king so I hope that I have a son to pass down the crown to, but if we have a girl, I don't mind spoiling a princess either, but I really really really want a son!" Don said laughing. "What about you?" He asked me.

"Well since Ashly and I already have a daughter, I wouldn't mind a son either to even the playing field, but think about it this is a predominately female family tree, I'm surprised Luke and Kristal has two boys and just one girl."  Don replied and I nodded my head.

While Don and I were talking Stephen arrived in his suit holding Ava.

"Your daughter still looks at me like who's this white man, but uhm her pacifier fell out her mouth, she started to cry and levitated and moved the pacifier back into her mouth." Stephen said as he approached me.

"Are you kidding me, I missed her use her powers for the first time." I laughed, but was disappointed.

Luke (with Khristopher, K'Lynn, & Kameron), Christian, Brie, Gabby, Shyann, Normani, Joshua, Ariana, Victoria, and Justine started to walk through the church, along with friends like Jussie and other people they knew before they were witches.

Gabby's POV
Arrived I made sure I spoke to the family before I got to business.

"Wow babe you look beautiful!" Stephen smiled.

"Thanks mi amor, but today isn't about me, today is about my big sister Ashly!" I blushed.

"I know that, but I can't compliment my wife?" He rhetorically asked.

"Oh my God, I gotta go." I said as I gave him a kiss then one on Ava's forehead since he was holding her lil cute self.

I give Normani and Joshua a look telling them to come here.

"Yes Elder Hydra?!" The twins said in unison.

"Eww, I'm changing that." I cringed. "But, no seriously Joshua are the gargoyles alive?!" I asked first things first.

"Yes I casted the spell last night." He responded.

"What about the pixies?" This time I asked referring to Mani.

"Some are floating around here, while the others are keeping an eye on Mr.Ace." Normani responded.

"Okay great, but I feel like I'm missing something, am I?" I asked before things started to get rolling.

"Not that I know of, I mean Victoria is outside picking up on scents as we speak." Joshua stated.

"Oh God, I hope she's not just going around sniffing people." Normani cringed.

"He probably meant as a door greeter." I said simply chuckling.

"Okay guys let's go get ready." I said as the bells started to go off and you could hear Minnie and her puppy Domino barking.

Omniscient POV
"The Bride is coming, the bride is coming, the bride is coming!" Jussie's son said running down the aisle ringing a bell.

The gargoyles scream and Kristal hurries up and sneaks her way through to make an announcement.

"There is a change of plans, I was going to be the one that walked my sister down the aisle, but that job has been giving to somebody else." Kristal said as she introduced Ashly and her father.

Everyone in the church stood up, you can see the sisters crying and even Antonio's eyes started watering.

Behind Ashly and Ace there was Minnie pulling Ava in a little carriage as Domino ran with the petals falling.

Everyone was in awe when they saw how cute that was.

Once Ashly finally made it up to her soon to be husband, Normani went Mr.Ace and pulled him to the side.

Victoria and the pixies tried to let it be know that the DWH was close, but they didn't want to disturb Ashly nor Antonio.

Out of nowhere was a high pitched scream.

"I'll go check it out, keep on going with the ceremony." Brie said as she started to walk down.

Brie's POV
I immediately went to the back to see what the commotion was.

"Hello witch." The DWH mischievously smiled as he grabbed me from behind with the knife pressing my neck.

"Now which charmed one are you?!" He asked in a sinister tone.

I levitated while he still was holding me and aggressively pushed us against the wall, I got a lil cut on my neck, but it was worth it, I had to get him off me some type of way.

"Now who screamed?!" I asked.

"I'm not telling you shit bitch!" He said as he punched me and I'm not gonna lie I became a little woozy as blood dripped from my nose.

He punched me again and this tell I fell to the floor, he grabbed me by my neck and sniffed me harder than a dog sniffs for fallen food.

"Ah yes, you're pregnant not with one witch, but two! This is going to be a treat." He snarled.

Ashly's POV
Out of all days, do demons take breaks, all I heard were thuds over and over again.

As Ariana was trying to marry Antonio and I, it was murmurs amongst the crowd.

I couldn't help, but to be embarrassed, I was started to lose patience, I was getting closer and closer into calling the wedding off.

Brie's POV
Just when I was about to get stabbed, a big ball of energy pushes the DWH off of me.

I turned my head my and I was my dad's other daughters saving my life.

They quickly helped me up.

"Were you the ones that screamed?!" I asked in panicky tone.

"Yeah only because he was tryna to kill us and he kept asking us about dad." Madisyn answered.

Normani's POV
"I'm right here girls!" I said glamoured as Mr.Ace winking to Brie so she could know it's me. "Now you girls listen to your sister and get out of here,don't forget about your little brother."

"But dad!" My sisters groaned.

"Now! Hurry before he wakes up!" I said and they did just as they were told.

The DWH woke up and the first person he saw was me.

"Look at the mortal father, sacrificing hisself for his family, I hope you know this is nothing personal just business." He said as he began to throw his weapon at me.

"Dagger!" I called as it orbed in my hand.

"WHAT, you can't do that, that'-that-that's impossible!" The DWH fussed.

Mr. Ace came from the sideline, "You're right! I can't do that, but she can!" Mr.Ace said as I removed my glamour.

"This is church, go to hell!" I said as I threw the dagger at him as he screamed in agony and bursting into flames.

"Wow, thank you so much Naomi." Mr.Ace said with complete gratitude.

"It's Normani, but hey it's what I was born to do." I smiled.

"I'm sorry, and you know you look just like her." He vaguely said.

"Like who?!" I quickly asked.

"Kelly, wow those Rowland genes are strong." He said as he gave me a hug and we proceeded to walk to the front.

Omniscient POV
After everyone realized everything was okay (so they thought.) the ceremony was finally able to flow.

"Everyone settle down, it wouldn't be a Rowland wedding if we didn't have any excitement." Ariana said putting everyone on ease. "I am Ariana Butera, and we are gather here today to celebrate the day Ashly Breshé Williams & Antonio Bassclef becomes one!" Ariana said as everyone started to clap while they still were standing.

"You may be seated." Ari said as she waved her hands down.

Even though Ashly's veil was covering her face her and Antonio were still lost in each other's eyes, waiting to officially kiss each other as a married couple.

"So raise your hand if any of you are or have been." Ariana ordered and just a good amount of attendants raised their hand.

"So we all know marriage is a very sacred thing, and it shouldn't be played with, I'm looking at you two lovebirds, marriage is one of the most powerful forms of teamwork that there is, when you work as one, no one could or should be able to come in between that, and that's on period!" Ariana said as the church laughed. "With that being said, the couple has written their own vows, thank God!" Ariana slightly smiled as she let Antonio and Ashly do there thing.

Ashly's POV
"Dear Antonio,
I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I met you, my life was very chaotic at the moment, but so was yours. Our first conversation came out to be so casual that it felt like there wasn't anything that could be off limits." I started to say as the tears started to run down my face.

"You're an amazing man, friend, and already an amazing father, so I know you're going to be an amazing husband! As long as I have you, I know you'll have me." I completed my vows.

"Antonio." Ariana said letting him know that it is now his turn to go.

Antonio's POV
"Dear Ashly,
Where I'm from if you sing one wrong note it's the end of a song, but to me you're more than just a note, you're the lyrics and the instrumental." I said as I became choked up.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you raising our kids, grandkids, and hopefully we see the day to even have great-grandkids." I said as the tears finally dropped.

My heart was bumping as it was getting closer and closer to the big moment.

"With that being said, let's just skip to the good part." Ariana smiled, "Do you two take if each other as husband and wife for rich or poor, better or for worse, sickness and in health, love and cherish while alive and till death?!" Ariana asked.

"I do!" Ashly and I said in unison.

"You may ki..." before Ariana could even finish that sentence Ashly and I already started to kiss.

Everyone in the church stood up and cheered as Ashly and I walked down the aisle.

Omniscient POV
Everyone arrived at the reception after changing their clothes and everything.

People were on the dance floor while people from Ashly and Luke's restaurant served the food.

Ashly and Antonio arrived and everybody started cheering and clapping again.

"Come here Ash, there's somebody I want you to meet." Shyann said.

After Ashly hugged old friends and had mini conversations she came over.

"These are our other siblings Madisyn, Mya, Mia, and Marley." Shyann introduced.

"Woooow you're beautiful!" They all said.

"Well thank you, you girls are very beautiful as well, and you're very handsome little man." Ashly smiled.

"Ashly it's time to throw the bouquet!" Kristal shouted.

"Oh I'll be right back!" Ashly said to her newfound siblings.

The DJ made the announcement and everyone made room for the bride.

Ashly got in the middle and she threw the bouquet backwards.

When she heard all the commotion settled behind her, she turned around and she saw Ariana caught it, everyone laughed because Josh started to choke on his drink.

While all the guest were having a good time, the girls saw The Quintrix then they were gone.

"Shit." They all whispered to themselves.

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