TPO5: Still Charmed

By JunesSpellbook

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Book 3: The girls time of trying to live separate has came short when all the elders have died, while battlin... More

1. Trouble in the Pot
2. Manor Mayhem
3. The Brooms are Back Pt. 1
4. The Brooms are Back Pt. 2 (Power Switch)
5. Daddy Dearest (interlude)
6. Simply Normal?
7. Are You Ready? (Interlude)
9. Here Comes the Bride!
10. We're Ready Pt.1
11. We're Ready Pt.2 (interlude)
12. Something Wicca This Way Happens!
13. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 1
14. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 2
See next:

8. Half-Bloods

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By JunesSpellbook

Normani's POV
At the manor it was only Ariana and I since Daya was in The Underworld with new half-bloods Victoria and Justine.

I orbed up to Charmada since I heard my named being called from up there.

When I orbed up, it was Gabby calling me.

"No offense Gab, but do you ever take a break?" I asked and I already knew she knew what I was talking about.

"Well Normani, let's see... I am 24 year old club owner, so I have to make sure that doesn't flop because that's my source of income while being a newlywed getting together to build a art gallery with my husband, and on top of that I am a Charmed One who's powers grows everyday but somehow I'm only a thirophyte leveled witch, and OH I'm an elder of a whole entire magical community of shit I barely know anything about because all the original elders fucking died, and to add the cherry on top I have to prepare to go against a group of old demons when I'm nor my other charmed sisters are ready! So excuse me for trying to save the world!" Gabby said lifting a big weight off her shoulders.

"Hmm, well I'm your sister too, do you want to talk?" I asked with a opened mind.

"No, there's no time, we have work to do." Gabby said as she started frantically flipping through supernatural research.

"Oh wow." I said feeling rejected.

"Oh God what are you bout to cry about now?" Gabby said and her saying that I just felt something for some odd reason.

"Do you like me?" I finally asked just ripping the bandage off.

Gabby stopped what she was doing and just gave me a confused look.

"No I'm serious, I mean I know you feel like you have to deal with me because I'm your sister, and it feels like it's just that, like every time we interact, it's like you're talking at me and not really to me, like do you even really know anything about me on a deep level?" I finished what I was saying with a very important question.

"Well Normani lets put it this way, you're strong wielded like Kristal, you overthink like Ashly, you're introverted like Shyann and I, but you talk a lot when nervous or when you're just very passionate like Brie, another shared trait we have is we're both inquisitive we like to plan things out before getting into it, even though your powers are stronger than Josh's you still feel inferior to him because he's well skilled at being both a whitelighter and witch, and even though you love Blair from the bottom of your heart, you're only making the relationship work because it's the only thing normal that's going on in your life, and even though you hate to admit it, you looooooooooooove being a witch! I noticed you're an amazing dancer you seem the happiest on the dance floor, you're very friendly when your social energy is up, and you feel like moving out the house with your adoptive parents is helping you find yourself." Gabby said shockingly speaking to my closed soul.

"Hmm since you obviously seem to think you know me so well why is our relationship I don't know, weird?" I asked.

"Normani... I've known Kristal, Ashly, Brie, and Shy my whole life, we were raised together, went to the same school knew half of the same people, I've only known you for like 2 1/2 years now and it's just the way my life has been it's too risky to get close to someone else. Mom and Frank are gone, my dad I don't know even know if he's dead or alive." Gabby said being open as she can be.

"Hmm you and Josh seem to be pretty close, maybe I was just jealous." I admitted.

"Well maybe I'm a tomboy, and maybe Josh and I already had our deep talk when Frank died." Gabby said giving a slight smirk.

"Okay sorry for getting all sentimental, let's get to business like you said." I said putting us back on track.

"Right, so okay look at this." Gabby said showing me something she found out of one of the research books.

"Soooo what's the plan?" I asked after finished reading the page.

"I'm glad you asked, I have this job for you and the half-bloods." Gabby said seeming to be excited giving an assignment.

"Well... Zendaya, Justine, and Victoria had searched The Underworld safely and thoroughly as they possible could and they only found two, so I need you, Josh, Ariana, Victoria, Justine, and even Shyann's college roommate Hylie to come up with a really good super plan." Gabby said and I felt my heart thumping.

"So who's in charge?" I asked.

"Well I'm trusting you to take lead, do you know your coven's strength and weaknesses?" Gabby quizzed me.

"Well I don't know much about Vic and Justine, but Zendaya has 3 demonic powers and two wiccan her demonic powers are energy absorption,shapeshifting,and her demonic teleporting power shimmering, her wiccan powers are telekinesis and conjuration, her demon side gives her telekinesis an extra boost so out of the three us she's the strongest telekinetic." I responded.

"Ariana." Gabby stated for me to give what I know.

"Ariana has 1 wiccan power 2 hybrid powers and 1 full Cupid power." I started off. "Her wiccan power is telekinesis she uses her telekinesis to move things away from her, her first hybrid power is remote beaming meaning she teleports people to different locations by the wave of her hand or squint of her eyes, her second hybrid power is advanced empathy since Cupids get to feels other emotions and her wiccan power is telekinesis, those two powers combined giving her the ability to actually control what people are feeling, and finally beaming her teleportation power from her Cupid side." I answered.

"So Zendaya uses her telekinesis offensively, Ariana uses hers to move things out of her way, and I use mine to bring things to me or deviate." I said.

"Okay as for Josh his powers are time based so of course his best power is stopping time." Gabby explained.

"Justine she's a vampire-witch so she's physically strong and she has a lot of speed on her, Victoria she's a werewitch so she has two forms fully wolf or wolf-human, so she's pretty strong as well." Gabby finished.

"Okay." I nodded my head.

"For Ashly!" Gabby said.

"For Ashly." I said back then orbing back to the manor.

"Hey girl, I didn't even notice you were gone." Ariana said as she just came out the shower.

"Yeah we have an assignment from The Elders." I said.

"Oh wow." Ariana said shocked, but nonchalant.

"Yeah it involves you, me, Josh, Justine, Victoria, and that Hylie girl." I said putting Ariana on game.

"Josh!!! Oh Joshua!!!" I shouted loudly.

Joshua immediately orbed down with some company.

"Hello Hylie, I'm guessing." I kinda stammered just hoping I wasn't saying the wrong name.

"Hello Joshy." Ariana said blushing.

"Eww." I simply said to myself. "Anyway I'm guessing Gabby already filled you in on the plan?" I asked.

"Well only part of it, she said the rest is up to you." Josh answered.

"It's killing you for me to take the lead, since you know almost everything huh?" I asked tauntingly.

"Uhm no I'm actually excited to see you take lead." Josh said looking at me like I was weird.

"Is that jealousy that I'm feeling from you?" Ariana said, but referring to me.

"Girl... let's move on." I said trying to completely change the subject.

"Wait are you serious Normani? If anything I should be jealous of you, when I got my powers I was trained to use my powers as an assassin, it was till later I started realizing I can guide other witches with what I know and I didn't know I could also slow down time and speed it up till I actually met you and our sisters, you came into your powers later than me and you have stronger powers are stronger and more versatile than mine, plus we may be twins, but we're obviously two different people you're more of a witch while I'm more a whitelighter and that's okay." Joshua said reassuring me.

I smiled and I gave him a hug.

"Awe isn't this sweet, anyway I'm going to change, I can't fight demons in a towel." Ariana said as she went to go upstairs.

"Sooo Hylie, what's your powers?" I asked for conversation.

"Uhm... I'm pretty good at making potions." Hylie answered awkwardly.

"Wait how are you a half-blood with no active powers?" I asked very confused while trying not to come across as rude.

"Well because my father is a witch and my mother is mortal, since witches are mostly woman if my mother was the witch and my father was mortal I'd be considered as a full witch with an active power, but I only have the basic powers of a witch so I'm good at combat and I practice my skill in potion making to defend myself when fighting demons." Hylie explained and I was very intrigued by her answer.

Omniscient POV
Zendaya shimmers in the manor with Victoria and Justine.

"Girl, we almost died." Victoria blurted.

"Well technically I'm half-dead anyway, so I really didn't feel like my life was in danger." Justine added.

"How, what happened?" Josh asked in a concerned tone.

"Well stopwatch, we almost died getting this." Zendaya said as she pulled out two witch hunter daggers.

"How the hell did you get that, and not just one two!" Joshua said being completely covered with total amazement.

"Well... I'm a demon-witch who can shapeshift, enough said if you ask me." Zendaya proudly, but nonchalantly replied.

"Touché." Joshua replied.

"Where's Ariana, we need to come up with a plan quickly before we get eighty-sixed." Zendaya stated.

"I'm here, I'm here." Ariana said as she walked down the stairs prissy and in pink.

"Great let's go to the kitchen." Normani said as everyone then followed.

"So what we know that a DWH can smell the blood of a witch, but none of us are full bred witches, not to sound like we're dogs, but you get the point that I'm making, anyway the one that's closest to being a full witch is Hylie." Normani said as she started to come up with a plan.

"So basically whatever plan we come up with, I'm going to be used as decoy?" Hylie asked.

"Do you think you can handle that?" Justine asked.

"Listen I don't know who you guys take me for, but I am a quintaphyte leveled witch, I've been vanquishing demons and kicking ass since middle school, I know 30 offensive spells, 12 teleporting spells, 6 illusion spells frontwards and backwards, and I could make anytime type of potion that's needed, just because you have powers doesn't make you powerful." Hylie said defending her craft.

"Well alrighty then." Joshua said rooting for Hylie.

"Anyway we Hylie at an altar with the two daggers in the middle as she's doing a ritual, it'll be perfect hunters like to hunt where there's a lot of trees, but we need a potion that's going to hide our scent so whoever attacks won't know there's other witches around." Normani said as she was still in the middle of thinking.

"I have the perfect ingredients, first we're going to need some garlic, OOP wait... do you think you can handle that?" Hylie said referring to Justine since she was half vampire.

Everyone gasped at Hylie's witty comeback since it was executed perfectly.

"Oh my God guys let's focus, is there anything else that we know about DWH that may not be on the page given to me by Gabby or since we're talking business, by Elder Hydra." Normani asked.

"When a DWH loses their dagger, they wear amulet stolen from a mortal witch hunter to protect themselves against wiccan magic." Joshua answered.

"So if they're wearing one, that means we're going to have to fight till we get them off." Normani stated. "Thinking about it, Victoria and Justine you should hide in the trees just in case." She then finished.

After everyone started to come together with the plan and know their roles, Hylie came up with a potion and gave it to her teammates.

She then whistles and a witch hat and a broom flies through the doors of the house as she then jumps and the hat fits her head and the broom in her hand.

"Uhm first of all the neighbors already think Zendaya, Mami, and I are weird this, second of all this isn't Charmada, we could be exposed as witches, and third of what the hell?!" Ariana said and asked in a confused tone.

"I'm not stupid, my hat and broom is invisible when flying by itself flying in broad daylight, second I don't have any active powers, so with my hat and broom I feel the full powers of my wiccan heritage." Hylie responded.

"You're weird girl, but I like it." Zendaya snickered.

"Okay let's get this over with shall we?" Normani loudly blurted.

"Okay Ms.Boss, it's your world!" Joshua laughed.

Joshua grabs Hylie and proceeds to orb to the wiccan forest.

Zendaya grabs Vic and Justine and shimmers away.

Ariana beamed as Normani orbed to the same location as the others.

*Wiccan Forest*
The half-bloods arrive.  

Hylie quickly puts the daggers on the altar as the others drink their potion to hide their scents.

Hylie hops on her broom and puts on her hat as she flies around the alter chanting,

"The owner of thee,
Come to me,
The owner of thee,
Return to property!"

She kept chanting and chanting until the two DWH's came.

"How dare you summon us witch?!" They asked in unison while also having crossbows in their hand.

They shot it and Hylie's broom spun her out the way.

While Joshua was out of sight he tried to freeze the DWH's, but he then realized they had a amulet on.

He gave a signal letting the others know meaning that Victoria and Justine were on.

"You stupid witch! By the smell of your blood, you don't even have any active powers, this should be easy." One of them said as they went to grab their dagger.

He threw it and Normani called for it as it orbed in her hand.

"Who else is here?!" They snarled.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" Victoria said as she jumped from the tree in her half-wolf half-human form.

Victoria's POV
The DWH elbowed me in my face with a powerful force knocking me in my back.

I jumped high kicking him in his face as he flipped and landed on his face.

As he was laid out on the floor I turned into my full wolf form I ran to him to yank his amulet off but as soon as I was close to doing it he pushed me away.

"God damn it!" I loudly howled.

Justine sped over to the DWH I was fight and snapped his neck.

He fell to the ground, the power of the amulet rose him back up.

I transformed into my human form and I grabbed him by his neck and kicked him in his balls, Justine turned into her bat form as she flew behind the DWH snatching the amulet off with her feet.

Now it was Ariana, Zendaya, and Joshua's turn.

While the first DWH was on the ground, Ariana raised her palm beaming him to Zendaya and Josh as a pink aura shined around him, he reappeared exactly to where Zendaya and Josh were standing.

When the DWH aggressively got up, Josh yelled "Stop!" And the DWH was covered in blue and white orbs frozen in mid act.

Zendaya held her hand out for one of the daggers to land in her hand and as soon as it did she stabbed the DWH he started to move again screaming in pain as he dispersed in a big ball of demonic flames.

Normani and Hylie were caught alone with the other DWH who still had his amulet.

"Amulet!" Normani said trying to orb it, but nothing was working.

"Your stupid powers wont work on me witch!" He snarled.

"But kicking your ass will!" Hylie responded.

"I'll like to see you try." The demon taunted.

"That's all you had to say." Normani smiled.

She ran backwards and then soon as she flipped forwards she orbed behind the demon and kicked him.

Hylie walked up towards him and kept beating him with her broom til he couldn't get up anymore.

Hylie yanked the amulet off and threw it to Mani.

"Where should I orb him to Hylie?!" Mani asked in a playful tone.

"What about straight to hell, wait no too predictable, what about a volcano?!" Hylie responded.

"Ouuu I like that, volcano it is, volcano!" Normani blurted at the end as the DWH body covered in blue and white lights he disappeared.

Normani and Hylie gave each other a high five.

"One down two more to go." Joshua said as he and everybody else met up proud of themselves.

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