Serpentine [T.M. Riddle]

By susabei

16.4K 931 1.1K

He wants to sink into her. Deep like a stone in a river. Wrap himself in the very essence of her. Her magic... More

BONUS: Moodboards
BONUS: Trailer
Her Silence
His Observation
Their Severance
A-Tisket, A-Tasket
Poor Mary
Lavender's Blue
Real Talk
Soft Hands
Interlude I: Nemesis
White Noise
Interlude III: Hedwig
Interlude IV: Ximena
In Which Biscuits Are Eaten
In Which Waters Are Still
In Which Illusions Are Broken
Curses Come Home to Roost
Interlude V: Assorted Letters Sent Over the Summer of 1940
When One Person is Cursed, Two Graves Are Dug (Part I)
When One Person is Cursed, Two Graves Are Dug (Part II)
When One Person Is Cursed, Two Graves Are Dug (Part III)
There Always Has To Be A Price
The End
I found you
I lost you (Part I)
I lost you (Part II)
I lost you (Part III)
I have you (Part I)
I have you (Part II)
RECAP: Previously On...
Interlude VI: Phobos
Interlude VII: Balam
Emergence (Part I)
Emergence (Part II)
Something like that.
Don't They Look Like They're Crying? (Part I)
Don't They Look Like They're Crying? (Part II)
Don't They Look Like They're Crying? (Part III)
Don't Touch Him. (Part I)
✷ C O R R U P T I O N ✷
Don't Touch Him. (Part II)
I Think Love Is Something That Happens To Other People
Kixakgtlilh mintankgaxekg
Sino sangriento
Interlude VIII: Ximena II
Nunca Es Suficiente

Interlude II: The Daily Prophet, September 26th-27th, 1939

97 8 0
By susabei


By Ajax L. Bones Special to The Daily Prophet

Tuesday, September 26th, 1939

(Fig 1 Shows a collage of moving photographs in grainy, black and white. They are arranged jaggedly in a starburst shape and cut into each other at odd angles. Clockwise from 10 o'clock shows Mister Ian Rosier's face sobbing as he recounts his story to the Wizengamot. Then Deputy Headmaster Albus Dumbledore testifying solemnly on the temperament and attitude of his students. Following is Miss Ximena Lane listening attentively to the questions given to her by the Wizengamot. Lastly, there is the end of the session where Mister Tom Riddle and Miss Nemesis Fawley are exiting the chambers, hiding their faces away from the cameras and flashing lights. Riddle has an arm around Fawley's shoulder.)

This past Thursday, Mister Ian Rosier, a third year at Hogwarts, was thwarted in attempting to cast the Cruciatus curse during a session of the school's weekly Dueling Club. During the first meeting, students were instructed to pair up with one another to practice harmless jinxes and simple defenses. However, during a particular duel between Rosier and Mister Tom Riddle, a second year, foul play arose quickly. According to eyewitness testimony and investigation, Rosier tried to cast the dreadful Cruciatus Unforgivable on his underclassman in an attempt to defeat him in their spar. "[It's] common for my students to escalate the attacks in their spars." says Missus Abisola Willow, professor at Hogwarts and overseer of the Dueling Club, "It's foolish to try and reign them all in--They have skills to show off and they know how to use them..." [continued on page 6]

[Page 6] (Fig 2 Displays a regal Abisola Willow speaking before the Wizengamot, showing off a dazzling smile.)

[Continued from Page 1] "...Mister Rosier, however, acted out of turn and without tact. Not an uncommon occurrence for tempermental students, but he's the first to try and cast an Unforgivable in front of dozens of witnesses."

Rosier was taken straight to the headmaster's office for proper discipline, and kept under close watch. Curiously enough, the incident was never reported to the Ministry until another potentially tragic event: Rosier met Riddle again later that week, having escaped watch, and wagered a rematch. As a result, Miss Ximena Lane, a foundling witch of uncertain pedigree, was accused of injuring Rosier with a blasting curse, after he had attempted to ambush Riddle when he was alone with Miss Nemesis Fawley, seventh child to Erebus Fawley and Aide Fawley (neé Belasko) with a slicing hex. The two were walking together to the Slytherin dormitories when Rosier attacked, nearly injuring Fawley and almost decapitating Riddle. Thankfully for the two second year witches, Lane had been in the "right place at the right time" and cast a protego to shield them, causing the two third year students to begin dueling. It is during this skirmish that Rosier was burned with an out-of-control Confrigo spell--The very same one that Lane was accused of casting. Checking the previous spell cast by Lane's wand showed it was a simple expelliarmus, while the last spell used by Rosier's was Expulso. No witnesses were available to vouch for either side, as Fawley had ran off to find a teacher at Lane's command, and Riddle had soon passed out from blood loss.

"I was on guard since I heard [Rosier] tried to cast the Cruciatus curse on [Riddle.]" Said Lane to Wzn. Malfoy, on the subject of knowing whether Rosier would attack Riddle.

Long has there been ugly rumours of the dark influences spread within Slytherin house to its students. In fact, the accusations go back centuries, all the way to the very year in which the school was founded. Salazar Slytherin, founder of the house, fielded many questions and accusations himself, claiming they were baseless and prejudiced. The wizard, famous for his dark magical core and penchant for black magic, was never found to have any meaningful connection to the Dark Arts outside of casual interest. Historians believe his interest was out of concern for his own students: believing that in order to combat and protect against the, at the time, hostile Muggle-Magic relations, scholars had to be armed with knowledge of the Dark Arts.

(Fig 3. Wzn. Gamp questioning Ximena Lane on whether she's aware of said rumors surrounding her house. Gamp appears stern and resigned, Lane looks soft and staunch.)

One must wonder what officials were thinking in allowing Rosier to continue attending classes among his schoolmates when he very clearly meant to successfully cast an Unforgivable. Scrutiny is being given towards Headmaster Armando Dippet, Slytherin Head of House Horace Slughorn, and Willow--The later two having testified on Lane's behalf. When questioned, Slughorn responded that the event was a "shameful misrepresentation of Slytherin values", and that "no scholar of [his] would ever willingly know or cast either of the two Unforgivables". He, in fact, cited the actions of Lane as the proper conduct for a Slytherin, claiming that "[she] is polite, attentive to her housemates, [...] loyal" and that the majority in his house were closer to her than Rosier.

Lane appeared humbly before the court alongside her professors and classmates, whom were happy to testify on her behalf. Representing her was the bright Mister Colin Avery: a noble young man rumored to be named the new successor of the Avery Clan. He helped Lane answer questions from the Wizengamot that might have been too complicated or too foreign for her to understand; Lane, raised in Muggle Croydon, was found without memories at the age of six by a congregation of nuns at The Sisters of Saint Hesychast: Shrine of the Most Immaculate Sacrament Abbey. According to her testimony, she is not the only witch at this location, which explains why she was so well mannered in the midst of the trial. Her guardian, a stoic nun by the name of Miss Adela Rivera, accompanied Lane to the trial in support. Rivera declined our request for comment, citing her desire for inattention. Lane, following her humble example, also declined. Despite her reservations, she's proven to be a bright young witch with overflowing respect for Hogwarts and the Ministry.

"Miss Lane isn't hostile or resentful to any of the students at Hogwarts; she's quite close with one of the best and brightest, as a matter of fact" said Slughorn, looking grim and skittish. "The best and brightest", as a matter of fact, is the aforementioned Riddle, whom was described by Fawley as "the second coming of Merlin". Fawley herself, was characterized as a "charming young witch with endless talent". The two are currently tied for the best grade in their year along with a select few others. Indeed, if these three students are within Slytherin house, how could anyone contest the idea that Rosier is an unfortunate outlier? In the centuries that Hogwarts has been open, never has a case such as this arisen: in which a Slytherin student has reasonable proof of being influenced by dark forces. Vinda Rosier, Grindelwald's most valuable lieutenant, has allegedly been in constant contact with her cousin since January of 1934, teaching the dark wizard's philosophy and instructing him to spread his propaganda to other members of Slytherin house. Rosier, turning fourteen this October, openly shed tears at the confession. It is uncertain whether or not this will affect the verdict; while Grindelwald and his legion are known for their persuasive and manipulative methods, Rosier has not been formally a minor since his induction as branch heir after the untimely death of his older sister, Colina Rosier. It's uncertain whether his status as a formal adult will override his legal status as a minor.

According to Galatea Merrythought, professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, Lane could not have cast the Confrigo spell on her own, due to an underdeveloped magical core. Rosier, as it turns out, is skilled with fire magic, and thus had a smaller chance of accidentally hurting himself. Elemental jinxes, of course, are forbidden to students under year five, talented or not, for the very reason of safety. Rosier denied having cast the blasting curse, insisting that it was Lane throughout the entire trial.

We await eagerly for her verdict on the morning of September 30th, and hope that proper justice be given out to the misguided Rosier and the noble Lane.


By Ajax L. Bones Special to The Daily Prophet

Wednesday, September 27th, 1939

Wizarding Britain is on edge since the news of an Unforgivable being uttered in Hogwarts escaped the fidelian[1] safe in which it was being kept. Parents and alumni alike have demanded an explanation as to why Mister Ian Rosier, attempted caster of the Cruciatus curse, suffered no immediate punishment nor reporting to any Ministry authority. Headmaster of Hogwarts, Armando Dippet, declined to comment to The Daily Prophet after reaching out to him. In his stead, Deputy Headmaster Albus Dumbledore (whom was presiding over Rosier's trial as Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore), gave the comment "[N]o Unforgivable was successfully cast, and in the situation of Mister Rosier, whom in his time at Hogwarts has never proven to arouse trouble, leniency was practiced."

His use of the word 'proven' had not escaped us, and after some digging, The Daily Prophet was able to uncover a slew of covered up incidents involving Rosier and his now infamous volatile tendencies...[continued on page 9...]


[1] A word I made up. Modeled after the Fidelius charm: if something is fidelian, it means it's leak-proof. Unhackable, undecipherable, unbreakable, etc. 

Another interlude :P Hope you guys don't mind (and you're not allowed to mind unless you leave comments u.u). I was in 0 mood to write more trial scenes, even if they were flashbacks in Tom's mind; I figured this was a creative and quick way to give you all the cliff notes while still holding back juuuust enough to spark curiosity. You and I both know how the media likes to twist things (insert joke about 'fake news' here).

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