dramione oneshots :)

Galing kay malfoysaura

252K 4.8K 2.7K

a bunch of dramione oneshots for your enjoyment, basically all happy endings lmao :) includes everything besi... Higit pa

a/n: LMAO hi ?
the reunion pt. 1
the reunion pt. 2
triwizard tournament pt. 1
triwizard tournament pt.2
just a little bit of your heart
eight letters
draco's true love
new kid
dear future husband
halloween ball pt. 1
halloween ball pt. 2
halloween ball pt. 3
is there anything you wanna tell me?
promises pt. 2
promises pt. 3
promises pt. 4
more than friends pt. 1
more than friends pt. 2
ladies and gentlemen, blaise zabini
give me your two lips and baby, i'll shut up
bath time
idiots in love
birthday surprise
maid of honor pt. 1
maid of honor pt. 2
drunken words, sober thoughts
drunken words, sober thoughts pt. 2
surprise motherfuckers pt. 1
surprise motherfuckers pt. 2
you're not alone
my angel
the one where cormac thinks he has a chance
the ball of the yule
a whole new world
shopping adventures
new kid pt. 2
ferret boy
a/n: little update

goodbye, my love

4.6K 63 35
Galing kay malfoysaura

don't kill me, i wanted to add variety to my one shots. also, it's a long one :)

"I wish we could stay like this forever."

Hermione stared at the speckled night sky, her head resting comfortably in Draco's lap. She sighed happily. This part of her day was always her favorite, being able to forget about all her seemingly never ending problems and just lay there in peace. It was also one of the only times she could really spend time with her boyfriend, as they hardly saw each other during classes, and even though they were publicly together, there were still many people that were against their relationship, so they had tried to limit their interactions during the day anyway. It was painful for both of them, but it made these nights all the more wonderful.

Draco looked down at the brunette and smiled. He sat against a tree trunk, as he would never in a million years dare to mess his hair up by laying on the ground.

"Me too," he replied. "But, graduation is only a week away so we could actually do this forever if we wanted."

Hermione laughed softly and the peaceful silence resumed, both of them continuing to gaze at the stars with content smiles.

They weren't aware, however, of the shadow that slinked silently back into the forest.


Azkaban was so unbelievably boring. Bellatrix sat in her cell, staring out of the tiny window on the wall at the moon, reminiscing about the good old days when she and the other Death Eaters could roam freely through the streets. Oh, how she longed for those days to be back. She was in the middle of reliving one of her proudest moments, killing Sirius Black, when she heard heavy steps walking briskly, getting louder and louder until they finally stopped, right outside of her cell.

She looked up and her eyes met the face of Lucius Malfoy, who was standing tall with his arms crossed and mouth in a firm line.

"Hello, Bellatrix."

Bellatrix grinned evilly. "Hello, Lucius. What brings you here at this time?"

The blonde man's mouth turned up into a smirk. "Why, to let you out of this dreary place. I have a job for you, involving Miss Granger, who I presume you've met before."

She remembered the mudblood girl from Malfoy Manor. Oh yes, her screams were quite delightful. Her smile widened. The Dark Lord may have been defeated by that stupid Potter boy, but that didn't mean she couldn't still have some fun every once in a while. And now, she finally had another chance.

"What's the job?"

"Let's get out of this cell first and I'll tell you the details on our way to Malfoy Manor."

Lucius brought out a rusty brass key from his coat pocket, and inserted into the lock. Quietly, he pushed the metal door open with only a slight creak and Bellatrix sneaked out. The two walked quickly out of the cells, and into the open air. The dementors guarding the island were nowhere to be found.

"How'd you get the dementors away?" She asked.

"Some very dark magic."

"And my wand?"

Lucius smirked, pulling the wand out of his robes. "Right here. Now let's Apparate before they wake up again."

He held out her wand to her, which she took with such delight she almost cackled out of joy.

Bellatrix took a deep breath. Finally, she was free. Free to do whatever she pleased. She grabbed Lucius' arm and they Apparated to Malfoy Manor.

The fireplace was ablaze, and Lucius motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs as he sat down in a big green armchair opposite her.

"So, it appears that Miss Granger and my son, Draco have been...seeing each other in private. They do not know that I know. But, I feel that it is time that I do something because for Draco to become a successful Malfoy heir, he must not be having relations with anyone with tainted blood. To be quite frank, I don't know what has gotten over him, because last I checked he despised that mudblood. I have a feeling that he may be under a curse, or that she has just been threatening him to be with her to anger me. And of course, I will not have that. So, I have devised a plan to separate them forever. This is where you come in, because as I remember you were always quite good at these."

Bellatrix brightened. This kept sounding better and better.

"What's the plan?"

"In about a week, there is a Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor. I will get you into the castle, and you will cast an Imperius Curse on one of the Gryffindor players before the match starts. I'll get you into the stands later as well, and at some point, I want you to tell that player to hurt Draco, not enough to kill him, but enough to have him in the infirmary for a few days. Now, this will be the fun part for you. During one of the nights Draco is staying in the infirmary, I want you to go there and tell him that if he doesn't get rid of Miss Granger forever, you will make sure she will die. Make sure you scare him enough to make him decide to Obliviate her."

Bellatrix nodded, excitement increasing.

"You must be careful, make sure no one sees you at any point. Also, I have found out that between 10pm and midnight, the two 'lovers' always meet down at the Black Lake. During the week before the match, I suggest you go there and listen in on them, and see if you can get some useful information for threatening Draco later."

Bellatrix's smile widened, showing her rotting teeth. She was loving this plan.

"Sounds marvelous."

Lucius gave a defiant smirk. "It will definitely show Draco that 'rebelling time' is over. He must get prepared to take over the Malfoy name and continue our pureblood traditions, and that will not be possible if he's associated with a muggleborn."

He made a face at the word, as if it had been something disgusting he had been forced to swallow.

"Well, then. I'll see you in a week." He said finally, standing up to leave.

Bellatrix grinned. "This plan is going to go perfectly, believe me." And with that, she Apparated away.

*one week later*

Hermione sat in the stands with her housemates, chatting excitedly before the match began. Deep down she wished she could root for her boyfriend on the Slytherin team, but Gryffindor was still her house, and although Harry and Ron didn't hate Draco anymore, she would never hear the end of it if she cheered for Slytherin.

Suddenly, the players flew out and took their positions. She waved to Harry and Ron, and smiled at Draco when she managed to make eye contact. He smiled back, making her suddenly forget how to breath.

Damn, if looks could kill, Draco's smile alone would wipe out this entire stadium.

A loud whistle brought Hermione out of her daze, signaling the beginning of the game. Players flew all around, and the crowd began to cheer enthusiastically. Surprisingly enough, Slytherin was ahead for most of the start of the game, but Gryffindor soon overpowered them.

Hermione watched Harry and Draco intently as they both searched for the snitch. All of a sudden, Draco began to zoom down towards the ground. Harry noticed and started after him, but Draco was well ahead. Hermione could see him stretching out his hand, trying to catch the annoying little gold ball.

Harry had just begun to catch up when a Bludger unexpectedly flew in front of him, hitting Draco in the head.

"Oh no!" Hermione gasped, as Draco fell off his broom and through the air, landing on the ground with a thud. Madam Hooch blew her whistle, stopping the game, and flew down immediately.

Hermione looked down at the field, her stomach twisted as she watched her levitate the now unconscious Draco away into the locker rooms. After a couple minutes, Madam Hooch came back out with the backup seeker and began the game again. Hermione found Harry and Ron staring at her with worried expressions. She looked back at them with frightened eyes, and they both nodded slightly as if saying, Go. He needs you.

She gave them a quick smile and turned to Ginny, who was sitting beside her.

"I have to go. Tell me how the game goes?"

Ginny smiled sadly, a knowing look in her eyes. "Sure."

Hermione then quickly left the stands, and when no one could see her anymore, she practically sprinted to the hospital wing. She swung open the doors and ran to Madam Pomfrey, who was standing beside a bed.

"Is he okay?" She asked, breathless from running so fast.

Madam Pomfrey turned, surprised at the intrusion, but her face softened when she realized who it was.

"He's alright, but is still unconscious at the moment. The Bludger didn't hit him hard enough to kill him, thankfully, but I wouldn't expect him to wake up until sometime tomorrow."

"Can I see him?"

"Of course. I'll be in my office if you need anything." Madam Pomfrey then left, leaving Hermione alone with the sleeping boy.

Draco looked so peaceful, Hermione couldn't help but wistfully smile at his unconscious form laying on the bed. His face had a few scratches, but besides that he looked just like an angel, fast asleep.

Hermione sat down and took his hand in hers. It still felt a little warm, and it comforted her a bit.

"Merlin, you scared me." She whispered, chuckling slightly and leaning over to kiss him gently on the forehead. "These next few days are going to be torture, so please wake up."

She held her breath, subconsciously hoping he'd heard her. But he made no movement, and she smiled again ruefully, before squeezing his hand one more time.

"Don't leave me."

She sat there for a while, a part of her still hoping he'd do something. Eventually, she stood up to go, not wanting to, but knowing she couldn't stay in there forever.


Draco's eyes fluttered open, head pounding.

"Bloody—" He muttered as he slowly sat himself up, looking around at his surroundings.

He realized that he was in the hospital wing, and that it also happened to be the middle of the night.

What happened? Why am I here?

He suddenly remembered flying around the Quidditch pitch, arm reaching out for the snitch, being millimeters away from it when BANG! and then everything went black. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Why would anyone try to knock him out?

He stared out at the darkness for a moment, wondering if he should call Madam Pomfrey. He decided against it, not wanting to wake her when it was still pitch black out. He sighed, wincing as his head pounded a bit. Lowering himself back down, he had just closed his eyes when he heard steps shuffling towards him.

"Why hello there, Draco." A woman's sickly voice rang out into the silence, and Draco shuddered.

He knew exactly who that voice belonged to, and it made him instantly sick to the stomach. Pushing himself up again, he turned and met the woman's gaze. 

"What are you doing here?" He seethed. Last time he checked, Bellatrix was sentenced to life in Azkaban. 

She smirked. "Oh, I just wanted to see how my favorite nephew was doing."

Draco narrowed his eyes at her and gritted his teeth. "I'm doing just fine, thank you very much. Now, what are you actually doing here?" 

Bellatrix grinned, moving a lock of untamed black hair out of her face. "Your father has informed me of a certain person who has recently been involved in your life. And of course, being the caring father he is, he has asked me to help prevent you from making a terrible mistake."

Draco's heart dropped. 


Masking over any emotion he just felt at that realization, he sneered at his aunt. "And what might this terrible mistake be?"

She chuckled slightly, and Draco felt like Avada Kedavra-ing her right on the spot. Unfortunately, he didn't have his wand. 

Damn me being injured. 

"Well tainting the Malfoy blood of course. I must remind you of what a disgrace you'd bring to your name if you kept seeing that mud--"  

"Do not ever say that word in my presence." Draco sat himself up even straighter now, glaring at Bellatrix. Now that he thought about it, she was probably the one that caused him to be in the infirmary in the first place. It was the only place she'd be able to speak to him like this. Knowing her, she most likely cast an Imperius on someone. It was one of her guilty pleasures, that curse, and it made him sick thinking about it. 

Bellatrix fake pouted. "My, my, someone's been getting soft. Since when did you not use that wonderful word?"

"Since I realized that blood doesn't define everything."

The woman laughed. "Oh, but that's where you're wrong. Blood defines who you are as a person, and you should know that having pure blood is something you should be proud of. You are above all others, and they should treat you as such."

For fuck's sake, where's my wand when I need it.

Bellatrix ignored Draco's consistent glare and continued. "Your father has sent me just for that reason. He cares about you, Draco, and he wants to make sure you live the best life possible. And tainting yourself by being associated with a muggleborn is just going to bring you down. In my opinion, he has let this little affair go on for much too long. I have seen you two out by the Black Lake, and I must say I'm disappointed in you. You seem to actually be in love with her."

His stomach twisted. Bellatrix had seen them? Draco's hands balled up into fists, and he tried to keep his voice from yelling, not wanting to wake up Madam Pomfrey. 

"That's because I am. And no one, is going to take her away from me. Not even you."

Bellatrix scoffed, grinning again at Draco, spinning her wand between her fingers. "Oh, but I will. According to your father, if you do not take Miss Granger out of your life forever by tomorrow evening, I get to do a little killing." 

Those words spread like ice through Draco's veins, and his eyes widened in panic. Tomorrow night was the graduation ball. 

Bellatrix smirked. "Yes, you should be scared. I expect you to do the right thing. Now, I must go. Goodbye!" And with that, she was gone. 

Draco sat frozen in his bed. 

This can't be happening. 

I can't lose Hermione. She's been the only one who's made my life worth living. Seeing her every day, smiling and laughing. She put aside all our differences and gave me a chance, and helped me become a better person. I never expected in a million years that we'd fall for each other, but now I wouldn't want it any other way. What would I do without her?

He laid back down onto his bed, head resting on the pillow as he stared up at the ceiling. Tears threatened to fall, but he wouldn't let them. 

But, I'd rather she'd forget me than leave this world entirely. I don't think I'd be able to live with the fact that I was the reason she died. She was always good, and I can't let the darkness I was once associated with take her away. No matter how much pain it'll cause me. 

He finally closed his eyes, trying to fall back to sleep after much heart-wrenching thinking. He had made his decision, and although it hurt his heart immensely, he knew it would be the right thing in the end. 


*at the ball later that evening*

"Oi, leave some for the rest of us, would you?" Harry said to Ron, who was piling up treacle tarts on his plate. 

"Saw-ry." Ron mumbled, mouth already full of food. 

Hermione rolled her eyes and laughed. "Honestly, Ronald, are you ever not going to be hungry?"

Ron gave her an embarrassed smile, causing his two friends to burst out laughing. 

"Well, Weasley, I see that you've been building up quite the plate there." A smooth voice interjected, and Draco appeared beside his girlfriend, grinning as he slid his arm around her waist. 

"Oh, shove off, Malfoy. I can eat whatever I want." Ron retorted, trying to glare at Draco as Harry and Hermione just laughed again. Oddly enough, the other two-thirds of the Golden Trio had become quite good friends of Draco's. It took a while, no doubt, but he was glad that he could be himself now and not have to keep up their stupid rivalry. 

Everyone was having a great time at the ball, dancing the night away. The Great Hall had been decorated specially for the occasion, and the sparkling gold theme was truly enchanting. Draco gazed around and smiled. It really was a perfect night. 

Or it would be, if I didn't have to do that thing I've been dreading.

Draco's smile faltered a bit at the thought. 

"You okay?" Hermione looked up at him, worry in her eyes.

Draco immediately brightened, and smiled down at her. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just started reminiscing is all. You know, despite all the bad things that have happened here, I'm going to miss it."

Hermione grinned, leaning into him. "Yeah, me too."

A slow song started playing, and Draco could tell that the ball was coming to an end. His stomach twisted, but he tried to ignore the terrible feeling. He grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her to the dance floor. 

"Come on, let's dance."

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Hermione swayed gently with him, never breaking eye contact. Draco could feel the love radiating all around them, and he was glad he'd gotten this moment with her. Before he would have to give it all away. 

He tightened his arms around her. "I love you, you know that?"

Hermione beamed. "Of course I do. And I love you too." 

"Good." Draco smiled, but it didn't stop his eyes from watering as he lightly kissed her on the nose. 

Hermione frowned. "Draco, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing, nothing." He tried to smile, but it didn't work. 

"Something's wrong. Please tell me, Draco."

He looked at her with heartbroken eyes. "I can't...not here." 

She stopped dancing and took his hand, beginning to lead him outside into the corridor. 

"Come, we can talk there. I can't stand to see you like this."

Draco sighed softly, his heart feeling as if it was being ripped into shreds. 

This is it. 

Once outside, they continued to walk down the hallway hand in hand. They stayed silent for a while until Hermione finally stopped again. 

"Can you tell me what's wrong now?"

Draco turned to look at her, and sighed. Well, there was no going back now. 

"Last night, someone visited me and told me that if I didn't stop seeing you, they'd kill you."

Hermione gasped. "Oh my god Draco, who was it?"

He looked down. "Bellatrix."

Hermione stared at him, and her heart stopped. With a whisper she replied, "How did she get out?"

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure my father had something to do with it. After all, he was the one that sent her to threaten me in the first place."

She stepped closer to Draco, putting her hand on his cheek. "You know you don't have to do as they say anymore. We can stop them."

Draco placed his hand on top of hers, tears glistening in his distraught silver eyes. "You have no idea how much I wished we could. I love you so much, you have to know that, but you don't know my family as well as I do. My father sent an owl this morning and threatened that if I dared to go against what he said, he would send Bellatrix and all the other Death Eaters to separate us in any way needed. And you know what that means."

Hermione eyes filled with tears. "Please, Draco, we can get help. We can ask Ron, and Harry--"

"It's too late. Bellatrix is bound to come any minute now to make sure that I followed through. She said that if I didn't do it now, she'd kill you herself. And I can't let that happen. This whole thing is making my heart break, but if doing this keeps you safe, then I will do it."

Hermione looked up at the man she loved, heart shattering into a million pieces. "How am I supposed to live without you?"

"You'll be just fine, because you won't remember any of it." Draco said quietly. He looked into those mesmerizing eyes of hers, and the pain he felt was worse than any Cruciatus curse. But he had to do it, no matter how much it would hurt him. He had to do it for her. 

"No! Draco, no! Please." Hermione's tears streamed down her cheeks.

Draco almost broke down right there, but managed to keep his face calm. He brought her closer to him, caressing her cheek with one hand as he slowly leaned down to give her one last kiss. 

And when their lips touched, the kiss became one of the most wonderful, yet devastating, things Draco had ever experienced. It was filled with passion, longing, and heart break all in one. He wished it could go on forever, so he would not have to do what he had to do next. The warmth of her body pressed up against him, her hand playing with strands of white-blonde hair, those were the feelings that Draco cherished the most. But, as everything eventually does, it had to end. 

As their lips separated, their gaze never left each other. Draco could see the utter devastation in those chocolate eyes, while Hermione could see the brokenness in his silver ones. Neither of them wanted to let go, but Draco had to do as he had originally planned. Slowly, he let go of the beautiful woman, taking a few steps back and bringing his wand out of his pocket. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered, and he raised his arm. His hand wouldn't stop shaking. 

"Draco, please don't do this." She whispered back, voice trembling.

"I have to, for your own safety." He replied, and tears again threatened to fall. 

"I love you."

Draco gave her a tiny sad smile. "I love you too."

Hermione stood there, looking both heavenly and broken in the moonlight. Draco took a shaky breath, trying to steady his hand. 

"Goodbye, my love. Obliviate." 

He closed his eyes, focusing on removing himself and all the happy memories they had from her mind.

 A single tear ran down his pale cheek.

When he opened his eyes, he saw her there standing in front of him, still looking as angelic as ever. But instead of the broken-hearted expression that was once on her face, her eyebrows were furrowed and she frowned in confusion. 

"Malfoy, what am I doing here? And what are you doing here?"

Draco winced at the use of his last name, but put his old mask on. A mask he hadn't used in several months. "I was just taking a walk, to clear my head. I don't know why you're here."

"Oh." Hermione replied, still confused. Turning around, she left and went back to the ball. 

The mask fell, and Draco stood there frozen, finally letting all the tears fall. He had done it. She was gone. But at least she wasn't dead. 

Even though it broke his heart even more, he closed his eyes and remembered one of the nights he and Hermione stayed down at the Black Lake. The first time they had said "I love you". Conjuring a patronus, he sent a message to his father, telling him that he had done the task and that Bellatrix did not have to come. 

He watched the wolf dash out into the air, and wiped his eyes. He turned away from the Great Hall, and walked to his dorm. 

When he finally made it to his room, he cast a quick Tempus and noticed that people were probably going to come soon, as the ball had most likely ended by now. Sighing, he walked over to his desk and pulled out a piece of parchment. He wrote out an entire explanation of everything that had just happened, and gave it to the owl that had appeared on his windowsill. 

"Give this to Harry Potter." He instructed the owl. As the owl flew away, he slowly began to get ready for bed. 

He lay on his mattress, not able to sleep. He still couldn't believe that she was truly gone, at least from his life. It tore him apart to think about all the memories they had shared, all the things that she did that made his life so much happier, and the fact the she no longer remembered any of it. In the end, he thought sadly, she was safe and could still live a good life. And that's all he had ever wanted. 

For her to be happy, even if it wasn't with him. 


ok kinda hate myself for writing this bc y'all know i love happy endings, but i wanted to expand my horizons. hopefully it's not too bad, it's the first real sad one i've written. 

sry for the late updates, but midterms are currently happening :( someone pls suggest something for me to write bc i wanna write more and i currently don't have any ideas lmao

ALSO, i've started writing a book! it's called promises, and it is a continuation of the promises one shots that are in here. pls go read it, i kinda really like it and hope you all will too :)

thank you all for commenting and voting!! this is almost at 10K reads, which is fucking insane so THANK YOU ILY

<3, mallika

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