Forced Paradise

By toN_eM_tegroF

102K 2.5K 490

A girl finds herself in paradise. Only she is caged, like a bird, by the secret stranger who seems to know he... More

Unknown Territory
Finally free..or not
Scaredy Cat
Radical Honesty
Alone Time
Breakfast revelations
Tag, you're it
Late Night Snack
Message from the subconscious
A Glint Of Hope
Suggestive clues
House Tour part 1: Interior

Towards Freedom

6.3K 129 20
By toN_eM_tegroF


(Not my photo, here's where I found it


I was staring at the white wooden door, thoughts revolving inside my head. "It must be locked, right?" ; "Why would they leave it unlocked?" ; "What would I do when I get out of here?" "What will- alright, calm down. You'll get through this somehow. If I get attacked, I'm not going down without a figh- " with this I realised. I needed a weapon.

I knew I didn't have any scissors/a box cutter on me. So I started looking around the room. The desk didn't have any drawers. "Well that's a dumb desk" I thought. But then I remembered how much I hated my small, unsymmetrical desk with drawers just on one side. It wasn't comfortable at all.
There was a light grey lamp on this desk, nothing more. I sighed.

I scanned the room which should have been familiar to me by now. "I wonder how long I've been here.. Judging by the sun, it is late in the morning." But I couldn't be too sure. The only times I used the sun as a clock were in freaking Minecraft.

Then I saw a nightstand on the right of the bed. I saw it before but since it's an usual asset of a bedroom, I didn't pay too much attention to it and thus didn't remember its existence when needed.

I walked rapidly to it and yanked the drawers open. They were empty. Of course.. except for a small box of napkins. "Well that's random. Are they poisoned with gas or something? Okay, this is not the right time to think about stupid things. I wouldn't have touched them anyways." But what if it was a clue? And thus again, I was being attacked by my "helpful" thoughts. "What if it's a sick game? I got kidnapped and there are clues and maybe a hidden passage-" That was getting ridiculous. I shook my stupid thoughts and closed the drawers slowly.

"Alright, door it is." I said to myself and approached it with slow steps. I gulped, reaching for the handle, but retracted my hand quickly. "What if there is a trap right outside? That's so stupid, it's too forward, traps don't work like that."

Then I got an idea. If there was someone outside ready to attack me, stopping me from getting closer to my destination - my home, I must be able to hear them. I put my ear on the door and listened carefully. Nothing. I couldn't hear anything besides of course, my main organ of the cardiovascular system pumping the blood and I could feel the adrenaline ready to activate my flight or flight response.

This was getting annoying. It was too calm. Don't get me wrong, that was a good thing, "I don't think I would have liked if I woke up naked in a dungeon or something." I got shivers just by thinking about that.

But at the same time it wasn't. It was the calm before the storm. It is known how the terrifying part doesn't scare you as much as the tension and suspense beforehand. An illusion of calmness and safety that prepares you for the revelation of the horrific thing. Even if you know it's coming, the pressure clouds your rational thinking.

A side of me was getting annoyed with me taking so much time. I was battling between my supposedly intelligent and calculated side and the one which is short tempered and impulsive. Alright, fine, I had to do this at one point. I didn't just run towards it and pushed hard on the handle because I thought someone might notice and catch me by surprise. So I had to take this slow, I had to be smart. "Pshht. Smart. Me." I scoffed mentally. I never thought of myself as a smart person.

Finally, I slowly put my hand on the cold handle. I bit my bottom lip, scared I might have triggered something. I froze for a few seconds. Hearing nothing, I proceeded. I slowly tensed my arm and started pushing the handle down, giving it a light pull. Sweat was streaming down my entire body. "Ugh, why am I so sweaty.."
I expected the door to respond to my actions with nothing. I expected to feel the door locked, but it started to open.

I was shocked but I tried to keep my composure. I opened it until I could see a gap between the door frame and the wooden door. I crouched a bit and took my first glance outside of this box, I mean bedroom, even though it was quite spacious.

There was a hallway. I looked down at the floor outside and at the walls. Marble floors. "Just what is this place?" I asked myself half shocked and half annoyed by my lack of knowledge about this new territory. I could see the wall parallel to my room. I creaked the door a little more so I could fit my head through the gap. I was biting my lip so hard that I thought I would soon start tasting blood.

So I finally looked outside. The hallway was larger than I suspected. I could see huge windows on the other side in front of me. The sunlight was creaking in, reflecting on the beautiful marble floor. The walls were of cream white. I noticed paintings on the walls in styles ranging from Impressionism to Classicism and Renaissance. To my left there were 2 more doors and at the end there was a window with a small balcony. "Aren't- aren't there too many windows?" I asked myself the stupid question. But that was really the first thing I thought.

The good thing was that there was nobody in sight. "Clear." I told myself like I was in a mission with my crew.

To my right, I could see a longer hallway. A lot of white wooden doors and walls in between them. I counted 3 more at least. But I could see the walls stopping at one point and I could assume there was a stairway. That was my next destination. "Wait. Isn't that where they want me to go? Not happening." I had to at least try 10 more other alternatives before going to the obvious way. It's a habit of mine. I have to scan the entire place and look for ways for my plan B, C, D and so on.

Since I was relatively sure I'm safe, I got out of the room. I guess this was my safehouse because it's the only place I'm the most sure of so I had to remember it. I tiptoed out of the room and closed the door carefully. Taking my first step, I almost slid on the floor. "Damn it. I'm wearing slippers. I forgot." I facepalmed myself mentally. I carefully started walking towards that balcony, way too close to the wall for a normal person walking. I must be insane to just walk in the middle of the hallway like I owned the place or like I'm a very sophisticated guest in this freaking palace.

I was walking towards the nearest door to my left. I was holding my breath and stepped carefully, in order for the slippers to not make a sound. I needed to be as silent as possible so I could hear any movement that might jaepardize my escape attempt.

I came closer to the door and slowly turned the handle. Locked. No biggie. I didn't want to spend any more time in this strangely calm place exploring anyway. But I needed to inspect so I could find out a weapon and what I'm dealing with while the water is still calm and I can navigate the place with a clear head.

I stepped towards the second door, listening carefully for any sounds. I could only hear the faint singing of the birds outside.

The door was identical to the previous one. I grabbed the handle and tried pushing. Locked. "Oh well."

Time for that big window. I walked a bit faster this time. I was losing time, I had to get out of here while it is still daytime. That was optimistic thinking. Considering I had absolutely no idea where in the world I am, how exactly far I am from my home, what would I need for my escape, my obstacles etc. , I was afraid I would have to spend at least one more night here.

I was now sitting in front of that huge window. I could see the balcony outside. It looked similar to the balcony in my room, but this one had beautiful flowers on the sides.

Inpatient, I grabbed the handle and desperately tried to open the window. A part of me thought it might be locked because of the previous doors, but I had some hope which was then shattered.

"I mean I could break it.." No, I had to be sneaky. It was my best bet to stay in control in a situation where I didn't know all of the circumstances.

I approached a big window on the sides and looked through it. The territory was huge. In the distance, I could see a lot of trees. "If those are woods, it is both bad and good. Not sure which one out of the two."

Alright, I am going for those stairs. I turned around and walked with the fastest and most silent pace I could. I passed by my room and silently opened it just to check if it is still the same. Stupid, I know, but it calmed me down. I scanned the familiar room quickly and when satisfied, I closed it and gulped, looking towards my next destination.

The part of me which hated the unknown and changes didn't want to budge, but I continued forward pushing myself. There were 4 more doors along the corridor. I checked them and of course, they were locked. "How convenient".

I was beginning to see the stairs. I stopped and listened to figure out if anything has changed and if I had to prepare to flee or fight.

I could still hear the chirping of the birds. I continued until I was face to face to the staircase. To my right, the corridor was still going and it seemed symmetrical to the side I came from.

Behind me, parallel to the staircase there was a huge and clear window with again, a balcony. It was obviously larger than the ones on the sides. I had to check it, although I was not surprised when I found it being locked.

I was beginning to get impatient, mad and bored so I walked faster towards the stairs and started descending. They were of white marble and the stair railing was of beautiful white and dark brown. On the ceiling there was a gorgeous chandelier which illuminated my way clearly. There were very detailed Renaissance paintings along the walls.

This place seemed way too aristocratic and refined for someone like me and my self-esteem started to drop as I was starting to feel self-conscious. "Why am I here?.." Then I remembered Hannibal. He was a cultured psychopath who appreciated classical culture. My heart started to race. "T- that's it..., I am going to die and be eaten by cannibals" I told myself with a fearful, but amused tone in my voice. The thing is that I was sure the only thing valuable in me are some of my organs. My family never got in any trouble and they wouldn't be able to pay for a ransom. "Yes. That must be it. But why? I am far from being healthy, my organs must be disgusting. They have to know this, right? Right??" At that point, I was going berserk. I forced my mind to think why, just why would they keep me in a place like this only to kill me afterwards. Was this them being "polite"? Allowing me to live the last moments of my life in a gorgeous manor? Or were they just playing some sick game?

My fear turned into anger. "Screw this. I'm getting home or I'll die trying." Truth was, I was lying to myself. I was afraid of dying and anger was my best coping mechanism.

As I was going down, I noticed the atmosphere changing and when I reached the end, I found myself in a large room. There seemed to be some doors on the sides, but in front I saw a huge double door wide open.

My rational side was getting surpassed by my panic. I should have been better than that, I should have taken it slow, outsmart my captors, not play by their games, but it was useless. Panic had taken over me and I was heading for the obvious route, like a foolish prey going towards the lion's fangs.

I walked carefully towards the door and saw that it led into a smaller room that connected a corridor and other closed doors. It was so confusing, so I just went with the flow. As I was walking, I noticed the beautiful details of the architecture, the paintings and sculptures, as well as the beautiful plants positioned perfectly. The people who live here have a great aesthetic taste, for twisted psychopaths, that is.

I continued walking until I could see another open double door. I paced towards it rapidly, forgetting my previous mentality of taking it slow and being careful. Needless to say, that was a mistake.


This part turned out to be pretty long, but I hope it wasn't too much of a torture to read.
Thank you for reaching this far, I sure as hell wouldn't have gotten till here.

P.S. This is how I sleep knowing the difference between "your/you're" and "they're/their/there"

(no regrets 🌝)


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