Together - Nolou/Uglydolls Fa...

By bluehielo

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Nolou Fanfiction- Completed✔️ After the uglydolls give Lou a second chance, he finds a way into the big worl... More

Chapter 1- Lou's Plan
Chapter 2- Happy Child
Chapter 3- Comeback Battle
Chapter 4- The Portal
Chapter 5- Opposites Attract
Chapter 6- The Scar
Chapter 7- Green Dress
Chapter 8- Micheal
Chapter 9- The Deal
Chapter 10- Not Fine
Chapter 11- Lou VS Micheal
Chapter 12- Locked Up
Chapter 13- The Good Doctor
Chapter 14- Model Mountain
Chapter 15- The Final Battle
Chapter 16- The Spy Girls
Chapter 17- How Is Nolan
Chapter 18- Sleep, Nolan, Sleep
Chapter 19- Awake
Chapter 21- Dinner
Chapter 22- Smut
Chapter 23- The Proposal
Chapter 24- A Perfect Wedding
Authors Note

Chapter 20- Finally Home

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By bluehielo

Lou's POV )
".... Uhhh" I hesitated, not wanting to bring the annoying memory back. But the more I thought about it, it wasn't that bad.
"Yes, actually. Apparently SOMEONE made a deal with Lydia, that I would go out with Tuesday. " He looked down at his feet, as if he was ashamed. That made me feel bad. I didn't want Nolan sad.
"It's alright though, it wasn't that bad.. "
"H-how did you f-find out? What did you do t-together? "
"Well, it all started  a few days after you had gone into acoma... "

*Memory*(Third Person's POV)
The sun rose into lou's window, shining real bright. Lou was already awake, passing the time with dance choreographies and songs. A smile spread on his face as he wiped his moist forehead.
" Finally...I'm coming Nolan.. Don't worry" he smiled to himself, while he put on his white shirt with a shiny, black tux on top. He brushed his hair before heading down to the kitchen. As he made his way to the door, he glanced at the bowl that was filled with fruit.
"Hmm.... Nah" he shook his head while stepping out of the door. He turned to close the door, humming to himself. He turned in a second, and gasped in surprise to see Tuesday, smiling real big, with kitty a few steps behind her.
"Um, can I help you, Tuesday? "
"... I know you've been through a lot.... but I thought that maybe... Uh.. "
Lou waited a few seconds. Tuesday wringed her wrists, with a nervous expression. Eventually, kitty rolled her eyes and pushed Tuesday to the side.
"Shes wondering when the date is"
"W-what? What date? "
"Oh my doll... He didn't tell you, did he? "
"Who? What? What do you mean? " kittys expression changed as her face relaxed and her jaw slightly parted with her upper lip.
"Well... In exchange for the password to the cave, Nolan made a deal that he would try to get you to go on a date with Tuesday. "
Lou stepped back.
"What? Why would he.. "
"We kinda forced him though. Well, Lydia did. And at the time we didn't know that... " kitty leaned closer to Lou,and whispered
"We didn't know that you and nolan were a thing"
Kitty stepped back and returned to her normal voice.
"We didn't have the heart to tell Tuesday. Plus, it's kinda her birthday..."
Lou took a second to straighten everything out in his mind.
"Um, well.... " he hesitated. He glanced at Tuesday. Tuesday couldn't hear them, so she just stared at her feet, rocking on her heels.
"It is her birthday so... Sure.. "
"Oh thank you so much, Lou. This will help her so much. She never shuts up about you. "
"Yeah, no problem. But I'm gonna tell her at some point about me and nolan... "
"Uh, sure, just be gentle. "
Lou nodded his head, while making his way to Tuesday.
"Hey Tuesday. So is there anywhere that you want to go today? "
*Memory ends*

(Nolan's POV )
A wave of guilt and relief washed over me.
"I'm sorry, l-lou. I just w-wanted to find you so b-bad... "
We both came to a halt. I looked up at Lou as he pulled out a key and handed it to me. I recognized the key right away... It was mine.
He placed the key in my hands
"Well... Go ahead" he nodded towards my door
"I haven't Ben in tere for along t-time"
"I may have organized it a little...." he smirked while messing my hair up again. I giggled a little and then pushed the key in. I turned it, with my heart pounding. I don't know why I was nervous. It was my own home after all. As the door swung open, a variety of color nearly blinded me.
A green banner hung from the ceiling with purple letters that read,
"Welcome home, Nolan! "
Streamers hung from the ceiling as well, in green, purple, orange and blue . I waltzed in, in shock and awe. Lou closed the door behind me, with a satisfied look. I turned to him, smiling ear to ear
"Lou? D-did you do t-this? "
"Mayyyybe" He smirked while raising one brow.
"Tankyou" I ran to him, almost tripping... Over nothing. After regaining my balance, he pulled me into his arms. He chuckled at my clumsiness.
"Your so cute, mi florecito " he hugged me, while holding me close. He started walking forward, while picking me up. Bridal Style. He walked me over to the kitchen , where I had not seen the other surprise for me. My eyes widened, as I gripped his shirt, with my arm still around his neck. He set me down, letting my eyes focus on the beautiful cake that sat there. It looked to be a cake with multiple flavors.
Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. Even pieces of jello sprinkled here and there. Cut up fruit sat on the top next to some letters
"We love you, Nolan " I smiled and glanced at Lou, who I caught in the middle of checking me out. He blushed once he noticed that I noticed.
"Uh... Wage made that. " he gave an embarrassed smile, trying to change the subject. I chuckled and gave him a peck on the cheek, almost placing it on his jaw, as it was a struggle on my tippy toes. He noticed, and picked me up to place me on the counter, not next to the cake, but maybe a few feet away. I sat on the cold, hard counter in confusion. Our eyes met, while my heart pounded and my knees felt weak again. He leaned in, between my legs, while pulling me close for a kiss. Of course, I didn't resist. He was all I wanted.

«There's no smut here, I'm too tired, and it's 4 in the morning right now, so.. Yeah»

We shared a long kiss. It was a perfect pace, and Lou was perfect at everything. After we caught our breath, he picked me up, as if I was  a baby. I knew I was small, but even then, I could feel his strong arms securing my body.
"Te amo, mi amor" he cooed, while rubbing his nose with mine.
I blushed lightly, causing him to smirk.
Suddenly, the phone rang. I jumped a little, earning a chuckle from Lou.
He set me down gently as he went toward the red house phone.
"It's ok, chico. The phone isn't gonna eat you....Hello?" he turned his attention to the phone.

After listening for a few seconds, he chuckled and placed his hand on his forehead.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I totally forgot. Yes, we'll be there. "
He gently placed the phone down, realizing my confused expression.
"Oh, um... Our friends panicked when they found your hospital bed empty. They want to meet us for dinner"

"Oh, OK. Lemme get cleaned first.. Feel free to eat anything you want... "

I skipped up the stairs while blowing a kiss to Lou. When I reached the top, a sudden scent of coconut and vanilla filled my lungs. Unaware of where it was coming from, I gathered a few clothes and headed to the bathroom for my shower. As I undressed, I turned the water knob to medium hot. I stepped into the tub, my feet freezing from the water, but also embracing its warm temperature. I slid the blue curtains closed. A few seconds after I got in, the door creaked open. I stood still, unsure of what to do.
"Hey, Nolan. It's just me" a calm, smooth voice called. My heart jumped excitedly at the sound of his voice. I sighed in relief.
"C-could I join you? " He asked sheepishly.
My jaw dropped, and I glanced at my body.
'I don't want him to see me. I look so ugly' I took a deep breath.
"Um, isn't it kinda early? "
"For a shower? "
"No.. I mean... Well, I'd rather you not... "
"Your speech improved" I could hear him smirk.
"Oh, thanks... Wait, Don't change the subject! "
"Don't worry, mi angelito. If your not ready, it's OK. I'll never force you to do something you don't want to do"

I couldn't be sure if it was the water, or if tears formed.
I didn't deserve someone like Lou. Kind, Gentle, Thoughtful, and Protective. How did I end up with such a great doll?

After I finished changing, I crept down the stairs to see Lou, in his usual black tux. But this one, you could tell was new, or not worn often. He stood near the door, as if waiting for someone to barge in. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, his eyes quickly met mine.
"Well, that's an interesting outfit" he commented after a few seconds. while I skipped toward him. It was true, I didn't put much effort into choosing my clothes. I wore a baggy dark green hoodie and held the lollipop that I had received earlier , with dark purple shorts and green sneakers.
"I know, but I wanted to be comfortable..."
"No, it looks cute... It's just that... I miss seeing you in your adorable dresses... " My cheeks burned at his comment. My brain seemed to remember one dress that I had packed away in the back of my closet.

"Nolan? Are you ok? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable " I looked up at him. Our eyes met, with my heart feeling like a sudden burst of energy had been triggered.
"No, I'm OK. Let's go" I smiled at him, while we left my home. His arm rested around me the whole time, keeping me close to him.

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