Together - Nolou/Uglydolls Fa...

By bluehielo

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Nolou Fanfiction- Completed✔️ After the uglydolls give Lou a second chance, he finds a way into the big worl... More

Chapter 1- Lou's Plan
Chapter 2- Happy Child
Chapter 3- Comeback Battle
Chapter 4- The Portal
Chapter 5- Opposites Attract
Chapter 6- The Scar
Chapter 7- Green Dress
Chapter 8- Micheal
Chapter 9- The Deal
Chapter 10- Not Fine
Chapter 12- Locked Up
Chapter 13- The Good Doctor
Chapter 14- Model Mountain
Chapter 15- The Final Battle
Chapter 16- The Spy Girls
Chapter 17- How Is Nolan
Chapter 18- Sleep, Nolan, Sleep
Chapter 19- Awake
Chapter 20- Finally Home
Chapter 21- Dinner
Chapter 22- Smut
Chapter 23- The Proposal
Chapter 24- A Perfect Wedding
Authors Note

Chapter 11- Lou VS Micheal

1.3K 33 31
By bluehielo

(Nolan's POV )
It was morning now, all the kids had left for school, but... HE was still here. Micheal lay in the bed, still asleep. I didn't know where Lou was, so I decided to look for him. I brushed off my uniform and started looking. I checked the closet, I called him in the hallway, and I searched in the dollhouse. As I went back to the room, Micheal was already waiting for me. (He's awake? Dammit,i can't deal with him anymore, but for Lou... Anything) he approached all innocent-like. "Goodmorning, Nolan. Did ya sleep well? "
"Hardly. I could barely even breath with you smothering me all night." I snapped at him. Micheal was now closer to me. I didn't care though, the closer he is, the easier it is for me to punch him out if I needed to.
"And where is Lou? "
(He ignored me. He fricking ignored me. What a Pendejo...)
"I don't know, I've been calling for him, but he won't show "
Micheals suddenly widened his eyes, as he glanced behind me. I turned to look, but the Doll grabbed my face, and forced our lips together.
"Mmff" I struggled to break free, but eventually I pulled away from him.
"What is wrong with you?" I yelled, but it came out as a whisper yell for some reason. Micheal snickered, causing me to glance behind me. I saw lou's terrified and heartbroken expression, as his hand, which possessed a pretty green and purple flower, fell to his side. He gripped the rose tighter, and sniffled while turning away to run.
"Lou, wait! " I called to him, but he didn't bother to stop. And honestly, I understood why. I glared at Micheal as he started cackling like some kind of evil witch. I ran after Lou. It was hard to keep up, as he made turns around pots, other toys and down the staircase .
We were in the living room now, where there were multiple items that were plopped onto the rug.
"Lou, wait! Let me explain... " I hollered to him, but he wouldn't stop.
My legs gave in, forcing gravity to push me to the ground. I whined in pain, gripping my already scarred knee. Even though Lou was a few feet away, he seemed to notice my minor injury. He stopped, for a few seconds.
(Please, Lou. I love you. Please come back, I need you) I blinked back my tears, realizing I only said it in my head. After he glanced at me, and wiped his eyes with a sleeve, he disappeared again, behind a laundry basket. (No, no, come back. Please) I wobbled back up, limping toward the other corner of the basket. Lou sat on the other side, with his face buried in his knees and his arms comforting his legs. With the multicolored rose next to him, a little wilted from all the movement. I sat beside him, not knowing what to say. This is the thing with words, sometimes they aren't enough. I sat there in silence, only hearing lou's sniffles and whimpers. I'd never seen him like this. A pain of guilt weighed on my chest. I wanted to hug him, to kiss him, but I knew he wouldn't let me.
"Will you let me explain, Lou? "
No response
"Please. I promise I didn't mean to hurt you"
No response. Just sniffles coming from his hidden face. Lou had to know the truth, so I told him everything.
"When me and Micheal went through the portal together, something happened. Micheal dragged me to someplace unknown, and asked me weird questions. He threatened to lock you up, and called you a
"criminal". I told him that I didn't want that, so he gave me a choice. To either let them take and lock you away. Or, to pretend I didn't care about you. "
Lou hadn't moved, I wasn't sure if he was listening, but I could at least feel his meloncholy start to vanish.
" I chose the second one, cause I didn't have the heart to take your child away from you. I'm sorry, you had to go through this. Maybe if I was stronger, or even smarter, I wouldn't have had to choose. I understand if you can't forgive me. I just thought you should know, that I tried to do it out of love. I didn't want to hurt you, but I guess... "
I stood up, and shoved my hands in my pockets as I looked down at my first love." I guess... I hurt you anyways. " I turned a full rotation, taking a step away.
"Nolan... Wait"  His voice almost took the breath out of me. But I stood still. I turned my body so that I was facing him. I looked into his deep blue eyes. Although, his eyes were tainted red, from crying, they still glowed, and they were still full of love.
"Is all that true? Did Micheal really do that? " His head was still tilted, resting on his crossed arms
I sighed as a wave of guilt was violently pushing my heart around. I thought I might've broken down in tears, but I didn't. I stayed strong
"Y-yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He lifted his head completely, and let his legs relax in a straight line.
"Sit" he said gently, while nodding beside him. I obeyed him, as I sat down, subconsciously imitating his position. He seemed to notice, cause he chuckled and rubbed my head gently, making it messy, like he used to. A smile took over his face, which made me blush lightly.
"I'm so sorry, mi chico muy lindo. I should've atleast suspected something. Lo siento. Please forgive me. "
My face was bright red by now, turning more vivid with every spanish word. I knew what he was saying, it's just that... The way he spoke Spanish made my heart melt into a puddle of goo.
I looked away trying to hide my blush.
"Does that mean, I'm forgiven? " He smirked, while tilting his head and raising an eyebrow. (Dangit, he saw it)
"Uh, I don't know, does it? " I said playfully. He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. My eyes widened and my body tensed up, but eventually I melted in the hug, and returned his love, with a peck on the cheek. Now he was blushing.
"I got this for you" He smiled while handing me the rose. Our fingers brushed against each other as he handed it to me.
"It reminded me of you... Small, unique... And beautiful" He finished with a smile. My face got warmer and I couldn't help but smile. We were already sitting close, but he seemed to be slowly leaning toward me, with that adorable smile plastered on his face. I started leaning too, as my heart beat out of its chest, and my eyes focused on his lips. The atmosphere was relaxed and light. But I could almost feel like we were being watched.

Lou's expression completely changed when he looked behind me. He jerked away in surprise, which spooked me and caused me to jump as well. I turned to look, but only heard quick footsteps. Lou shot up immediately pulling me up as well. "It's Micheal... " He informed me quietly, then dashed off.
I've always been a little slow, but it really took the cake when I just stood there, while Lou chased after him.
"Wait, what? " I asked, confused for no reason. Lou had already left, but I eventually realized the situation, and bolted after them.
We caught up with him, but he had just finished opening the portal. He turned and smirked at us, daring us to get closer. I stopped a few feet away, but Lou tackled Micheal to the ground.
"How dare you hurt Nolan! How dare you threaten him, and force him to do stuff he doesn't want to do! ". Lou was on top of Micheal now, pinning him down by his shoulders, but Micheal was still using his own hands to push Lou's chest above him. Eventually they pushed each other and rolled to the side. The luminous portal created shadows, hitting, shoving and pulling.
"The only reason I had to do that, is because you didn't follow orders. You were banished from uglyville" They were circling each other now. But Lou, again swiftly pinned him to the ground, this time earning a groan. "I was told not to bother anyone. And I havent... Your the one who's bothering someone-nolan" They kept yelling and arguing as I stood there, watching and silently cheering on Lou. They got closer and closer to the portal with every second.
After taking a hit, Lou punched Micheal in the stomach, which sent him to the ground. "Your gonna leave Nolan alone, got that? If you have a problem, you take it out on me, not him. Got it? " Micheal nodded his head, gripping his stomach. Lou glared at Micheal one last time, and started walking to me. I ran towards him, filled with relief. Lou gripped his arm in pain, but smiled softly to me. Suddenly, before I was able to get to him, Micheal pounced on Lou and dragged him by his neck, toward the portal. My feet quickened, as I bolted to Micheal, knocking him down, but also causing Lou to fall. Lou was now right in front of the portal, but he didn't seem to notice. Micheals fist dug into my face,and then kicked me while I was already down.Then he elbowed Lou, causing him to get sucked in the portal. "Lou! " I called for him, but he was already gone. Micheal snickered and jumped into the portal as well. I crawled over to the portal, with every movement causing pain, in my face, head and my gut. But most of all, my heart.
It had just been healed, only to be torn apart again.

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