Slayer vs. Killer {A Yu-Gi-Oh...

By Head_SlayerPhoenix

45.6K 1.4K 107

Yugi, brought up in a society of zombies, werewolves, and vampires, was trained to kill vampires on the Human... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Final Scene
Author's Note

Chapter 10

1.8K 74 7
By Head_SlayerPhoenix

Chapter 10

Yami burst through his chambers, his shoes clicking on the tiles and it echoed around the room. Phoebe was running behind him, trying to keep up with his stride.

“Why are you so angry?” Phoebe said as they came to a halt.

“It’s taking too long!” Yami said, his eyes glowing with rage, his fangs showing.

“What is?”

“I want that Slayer here with me” Yami started to pace.

“So we can kill him?” Phoebe started clicking her claws together, imagining how amazing it would be to finally kill that Slayer.

“No, I want him alive.” Yami said, going over to a shelf and pulling out a book that Phoebe had never seen opened before. “Look at this.”

Yami shoved the open book towards Phoebe and she flipped through it, settling on one page and looking at the pictures on it. One showed Yami standing in front of a small cottage, hand in hand with a young man who looked very similar to him, just smaller. Other ones showed them in different places in what looked like Europe, but from the nineteenth century. Everything looked ancient and historical.

“Was this you?” Phoebe asked.

“Yes it was. It was me and my boyfriend, before I was bit.” Yami said, taking the book from Phoebe and putting it back up. “Do you believe in past lives?” Phoebe shook her head. “Well I do. That damn Slayer is him. I want that Slayer. I could never turn Jacob because he ran away once he found out, and turns out a group of vampires got him and he died. I want that Slayer to be mine and I want him with me forever.”

“Okay you just need to calm down. There is a logical way to get him without holding my mother hostage.” Phoebe said, putting her hands on Yami’s shoulders.

“No that is the only way. Slayer Nova cares about her, and Slayer Yugi is with him. It is the only way.” Yami said, and was now facing Phoebe. “Don’t ever question me again.”

“I won’t.” Phoebe said, running her hands down Yami’s sides and placed her head in the crook of his neck.

“You aren’t going to start this again are you?” Yami asked, not trying to push her away.

“Maybe I want to. Now that I know your little secret, maybe I could do something to distract you while the Slayer makes his way here.” Phoebe said.

Yami pushed Phoebe away slightly so he could look at her. “Phoebe, as much as I would enjoy that offer, you are just younger than I would prefer. The demon side of you is sexy as hell though.”

“Well I think our prisoner might want to learn a little lesson.” Phoebe whispered. “And she’s an older version of me.”

“Let’s go see how she is doing then.” Yami said with a devious smile as they headed to the room where they had left her chained up.

When they got to the room, Yami stepped in and saw that Phoenix had not tried to move out of the chains, and that she was actually asleep. The chains were still around her and the rune was still placed on her.

“She looks so peaceful when she’s sleeping.” Phoebe said.

“I don’t like it.” Yami said, yanking on one of the chains and Phoenix was instantly snapped awake, her hair catching ablaze.

“WHAT NOW!” Phoenix yelled. She instantly started to go against the chains.

“Calm yourself!” Phoebe yelled.

Phoenix stopped and glared at Phoebe. “I don’t take orders from you. I don’t take orders from anyone. Not even the APFH leader. Fuck authority.”

“Yes and that is why you literally fuck authority.” Phoebe sneered. Phoenix lunged at her but the chains didn’t let her get very far.

“So we caged a whore?” Yami said. Phoenix was just growing angrier. Both Yami and Phoebe seemed to have forgotten why they had come in there.

“That’s it vampire boy you are dead.” Phoenix said and she lit herself on fire, trying to melt the chains. Yami ran over to the side of the room and grabbed a whole container of demon blood, mixing it with water. He tossed it at Phoenix, and it splattered all over her, instantly putting out the fire and burning her because of the demon blood.

Phoenix instantly passed out from the pain it caused and Yami just stood over her body, looking at what he had done. Phoebe came up and put her arms around Yami.

“You sure you won’t take me up on my offer?” Phoebe asked. “I think you made a mess of her.”


There must have been a hundred demons after them. Even with Yugi’s new powers, and Nova’s, the demons just didn’t stop coming. They couldn’t run fast enough to lose them either.

“Where the hell are these demons coming from?” Yugi yelled as they were running, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Every other second, Nova was turning around and shooting fire at the demons. Yugi had tried but it had just slowed them down.

“Anywhere. Ukizar could have sent them after us. She probably owes Yami a favor or something.” Nova said.

“Who the hell is that?” Yugi yelled, jumping to the next building at him and Nova crashed through the windows of it, missing the rooftop. Still they kept running and still the demons kept following.

“The Mother of Demons.” Nova said and then he looked at where they were but didn’t slow down. “Shit.”

“What?” Yugi said, turning and shooting a demon straight between its nonexistent eyes.

“We should be headed the other way.” Nova said as they crashed through the stairs of the building, leaping on the railing and sliding to the bottom. They crashed through the front doors and took off down the street.

“Why the other way?” Yugi asked, shooting one of the demons that ran at them from a back-alley

“The Zoha Sector is the other way. We have to hurry and get Slayer Phoenix back, but these stupid motherfucking demons won’t leave us alone.” Nova said as they ducked into an alley. He threw up a shield barrier and the demons went by them without noticing them. “I think it’s over now.” Nova whispered so the demons wouldn’t hear him.

“Yeah but we still don’t know how to get into the Zoha Sector you idiot.” Yugi snapped.

“Oh I’m the idiot.” Nova said.

“Yes you are. I could have escaped the APFH Headquarters on my own without any help and gotten her back by now but NOOOOOO! You had to come along.” Yugi said and crossed his arms.

“If you didn’t just notice I saved your fucking life!” Nova yelled, dropping the barrier.

“Yeah Mr. Immortal you just saved a human. You should feel really proud.”

“I am. Normally I kill mundanes.”

“Whatever. The only reason you came with me was to go rescue Phoenix and get your daughter back.”

“At least I’ve gotten the chance to date her like you want to.” Yugi’s shock was clearly written on his face. “Yeah I notice the way you look at her. You should know that she is mine, and I had her way before you.”

“I would think she would want a man, not a little boy.” Yugi snapped.

“Yeah that’s why she wants me shorty.” Nova said and grabbed Yugi by his shirt collar and picked him up. “And don’t forget buddy, I’m a demon too. I just know how to control it.”

Yugi kicked Nova in the gut, but Nova just stood there, still holding on to him. Yugi tried again, and it didn’t work.

“Put me down!” Yugi yelled and then he looked behind them and saw a few of the wandering zombies heading towards them. “Shit! Nova! Put me down! We have to run!”

“Wait why?” Nova said, letting Yugi go and turning around.

Yugi kicked Nova in the leg, knocking him over, and shot him in the leg. He grabbed Nova’s weapons and slung the bag over his shoulders. He shot the few zombies in the head so Nova would at least have a fighting chance, and Yugi would not just do that someone.

“See you later you idiot. Good luck getting to the Zoha Sector.” Yugi said and took off running towards the direction they were supposed to be heading.

He heard Nova yell at him in some foreign language that sounded like garble to Yugi. Yugi just kept running, and it was light before he had made it to the last safe house of his that had not been overrun, destroyed, or trapped.

Yugi unbarred and slid open the door, entering his Slayer Code Number on the keypad, and it letting him in. He went to the wardrobe in the very back and threw in the bag of weapons from Nova, keeping his own weapon’s belt on. He went through the small amount of clothes he kept in there and picked out an outfit he had never worn before.

He changed into a black tank top, black jeans, and attached his weapons belt back on. He covered his arms in silver arm guards with spikes on them. He set out a pair of black combat boots that had the toes covered in silver spikes. He looked at himself in the mirror and he looked more like a bounty hunter than a Slayer.

Yugi went over to another wall and opened a cabinet, pulling out a giant map and laying it out along the table in the small room that would have been made a kitchen or living room. Those things weren’t even considered luxury now, it was just disposable. He took out a red marker and circled the only known entrances to the Zoha Sector that would be accessible with the least amount of fighting.

Suddenly there was a banging on the door and demon claws were heard scraping against it.

“Open up Slayer! I know you are in there!”

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