Labels (completed)

By crazy_br0wnie

400 42 13

Sometimes people don't recognize you by your name, but they instantly remember when they hear your label..Th... More

Let me be your husband
A new day , A new start
Day one
Everything has changed
I'm going to stand by you
What is wrong with her?
New people and old feelings
Is it possible ?
Helen and Gabriella?
Lies and fears
The missing friend
I can explain
The ex best friend and the sister
Flashback 01
Flashback 02
Happy endings
thank you!

Back at the hell hole

16 2 2
By crazy_br0wnie

After dinner they decided to crash at Isabella's place.No matter how much Isabella tried She couldn't sleep. But those two were sleeping soundly.they fell asleep while watching the incredibles 2.
Isabella kept on watching movies after movies till morning
It must be around 5 in the morning and suddenly She felt something heavy on her stomach.
'Holy macaroons! '
Adam's head was on her stomach and he was drooling.

'Eww Adam!'

And then She tried to get up but She was lying on Luke's chest. He's hands were on her neck .

'There's no escape from this human trap.' She thought

" guys for gods sake please wake up..I need to pee"

No use.

Isabella had no idea for how long She was trapped until Her mom came to the rescue. She looked surprised.
" wow someone had a rough night" she smirked.

This is not the time for those jokes

" please I need to pee... Help me..these hippos won't wake up"

Finally she decided to help. She gently raised Adam's head so Isabella could move and she released her neck from Luke's hand.

"Thanks a lot Mom! "

Isabella smiled and ran towards the bathroom knowing that her bladder couldn't take it anymore.

She brushed my teeth took a shower. And got ready for school.

"Wake up sleepyheads.or else we're gonna get late for school."
They groaned.

She took her phone out and took some pictures of her sleeping best friends and went down to the kitchen. Lisa was ready for work and she was making breakfast.

" are the boys still asleep?"


" delete the picture you took"
Luke tackled her and now he's sitting on her back.
" Luke ! You pig !! Get off my back. My bones gonna crack..oh my god!! Morning breath!! Please get off me " Isabella cried scrunching her nose.

" you heard him. Delete it now or else I'll be glad to join him"

" how the hell am I supposed to delete it when I can't even move my arm"

"Good point" he got up.

She deleted it but kept in mind to recover it back.
Lisa had a smile on her face.

" morning boys! Slept well?" Lisa asked when they came down after getting ready for school. The boys nodded and taking a seat around the table.

The three of them were silently eating breakfast. " you should eat some're getting thinner day by day" Luke said.

"Nah I'm good. Just on a diet" Isabella shyly murmured.

" getting rid of few pounds won't give you a new face Ella. You need a plastic surgery to look beautiful" Luke teased and earned a kick from her. " ouch woman that hurt"

"So did my feelings " dramatically Isabella said placing her hand over her heart.

"If she needed a plastic surgery to look good then why do you ouch!! What's wrong with you Luke?" Adam couldn't end.
Luke was giving his famous death glare.

" we should be going. Later mom"
" see you soon Lisa"
She waved with her pleasant smile.

The three were walking to school and Just like the old days Isabella was in between the boys. Gavin had spent the night at his friends house so Isabella didn't have to drop him off.Looking at the two boys Isabella couldn't stop thinking how They were not only just friends but very overprotective brothers as well.

"You're getting pale day by day Ella! Stop all those crap about dieting and eat well"
Luke said poking her cheeks. Isabella slapped his arm.

" mind your own business louky"

"Seriously belle! You're getting thinner day by day...if you're thinking that you'll look prettier if you were slim then listen young are absolutely beautiful and perfect just the way you are...screw the society which says thin girls are prettier and others are not.. I think girls are like butterflies..everyone are different and yet beautiful in their own way..thick or slim all the girls are beautiful in their own way" Adam voiced his thoughts.
Isabella chuckled nervously.

The topic was changed by Luke regarding basketball She was left out. She enjoyed watching the boys play but She didn't know a single thing about basketball except how to score. But she never knew what the positions were and the other stuff. Simply sports weren't her cup of tea.

"What do you think El?" Both of them were looking at her expecting an answer.
"Uhm mm..think about what?"
"Never mind " Luke said and They realized that they had reached the school gates.
Isabella saw Taylor aka the bad boy parking his car in his parking spot and noticed a new scar on his face. She was the only girl he would have a conversation without the motive of getting laid.

You could say that they were friends.

"I'll see you guys later" She changed her direction towards Taylor without waiting for them to answer.

"Hey Ty!" Isabella waved at him deep inside knowing she might look like a mad man but thankfully no one was paying attention to her.

Taylor smiled at her and greeted by saying" what's up little one?" While getting out of the car.
Isabella chooses to ignore the part where he called her a little girl and get straight to the point. "What happened?" She asked.

Taylor immediately understood that she was referring to the scar and chuckled. "You have an eye of an eagle..honestly it's nothing to worry about..I was a bit clumsy last night and tripped"

Isabella chuckled with a nod and they both turned towards the school building. They were welcomed to the hallways by whispers which were a little bit audible.

"Are they dating?"

"Omg! I heard that he is her new toy"

"What does Taylor see in her anyway?"

"She thinks she has everyone wrapped around her fingers"

"Taylor was so mad when that thing got bullied yesterday"

Isabella felt as if the ground beneath her was spinning and her ears were ringing and it was extremely hard to breathe.
All these attention was too much for her and she felt a bit light headed. She quickly grabbed Taylor's arm for support.
Taylor looked at her surprised by the sudden contact. seeing Isabella's situation he quickly understood what was happening and grabbed her protectively into his arms.

"Breathe and and out..everything's going to be okay..everything is going to be fine" he whispered into her ears soothingly which made her feel much better. Until then she didn't realize she was holding his arms in a strong grip which created some creased marks on his t shirt. She slowly loosened it.

Taylor looked at the girl who's eyes were filled with tears.
"Are You okay ?"
Isabella was very grateful that she was with Taylor and not the other two so she didn't have to explain anything. Taylor knew more than anyone else except her parents."thank you" she muttered.

"Have any of you Devils heard of minding your own business?" Taylor asked from the students who gathered to watch them.

That tone was scary

Taylor turned to her "meet me at lunch" with that he walked away towards his locker which was three lockers away from Isabella's.

She sighed and looked up to meet two pair of very confused eyes giving her a questioning look and begging for answers.


What do you think about this chapter? 🙊I reaaalllllyyy hope you guys like it..

By the way whom do you ship?

Adam + Isabella = Adella

Isabella + Luke = Elluke

Taylor + Isabella = Tayella

Let me know by commenting..
Don't forget to vote lovelies..your votes and comments makes me want to update sooner🙈

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