(★Look Beyond The Stars★)

By Sana_scarlet9

54.1K 1.5K 1.6K

[Invader!Zim X Female!Reader] (The Characters are in Highskool ok?) !!!SPOILERS!!! PLEASE READ TO UNDERSTAND... More

⚡(Note And Basic Information)⚡
☆ Chapter# 1★
♥ Chapter#6♥
☆ Chapter#10★
(☆Chapter #12☆)


2.5K 75 83
By Sana_scarlet9

(Slight Trigger warning⚠)

(Y/n's POV)

After all the commotion ,I decided to go and check on zim myself ,Seeing all the destruction that happened down here....It seems something reallyyyy bad happened

I hate this kind of suspense

I said to myself ,because of the power out ,It was dark ,only a few lights that came from a few of the many rooms ,i turned on my headphones antennas flashlight that guided me in the darkness ,my visors night mode on

"Zim...where are you..?''

I said...more like whispered ,walking stealthily .flashing around my flashlight .I heard a....sobbing..noise..?
Such painful sob that was making the person hic with not being able to breathe .

I entered the room ,my flashlight lightened up the figure on the ground...it was zim! His back was towards me ,Sitting on his knees on the ground .I took a few steps towards him

"Zim...hey..what's going on here..?"


My eyes widened at what I saw as I got closer. Zim... had one of his robot spider leg that was connected to his PAK towards himself ,The tip of the spider leg charging up with laser.....he was...HIS ABOUT TO HURT HIMSELF!!


Instinctively ,I dashed towards Zim ,tackling him. We both rolled on the floor ,pushing the metals out of our way .I finally got myself on top of zim ,pinning his hands down as I used one of my leg on his stomach to keep him down ,and other leg crushed the robot spider thingy

"What the-!! Filthy Human!! Get your Hands of off ZIM!!"


I yelled back with anger ,I just wanted to slap zim for this stupid act of hiS!
Zim struggled more against my hold ,I just glared at him

"how could you zim!! I thought you were an invader! Do invaders hurts themselves!?!"

I said ,Zim growled as I saw zims sharp teeth ,But I noticed something else....Droplets of tears that was barely Hanging onto zims eyes ,my anger turned into sadness as I frowned



Zim pushed me and was now The one pinning me Down ,three more spider legs came from behind and clashed on each side of my body and onto the ground ,he was keeping me down with full force as zims grip tightened on my shoulders


I questioned ,A drop of liquid fell on my cheek ,My visor slided off my eyes ,revealing my (e/c) eyes. I just stared at Zim ,His eyes continuously filling up with tears and falling down his cheeks like a stream ,He was sad...hurt...angry..all the emotions mixed...

"Why...whyyy...does everything wants to hurt Zim.."

Zim said as he lowered his head ,the spider leg thingy going back inside his PAK. Everything went silent..only the hics and sniffles of Zim echoed in the base

I finally saw the position we were in.......AHHHHH-!!

I internally screamed ,i could feel the blush rush to my face...but thanks to the darkness of the room...It wasn't visible

He released my shoulders with his claw hands and wrapped it around himself .it broke my heart....I hate when someone thinks that all their efforts are useless....no one is useless...but no one is perfect either..we perfect ourselves by working in ourselves..

"No...i don't know what happened...but it will be OK.."


"I'm not lying! I don't know what happened that made you act this way and choose to die by your own hand...But thats not the answer to the problem!"

zim looked at me ,his magenta eyes glistening with tear drops ,I pushed myself up in a sitting position as I smiled at Zim

(Third persons POV)

The atmosphere in the room seemed to become more easy to breathe in ,Zim looked away .You tucked a strain of hair behind your ear as you deactivated your armor ,Now revealing your normal clothing

"Do you...Need..a hug?"

You asked as you held your arms open with a soft expression .Zim looked at you confused at what you meant by 'hug'. Kiki and Gir peeked from around the corner. But you were the only who saw them

"What...is it that you humans refer to as a...'hug'?''

Zim asked with confusion ,His emotions were mixed ,You just smiled as you leaned in close ,Zims eyes widened a little as he growled under his breathe

"Human y/n ,don't touch the mighty zi-!''

You just wrapped your arms around him ,engulfing zim in your warm embrace ,Zims eyes twitched for a second...but it felt nice ,Even though his squeedly spooch was really skipping beats at your touch

"Just don't kill me for this hehe''

You gently rubbed zims back...trying not to touch the PAK attached to his back .Zim felt his emotions overflow as his hands trembled ,he was holding back another sob ,He quickly buried his face in the crock of your neck as he clenched your shirt/hoodie tightly

"Guess..you irkens aren't aware of what hug is huh..well this is what we humans call a hug''

Zim didn't replied as he was still confused and lost in his own mind as you kept the irken in your arms....trying your best not to touch the antennas since they were lowered...even though it was tempting

"How do you filthy humans even find this kind of...stupid emotional comfort..."

You giggled at his sudden talking ,Zim stopped crying as he just allowed himself to be held by you .you just sighed....still sickly concerned about Zims Self destructive nature....you have no idea what he might do to himself once you leave him alone..

"So....wanna talk...about what happened here..?''

You calmly asked ,zim pulled himself away from your hold as he stood up ,a weird machine like projector came out of his PAK ,It was turned on as a transparent hologram MAP of the entire space was projected on the entire room .you just stared in awe

"That Ship..is the irken armadas Massive ,where my almighty tallests are traveling continuing world conquest:- impending doom 2..''

Zim explained as you saw a pink ship that had the irken empires symbol on it ,thousands of other small ships flying around it .following a pink straight line

I wonder what happened to the impending doom 1

"Are they just going straight?''

"They always go straight ,eliminating every planet that comes in the way, now look at this "

Zim said as the screen zoomed out revealing more planets, he zoomed out even more .it was kind of making you sick ,Until zim stopped .the massive far away now with the pink straight line

"This is the filthy planet earth ,Million of light years away from the Armada.....They aren't coming here...when Zim sent a transmission to my tallests...I asked them why the Straight line isn't towards the earth as well..."

Zim said lowering his head ,along with his antennas with a frown. You stared at the planet earth .they were Pretty pretty FAR away from her planet

"They dont even know about planet earth...they aren't coming..my tallests.."

Zim said ,you frowned .you raised your hand and touched the planet earths hologram as zim turned off the entire map ,sitting Down and wrapping his arm around himself again ,You began to think of something...

"What if their testing you.."

"What do you me a by that human y/n?''

"What if their ,your almighty tallests are just testing you! You know , to see how much will power and patience you have!"

Zim raised a brow as his antennas twitched ,Before you could say something ,You heard shouting on the surface ,It was dib!

"Great. Dib stink is here as well!"

You smiled as Zim just looked away from you ,Sighing he stood up and walked towards the doors exit

"Zim will return soon...stay here, Do not touch anything without zims permission"

There's nothing left to touch..

You nodded as he walked away ,You saw kiki's head peeked through the doorway ,Your expression turned into a pissed off one as you turned around at the huge transmission screen as a beeping sound went off

"Kiki ,Connect your Wires to the Monitor and accept the transmission"


"because zim isn't here to take it ?

Kiki did what you asked her to do ,A Wire came out of her back and attached itself to the computer ,Pressing a few buttons on her arm key board ,the screen lighted up


"Zim! We have a great news for-"

The tallest red said as he stopped drinking his soda ,Pur peeked his head from behind red as he smiled ,Swallowing down the bag of donuts as he talked

"Its the human from before! Who complimented us about our eyes!"

They said ,You just glared at them ,feet tapping on the floor ,Red and purple glanced at each other with confused looks

"She....doesn't look happy to see us..''

"You two bastards are the worst Irkens. I've EVER seen in my ENTIRE fucking life!!"

with your sudden outburst ,Purple dropped his bag of donuts ,As a few small irken soldiers jumped together ,fighting for the donuts

"Did..we do something?"

"yes..Zim found out that you two aren't coming here.. it made zim so upset...he was about to hurt himself....critically!"

purples face dropped as red slurped on his soda ,With half tired open eyes .You just raised a brow

"ah whatever. He was supposed to found out one day...is he dead?''

"its good he didn't called us and asked stupid questions ''

"We dont like being asked questions"

" zim is not an invader ,We just simply send him to planet earths direction. or else he would've made our antennas go deaf from his screaming and yelling''

"Thinking his a...pfffft..invader, His nothing more then a defect"

You blinked confused as they finished each others sentence ,explaining everything .your hands twitched....These two are total dick heads!

''By the way...we saw the  'interaction' with you and him...in a mating way''

You would've choked on your drink if you had one ,Your face went pale....how did they knew about what happened at skool...!?
You thought. blood rushing to your face as dark blush was now visible

"Pur look! her face changes colors!! I didn't knew humans could do that...we didn't even knew you humans even existed".

They both said as you looked up at them with a serious face now ,They just ate their snacks as if nothings wrong

"By the way, zim will go through a trial for that, since we are living witnesses of him being intimate with another specie, thanks to his stupid robot sir unit''

"second for just being stupid ,We aren't supposed to be involved into that yucky romance stuff''


You snapped as they just glanced at each other ,you were now red because of rage...These two are such a HUGE excuse of a leader! Their dumbasses and they sit on their ass eating and acting like nothing is fucking wrong!?

"First of all...I don't know how you found out about what happened with me and zim! I didn't knew it was...sexual for the irkens to be touched on the antenna!"

"Point taken. His dumb robot showed us the video..didn't knew zim was the kind of irken to place cameras every where?

"Seoncd...what is this..trial..?''

You asked as they then explained ,trial .The brain controls will decide whether zim is guilty or not ,If he is...he will be encoded or will be directly executed if he is found a defect

"So...I basically...killed zim? By interacting with...something I wasn't supposed to?"

You asked as you looked Down ,The tallest just casually ate their donuts with a bored face and nodded in unison,until reds eye widened a little

"I just remembered why we called in the first place''

you and tallest purple both looked at tallest red ,A smirk appearing on his face

"pur..we still need to get rid of the resisty group right? The group of rebels who are going against us?''

"Yeah.....ooooooh ,I get what you mean"

"I don't like that look on your faces...what are you planning?"

They both looked back at you with an evil look ,You gulped as kiki just face palmed ,you kept glancing at the two tallests

"we will give zim a chance. If he completes this mission...which I know he won't be able to...he can come back on irken planet for his trial...on one condition"


"You have to come along with zim ,Your the only one who can keep his destructive stupid behavior on limit"

OK....if this conversation doesn't ends..you might get a heart attack ,but you thought about it ,It was your fault that zim got in this mess...kind of, as they say curiosity killed the cat...but instead of a cat..its Zim

"Alright...if me and zim stops the resisty and zim isn't found guilty or defective on the trial...what then?"

You asked with a nervous clenched fist. They both looked at each other with the same smirk

"You and zim will be allowed to return back to planet earth ,No worries''

"Let me answer what your thinking of asking next . If zim is found guilty and a defect ,You both will be executed on the planet courtia where the trial will be held, or maybe you two will kept slaves on irken empire''

"I knew it"

You pressed the palm of your hands on your face with frustration. Well...you always wanted to go in outer space ,so...this is a good excuse..?

"Can you tell all this to zim yourself...It will make him feel better...please?"

You said with a frown ,they both groaned as red face palmed ,With a sigh he spoke

"Fine. We will do it so we wouldn't see ZIM again. Where is he?"

"I bet his weeping in a corner somewhere"

With that they both started laughing ,shoving more snacks in their mouth...now you were really questioning irkens choice of choosing their leaders

"Whatever, I'll go and bring zim ,Then tell him everything about the mission......except the part of him being a defective..which I'm positive he is not a defect''

With that ,kiki put the call on hold as I sighed ,Kiki flew up at my face with a really upset look

"You are not going anywhere! First I won't let you go, second your parents won't let you go ,you just moved here a few weeks ago! Third ,Dib Will kill himself but he will never EVER let you go!"

"I know..but I'm still gonna go, its my fault he got into this mess!"

"Your not going any where!''

You and kiki turned around and saw a shadow standing on the doorframe . Walking forward it revealed to be..


To be continued...

Ooooook...this escalated pretty quickly?

Will you be able to survive the trial and the resisty?
Wait for the next chapter!

If you like the chapter .PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!
It really motivates me to keep writing!

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See you all soon!

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