Locks on our heart

By Angel_princess10

12.4K 195 190


Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors note

Chapter 2

1.2K 25 1
By Angel_princess10

The next day

Courtney's P.O.V.

I woke up early in the morning excited to go to Paris, I rechecked my bags to make sure I had everything and went checking my list off

Shirts - check
Writing book- check
Pajamas- Check
Tank tops-check
Sweaters- check
Bathroom care-check
Bathing suit-check
Fancy clothes-check
Personal items-check
Flat iron- Check (never forget it)
Make up and accessories-check
Work,laptop, books and things for school
And last but not least of course my phone and PDA- check

I was born ready for this trip.....I always thought Paris as a romantic place, I haven't expected to really go with my friends, but now I am, who knows maybe I'll meet the perfect guy or girl there......eh yes, I,Courtney am a bisexual, I told my family but not all my friends, I of course told Layla and Hana, they accepted me which I say was very nice of them, it turned out Hana is bisexual too, but she leans more to girls which is fine and Layla is just straight which is totally fine too, ah moving on topic, I don't really like to talk about it much, even though I'm supposed to be the perfect girl, I might have a bit twist an turns of myself. Anyway, its about 11 am, as I was putting all my bags and things into the living room as I saw Layla pull into my driveway with Hana and they loaded my bags into their car. I thanked them as went to lock my door and lock up my house as I went into the passenger seat of Laylas car with Hana in the backseat, and they started playing the radio and we were having small talk.

Within about an hour, we arrived at the airport, they checked in out bags since our flight was in about a few minutes and we exchanged our money for the money that France used, we also bought a French vocabulary book too. I was so nervous and very excited. We waited for our flight to be called and about a few minutes after we sat down it did and off we went to the plane, it was filled with a lot of people. Layla, Hana and I sat in at a three person seat, with me in the middle and Hana on the outside and Layla on the inside. Pretty soon after everything was settled, the flight attendants showed us how to use all the things after an accident so I just strapped myself in and watched, when we started taking off they showed us videos about Paris and the attractions and what to expect there, I started dozing into sleeping since I was a bit tired. I knew by the time I wake up......I'll be in Paris, I smiled before I feel asleep.

After a few hours

I woke up hearing Hana and Layla squealing with happiness my guess, we landed. I woke up and looked over Layla to see that we just landed. "I can't believe it" I thought. We are Here in Paris! Pretty soon we were in the airport and it was nothing like Canada's. It looked really cool. I grabbed my bags that were on the coming out and I triple checked I had all of mine. Hana and Layla grabbed their bags too.

We exited the airport as we went out and waited for our taxi cab that came to pick us up to take us to our 5star hotel we were going to stay at. I smiled as we paid the taxi and went out the car out to the lobby to check in and up to the room we paid for. It was HUGE! Layla,Hana and I had our own rooms, it was super nice and fancy, there were beautiful paintings, furniture and the bedroom I was gonna sleep in, was absolutely amazing, the bed was huge and my own bathroom was connected to it. It was just amazing.......to bad its only for 4 weeks I can have all this paradise. I unpacked all my things and laid down sinking comfortably into my bed when Hana came in.

"Courtney! Courtney!!!" She yelled as she came in happily

"yes?" I asked laughing and smiling.

"Layla and I just found this amazing restaurant that's just across the street and its super fancy." She smiled

"let's go tonight!" Hana yelled happily

"umm well uh sure." I chuckled

"what time are we going at?" I asked smiling.

"Ummm well its about 6:00 now.....how's about 6:30?" She asked.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get ready now."

I smiled as I sat up from the bed and went up to go put on a one-sided strap dress(on the left) fairly sparkly, that went up to my knees, that was of course purple because it was my favorite color, it meant the color of royalty and which of course I love. I put on a pair of purple sparkly high heels to match with the dress along of curling my hair into nicer curls (instead of my real ones of my natural hair) and put it into a very nice fancy bun. I than put on some light natural make up with a bit of foundation (even though my freckles were still showing) some eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and of course lipstick. I than put on a golden necklace I had on and sprayed on some love spell perfume from Victoria Secret as I grabbed my key and walked out the door.

Hana and Layla gave me a big warm smile as I stepped out.

"You look amazing!!!" They said happily as they examined how I looked.

Layla was wearing a one-sleeve black dress above her knees that had a laced sleeve on the right side of her arm, with no make up, had her hair curled and had black and silver heels. It looked gorgeous.

Hana wore a natural make up, with her hair curled too, sparkly gems on the top than was a flowy light tealish color up to her knees, with sparkly teal heels.

"You two look amazing too." I said smiling at them.

I opened the door for us and grabbed hotel key along with my purse and double checked to make sure I had my phone,PDA, and wallet as the girls grabbed theirs too as I closed the door after the girls came out I checked the time and it was 6:30

"perfect timing." I smirked and closed the door and off we went.

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