Balance of Light and Dark (Na...

By blackstarlove19

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What would you do if you knew your time was almost out? that as the seconds passed, your end draws near? Ho... More

Chapter 1: Meeting team 7
Chapter 2: The bell test
Chapter 3: a C rank mission
Chapter 4: C rank turns A rank
Chapter 5: Climbing trees
Chapter 6: There are real heroes
Chapter 7: Rememeber me
Special no.1 Meeting Sasuke
Chapter 8: Finishing trainning
Chapter 9: Battle on the bridge
Special no.2 A mission with the jounins
Chapter 10: The jounins ambush
Chapter 11: Reuniting with friends
Chapter 12: Chunin exams
Chapter 13: Forest of Death: Encounter with a snake
Chapter 14: Forest of Death: A friend's help
Chapter 15: The perliminaries suprise
Chapter 16: Devastating news
Chapter 17: A day in the hospital
Chapter 18: A birthday party
Chapter 19: Encounters with Garaa
Chapter 20: The third exam begins
Chapter 21: Trying to fix it!
Chapter 22: The sand and sound attack!
Chapter 23:Family or Revenge?
Chapter 24: The breaking point
Chapter 25: A new enemy
Chapter 26: Mission: find the medic
Chapter 27:The Legendary sucker
Chapter 28:The bet
Chapter 29: Training to the limit!!
Chapter 30: A battle with the snake's follower!!
Chapter 31: More than one way to die!!
Chapter 32: Have to find an answer!
chapter 34: Old friends!
Chapter 35 : Riddles!!
Chapter 36: The tale of seven years ago!
Chapter 37 : A mission change
Chapter 38 : More flashbacks!!!
Chapter 39 : Divide and patrol
chapter 40: The target
Chapter 41: An unexpected night
chapter 42: The battle starts
Chapter 43: One vs one
Chapter 44: Sacrifice and guilt
Chapter 45:Pulling from the darkness
Chapter 46: Back
Chapter 47: New announcements!
Chapter 48: Sasuke Retrieval!
Chapter 49: Departure!
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 33: An A rank mission

510 21 1
By blackstarlove19

Gomen everyone for the late update, I have been trying by bes to adjust to college life and hopefully it will bwcome easier to write and to not waste your time here's the new chapter dedicated to jujuland for being the first to comment on the previous one, first to comment gets a dedication. 

Now enjoy and dont forget to vote!!

Sara Pov

"But that's not possible" Said the clan elder Keiji after I had showed them the letter, He had white medium-length hair tied in a ponytail, a white short beard, and a frail looking body, He was wearing a loose fitting kimono that is held closed with a simple sash under a black waist length haori with our clan symbol.

"But this was delivered by one of your doves, right?" asked me the second elder Takashi which I replied with a yes "So there is no way this is a mistake" he was bald and his face full of wrinkles, he was wearing a full length kimono held by a yellow sash.

"The problem lies with who to send" Lord Fumio said as he held his chin in his hand, he had a thick beard, a somewhat old muscled body; he was wearing a traditional black kimono with a white haori with our clan symbol. "Most of our clan ninjas are on missions and the rest we need in the village here"

"Why not just send Konoha ninjas?" I suggested getting frustrated with them wasting precious time

"You know we can't do that" Keiji snarled "No one but our clan members is allowed on that island"

"It's an emergency, no time to pay attention to that, people from outside our clan are already there we can't just wait"

"Laws are laws!" Takashi bellowed at me "We can't allow-"

"They're not the enemy, we need help!" I bellowed back standing up from my crouched position "If we wait people might die, or it could be late to stop them from taking whatever they're after"

Takashi scowled at me along Keiji but before anyone could say anything else, Lord Fumio interfered.

"That's enough! She's right we don't have time" He said making everyone on the room gape at him surprised.  'Since when does he agree with me?'

"Go lady Hokage and inform her of the situation and request her help!" He told me snapping me out of my surprise, with a quick nod and Hai I left the building to make my way to the village.

I was jumping on top of the buildings when I ran into Hideo sensei that turned around and started running beside me.

I quickly informed him of what happened with the elders and like everyone he was surprised when I mentioned that Lord Fumio agreed with me.


 "That's Impossible" Tsunade said after explaining the situation to her, Sensei and I stood in her office while Shizune stood beside Tsunade understanding only the part about a place being attacked, Tsunade seemed to know the how it was more bad than it seems, making me guess my mother probably told her about the place.

"Lady Hokage we request some ninja to be sent along the two of us to help" Sensei told her which seemed to surprise he more.

"Do your elders agree to that?" she asked us, to which we nodded. She rested her chin on her intertwined hands.

"Ok then! Shizune!" she called making the brunette jump "Call jounins of team 7, 10 and 8 now! And tell their teams to get ready for a mission and meet at the gates in 30 minutes" Shizune nodded and ran out of the room.

"Lady Tsunade, are you sure? I mean that many ninjas?" Sensei asked her making her nod at him

"It's what we can do to help especially since your clan doesn't ask for help often" she then narrowed her eyes at me "You better watch yourself, don't push yourself into a worst condition"

I nodded "I will go get ready and makes sure we are all set to go there"

They nodded as I left the office, walking in the hall I stared through the window at the night sky.

'It's one trouble after another' I thought sighing 'I just hope everyone's okay there!'

I started running outside of the building making my way home to get my bag and weapon pouch ready.

'On the other hand it's been seven years since I went there' I though with a smile 'can't help but feel happy to be going there again'

'That's the worst time to be happy' Yami growled irritated 'the place getting attacked it never happened, It's not even possible the enemy you're going to face won't be a puny one'

'I know' I thought as I jumped through the village gates 'But I won't allow them to hurt my home no matter what'


Hideo Pov

As soon as Sara left the office Lady Tsunade turned to me, I could see she was thinking seriously about something.

"I want to confirm something" She said before asking "How much is Sara like her mother?"

I didn't need to think about the answer when in terms of likeness; Sara got her mother's looks, stubbornness and self-sacrifice, but then she also got her father's brains, temper and leadership. And that was the answer I gave Lady Tsunade.

"I figured as much" She said worriedly "That means that she will go to any extent to ensure everyone's safety but her own…."

She said out loud and I couldn't disagree, that was how Sara always acted.

"On a mission like this, she probably will do just that" She continued "Hideo her condition is already bad enough, add to it pushing herself. I need you to make sure she doesn't push herself"

"You don't have to tell me for me to do it" I told her "Watching over Sara is what I always do"

"One more thing though…" She started and what she said did make things complicated.

Sara Pov

I had already went to my house and packed up and was now on my way to the gates. It was dusk already making me realize that we needed to step on it since we still had at least two days' worth of traveling or flying in this case.

I landed at clearing close to the gate and big enough for me to summon the flock. Taking a deep I started forming the hand signs, before slamming my hands on the ground.

'Summoning jutsu!' I thought instead of shouting out loud. Smoke appeared before disappearing away showing 4 birds, among them were Sadao and Satoshi. There were also Shou and Daichi they were brothers and were Satoshi's sons they were like Satoshi with his white feathers but While Satoshi head feathers were brown, Daichi had black head feathers and Shou had white head feather but brown feather covered the front of his body.

I gave them a smile "Hadn't seen the two of you in a while?" I said to the brothers, Daichi who was the elder brother scowled at me "With all the fighting you have been going through you never thought to summon anyone but Sadao and father"

"The rest of the flock is pretty mad too" Shou said with a frown "Emiko have been sad thinking you're mad at her"

"Guys you know it's nothing like that" I told them waving my hand in front of me trying to explain myself "I just don't want you to get hurt"

"Do we seem like little chicks to you?!" Daichi asked a bit angry

"That's enough!" Satoshi yelled at him "You're being disrespectful, also now is not the time for this"

"How are things there?" I asked now serious and worried

"We were watching the place and looking out for enemy, they only attacked once but we're sure they're just hiding" Sadao said I could feel he was hiding something from me, I tried to read his thoughts but he had blocked me out.

Suppressing a sigh I turned to Sadao and Satoshi "You too go back, they will need as many eyes as possible there. Daichi and Shou can help the others and I get there"

With a Hai they both disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"I am sorry you too, I plan to apologize to the entire flock when I see them too" I told the brothers "I know I was neglecting you but I just didn't want you to get hurt"

Shou sighed and gave me a smile "Don't mind my idiot brother, we know you meant well"

"Who are you calling an idiot?" Daichi turned to Shou, before turning to me "Whatever we just have to focus on the mission for now"

Using the summoning jutsu again I summoned both Kei and Miyuki, I sent Kei to wait by the gates till everyone arrived and then he was going to bring them here. Miyuki I sent to keep Kohana Company.

While we were waiting for the others to arrive both Daichi and Shou stayed silent till they said they were going to fly around while I waited on a branch in tree, I knew they were mad at me, I have done to them what I have done to most of my friends after the incident seven years ago, most of the time I told myself it was for the best so that they wouldn't get hurt, but after the last few month I realized I was doing it for my sake rather then there's.

The bushes rustled a bit and soon after the three teams emerged along with sensei led by Kei.

"Come on! Why did we have to walk here? What's this mission all about anyway?" Naruto asked loudly, everyone looked a bit ticked by his loud voice even though I could see that the genins were all thinking the same thing.

"You don’t have to be so loud Naruto!" I said grabbing their attention as I jumped from where I was sitting "you will know everything in time"

I noticed the jounins were giving me odd looks but I put it aside for now, it was already night and we needed to get there ASAP.

I turned to the sky, and whistled loudly. After a few seconds Daichi and Shou landed in front of me.

"I hope none of are afraid of heights?" I told them with a smile as a few puffs of smoke bellowed revealing 6 other Daichis and 6 other Shous.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Naruto, Sakura, Ino Screamed as we rushed through the clouds. We were all riding Daichi or Shou's clones and rushing at full speed towards our destination.  Those three were the only ones screaming but I could see that the rest of the genins were bothered by it too. Hinata looked ready to faint, Choji and Kiba were clutching for their lives while Akamaru was inside Kiba's jacket. Shino wasn't shaken neither were Sasuke but Shikamaru was staring lazily at the clouds while I could see he was bit tense but was trying to hide it.

The jounins on the other hand looked serious and a bit worried they did know what this mission was after all.

We had been travelling for about a day and it was already midday I think if it wasn't for the fact we were flying I think they would have fallen asleep already.

"Are there any land near?" I asked Shou who I was riding.

"We still aren't over sea" He told me "Ok then! Everyone we're going to land for a break!" I shouted

Everyone nodded some were nodding like there was no tomorrow. We started to make our way down I could see a clearing close enough for us to land. The terrain was all forest for the most part but ahead I could see the end of it and starting of some green fields.

"Why did we stop exactly?" Daichi asked a bit irritated after we landed, Naruto was kissing the ground saying how he was never going to leave it again, the other genins were a bit shaken but all in all fine. The clones were gone leaving the real brothers in front of me.

"We need to be at full strength when we arrive if we were to be of any help" Hideo sensei explained "besides you two could use the rest as well"

"He's right guys! None of us has slept since last night including the two of you" I told them

"Fine" Daichi said disappearing in a puff of smoke while Shou sighed.

"Don't mind him, He's just being himself! Summon us when you're ready to head out again!" He told me after I nodded He disappeared in a puff of smoke.


We had setup camp and were all huddled around a small fire all of us ready to go to bed after a long sleepless day.

"So what exactly is our mission?" Sasuke asked causing all the genins to snap out from there semi sleep state almost everyone Naruto was still barely keeping himself awake.

"Well, to explain your mission in simple, a village that's on an island a bit south east from here, the village is known by the village of Heiwa  has been attacked and our mission is to help them fend off the attackers" Sensei explained "This mission is an A rank mission"  

"An A rank??" Some of the genins question

"But if that's the case wouldn't it have been better to send chunins instead of genins?" Shika questioned

"Yeah! Not like we're weaklings or anything but if it's an A rank isn't it a bit out of our league?" Kiba questioned and Akamaru barked in agreement.

"You guys know that the Leaf is still recovering" Asuma said while holding his cigarette between his fingers and letting out a smoke "We couldn't afford to send chunins with jounins"

"And the village we're helping is an ally of the leaf, we had to help them in any way possible" Kakashi explained and everyone looked thoughtful.

"There more to it than that" I said joining the conversation "The village we're going to is actually the village from where our clan come from"

"What??" Sakura and Ino questioned

"Look guys what we're about to tell you is classified information" I told them "Normally those who know this either belong to our clan or a selected few"

"You're senseis have already been informed of the situation and of this stuff. Listen closely because I am not going to repeat myself" Hideo Sensei told them. They stared intently at him "Our clan is actually from Heiwa but when the leaf was formed a part of our clan joined it but that didn't mean we lost contact with our original home.

Heiwa is a place where the true power of our clan resides making it a target for many people thus to protect it the second user casted a barrier to protect the village"

"The second user?" Questioned Choji

"Through our clan history only three people have been able to reach the third stage of our kekkei genkai" I told them "The first was the founder of our clan and our village he was the first to master it, the second was a ninja that was very talented and had become our clan leader before the village system appeared, he was also the second one to master it. The third was a Kunochi, she was around the period of the first great ninja war, her story is a bit complicated but she never mastered it only achieved it"

I noticed Yami growl in the back but ignored her for now.

"Exactly, the barrier around Heiwa keeps it hidden no outsiders could see it nor can they know there location. Until recently no one has been able to get past the barrier." Hideo sensei continued "That's why this is a high ranked mission, we don't how strong our enemy is nor what their numbers are. The only fact we know is that they managed to do what's impossible to do, the barrier was placed in way to make sure no outsiders can get past it without our clan's approval and they still managed to do it"

All the genins were a bit shocked but they seemed to understand how grave the situation was.

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