Daddy Wooseok | Kim Wooseok


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A melancholic night that brought two sobbing hearts together in the most.. unexpected way possible. Consequen... More

Chapter One: The Night
Chapter Two: Consequence
Chapter Three: Blessing... or maybe not.
Chapter Four: Daddy Hangyul?
Chapter Five: Different Worlds
Chapter Six: Whispers, Gossips
Chapter Seven: Daddy Wooseok
Chapter Eight: Eavesdropped
Chapter Nine: Save Me
Chapter Ten: Disgrace
Chapter Eleven: Reality
Chapter Twelve: Courage
Chapter Thirteen: Home
Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated
Chapter Fifteen: Family
Chapter Sixteen: Who's doing what?
Chapter Seventeen: Lockdown
Chapter Eighteen: What Happened?
Chapter Nineteen: Shit Happens
Chapter Twenty One: Unfathomable
Chapter Twenty Two: Trust
Chapter X

Chapter Twenty: Never Over

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The room is filled with silence. Wooseok is still lying on the bed, unconscious. While hangyul is sitting on the couch with his eyes wide open. Well, he wanted to look after his friend since wooseok's family is quite busy so there's no one to actually look after him.

When hangyul was about to leave the room to get some breakfast, he noticed that wooseok's fingers seem to be moving. He took a few steps closer to wooseok to confirm what he just saw and he is right. Wooseok is finally gaining consciousness.

"Wooseok, can you hear me? A-are you awake?" Hangyul asked. He started tapping wooseok lightly, as he tries to wake him up.

"Hang on, I'll call the nurses." Hangyul rushed out of wooseok's room and ran quickly to the nearest nurses station to ask for assistance. It's been three days since the incident happened and since that day, wooseok and yuri haven't regained consciousness and if by chance, this will be the first time for wooseok if he wakes up today.

The nurses went straight to check up on wooseok. He is slowly gaining consciousness which made hangyul feel relieved. Right away, he called the other X1 members and wooseok's parents as well to share the good news.

"Wooseok... I'm glad you're awake now." Hangyul mumbled. Wooseok tried to get up but felt his body aching so hangyul stopped him immediately.

"Don't force yourself, wooseok. You just gained consciousness and your body is still weak." He said. Wooseok looks so sad and concerned as if his thoughts are messed up. He is not speaking yet his eyes are melancholic.

"Y-yuri... how is she? How are they?" 

Wooseok asked. His voice is too soft but there is a hint of fright in it. It seems as if he wants to know how they are doing but actually wants to hear an answer that only tells him, they are okay.

"I think you should rest for a while... Let's wait for the X1 and your parents. They are on their--"

"How are they? Answer me..."


Wooseok's heart started to race. He doesn't know why hangyul can't answer him right away but he is not feeling good about it. Hangyul can't even look at him straight in the eyes.

"Hangyul, answer me..." His eyes started to tear up. Sure, he can't properly move his body since bruises are all over but that doesn't stop him from getting up. 

With his knees shaking and hands trembling, wooseok managed to stand up and walk closer to hangyul. He held hangyul's shoulder, trying to make eye contact.

"Please tell me, how is yuri? How is my baby?"

Hangyul didn't mutter a single word. Instead, he just started to shake his head slowly, still looking down.

"What? Look at me hangyul. What do you mean by shaking your head?" Wooseok pleaded. He wants answers, and hangyul can't tell him. He knows how much wooseok wants to protect yuri and their child, he knows how much he wants the best for them so... how is he supposed to break the news to him?

"N-no..." Hangyul whispered.

"N-no? What do you mean no?!" Wooseok yelled. He is using too much of his energy yet it seems like he doesn't care at all. 

"Yuri is still unconscious... but the baby... d-didn't make it."

Wooseok suddenly felt quiet. His face remained blank but tears won't stop streaming down his eyes. With his gritted teeth and balled fist, he started hitting the wall. He can't find any other ways on how to express his rage.

"Wooseok, stop! You are hurting yourself!" Hangyul held wooseok as he tries to prevent him from hitting the wall. His hands are bleeding again and wooseok seems to feel numb about it. 

"Stop hurting myself?! Hangyul, there's nothing more to hurt than knowing that we lost our child and I almost lost yuri!" Wooseok's eyes are all red, and his tears continued falling down. He is catching his breath and his eyes are infuriating with anger.

"I failed as a father... I failed as a fiance. I failed to protect them." Wooseok mumbled to himself as he fell on his knees. His tears won't cease from falling yet he feels as if it wasn't enough to express how deeply hurt he is. Wooseok's hands are shaking and his weeping echoes all over the place.

"Wooseok, you have to be strong. For yuri... she doesn't know yet. And you need to be there for her once she founds out what happened." Hangyul insisted.

"B-bring me to yuri... please. I just want to see her right now." Wooseok pleaded with his melancholic voice. He can't even stop his eyes from quivering and it shows how broke he is on the inside.

"I will... but please, be strong. For you, for her." Hangyul reminded and wooseok gave him a nod. Wooseok knows how hard it is to accept that they lost the baby but he can't seem to imagine how much more will yuri have to bear once she finds out the truth.

Wooseok wasn't able to murmur a single word. Instead, he just nodded at hangyul, stood up and sat on the wheelchair provided for him. As of the moment, his body is still frail and he still needs the energy to completely heal.



The first word wooseok muttered when he saw his fiance was her own name. He can't seem to look at her for a long time without feeling burdened. She's seriously beaten up, she's got a lot of bruises all over her body, and her left arm was put on a cast. Although yuri is still unconscious, he can't imagine the pain that she had to go through.

"I'll go outside," Hangyul said before walking out if yuri's room. Of course, he wants wooseok to have his alone time with yuri so that's what he's giving him.

"You're fine... you're fine right? You'll wake up, right?" Wooseok started moving closer to where yuri is laying. He traced yuri's face with his eyes, staring at her with awe. Even though her face has bruises, she still looks like an angel peacefully sleeping and wooseok can't take his eyes off of her.

"Once you wake up, I'll promise I'll make it up to you." He tried to sound positive and lively but his tears won't stop betraying him. Seeing yuri in this state breaks his heart and he can't deny that. That's the truth.

He held yuri's hands gently. And from there, he felt how cold her hands are.

"Princess, your hands are too cold. But just so you know, I won't mind holding your hand all the time if that's what it takes to keep it warm. Hang on... continue fighting."

Wooseok lifted her hands and kissed it as he continued sobbing, crying and praying nonstop. 

"I don't know if you can hear me, but I just want to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't protect you. I'm sorry if I failed to be there for you ... I'm sorry if I didn't do anything to prevent this from happening."

His voice started to break as well. Mind fucked as to why things have to reach this point, he bit his lower lip trying to hold his emotions in.

"Yuri please, wake up." Wooseok whispered, gently pressing yuri's hands. He kept his head buried into the side of her bed, still not letting go of her hand. His eyes are swollen due to crying unceasingly yet, it was not enough to let out his sadness.

"I miss you already... maybe if you wake up right now then--"

Just as when wooseok said, he felt a tiny movement out of yuri's hand. His eyes grew wider and can't believe that... she's actually responding.

"Y-yuri... can you hear me? Please... open your eyes."

Little by little, yuri managed to move her hand. Her movements continued as she managed to tilt her head side to side until she finally... opened her eyes. Wooseok, on the other hand, can't take her eyes off of yuri. Seeing her gain consciousness somehow puts his heart at ease.


"Yuri... yuri, you're awake." 

Wooseok can't help but feel a bittersweet moment upon seeing yuri wake up. Of course, he's happy that she's finally awake but he can't just shrug the truth that... they lost the baby. And right now, he doesn't know how will he tell her.

"Wooseok... y-you have bruises all over and you're beaten up. What are you doing here? W-why aren't you resting? You should b--" Yuri couldn't finish her point when wooseok cut her off. Well it's pretty usual for her to think about wooseok's condition before anything else since that's what she's been doing ever since.

"Can you stop worrying about me for now? Yuri, your situation is even worse than mine. You should be worrying about yourself."

Yuri wasn't able to mutter a word. She just rolled her eyes to wooseok as tears began to roll down her cheeks. After seeing that wooseok sitting on a wheelchair, and could barely walk on his feet, she felt burdened. She can't help but blame herself for what's happened.

"H-hey, why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" Wooseok caressed her face trying to wipe away her tears. As she still doesn't have the power to get up, Yuri remained on her bed facing wooseok.

"Who allowed you to get hurt, huh? Didn't I ever ask you to ... take care of yourself. Then why do you have so many bruises? Why do you have open wounds on your face? Y-you know I can't bear to see you like that ... right? I'm crying because I'm fucking pissed. Why would some people want to do this to you..."

Yuri is very much troubled. She can't even look him straight in his eyes since she's deeply hurt to see how wooseok looks so battered and exhausted after all that's happened. She can't bear to see wooseok in that state for a certain reason.

"Hey... I'm fine, okay? You don't have to worry about me. Please, yuri. Even just this one time. Think of yourself first before thinking about me, or about anybody else." Wooseok insisted.

"What happened... after? What happened to my... baby?" Yuri asked as she caresses her tummy, looking confused.

"I feel so fucking empty, why is that?" 

Yuri began to panic. Her eyes flicker as she keeps shaking wooseok's arm, trying to get some answers. On the other side, wooseok can't even give her a glance. He doesn't know how to break that with her, realizing that Yuri is fragile at the moment. And an emotional blow of this kind can take a toll on her health.

"Wooseok, why can't you answer me? Baby please look at me ..." Yuri begged. She's holding wooseok's hand tightly as if she were pleading him to give her answers.

"Kim Wooseok, tell me!" she shouted. There's a touch of terror in her voice of seeing how wooseok reacts to the situation. Well, he would not have been like this if nothing had happened.

"The baby... is gone."

The moment wooseok told yuri the truth, tears began to flow down her face uncontrollably. She bit her lip, pulling it all together. The sound of her weeps resounds in the space, and wooseok can't do anything but hug her, at least making yuri aware that he's here for her.

"Y-you're lying, right? The baby isn't gone, right?" Yuri managed to sit up with her remaining vigor as wooseok helped her do that. He started rubbing her back, wanting to help her ease the pain she's feeling right now.

"I wish I was lying yuri ..." Wooseok started to break. The agony he felt earlier came back to him, even doubling it up seeing how yuri was devastated. It is indeed difficult to see your own baby go.

"I didn't even get a chance to hold her, to hear her cry to see her smile. My baby never got to see the world. I couldn't protect her ..."

"Wherever she is right now, she's in a better place..." Wooseok said.

"What are you still doing here, huh? Shouldn't you be away now?" Yuri asked, with annoyance in her voice. Wooseok, on the other hand, scrunched his forehead confused as to what yuri is trying to point out.

"What do you mean? I'm here for you, of course. You're not supposed to ask that." Wooseok responded. Yuri gave him a sad smile and let his hand go. Doing so, she broke her heart, too.

"Wooseok, the baby is gone. There's no reason for you to stay with me any longer. Maybe that's what's in store for us since all of these are unplanned. Destiny has finally made a move." 

Yuri mumbled in the midst of her sobs. Of course, she doesn't want to let go of wooseok, but she doesn't want to be greedy when in fact, wooseok is better off without any ties and everything. He is still young. There's a lot of better things in front of him.

"Can you be honest with me? What do you want me to do? Are you really pushing me away?" 

Wooseok held yuri's both hands, intertwined it with his and looked at her straight in the eyes. He can't fathom her thoughts but somehow, he feels scared. Yuri can sometimes be careless with her words and the same for her decisions as well.

"Wooseok, let's be realistic. You're better off without any associations at all. You're still young, and I can see you growing up and not being trapped in this relationship In this marriage. You're free to go now and—"

"And you know I can't fucking do that right?"

Each word he says he stabs her right in the chest She can see that wooseok doesn't want to give her up, but she still considers cutting ties as the best option for both of them, especially for wooseok.

"The baby brought us together and now, she's gone! There's no reason left for you to stay with me. Can't you understand that? You're being unreasonable!"

"You're being unreasonable, yuri! I know you're having a mental breakdown right now, but please, don't decide right away. Your feelings are just stressing the hell out of you!"

Yuri continued crying. She doesn't know whether to ignore her guts and listen to wooseok or just push whatever she believes into. 

"B-but wooseok... there's no reason left. Why can't you see that..."

She can't look directly at him. Seeing wooseok cry, it breaks her heart. In reality, she never thought she would make him cry his heart out because that's the last thing she'd want to do.

"It's because there is, yuri!"

Wooseok screamed, which silenced the air.

"There's still a single reason why I should stay with you. And that's because I fuckin ' love you, yuri! Isn't that enough? Isn't our love for each other not enough for us to continue whatever we have right now?!"

"If you want a baby, we can always make a new one! We've always got a lifetime to go, yuri! Losing the child doesn't mean we should lose each other, too!"

"Isn't this the perfect time for us to lean on each other? To give each other strength? Please, don't leave me alone. We should be facing this together... We're stronger than this, yuri. We've faced a lot together, and this time isn't the time to give up."

"Maybe we can let each other go, maybe we can stay away from each other, maybe we can stop contacting each other, but whatever we've had is a real yuri. And not being together will make things worse."

"Everyday, I'm bound to yearn for you. Everyday, I'm going to miss your presence. And I'm pretty sure you're going to feel the same, too. And don't get me wrong. I'm not too certain that you can't live without me. I feel like that because I know your heart, and I trust your heart for me."

With that being said, Yuri closed her eyes as she began to recall everything they had been through together. How wooseok never gave up on her, how he put his own life at risk to protect her, and how he simply chose to fight for her over anything else.

"Before you give up, try to remember everything. Everything... yuri. Clear your mind and once you do, then you can decide. Please... do the same thing you always do before."

Wooseok paused and let out a heavy sigh. She stared at Yuri, with hopes of conveying his thoughts by opening the window through his soul and looking straight into her eyes.

"If it's real, it will never be over. Please, choose to be with me again."


Finally, I can update! I had a very very veryyyyy busy week but thank you for patiently waiting for this update. <3 This story is coming to an end please leave your thoughts by commenting. I will appreciate it!

ps: i already posted a start-up for the next story that i'll write. check it out!! 

Who's There | X1
Genre: Mystery / Thriller

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