broken ghosts

By waveofbangtan

62.5K 3.6K 1K

"i have died everyday waiting for you." "i should be the one lying next to you at night." More

part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part thirteen
part fifteen
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty
part twenty-one
part twenty-two
part twenty-three
part twenty-four
part twenty-five
part twenty-six
part twenty-seven
part twenty-eight
part twenty-nine
part thirty
bonus chapter

part fourteen

1.6K 102 61
By waveofbangtan

"What do you mean Soyeon is coming ?!"

Taehyung put his hand on your shoulder to calm you down.

"I'm sorry Y/N... I tried to tell Jungkook but he had already accepted-"

"This was supposed to be a trip between just us. Yoongi already came along even if I don't know who the fuck he is and now Jungkook's girl is coming as well ?!"

He looked down and you turned your back to him, shaking your head in disbelief. You suddenly felt the need to laugh as this all felt like a joke to you. You let out a nervous chuckle as you faced Taehyung again who looked at you weirdly.

"What is funny ?"

"It's just-" you stopped as you couldn't control your laughter, probably sounding crazy. "It's like the universe keeps sending shits to me."

"Y/N-" he started but you cut him off, still laughing.

"You know, we could think I've had enough bad stuffs happening to me after I fucking went missing for years, but no ! I came back and it's getting worse every damn day !"

It's like your nerves got the best of you suddenly as you couldn't stop laughing. Taehyung was staring at you helplessly, not knowing what to do.

"Y/N... What do you want me to do ?" he asked hesitantly after a while of watching you laugh uncontrollably. He almost sounded desperate and his intonation sent a shiver down your spine.

Little by little, your laugh faded as you repeated his words in your head. You knew those words. You knew this desperate intonation. And it wasn't a great memory.

"What do you want me to do ?" a man's voice said desperately behind the closed door. His voice felt familiar but not that much in the same time. It sounded like he was changing the tone of it for you not to recognize it.

"Please... let me go," you begged as you pressed your cheek against the door, trying to hear something. You got no response but you could hear a shaky breath, as if he was having a panic attack.

After a while of you listening to the man's breath, he slid a paper under the door. You got on your knees, approaching the paper to the ray of light coming from the space between the door and the floor.

'I can't.'

It was all that was written on it. Your breath got heavier as fear took over you even more. The room was dark and you were cold, but you ignored it all, only thinking about one thing. Getting out of there.

You got up and started hitting the door with your hands over and over again. Tears were flowing from your eyes as you hurled yourself at the door desperately.

"PLEASE !" you cried out as you hit the door as hard as you could, hurting your hands, "LET ME GO !"

You heard the man let out a sob as if it was hurting him to keep you lock in there, but he still didn't open. It seemed whoever put you in there didn't want to but still did it.

"I WON'T SAY ANYTHING PLEASE JUST LET ME GO !" you screamed again, still hitting the door with all your strength.

You paused for a second, out of breath because of your cries. That's when you heard the man was going away. Panic took over you as you pressed your ear against the door. All you could hear was a heavy silence.

"NO, COME BACK ! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR !" you started screaming again, your voice breaking and your throat hurting. Your hands were probably bleeding by now but you couldn't care less. You kept on screaming over and over again, but after a while, it turned in a whisper as you let yourself fall to the ground, too weak to keep fighting.


"Y/N !"

Taehyung's voice made you come back to reality as he shook you a little.

"Y/N ! What's wrong ?!" he asked with a shaking voice as he looked at you worriedly.

You stared back at his eyes, confused, a frightening feeling of fear and anxiety still paralyzing you. When you realized where you were and who was facing you, it felt like your heart got released from a painful pressure. You rolled your arms around Taehyung and hid your face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around you as well, hugging you tightly.

"What happened ?" he asked worriedly while stroking your hair carefully. You didn't answer, taking deep breaths to calm you down. Not a single tear escaped your eyes but it felt like your heart was crying.

The flashbacks were getting worst and you weren't sure you wanted your memory back anymore.


"Hey guys !"

You opened your eyes, a voice you really didn't want to hear echoing outside the tent.

"Hi Soyeon, how are you ?"

You closed your eyes again, groaning. You rolled over to hide your face in a pillow when you hit someone. That's how you realized you weren't alone in the tent and Jimin was laying next to you. Or under you now.

"Oh I'm sorry," you whispered as you got off him while he stared at you with a blank face. You gave him a little smile as an apology and he smiled back, not resisting long to you.

"There are nicer ways to wake up someone Y/N-" he said but you put your hand on his mouth to shut him up. He lifted an eyebrow as you put a finger on your mouth to tell him not to talk.

"I don't want them to know we're awake," you whispered and he let out a little smile.

"Is it because of Soyeon ?"

You gave him a blank stare before snuggling your face in the crook of his neck.

"Don't talk about her," you whined in his neck with a muffled voice and he chuckled.

"We won't be able to hide there forever."

You let out another muffled whine, knowing he was right. You could hear her talking with some of the boys outside and this alone was enough to annoy you. This was supposed to be a trip for you and she had to ruin it because she couldn't stay away from Jungkook for a week.

"Y/N ?" Jimin started but you didn't let him continue.

"Yes, I know. We should go."

With that, you gathered all your courage and got out of the tent, Jimin following. And there she was, talking with Namjoon. Soyeon turned towards you and you locked eyes, not saying anything. Namjoon and Jimin could feel the atmosphere had tensed up as they looked at the both of you staring at each other with hatred.

"Did you sleep well ?" Namjoon eventually asked hesitantly to break the tension. You closed your eyes for a second before looking at him with a smile.

"I did, thank you," you answered before turning around and walking away, not even saying a word to Soyeon.

As you were walking, you met Jungkook coming the other way. When he saw you, he gave you a shy smile but you just looked away. You felt him turn around to look at you but you kept on walking, trying to calm down.

After a few minutes of walking, you arrived to a spot you never came to before. You heard a voice from a little farther and approached slowly. It was Yoongi's voice.

"Yeah, this is going well."

He paused as if he was listening to someone but you couldn't hear anything. He was probably talking on the phone.

"Yes, I got to ask her a few questions. She didn't really want to answer but I still made progress compared to before," he continued in a lower voice, as if he was afraid someone would hear him.

You had a disturbing feeling that he was talking about you and it creeped you out. You waited a little for him to talk again but he seemed to only listen to the other person talk.

"Okay, I'll get more information. Bye." he ended the call and you walked towards his voice, your heart beating fast.

"Who were you talking to ?!" you said as soon as you saw him. He turned towards you and you almost missed the fear on his face before it went back to a confident one.

"A friend of mine. What's wrong Y/N ?" he said with a calm voice, angering you even more. He got up and came towards you slowly.

"You were talking about me, right ?" you asked harshly.

"No, I wasn't-"

"What's wrong with you ?! Who are you really ?!" you continued and he put his hands on your shoulders to calm you down. "Don't touch me."

You pushed him by the chest and he stepped back but tripped over something and fell back. He looked like he hurt himself and you worried for a second before remembering the cause of your anger.

"Why are you so obsessed with me ? What is wrong with you ?! I do not fucking know you, why are you talking about me to someone I know even less ?!" you shouted as you looked down at him.

He was scratching his head with a pained expression on his face, ignoring all your questions. You paused for a second, feeling like your heart was beating out of your chest.

"Do you know anything about what happened that I should know ?" you eventually asked shakily as you stepped back away from him. He looked at you with fear before getting up, trying to reach you.

"N-No I don't, it's just- I-" he stuttered as you kept distancing yourself from him, afraid he would touch you. "It's something else but I can't tell you-"

You turned around before hearing the rest of what he had to say and walked away, your heart beating too fast. The more you spent time with him, the more he seemed suspicious but you couldn't put your finger on what was wrong with him and it made you even more uneasy.

When you came back to the camp, almost everyone was there. You went straight to Jin, walking past Soyeon and Jungkook without even looking at them as you knew you'd want to fight someone if you did. Jin knew exactly what you needed just by seeing your face so he started cracking jokes as you talked together, making you feel better after your talk with Yoongi —that you decided to keep for yourself for now.


As he started preparing the bonfire for tonight, Taehyung looked at Jungkook being all lovey dovey with Soyeon and at you in the back, talking with Jin as if you couldn't see what the couple was doing just next to you.

He wondered at which point Jungkook stopped caring about your feelings, or rather when Soyeon made him stop caring.

He wondered how Jungkook went from thinking about you non stop for years to not having the decency to not be too touchy with his new girlfriend when you were around.

He wondered how it was possible to not make the smallest effort to avoid hurting someone you love deeply —because he was convinced Jungkook was still in love with you— just because someone you like wants you to hurt them.


Taehyung was watching TV when his phone rang. It was Jungkook. He answered the call distractedly, not really paying much attention to what Jungkook had to say. That's only when he heard his best friend's panicked voice he focused fully on what was going on.

"I don't- I don't remember-" Jungkook stuttered, panic making his voice shake. Taehyung frowned, not understanding what the youngest was saying.

"Speak slowly, I don't understand. What don't you remember ?" he asked, hearing the heavy breath of Jungkook in the phone.

"Her voice, Taehyung. I don't remember, I can't hear it, I-" he said hurriedly as if his whole mind was a mess at this moment.

"Y/N's voice ?"

"Who else ?! Fuck Tae, why don't you get it ?! I can't remember it, it's not even been a year and I already can't hear it in my head, I forgot her voice-" he started getting angry and Taehyung sat up, running a hand through his hair as he tried to come up with the right words to comfort him.

"Okay okay, I understand. Try to watch some vids of her maybe ? If you want I can send you some I have-"

"I can't... It's too hard, it's too soon, I can't," he said anxiously and Taehyung got up, knowing he wouldn't make him calm down on the phone.

"Where are you right now ?"

"At the hill-"

"Okay I'm coming, we'll find a solution together, alright ?"


You were looking for Taehyung around the camp as the bonfire was about to start. You were walking in the woods when you heard muffled voices coming from a few feet away. You stepped closer quietly, hiding behind the trees. That's when you recognized Soyeon's voice.

"So could you maybe sleep in another tent ?" she said and you held your breath, fearing to be discovered.

"Why would I ?" Taehyung chuckled as if he couldn't believe she just asked that.

"You know... Since Jungkook and I are a couple-"

"And ? Why does it matter ?" he cut her off as his face turned cold.

"Come on Taehyung, you know what I'm talking about," she smiled, thinking he was still joking around with her.

"I think you'll be able to control your needs two more days. I'm not sleeping in another tent," he said coldly and she lost her smile.

"Why do you mind ? It's not like you have anything to do with us-"

"I mind because we're on this trip for Y/N and there's no way I'm letting you mess up with her like that. You can do whatever you want back home, I couldn't care less, but not when Y/N is sleeping next to you with no wall between-"

He was cut off by the sound of a branch cracking under your feet. You froze, holding your breath as they both looked towards you. Luckily, you were well hidden behind the trees and they didn't see you.

"No one here wants to hear you two anyway. I'm not changing tents."

He then walked away, leaving Soyeon alone there. You did your best to walk away as silently as possible as well, your heart beating fast as you thought about what you just heard. Why did it feel like you were being cheated on even though Jungkook wasn't yours anymore ?

i'd like to know who you think is responsible for what happened to y/n :) the revelation is coming soon

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