Worlds Colliding (The Vampire...

By heartofice97

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All rights go to CW and Kevin Williamson, and Julie Plec, all except for the fan made characters. Heartof... More

characters & trailer
character theme songs/ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - Growing Pains
chapter 2 - Memorial
chapter 3 - The Rager
chapter 4 - The Five
chapter 5 - The Killer
chapter 6 - We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
chapter 8 - We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
chapter 9 - O' Come, All Ye Faithful
chapter 10 - After School Special
chapter 11 - Catch Me If You Can
chapter 12 - A View to Kill
chapter 13 - Into the Wild
chapter 14 - Down the Rabbit Hole
chapter 15 - Stand By Me
chapter 16 - Bring It On
chapter 17 - Because the Night
chapter 18 - American Gothic
chapter 19 - Pictures of You
chapter 20 - The Originals
chapter 21 - They've Come Undone
chapter 22 - The Walking Dead
chapter 23 - Graduation

chapter 7 - My Brother's Keeper

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By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

From 1.01 "Pilot", outside the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan jumped off of the roof.

Stefan: (voice over) "Mystic Falls."

From 3.13 "Bringing Out the Dead", in the woods, Stefan, Damon, Kaylin and Nicola walked toward the Lockwood Cellar.

Damon: (voice over) "Our family was born here."

From 2.01 "The Return", on the Lockwood Lawn, Nicola raised her arms in an expressive shrug, turning around, walking away, leaving.

Damon, Stefan and Kaylin watched her go, surprised and slightly awed by her compassion.

Kaylin: (voice over) "This is our family's home."

From 1.18 "Under Control", lakeside, Elena, Jeremy, Alex and Liv were walking along.

Alex: (voice over) "And ours."

From 2.22 "As I Lay Dying", in the Grill, Caroline, Eliza and Liz embraced.

Caroline: (voice over) "And ours."

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the dining room of the Lockwood Mansion, Tyler, Kacie and Carol stood together.

Tyler: (voice over) "And ours."

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in flashback, Rebekah, Kassandra, Henrik and Luna were running through the woods.

Kaylin: (voice over) "For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us."

From 2.21 "The Sun Also Rises", at Steven's Quarry, Liv was trapped in a circle of fire. She slowly shook her head, her eyes turning red and the dark veins of hunger creeping toward her eyes.

Caroline: (voice over) "There are vampires."

From 2.03 "Bad Moon Rising", in the woods, Mason the wolf looked at Kacie and Tyler.

Kacie: (voice over) "Werewolves."

From 2.04 "Memory Lane", in the living room of the Salvatore Boarding House, Katherine and Elena came face to face.

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in flashback, Luna placed her hands gently on either side of the blue flower on the ground, closing her eyes in concentration.

From 3.03 "The End of the Affair", in Gloria's Bar, Rosalita walked away.

From 4.01 "Growing Pains", in Tory's House, Tory backed away into the wall.

Elena: (voice over) "Doppelgangers."

From 2.21 "The Sun Also Rises", at the sacrifice, Klaus opened his eyes while feeding on Alex.

Alex's eyelids fluttered. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Alex: (voice over) "Wraiths."

From 4.01 "Growing Pains", in the witch house, Lindsey held her hands above Bonnie, her eyes closed in concentration, chanting, wind blowing around them. Veins trailed from Bonnie's hands into Lindsey's, trailing up her entire body to finish the spell.

From 4.01 "Growing Pains", in the church, Lindsey and Tory were reunited, embracing. An electric shock passed between them.

Bonnie: (voice over) "Witches."

From 2.21 "The Sun Also Rises", at the sacrifice, Klaus' eyes glowed like a werewolf, but he still had the veins under them, like a vampire.

Klaus: (voice over) "And even hybrids."

From 4.02 "Memorial", outside the high school, Elena bit Matt on the wrist, feeding.

Liv: (voice over) "Then there's Elena. She's one of us now."

From 4.06 "We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes", in Alex/Elena's room, Elena and Damon were sitting on the bed, holding hands.

Alex: (voice over) "And everything she used to feel has changed."

From 4.06 "We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes", on the porch of the Gilbert House, Elena and Stefan were sitting together.

Stefan looked at Elena. "Your feelings for him have been magnified. I can't do this, Elena. Not anymore."

"I know," Elena told him.

Alex was listening, tears in her eyes. Liv sat next to her, wrapping her arm around Alex's shoulder's comfortingly, lying her head on her shoulder. Alex was grateful for her being there for her.

Stefan: (voice over) "Their brother is the key to finding the Cure."

From 4.03 "The Rager", in the classroom, Connor rolled up his sleeve to show Jeremy his tattoo. "I call this a Hunter's Mark. The more I kill, the more it grows. It's invisible to anyone but another Hunter, or a Potential Hunter."

From 4.05 "The Killer", in Town Square, the tattoo appeared on Jeremy's hand.

Jeremy: (voice over) "And I"m not the only one who can see it."

From 4.06 "We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes", in the school hallway, Eliza, Matt, Jeremy and Nicola stood together.

Nicola looked at Jeremy's tattoo. "Since when did you get that?"

Jeremy looked at her in shock. "You can see it? It showed up after Connor died. He said that I was a Potential. That's why I could see his Mark."

"So, what are you saying?" Nicola asked.

From 3.07 "Ghost World", in the Salvatore Boarding House, Ghost Vampire 3 lunged for Nicola. Nicola spun around, slashing her sword through his neck, decapitating him. Ghost Vampire 4 lunged toward Nicola. Nicola spun around to stab him in the heart, taking it out, letting him fall to the floor on his knees. She swung the sword through his neck, decapitating him, splashing a bit of blood onto her face.

Nicola: (voice over from 4.06 We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes) "That I'm a Potential?"

From 4.06 "We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes", in the exhibit, Nicola walked away from Jeremy.

Jeremy turned after her. "You can't just pretend that you didn't see it." Nicola looekd over her shoulder to look at him. "I tried."

Nicola walked away, leaving.

Kaylin: (voice over) "But we want to protect her."

From 3.22 "The Departed", in the hospital, Nicola laid on the operating table. There was a wound in her neck from her surgery, right over her carotid artery.

Kaylin: (voice over) "She's just healing from her sickness. We'll do anything to keep her out of it."

From 4.06 "We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes", in the foyer of the Lockwood Mansion, Jeremy decapitated Chris, killing him. He looked at his arm, watching the Mark grow.

Stefan: (voice over) "But I'll stop at nothing to make Alex and Elena human again."


Day One

Morning - Woods 

Stefan was in the woods, doing pushups, talking to someone on the phone over speaker phone.

Kaylin's voice was on the other line. "What do you mean, you're not coming?" She was in the boarding house, in Nicola's room, having her phone on speaker. Nicola was working out, using the bar over her bed as a pullup bar. "I don't need to remind you that your Miss Mystic Falls attendance record sucks. You attacked Eliza and prevented her from running. Besides, we're Founding Family members. By definition, we have to be there."

"You're just saying that because in 1864, you were supposed to be in the pageant, Kaylin, and Cristian was supposed to be your escort, before everything that happened," Stefan told her. "Elena and I broke up. By definition, I don't need to be anywhere." 

Kaylin looked at Nicola. "Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me?"

"A little bit, yeah," Nicola answered.

"Oh, I'm not depressed," Stefan told them. "I just want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breathe anymore." 

Stefan lied on the ground, looking up at the sky.

"Well, you can't,"  Nicola told him. She let herself off of the bar above her head, turning to face Kaylin, speaking to Stefan. "As your sober sponsor, I am not going to let that happen. Try and sublimate. If Kaylin is dragging me to the pageant like she did last year, you are going to be there, too, Stefan."

Stefan looked up at the sky in silence for a moment. "She said she has feelings for Damon."

"And this is news to anyone?" Kaylin asked.

"Elena's right," Stefan told them. "Being a vampire really has changed her. Just like being a vampire really had changed Alex." 

"All the more reason you need to Cure them," Kaylin told him. "Look, we got to go. Be careful."

"And remember, there is sublimating and then there is insanity," Nicola told him.

"I'll be fine," Stefan told them. "Bye." 

Stefan hung up.

Kaylin hung up, looking at Nicola. 

Nicola sighed.

Stefan stood.

Klaus rushed up behind Stefan, grabbing him in a chokehold. "In what world do the words 'Tell no one' mean tell your brother, your sister, your niece, and every teenage sycophant in town?" 

"The secret's safe," Stefan told him. "No one who knows about the Cure will endanger us. Trust me, you know I want to find it more than anyone else." 

"Well, then, I suggest you find some more vampires for Jeremy to kill before I'm tempted to offer you up as a victim," Klaus told him, releasing him. Stefan stepped away, turning to face Klaus. "And try to keep this one to yourself, would you?" 


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


Mystic Grill - Outside - Alley

Alex pushed a man against the brick wall, feeding off of him hungrily.

Kacie walked up behind her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, stop." She pulled Alex away from the guy. "Remember the last time you got like this? You crashed at my place for months and pretended to be an emotionless bitch." Alex didn't answer, sighing, wiping the blood from her mouth and chin, breathing deeply. Kacie tilted her head at her. "What's wrong with you?"

"Stefan broke up with Elena because she's falling in love with Damon," Alex answered.

Kacie raised her eyebrows. "They say those exact words?"

"No," Alex answered. "But the sub-text was pretty clear."

Kacie sighed, turning her head to look at the guy Alex compelled, looking at Alex. "So, what are you gonna do, Alex? Around this time last year, you were a human dancing as you fought for the crown, and I was a human forced into doing the introductions and crowning the winner because I'm the Mayor's daughter." Alex smirked. "Now you're a vampire in an alley feeding off some random guy."

"Hmm," Alex hummed. "And you're a hybrid sired to the hybrid dick, without a way out of it, keeping me back from becoming a Ripper again. So, I'm guessing you're going to the pageant."

Kacie tilted her head. "It's at my house. My rules. Everyone that is turning their backs on me are coming to my house because of some lame-ass pageant that my mom is making me go to. So, if they see me, it's their fault. You should come, too, to make it a little less depressing." Alex gave her a look, tilting her head. Kacie gestured to the guy. "Unless you wanna keep doing stuff like that."

Alex hesitated, nodding. "Yeah, okay." She looked at the guy standing behind her, compelling him. "It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. You can trust me."

"What are you doing?" Kacie asked.

Alex held up her hand to stop her from intervening, not looking at her. "If I do this, I won't kill him."

"What makes you think that?" Kacie asked. 

"Have you seen me try to hurt someone I love or who trusts me, Kacie?" Alex replied.

"Nope," Kacie answered.

"Then shut up," Alex told her. Kacie smirked. Alex turned her attention to the guy she compelled, biting her wrist, putting it up to his lips. "Drink. It'll heal you." The guy drank. Kacie tilted her head, in curiosity. The guy healed. Alex pulled her wrist away, compelling him. "Go home and forget this ever happened." The guy nodded, walking away to do as told. Alex turned to face Kacie, smiling a small smile, proud of herself, sighing. Kacie gave her a look. Alex looked to the side, back to Kacie. "What?" 

"Just impressed," Kacie answered. Alex smiled a wider smile. "Get a dress." 

Alex scoffed, smiling, pushing Kacie away teasingly.

Kacie smiled, walking away. 


Salvatore Boarding House - Foyer 

Stefan walked into the foyer with a bag over his shoulder.

Nicola walked closer, wearing a hoodie over her workout clothes. "Where you going?"

"Ah, you know, out," Stefan told her, walking toward the door.

Kaylin stepped in his way of the door. "Okay, I see shady Stefan is back." Damon walked into the room. "Please don't tell me that you're still working with Klaus." 

"Please don't tell me that you're still planning on going on a date with him," Stefan replied. 

Kaylin rolled her head toward Nicola, knowing she had told Stefan. 

Nicola shrugged. 

"What's going on?" Damon asked.

Stefan looked at Damon. "Sorry. You obviously haven't heard. Elena and I broke up."

Kaylin sighed, tilting her head. 

Nicola raised her eyebrows.

Damon stayed silent for a moment with a blank, expressionless face. "Oh. Got it. Uh, well, I'll be quick, then. So, apparently, if we want to find the Cure, we have to find a vampire Hunter who can kill enough vampires to reveal the map on the Hunter's Mark." He gave Nicola a look. Nicola gave him a sarcastic look in return. "Now, unless we want Jeremy to go all Connor 2.0, I suggest we find a different Hunter."

"Preferably not me," Nicola told them.

Stefan looked between them in confusion. "Excuse me?" 

"You obviously haven't heard," Nicola told him, using his words against him. "Apparently, I'm the only one that can see the new tattoo that Jeremy's sporting."

"So then that means, you're a Hunter," Stefan told her.

"Potential," Nicola corrected. "If it means I'm gonna go crazy like Connor did, I don't want to activate it. Ever." 

"Okay, noted, Nikki, never gonna let it happen," Stefan told her. "Especially not since you're just recovering from your sickness and from your surgery. If anything happened to effect its outcome..." 

"I could die," Nicola finished. "So, let's just keep it at 'Not gonna kill a vampire anytime soon' selection." 

"Well, I was gonna ask Professor Shane about it, but turns out, he's shadier than you are," Kaylin told them. "Cristian connected him and the Pastor through phone records. Apparently, the two were very chatty the day that the Pastor blew up the Council." 

"Ah, so you're gonna confront Shane, threaten him, possibly kill him, that sort of thing," Nicola told them.

"Yeah, unless he tells me what he's up to," Damon answered. He patted Stefan and Kaylin on the shoulders. "What do you say? Should we triple tag team this?" 

"Nah, I'd say you're on your own," Stefan told him.

Kaylin scoffed. "Speak for yourself." She looked at Damon. "I'll help you." Stefan tried to step around her toward the door. Kaylin stepped in his way. "Or we could just blow it off and got get drunk. Family bond over some bourbon. If you--you know--want some quality time." 

Stefan grimaced, chuckling, looking at Nicola and Kaylin. "Let's not pretend like this isn't the best day of Damon's life, and your goal to keep this family together isn't falling apart." 

Stefan patted them each on the arm, walking past them, opening the door, walking out, leaving.


Lockwood Mansion - Outside

(Song:) Let's Go - Matt & Kim 

Everyone was preparing for the pageant.

Liv and Elena were standing at a table, arranging flowers in a vase.

"Look, I'm your sister, and I would never pick sides, but are you sure that this is what you want?" Liv asked. "Because Stefan broke up with you since your feelings for Damon have suddenly outweighed your feelings for Stefan, and outweighed your sympathy for Alex, our other sister."

"It's not like I don't love Stefan anymore, and I don't want to hurt Alex, but I can't deny that ever since I turned, my feelings for Damon have become more intense," Elena told her.

"Yeah, I know," Liv told her. "Alex and I were listening in on all the gory Damon details."

"You were?" Elena asked. Liv nodded. Elena looked worried. "Is she okay?"

"No," Liv answered. "She's heartbroken."

"Well, what was I supposed to do?" Elena asked. "Lie to them?"

"No," Liv answered. "But you weren't supposed to let Damon weasel his way into your confused newbie vampire heart."

"Well, he did, and that's exactly what I am," Elena told her. "Confused. I need to figure out what these feelings actually mean."

Shane walked down the steps, toward them. "Excuse me, I'm a little lost. I'm here to interview contestants."

Liv looked at Elena. "This is Professor Shane."

Elena looked between them.

"Yeah, that's right," Shane told them. "Professor by day, pageant judge by other day. In spite of being absurdly unqualified, I'm apparently awarding a scholarship."

"Uh, inside by the parlor," Elena told him.

Shane pointed to the house. "Right in here?"

"Mm-hmm," Elena answered.

"All right, I'll just follow the scent of hairspray and world domination," Shane told them.

Elena laughed quietly, not really finding that funny, just being polite.

Shane walked away.

Liv looked at Elena. "He's the one who told me, Tory, Cristian, Bonnie, and the D word how to break the Hunter's Curse. And he's also the one that has Bonnie and Lindsey so obsessed with practicing magic that they bailed on pageant prep. And who has Tory so obsessed with practicing magic that she tried to bail out on getting out of the pageant altogether, except Eliza wouldn't let her out of it."

"And now he's judging Miss Mystic Falls?" Elena asked. She raised her eyebrows. "Jack of all trades or kind of creepy?"

"I say creepy," Liv answered.

"Is that just because you're paranoid and don't want to trust anyone?" Elena asked.

"Probably," Liv answered. "But I have very good reasons to be paranoid." Elena nodded in acknowledgement. "But Lindsey and Bonnie are both gonna be here tomorrow for the pageant, even if I have to drag them here so they can be here for Tory."

Elena chuckled.

(Song Ends)


Inside - Parlor 

Shane was making his way around.

Eliza walked in. "Professor Shane." Shane turned toward her. Eliza walked closer to him. "My name is Eliza Forbes. Sorry to bother you, but I was just wanting to ask you a few questions for my friend April, about her dad, Pastor Young."

"Yeah, sure, of course," Shane told her. "Anything you need."

"Good," Eliza told him. "Um, she told me about knowing you through her dad, who taught a theology seminar last year?"

Shane nodded. "That he did."

"So I was just wondering if you were friends," Eliza told him. "If he would have told you anything that he wouldn't tell anyone else."

"You mean, if he told me he was depressed or suicidal enough to kill himself and take 11 innocents with him," Shane told her. Eliza nodded hesitantly. Shane shook his head. "No, he never told me any such thing. He wasn't depressed or anything. I have no idea why he would kill himself or his friends from the Council. I'm sorry I can't be of more help."

Eliza sighed, nodding, backing away. "Well, thanks. At least I can tell April that I tried."

Shane nodded. "That, you can."

"Thanks, anyway," Eliza told him.

Shane nodded. "Mm-hmm." 

Eliza turned around, walking away, looking slightly suspicious, as if she knew something was wrong with him.



Matt and Jeremy were taking out boxes from the back of Matt's pickup truck. 

"So, Eliza is setting me up with Kacie as her date," Matt told him. "Think I'll have to do that weird dance thing?"

"I'm pretty sure that's just for the contestants," Jeremy told him. "You could always back out of being a date for Kacie, a sired hybrid who is forced to turn against all her friends."

"Or I could show Kacie that it's not gonna be like what happened to Tyler and Luke what will happen to her," Matt told him. Jeremy smirked. Matt changed the subject. "And I heard that Eliza is setting you up with April as her date. How'd that happen?"

"Well, she needed an escort, and apparently, you were taken," Jeremy told him.

Matt grinned, laughing. "Or you're doing it because Eliza's the one who asked." Jeremy didn't answer. Matt grabbed one of the kegs in the back of his truck, trying to lift it up, but it was too heavy for him. "Okay, let's just take these in and we'll come back for the kegs." 

"No, wait," Jeremy told him, jumping onto the bed of the truck. "You want to see something cool?" 

Jeremy picked up one keg in each hand as if they weighed nothing, jumping down from the bed of the truck, placing the kegs on the ground. 

Matt looked at him with a mix of being impressed and worried. "How did you just do that?" 

"Ever since I was awoken as a Hunter, I've had all this energy, like all the time," Jeremy him.

"Jer, I think you need to talk to someone about this," Matt told him. "I mean, look, what happened to Connor, okay? A byproduct of this energy is that you're gonna want to kill vampires and you happen to live with three." 

"Hey, I would never hurt my sisters," Jeremy told him, starting to walk away. "I'll be fine." 

Jeremy grabbed a cart, pushing it toward the house.

Matt watched him leave with a look of worry.


Mystic Falls Hospital - Hallway

 Stefan walked into the hospital through a back entrance. He quietly closed the door behind him. He walked over to a room, picking up the clipboard from the door. He read that the patient in the room was having an appendectomy at 8:30, placing the clipboard back in its holder. He walked over to another room, looking at a man lying in a hospital bed, seeing that his wrist chained to the railing with hand cuffs. Stefan picked up his clipboard, reading that he had quadruple bypass complications. He glanced once more at the man, placing the clipboard back. Stefan walked down the hallway, looking over at a police officer standing guard at one of the doors to a patient's room. He walked over to him.

The officer looked at him. "Can I help you?" 

Stefan compelled him. "Time for a little break. He'll be safe with me."

The officer nodded, walking away.


Hospital Room

Stefan walked into the hospital room. 

The man who was handcuffed to the bed looked at Stefan. "Who are you?"

"Why is there a cop outside?" Stefan asked.

"I'm a convicted murderer," the man answered. 

Stefan compelled him. "You guilty?"

"Of course I am," the man answered.

"Any regrets?" Stefan asked.

"Only that I got caught," the man answered.

Stefan bit his wrist, placing in against man's mouth, forcing him to drink his blood. He snapped his neck, killing the man.


Klaus' Mansion - Foyer 

Kaylin knocked on the door twice, walking in. "Klaus, you ass! What the hell do you have my brother involved in now?" She didn't get an answer. "Klaus?" 


Living Room

Kaylin walked into the living room. "Klaus..." Klaus was standing in front of the fireplace, looking into the flames. "Hello? Did you not hear me?" 

"Of course I heard you, Kaylin," Klaus told her. "I think the entirety of Mystic Falls heard you."

"Well, that's what you get when you involve my brother in something that he's not supposed to be involved in and pissing me off in the process," Kaylin told him.

Klaus turned to face her. "I'm pretty sure if Stefan didn't tell you himself, then that means you shouldn't know." 

Kaylin walked closer to him. "Uh-uh. We're not playing that game. Why don't you just tell me what you have Stefan involved in? Getting the Cure? Trying to find a Hunter to kill enough vampires to reveal the Mark?"

"You know, I have some questions of my own," Klaus told her. "I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow."

"Okay, you suck at avoiding a topic," Kaylin told him.

Klaus smiled a small smile, walking closer. "I was promised a date in return for one of my hybrids." 

"Yes, a date," Kaylin told him. "Like to a movie where we don't have to talk and I can put at least three seats between us. Now how about we talk about the reason I came here that you're trying to avoid on talking about? Or how about the fact you turned Kacie into a hybrid when you knew I had tried to keep her from that? You knew I made a promise to her, and you made me break that promise."

"There was nothing you could have done," Klaus told her. "While the Council had been trying to kill you, I lured Kacie back into town. So, technically, promise not broken." Kaylin raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine. I'll tell you what I have your brother doing if you go with me to the Miss Mystic Falls pageant as a date." 

Kaylin gave him a look. "Seriously?"

"Do you or do you not want to know about what Stefan is up to?" Klaus asked.

"You're blackmailing me now?" Kaylin asked.

"I don't think of it as blackmailing, love," Klaus told her. "I think of it as getting what I want." 

Klaus looked at her with slightly pleading eyes.

Kaylin sighed, giving in. "Fine." Klaus smiled. "If you tell me what's going on, then meet me there. 2:00." Kaylin turned toward the door, but stopping at the doorway, turning around, pointing at him. "And I already have a dress, so don't even think of getting me so much as a corsage. You understand?" Klaus looked down submissively, nodding. "I'm going to blackmail someone of my own, getting information that I want." 

Klaus looked up, smirking. "We're not so different after all, then, are we?" Kaylin scoffed, rolling her eyes, turning around, opening the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kaylin." 

Kaylin walked out of the house, letting the door close behind her.


Young Farm

(Song:) Ain't Fair - Deep Vally 

Luke was chained up in the barn, forcing himself to turn, breaking the bones in his body.

Hayley stood nearby, watching him.

A female hybrid was standing next to her, watching in pain. "I'll have to go through that after he leaves tomorrow?"

"Yes, Kim, you'll have to go through that," Hayley answered. Luke screamed in pain, bringing his arms down to hit the ground, making in curl in on itself as it broke. "Scream. Let it out, Luke. We're at an abandoned farm. No one can hear you for miles."

"Easy for you to say, wolf girl," Luke told her. "You never turned twenty times in a row."

"No, but I watched a bunch of your hybrid friends go through it," Hayley told them.

Luke fell to the ground, yelling in pain.

"Why's it have to be like this?" Kim asked. "Why break every bone over and over?" 

"That's what the sire bond is," Hayley told them. "You're grateful to Klaus because he released you from the pain of having to turn every full moon. So, you're gonna keep turning until it doesn't hurt and you'll have nothing to be grateful for."

"What's in all of this for you?" Luke asked. 

Hayley didn't answer, changing the subject. "I don't hear bones cracking." 

"I'm done," Luke told them.

"No, you're not," Hayley told him.

Tyler walked into the barn. "Luke might think that he is... But I have some unexpected motivation." 

Tyler stepped out of the way of the door frame.

Ryan walked in, smiling.

Luke looked at him in surprise. "Ryan." 

"Hey, Luke," Ryan told him.

"When did you get back?" Luke asked.

"While you and Kacie were babysitting a hallucinating Doppelganger," Ryan answered.

Luke smiled. "Good to have you back."

Hayley looked at Ryan. "Good." She looked at Luke. "Is that motivation enough for you? Having your big brother back? Nice to see you again, Ryan."

"You too, Hayley," Ryan told her. Hayley smiled. Ryan stood a few feet away from Luke, kneeling to the ground. "Tory's unwillingly in the running for the pageant because Eliza is trying to set the two of you up, Luke. You want to protect her, and never, ever hurt her, right?"

"Yes," Luke growled.

"Then turn," Ryan told him. 

Luke sighed, preparing himself, giving in. He started to transform again, breaking his bones.

Ryan stood, backing away toward Tyler,

Tyler looked at Ryan. "I talked to Kaylin. She bought us another day. Klaus wants to take her to the Miss Mystic Falls pageant tomorrow." 

"You told Kaylin Salvatore?" Ryan asked.

"Ryan, she's always looked out for us, and she still is," Tyler told him. "She feels guilty because she promised Kacie that she would protect her from the hybrid, and because of some trick he did, he made her break that promise. So, now, she's trying to pay us back any way she can." 

"Lindsey's been obsessed with practicing magic," Ryan told them. "But Liv and Eliza are making her go to the pageant so that she can be there for Tory. So, naturally, Lindsey is making me go."

Tyler smirked, chuckling. "Good luck with that, Ryan."

Hayley looked at Tyler. "So, does that mean we're going?"

"Go to some lame ass pageant?" Tyler asked. "I was an escort for Alex last year, and that didn't end very well, because Eliza got made into a vampire snack. No thanks."

"Oh, come on," Hayley told him. Luke's bones broke. Ryan and Kim watched him in pain. Hayley and Tyler continued their conversation. "We need to hide what's going on here by pretending that I was the one that broke you and Caroline up. And besides, isn't it at your house?" 

Tyler rolled his eyes. 

Luke groaned a scream, looking at Tyler and Hayley. "Guys, like this isn't torture enough?" He let his eyes glow gold. "Can you take it outside?" 

Hayley batted her eyelashes at Tyler.

"Fine, we'll go," Tyler told her. Hayley smiled. "Wear a dress." 

Tyler walked out of the barn.

Hayley turned around, grinning.

(Song Ends)


Jeremy's Dream

Night - Gilbert House - Liv's Room

Liv was looking at her reflection in the body-length mirror, trying to put a necklace on, but was having trouble clasping it together. 

Jeremy walked in the room. "Need a hand?" 

"Yeah, please," Liv told him. "This clasp is tricky."  Jeremy walked over to Liv, helping her with her necklace. "Hey, Alex and Elena picked up our clothes from the dry cleaners. They had me hang your stuff on your door."

"I really wish you'd stop acting like you were still my sister," Jeremy told her. "All three of you." 

Liv looked at his reflection, confused.

Jeremy suddenly pulled the necklace tight around Liv's neck, choking her. Liv gasped for air, feebly attempting to push Jeremy off her. Blood started to seep from the wound forming on her neck as Jeremy tried to decapitate her. 



Night - Gilbert House - Jeremy's Room

Jeremy woke up in his own room in cold sweat, sitting up, gasping, holding up his right hand. A knife was in his grasp. He looked down at his other hand, raising it. A wooden stake with the Hunter's Mark on it was grasped in his hand. 

Jeremy looked up, scared and confused. 


Day Two

Morning - Gilbert House - Jeremy's Room

Matt was sitting on Jeremy's bed in formal attire and a folder in his hand.

Jeremy was getting ready for the pageant in the bathroom, dressed in formal attire. 

"How do you wake up with a knife in your hand and not remember how it got there?" Matt asked. "It's that Hunter's Mark, Jer. It's messing with you."

Jeremy began to pace. "What if I'm turning into Alaric? I've probably died too many times with this ring on my finger and I'm developing an alter ego like he did."

Matt opened the folder, reading aloud from a page "'Newly awakened Hunters may not be fully conscious of their actions. Their subconscious pushes through until the urge becomes a basic instinct.'" He placed the folder on the bed, standing, walking toward Jeremy. "You're not having a psychotic break, Jer. You either tell your sisters or I will."

"Fine," Jeremy told him. "I'll tell them when I see them."

Jeremy's phone beeped. He looked down at the text from Stefan.

Meet in Lockwood Cellar. Don't tell anyone. 

"All right, we should probably get going," Matt told him. "Need a ride?" 

"Uh, no," Jeremy answered. "Go ahead, I'll meet you there."

"All right," Matt told him, patting him on the arm, walking out of the room.

Jeremy looked down at the text from Stefan. 


Lockwood Mansion - Dressing Room 

Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, Eliza, Liv and Lindsey were in the room, helping April and Tory for moral support. The six of them were dressed for the pageant, but April and Tory were wearing robes.

April held up a blue, one-shouldered dress, and then a red, strapless, heart-neckline dress.

Bonnie, Caroline, Elena and Eliza spoke together. "Blue."

"Really?" April asked. "The blue seems a little safe."

April looked at Lindsey, Tory and Liv.

Lindsey and Liv shrugged.

Tory shook her head. "Don't look at me. I'm not a good dress judge." She gave Eliza a significant look. "And I wouldn't even be doing this if it wasn't for Eliza." 

Eliza smiled. "You deserve some fun too, Tory."

Elena looked at April. "Safe is good when it comes to the judges."

"She's right," Caroline told her. "Gracie Lockwood had a three foot slit her year, and practically got laughed off the court."

Lindsey smiled, laughing.

Damon stood in the doorway, wearing formal attire. "She got my vote."

Elena looked at him, appearing to stop breathing.

Liv threw a black box at Damon, hitting his chest. "Get out, lurker!"

"Ouch," Damon told her sarcastically. He looked at Bonnie, Lindsey and Tory. "Where's Professor Shane?"

"Check the judges' table," Bonnie told him.

Liv walked closer, trying to close the door in Damon's face.

Damon put his hand up, pushing it back open.

Liv turned away in annoyance.

Damon looked at April. "Red one, definitely."

Liv stopped in the middle of the room, next to Lindsey and Tory, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"We've already agreed that the red one is a little bit too showy," Lindsey told them.

"It's a pageant," Damon told them. "That's the whole point."

"Did you win Miss Mystic last year?" Caroline asked. "No. I don't think you did."

"Neither did Elena," Damon told them. "She wore blue. She didn't win. And Kaylin was supposed to enter back in our day, with Cristian as her escort, but she didn't even get the chance to participate before the tragedy. And guess what color she was gonna wear? Blue."

"Nobody cares what you think," Liv told him.

"I care," April told them stubbornly.

"See?" Damon asked. "April cares. Red, right, Elena?"

Liv gave Elena a look.

Elena looked at April. "The red is pretty."

Caroline's smirk faded in confusion.

Bonnie, Eliza, Tory and Lindsey looked between them in confusion.

Liv rolled her eyes.

Damon smirked. "And my work here is done."

Damon walked out, leaving.

Lindsey looked at Elena. "Uh, what happened to thirty seconds ago when you hated the red one?" 

"What happened to 'safe is good'?" Bonnie asked.

Elena looked at Bonnie and Lindsey with a glazed over look in her eyes, shaking her head, looking at April. "Whichever one you want to wear, April."

Elena walked past them, leaving the room.

Tory watched her go, turning toward the others in confusion. "What just happened?"



Damon was walking down the stairs.

Elena was following right behind him. "Damon."

Damon stopped at the bottom of the staircase, turning to look at her. "Still here." 

There was a moment of silence.

"We need to talk," Elena told him.

"Stefan told me, Kaylin and Nikki about the break up," Damon told her. Elena walked down the remaining stairs toward Damon. "I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not."

Elena and Damon started to walk across the room together. 

"What did he say?" Elena asked.

They stopped in the middle of the room to face each other. 

"Oh, you know Stefan," Damon told her. "He kind of just went on and on about it and wouldn't shut up."

"So, he didn't tell you why?" Elena asked.

"Nope," Damon answered. "But I'm sure it has something to do with you acting weird, so why don't you tell me?" 

Elena hesitated, just looking at him for a moment. "You." 

Damon looked at her, speechless at this reveal. 

They looked at each other for a long moment.

Shane walked by, stopping in the doorway when he saw Damon. "Damon Salvatore. Looks like we travel in the same circuit." 

Elena and Damon looked at him.

Damon was not pleased that he had interrupted his moment with Elena. "Professor Shane. Just the guy I wanted to see." 

Damon walked toward Shane. He looked at Elena. 

Damon and Shane walked out of the room together. 

Damon gave Elena one last look, walking out, leaving. 

Elena watched them go, alone.


Kacie's Room 

Kacie stood alone in her room, sighing, looking into the mirror in front of her. She seemed deeply sad, sighing, raising a black, dangly earring to her ear, putting it on to complete the outfit. 

There was a knock on the door.

Kacie picked up the other earring, looking at the door, putting the last earring on. "It's open, Mom." There was no answer. Kacie sighed, walking toward the door, opening it. "I said you can come in--"

Matt was revealed to be standing on the other side of the door, smiling a small smile when he saw her. "Hey, Kacie. No one's seen you. I figured you'd ditch out of the party at your own house and hide up here." 

Kacie blinked in surprise. "You know I don't hide."

"Yeah," Matt agreed.

Kacie shook her head. "What are you doing up here?"

"Well, I also figured with everything going on, that you'd also wouldn't have a date to this thing," Matt told her.

Kacie nodded in understanding. "Meaning either Caroline or Eliza set us up."

"You can thank Eliza," Matt told her.

Kacie smirked. "Then I will thank Eliza later."

Matt smiled. "And with everything that the hybrid is doing to you right now, you also don't have a lot of friends at the moment. Kacie, none of this is your fault."

Kacie sighed, shaking her head, closing her eyes. "Matt--"

"You told me once that every single one of us turned our backs on Tyler because of him," Matt told her, using the same words she had told Cristian, Liv, Eliza, Matt and Elena in the Salvatore Crypt on Caroline's birthday in 3.11 Our Town. "My best friend since, like, before the third grade?" Kacie looked up. "The one that's been through hell transitioning into a werewolf, the guy I died for to figure out how to save him. Luke went through this, too. And now you're going through the exact same thing, and the exact same thing is happening to you too, only worse because you were left with no way out of it." Matt took a deep breath. Kacie looked away. When Matt started to speak, Kacie looked at him. "All I'm saying is that I'm not making the same mistakes again. But I could have easily said no, to hell with it. But I didn't. I wanted to come with you. Kacie, if you need anyone, I'll be there."

Kacie slowly started to smile. "Thanks, Matt."

Matt offered his arm to Kacie. Kacie took it, smiling. Matt led them out of the room, letting the bedroom door drift closed behind them.


Dressing Room 

Eliza smiled, leading Tory toward the half-wall. "You ready for the big reveal?" 

"Of the dress or the escort?" Tory asked.

"Both," Eliza answered.

"Eliza, I'm pretty sure I can guess who the escort is," Tory told her. "Luke."

"I don't care," Eliza told her. "It's too late to back out now." Tory gave her a look. Eliza sighed. "Can you please just let me show you the dress? And then you can decide to drop out or not, Tory. Please." 

Tory exhaled, nodding. "Okay." 

Eliza smiled, pulling the half-wall aside. 

A black dress was revealed. It was a asymmetrical glimmer mermaid evening Gown by Mac Duggal

Tory was speechless.

Eliza looked at Tory nervously. "Now is the time that you would say something." Tory opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came. "Do you like it?" 

"Like it?" Tory asked. Eliza's smile faltered. Tory smiled a small smile. "I love it." 

Eliza smiled in relief. "Really?" 

Tory nodded. "Yeah. I thought I would hate it, but... Look at that." 

"Look at that," Eliza agreed, pressing her lips together over a smile, pleased.

Tory looked at her. "Eliza, why is this so important to you?" 

Eliza sighed. "Last year, I was supposed to run with Elena, Caroline and Alex. It was right around the time when Stefan was having trouble with his urges and feeding. I wanted to drop out for Caroline, but before I could, Stefan..."

Tory nodded understandingly. "I get it. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." 

"But, see, that's the thing, Tory," Eliza told her. "I don't even remember it. They compelled me to forget it." 

"Then why not ask them to give you your memories back?" Tory asked.

Eliza shook her head. "I'm not sure that I want to know." 

There was a moment of silence. 

Tory took a breath. "All right, well, I'll try my best. For you." 

Eliza smiled.



(Song:) Ordinary World - Vitamin String Quartet 

Damon and Shane walked through the crowd.

"So, I'm in search of another Hunter," Damon told him.

"Hunter?" Shane asked. 

"Mm-hmm," Damon answered.

"With a capital H?" Shane asked. "Why?" 

"Same reason anyone needs a Hunter," Damon told him. "Loneliness, drinking buddy, or for golf." 

"I thought you said you already had a Potential," Shane told him.

"I did, but he ended up being a potential problem," Damon told him. "And then we may have another Potential, but they're just recovering from sickness, and she lives with three vampires, so bad."

"Did you say she?" Shane asked.

"Oh, yeah," Damon answered. "The she-Potential is sure one hell of a fighter. Is it possible for a woman to be in the Brotherhood of the Five?"

"It's possible, I guess, but it's also beyond rare," Shane told him. "And there's nothing I can do to help you." 

 "Hmm, why don't you help us with this..." Damon trailed off, stepping in front of him. "Why are you here? What's in your little lesson plan there, Professor?" 

"You think too highly of me, Damon," Shane told him. "I'm gonna go find the other judges." Shane turned away from Damon, starting to walk away. Kaylin and Nicola stood in front of him. "And who are you?"

Kaylin smirked. "I'm Kaylin Salvatore, Damon's more fun, awesome little sister. Also Cristian Hunter's best friend. I'm very well aware of the fact that you know Cristian too."

Shane nodded in agreement. "Yes. Yeah, I met Cristian the other night."

"I'm Nicola Salvatore, their, uh, 'cousin'," Nicola told him. Kaylin and Damon smirked at the usual lie for the town. Nicola looked at Shane with a forced edge of curiosity. "Hey, no playing favorites with Tory Donovan, just because one of your witches are in the running for Miss Mystic. In fact, she might be relieved if she didn't win. I mean, only reason why Tory's running is because Eliza Forbes is basically making her."

"And no pity votes for April Young, okay?" Kaylin asked. "I mean, just because her dad blew up a house with a dozen people in it doesn't mean she should get a tiara. But you knew him, didn't you? Because I hear you two racked up a pretty impressive phone bill." 

"If you want to know something about me, Kaylin, just ask," Shane told her.

"Okay," Kaylin told him. "How did you convince the Pastor to kill all those people?" 

"Did you just accuse me of mass murder in the middle of a high school pageant?" Shane asked. 

Kaylin gave him a look as if to say, Maybe I did. 

Nicola and Damon smirked.

Carol was on stage, introducing the pageant.  "Welcome to this season's Miss Mystic Falls." Everyone applauded. Shane stared Nicola, Damon and Kaylin down, walking away, drinking his champagne. Nicola, Damon and Kaylin watched him go. "We are so excited to showcase our most outstanding community leaders in the making." 

Everyone applauded.

Kaylin turned to Nicola and Damon. "I like having you on my team. We are unstoppable."

Nicola smirked, turning her attention back to the pageant.

Damon walked away in one direction.

Kaylin walked away in another direction, walking past a waiter with a tray, picking up one of the wine glasses as she walked past, drinking, continuing to walk

Klaus was standing a few feet in front of her. "I saw that. You are beautiful when you're in your true form as a vampire and what a vampire does." 

"And you are transparent when you're flirting," Kaylin replied. "Where's Stefan?" 

"Now, is your older brother the only thing you want to talk about?" Klaus asked. Kaylin looked to the side. "I'll tell you everything once we have a proper date."

"Then let's get on with it, shall we?" Kaylin asked.

Klaus smirked. 

(Song Ends)


Lockwood Cellar

Jeremy walked down the steps and into the cellar. He stopped in the doorway, looking at Stefan. "What am I doing here?"

"You have the chance to make your sisters human again," Stefan told him. "Not just Alex and Elena, but Liv, too. You interested?"

"You have no idea," Jeremy told him.

"Actually, I do," Stefan told him, leading the way into the cell.

Jeremy followed.

The murderer from the hospital, who Stefan had turned, was chained up.

"Who is that?" Jeremy asked.

"Oh, it doesn't really matter," Stefan told him. "All that matters is that you're a vampire Hunter and he's a vampire." He pulled out a knife. "Well, almost."

Stefan opened the blade, grabbing Jeremy's wrist, cutting it, making Jeremy yell in pain. Stefan dragged him by the wrist toward the murderer, making him drink Jeremy's blood. After a few seconds, Stefan released him.

Jeremy backed away.

The murderer's eyes had changed into that of a hungry vampire.

Stefan pulled out a wooden stake, holding it out for Jeremy to take.

"What is this?" Jeremy asked. "All so I can stake him?"

"You think I want to do this, Jeremy?" Stefan asked. "Look at me. I hate this. I don't want to do this. But your sisters aren't supposed to be vampires, and we need to help them. Now, he's a murderer, and he will gladly kill again. So do it, Jeremy. Kill him."

Stefan forced the stake into Jeremy's hand, walking over to the murderer. He broke the chains from the ground, picking them up, holding the murderer by the chains like a horse. He slowly walked the murderer toward Jeremy.

"Stefan, what are you doing?" Jeremy demanded. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Do it, Jeremy or I will rip the chains off for real," Stefan told him. "Do it!" Jeremy staked the murderer in the heart. Stefan dropped the chains on the floor. The murderer knelt over. Jeremy stabbed the stake through the murderer's back over and over again. "All right, enough. He's dead."

Jeremy was breathing heavily. He ripped the stake out of the murderer's back, looking at Stefan coldly.


Lockwood Mansion - Outside

(Song:) Pompeii - Vitamin String Quartet 

Cristian and Liv walked across the grounds in their formal attire.

Cristian looked toward the staircase with the contestants. "You think you'd ever do that?"

"Dream on, Cristian," Liv told him, looking at the table with the cushion and the tiara on it. "But if I ever did and if I won, you know what my acceptance speech would be like?" She picked the tiara up, placing it on her head. "'I can't believe that I won. I just want to thank the judges for seeing past the fact that I'm a raging bitch'."

"You don't want to do that," Cristian told her. "Those girls will cut you. They have nails."

"No, they don't want to do that," Liv told him. "I will bite them. I have fangs." She smiled, taking the tiara off, dropping it onto the cushion on the table. Cristian smiled. Liv sighed, turning to lean against the table, looking at Cristian. "You know, this reminds me when we were at the pageant together last year."

"You were avoiding John until he went away and you didn't know I was a vampire," Cristian told her. "You didn't know anything."

"And everything's different now," Liv told him. "Alex, Elena, Caroline and I are vampires. Jeremy's a Hunter. Nicola's a Potential. Tyler, Kacie and Luke are hybrids. Lindsey, Tory and Bonnie are witches. Ryan's a werewolf. Matt and Eliza are humans trapped inside it all. Jenna, Ric, John, Anna and Pearl are gone. Everything."

Cristian smiled a small, sad, nostalgic smile.

Further down the lawn, Alex stood alone.

Lindsey and Ryan were standing in the crowd together.

Caroline started the introductions. "Hi, everyone. I'm Caroline Forbes. As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court." Everyone applauded for the girls. "We begin the procession with Valerie Fell accompanied by Dylan Clark." There was a round of applause for Valerie. Valerie walked down the steps. "Next, we have Amber Wolvertine accompanied by Hector Lindsey."

There was a round of applause for Amber.

Amber walked down the steps

Matt stood next to Alex. "Surprised you showed."

Kacie stood on the other side of Alex. "I talked Alex into it."

"Oh," Matt told them in understanding. He looked at Alex. "Have you seen Jeremy?"

"He's probably up there with the escorts," Alex told him.

Another girl had been introduced and more applause was heard as she took the arm of her escort and they walked off together.

Matt, Alex and Kacie looked over the escorts, trying to spot Jeremy.

He wasn't there.

"Yeah, Eliza told me to wrangle the escorts," Matt told them. "He's not here." He looked at Alex. "Did he tell you, Liv or Elena about his nightmares?"

"What nightmares?" Alex asked.

"The ones where he kills all of you," Matt answered.

Alex looked worried. 

Kacie raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Tory started to descend the staircase, in front of April, the last two girls.

Caroline introduced the next girl. "We have two last minute entries. Introducing Tory Donovan, accompanied by Luke Thompson."

Rosalita was standing in the crowd in a formal red dress, watching her Doppelganger on the stone steps, smirking. She looked toward Klaus and Kaylin, able to hear what they were thinking or saying because of her mind reading and mind controlling abilities.

Klaus looked at Tory in recognition and curiosity, standing next to Kaylin.

Luke stood in the escort line, smirking.

Tory gave him a look, but couldn't help a smile, descending the staircase, walking toward him. "I'm gonna kill you."

Luke took her arm in his. "Had to get your attention somehow, Tory."

"Luke, just go before I change my mind," Tory told him.

Luke smirked, leading her toward the others.

Lindsey and Ryan watched from the crowd, smiling and applauding.

Klaus looked at Kaylin.

Kaylin pressed her lips together, smiling innocently.

"Tory Donovan, is it?" Klaus asked. "Matt's family?"

"Leave her alone, Klaus," Kaylin told him. "She's not Rosalita, and she's not a threat to you. You already turned Kacie into a hybrid and have my brother involved in God knows what. Don't give me another reason to be pissed at you."

Klaus smirked. "Very well."

Klaus and Kaylin looked at each other, smiling small smiles. They both seemed to sense that they were being watched, looking toward where Rosalita was watching them. Rosalita was using her psychic powers to make Klaus and Kaylin believe that they were seeing Nicola instead of Rosalita, smirking. Klaus and Kaylin, believing they saw Nicola, looked away to continue watching the pageant. Rosalita smirked smugly.

Further on the lawn, Matt, Alex and Kacie were still talking.

"I'll find him, but..." Alex trailed off.

(Song Ends)

April started to descend the stone steps in her red dress.

Matt, Alex and Kacie looked up to her.

Kacie sighed. "April's about to get abandoned."

Matt looked at Alex and Kacie. "I got this."

"Okay," Kacie told him.

Matt started to walk away.

"And, finally, April Young, accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert," Caroline introduced April.

April continued to walk down the steps but stopped, looking around for Jeremy.

Caroline kept a smile on her face as she looked around.

Matt walked up to where the escorts were lined up, holding out his arm for April.

Everyone applauded.

April breathed a sigh of relief, smiling a little, walking down the stairs, taking Matt's arm.

"Jeremy's running late," Matt told her.

"I guess you'll do," April told him, giggling.

Caroline looked around, worried.

Matt and April stopped next to Luke and Tory, all four of them nodding to each other.

Luke looked at Tory. "You lead."

Tory smiled a small smile, nodding.

(Song:) Little Deschutes - Laura Veirs 

The girls and their escorts bowed to each other. They raised their right hands, circling around each other to their left, looking at each other until they were in their rightful places. They raised their left hands, circling around each other to their right, looking at each other until they were in their rightful places. They raised both of their hands, circling around each other to their left, looking at each other until they were in their rightful places. They stepped closer to each other, dancing slowly and beautifully to the song. All of the couples danced their own way, separating.

Elena stood alone in the crowd, watching the dance.

Damon looked at Elena.

Elena felt his gaze, looking toward him.

They looked at each other for a long moment.

Luke and Tory looked at each other, continuing to dance, completely serious yet relaxed and at peace, seemingly lost in each other's eyes.

Alex pulled out her phone, still standing next to Kacie.

Elena looked toward them, walking toward them, looking at Kacie. "Sorry, Kacie, but I really need to talk to Alex, so..."

"Uh-huh," Kacie told her. "Keep being a bitch to me, Elena. See if I care."

Kacie walked away.

Elena sighed, watching her go.

Alex looked at Elena in annoyance, calling Jeremy. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Kacie and Luke locked me in a room and left me with crazy hallucinations," Elena told her.

"She's sired, Elena," Alex told her. "You talk about how you're the one who always stays by our friends' sides in their time of need, but when Tyler was sired, you turned your back on him. And now Kacie's sired, and you're turning your back on her. Maybe you don't stay by all of your friends' side in their time of need."

Elena was speechless.

Liv saw them arguing, walking toward them.

Caroline and Eliza exchanged a look, watching them.

"Hey, what's with the last minute escort change?" Liv asked. "Where is Jeremy?"

"I'm calling him right now," Alex told her. Damon walked up to them, standing next to Elena. "He's not picking up."

"Do the math," Damon told them "Emo teen, open bar, it's fine."

Alex looked from Elena to Liv. "Matt said that Jeremy's been having nightmares about killing vampires and he's been hiding it from us."

Liv was instantly surprised and worried.
Damon shrugged it off. "Relax, I'm sure he's fine."

"I don't know," Alex told them. "I have a bad feeling."

 "If I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried," Damon told them. Liv nodded sarcastically. "Let it go. I'll go look for him."

"Okay," Elena told him.

Damon walked away, leaving.

Liv looked at Elena. "Okay, you go home." She looked at Alex. "You look at the Grill. I'm gonna start asking around here."

"Maybe Damon's right," Elena told her. "Maybe he grabbed a bottle from the bar and snuck off to the woods."

"No, Damon is never right," Liv told them. "Damon is sneaky and manipulative and rude, but he's never right. How can neither of you see that?"

"I don't know, but why do I think that you won't hesitate to tell us?" Alex asked.

"Fine, sistervention," Liv told them. "I think your so called 'feelings' for Damon are really starting to cloud your judgment, and I don't like it." She looked at Alex. "You were so in love with him, and even if you're no longer together, you still do everything he says." She looked at Elena. "And you, you know that being with Damon will hurt Stefan and Alex, but you act like you couldn't care less. Stefan and Alex clearly have a connection, but they've been fighting it for you. Shouldn't you give them the same thing?"

Cristian walked up to them, standing next to Liv.

"Damon told us not to worry about Jeremy, so we're not worried about Jeremy, Liv," Alex told her.

"This is our brother, Alex, our only family left," Liv told her. "Any other day, you'd both be worried out of your freaking minds. But two words from Damon, and everything's okay?"

"Easy, Liv," Cristian told her. "You're making a scene."

"Wow, Liv," Elena told her sarcastically. "Thank you for making this very difficult time so much easier."

Alex and Elena walked off in separate directions.

Liv looked stunned, sighing. "How did I become the bad guy?"

Cristian turned to face Liv. "You're not being the bad guy. You're just trying to look out for your sisters." 

Liv nodded, looking sad. "But by trying to keep them from falling apart, I managed to push them away."

Cristian held his arm toward Liv. "Let's get you a drink. Give everyone time to calm down. Then you can try again."

Liv nodded. "And the next time, I'll try not to be such a bitch. Emphasis on the word 'try'."

Cristian smiled a small smile.

Liv linked her arm with his.

Cristian led her away.

(Song Ends)


Inside - Parlor 

Damon was on the phone with Stefan, who was still in the Lockwood Cellar.

"Please don't tell me that you've roped Jeremy into a world of crazy," Damon told him.

"I had no choice," Stefan told him. "They need the Cure."

"Oh, right, so you can turn Elena back into the girl that is still in love with you," Damon told him.

"You know, I get why you wouldn't want to believe it Damon, but she isn't herself anymore," Stefan told him.

"Of course you would think that," Damon told him.

"This isn't just about her, Damon," Stefan told him. "This is about Alex and Liv."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Leave it alone, Stefan."

"Don't you get it?" Stefan asked. "Alex, Liv and Elena are vampires. Jeremy's a vampire Hunter with urges to kill his sisters. They all need to be human."

Damon looked as if he hadn't thought about that, looking troubled.


Lockwood Cellar

Stefan hung up on him. He looked at Jeremy.

Jeremy was examining his arm. The Mark started to spread.

Stefan walked toward him. "How far did the Mark grow?" Jeremy didn't answer. Stefan pulled out the drawing of Connor's Mark. "Show me on this drawing."

Jeremy turned to face him. "Sorry, Stefan, but I can't trust you."

"How far is it, Jeremy?" Stefan asked.

"I said I can't," Jeremy told him.

"Answer me, or I will make you answer me," Stefan told him.

"I am not telling you anything," Jeremy told him.

Stefan grabbed Jeremy, compelling him. "What does the Mark look like?"

Jeremy suddenly staked Stefan in the stomach, making him yell in pain. "I guess I can't be compelled anymore."

Jeremy released the stake from his grasp, grabbing the duffel bag. He walked out of the cellar.

Stefan fell down on the ground, clutching at the stake still in his stomach.


Lockwood Mansion - Outside

(Song:) Falling Slowly - Vitamin String Quartet

Klaus and Kaylin were walking next to the pond. Klaus was carrying two glasses and a bottle of champagne.

"It's just, as their sister, I feel like I have to do something to make sure that they don't kill each other," Kaylin told him. "Elena was with Stefan, and now she's taking Damon's side on everything. Alex was with Damon, but got close to Stefan, because of you, by the way, but she still listens to everything Damon says."

"So, being a vampire's changed them?" Klaus asked.

"But being a vampire only amplifies who you already are," Kaylin told him. "It doesn't turn you into a completely different person." 

Klaus smirked, looking as if he knew something she didn't. "It's very peculiar."

"What's that look for?" Kaylin asked.

"It'll all make sense eventually," Klaus told her.

"Whatever," Kaylin told him. "Just hurry up and find the Cure." 

Kaylin sat down on a stone bench by the pond. 

Klaus placed the champagne down next to her, looking at Kaylin. "I'm working on it." 

Klaus sat next to her, starting to open the champagne bottle.

"Would you ever take it?" Kaylin asked.

"Now, why would I want to cure myself of being the most powerful creature on the planet?" Klaus asked. "Hmm?"

"So there's not one single moment in your whole life that you wanted to be human?" Kaylin asked skeptically. "I mean, I used to loathe being a vampire when I first turned, and I resented my brothers because they got me turned into one, but I learned to love it completely, but even I had a moment or two where I missed being human. So I know that you have a moment like that, too. What is it?"

Klaus looked at Kaylin, popping the cork off the champagne bottle, avoiding the question. "How about you?" 

Kaylin took a wine glass, holding it toward him. "Like I said, you suck at avoiding a topic." Klaus smiled. Kaylin looked toward the girls in the dresses, sighing. "Back when I was human, I was supposed to be in this pageant 146 years ago. Cristian was supposed to be my escort." Klaus looked at Kaylin as if he already knew this. "Then I died before I could actually do it. My dad told me that if I was going to look like my grandmother, I might as well have acted like her, and my grandma only wanted one thing for me. To be one of those girls who wanted nothing more than a life like this." 

"Life used to be a lot easier," Klaus agreed, standing, pulling a piece of paper out from inside his jacket. "Don't you miss the days of being...." He opened the paper, starting to read. "'Horse-keeper for the underprivileged' and the 'Reader to the blind'." 

Kaylin looked up in shock. "Is that my Miss Mystic application?" She stood, hitting the paper out of his hands. "Where did you get that? That should've burned!" 

Klaus laughed, catching the paper, continuing to read. "'When I am chosen, I intend to redefine excellence.'" Kaylin ran her hand through her hair in frustration, embarrassed for him to know about the time when she had been a naive human. "Now, I'm really enjoying your use of 'when' here. It's very confident." Kaylin looked at him, nodding, laughing sarcastically. "'And above all, I promise to aspire, inspire, and perspire...'" Kaylin clearly didn't like this form of torment. Klaus couldn't stop laughing. "Obviously, we found a shortage of words ending in 'spire'." 

Kaylin tried to grab the paper out of his hands. "Yeah, it's very funny. I was a 16 year old human in 1864."

Klaus pulled the paper out of her reach. "Then why does it bother you so much?" 

"It's hilarious," Kaylin told him sarcastically. Klaus held the paper out behind him, away from her, looking at Kaylin with an expression that clearly said, try to take it from me.  Kaylin stopped trying, barely able to stop from smiling, laughing. Klaus laughed. "No, I just don't like the idea of anyone knowing about how naive and weak I used to be."

"Naive, maybe," Klaus told her. "I don't think you were ever weak, Kaylin."

Kaylin smiled at that. "Seriously, how did you get that?"

"After our departure in the '20s, I couldn't rid myself of you completely," Klaus told her. "It might have slipped your mind, but I do like to have keepsakes."

Kaylin looked at him in realization. "You came to Mystic Falls after you left to get that. I'm guessing it was in the town archives." Klaus nodded. "And you kept it with you this entire time." Klaus shrugged slightly, looking a little sheepish. "I'm not sure if that's a little creepy or incredibly sweet."

They smiled.

Kaylin didn't even bother trying to hide the fact that she was being drawn in like she normally did, which only seemed to please Klaus more. They both sat down again.

"Though I know you're not the girl you once were way back then, it's still interesting to see every aspect there is of you," Klaus told her.

Kaylin pressed her lips together, shaking her head. "You still suck." 

Kaylin and Klaus looked at each other, smiling.



Nicola was sitting at a table. She saw Kaylin and Klaus laughing together, looking at them curiously. Unlike Stefan and Damon, she was not judging even while using her to distract him for missions. She seemed a little content at seeing Kaylin truly happy for a little while. She looked over, seeing Shane sit down at a table with Hayley and pour her a glass of champagne.

Tyler walked through the maze of tables.

Nicola saw Tyler, standing. "Oh, hey, Tyler."

Tyler stopped, looking at Nicola. "Nicola?"

Nicola pointed at Hayley and Shane. "How do those two know each other?"

"They don't," Tyler told her. "Paranoid much?"

"The Council just got burnt to a crisp," Nicola replied. "Some mysterious Hunter just blew through town, and this guy just happens to know everything about everything. Yes, paranoid."

Tyler and Nicola continued to watch Hayley and Shane.

(Song Ends)



Jeremy found an empty room, placing the duffel bag down. He took out an arm cuff that could hold stakes, placing it on his wrist. He grabbed a few stakes, placing them in his pants. He put on his jacket, walking out of the room.



Jeremy walked through the maze of tables, clearly on a mission.

April intercepted him. "Hey, where have you been?"

"Hey, sorry, I, um, I got stuck at work," Jeremy told her.

"Jeremy, if you were too chicken to do the dance thingie then you should have just told me," April told him.

"No, no, I knew the dance," Jeremy told her. "I watched some lesson online like a hundred times."

"You did?" April asked in surprise.

Jeremy saw Shane get up from a table. "Hey, what's that Shane guy doing here?"

April turned to look toward Shane.

Shane waved.

April waved back. "He's a judge. I got Eliza to talk to him about my dad. I mean, she said that he said that my dad had never seemed depressed or suicidal or anything, so..."

Jeremy spotted Alex across the lawn talking to a girl. He continued to look at her. "Your dad?"

"Yeah, um, you know, I figured I'd explore every possibility, even the bleak ones," April told him. Jeremy still hadn't taken his eyes off Alex. "What are you looking at?"

April looked over her shoulder to try to follow his gaze.

Jeremy looked at April.

April looked at Jeremy.

"Your dad was doing the right thing for this town," Jeremy told her. "The whole Council was. They died heroes."

Jeremy walked past her.

April watched him walk away in confusion.


Inside - Parlor

Shane was alone in the room.

Damon walked in.

"Oh, you again," Shane told him, laughing. "I must be the least intimidating mass murderer ever."

"Well, you still never gave me a name," Damon told him. "And it's kind of urgent."

"Listen, there is no other name," Shane told him. "Look, at any given moment there are five Hunters in existence, all right? Most of them have no idea who they are or what their purpose is. It means finding more than one in a lifetime is next to impossible. Which means you hit an extremely lucky break." He walked past Damon, starting to leave the room. Damon rushed in front of Shane to stop him. Shane looked at him, chuckling. "Subtle."

"Like you didn't already know," Damon told him.

Shane tilted his head in acknowledgment. "Well..."

"You have five seconds to give me another name or you die," Damon told him.

"You know, since it's generally unwise for a vampire to seek out a Hunter, it means you're interested in the Mark," Shane told him. "It's probably because of where it leads, but here's the thing. Even if you complete the Mark and you get the map, the thing that you're looking for is sealed with a spell only three certain kind of witches can perform."

"What kind of witches?" Damon asked.

"Come on, Damon," Shane told him.

Damon grabbed Shane by the wrist, squeezing it. "I love pressure points. What kind of witches?"

"Come on," Shane told him. "You're a big boy. You can figure this one out."

Damon thought for a moment. "A Bennett witch, a Davis witch and whatever the hell witch line Tory Donovan comes from."

"The witch line Tory was born into is named after one of her Doppelgangers that you know of, not Rosalita, though," Shane told him. "One that had a close-knit tie with the youngest Mikaelson."

"Luna," Damon finished. "How do you know about Rosalita?"

"I've spent a long time researching the legends of Silas, Rosalita, Qetsiyah and Ovisona," Shane answered. "And there aren't too many witches like Bonnie, Lindsey and Tory lying around, as I'm sure you know. So, none of this matters until Lindsey, Tory and Bonnie are in touch with their magic. And between the two of us, who do you think they trust to help them get there?" Damon released Shane from his grasp. "Five seconds are up, unless you just realized you need me alive. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a scholarship to award."

Shane walked past Damon.


Outside - Stage

Caroline, Eliza and Alex were on stage with the rest of the Miss Mystic Court, including April and Tory. Eliza had an envelope in her hands. Alex held the tiara and sash.

Caroline was speaking through the mic. "And, now, the moment you've been waiting for. Eliza, would you do the honors?"

Eliza walked up to the mic. "This year's Miss Mystic Falls is..." She opened the envelope. "April Young."

Everyone applauded.

April smiled, looking as if she was about to cry.

Tory smiled.

April and Tory embraced for a moment, pulling away.

Eliza took the tiara off the cushion Alex was holding, walking over to April.

Alex looked out into the crowd, sighing.

Jeremy walked through the crowd.

Alex saw him. "Jeremy."

Eliza placed the tiara on April's head.

Jeremy walked off, away from the crowd.

Alex handed Caroline the sash and cushion, quickly walking off stage.

Matt and Kacie stood together in the crowd, noticing Jeremy walking away too, watching Alex as she followed Jeremy.


Inside - Empty Room

Jeremy knelt to the floor, holding a stake with the Hunter's Mark.

Alex walked into the room. "Hey, where have you been?" She looked at the stake. "What are you doing with that?" Jeremy stood up. "Put it down."

"Alex, you're the one who started all of this," Jeremy told her. "You and Klaus and Stefan and Kacie."

"I never wanted this, and you know that," Alex told him.

"Connor was right," Jeremy told her. "All I can think about is killing vampires."

"You're nothing like Connor," Alex told him.

"I want to believe that," Jeremy told her. "And I know I don't want to hurt you, but everything inside of me is telling me to drive this stake through your heart."

"Why would you say that?" Alex asked. "It's me, Jeremy."

"And you're a vampire," Jeremy replied.

"Yeah, but I'm also your sister," Alex told him. "So are Liv and Elena."

Jeremy looked up to Alex. "A normal stake wouldn't kill you. Because of your hybrid link. If you die, he dies, and so do all of the vampires descended from his bloodline. Stefan, Damon, Kaylin, Caroline, Tyler, Kacie, Luke, Cristian, Liv and Elena. But it has to be the white oak stake. Your death would end so much pain and death and blood..."

"Jer, don't say that," Alex told him  backing away, turning around, starting to walk for the door. Jeremy strode toward her with the stake in his hand, trying to stake her. Alex turned around, catching his wrist, pushing him to the floor. Jeremy didn't open his eyes. Alex just realized what she had just done. She took a surprised, shaky breath, walking over to him, kneeling at his side. "Jer, Jer, hey, Jer, wake up. Jer, please wake up."

Alex shook Jeremy. Jeremy opened his eyes, staking her in the neck with a hidden arm cuff stake that she hadn't seen coming. Alex gasped, unable to breathe, clutching at her neck.

Jeremy knelt down in front of Alex, taking the white oak stake out of his jacket, raising it to finish her off.

Matt tried to stop him, standing at the door. "Jeremy!"

"Get out of here, Matt," Jeremy told him.

"Jeremy, you don't want to do this, okay?" Matt asked. "That's your sister. If you kill her, your other sisters and your friends die too. It's that stupid Mark on your arm."

"Shut up, Matt!" Jeremy told him.

"Jeremy, look at me!" Matt told him. "I'm human, and I'm telling you not to hurt her."

Jeremy hesitated, but tried to stake Alex with the white oak stake anyway.

Stefan rushed into the room, grabbing Jeremy, pushing him against the wall. "Get him out of here, Matt."

Stefan pushed Jeremy toward Matt.

Matt grabbed him. "Come on. Let's get you out of here."

Matt pulled Jeremy out of the room.

Stefan knelt in front of Alex, holding the white oak stake in his hand, placing it on the floor.

Alex tried to pull the stake out of her neck, continuing to gasp for air.

"Let me do it," Stefan told her. "Let me do it, let me do it."

Stefan gently took Alex's hands off the stake, pulling it out.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief now that she could finally breathe, trying to catch her breath.

Stefan placed his hand on Alex's cheek, looking at her.

Alex looked up at him, holding his hand in her.

They looked at each other for a moment, dangerously close to kissing. Seemingly thinking of Damon and Elena, they pulled back without doing anything.

Alex barely managed a whisper. "Thank you."

Stefan nodded. He looked at the white oak stake. "I'll find a better place to hide that thing."

Alex chuckled a hysterical chuckle, looking up at Stefan.

Stefan looked down at Alex.


Outside - Staircase

Hayley and Tyler were sitting outside on the stone steps, drinking.

"Your mom parties harder than you do," Hayley told him. "Does she have the gene?"

Tyler shook his head. "Dad. What about your parents?"

"Never met them," Hayley told him. "My adopted parents found out about my wolf gene when I did. The night that I turned and tore apart their living room, they promptly kicked me out."

"You never told me how it triggered," Tyler told her.

"You mean who I killed?" Hayley asked. Tyler nodded. "Boating accident. We were drunk. I thought I wasn't."

Hayley sipped her champagne, looking away.

"So, what's with you chatting up all these old timers, huh?" Tyler asked. "My mom. That professor guy."

"That professor guy is like, thirty, and he's hot, and smart," Hayley told him, laughing.

"You know him or something?" Tyler asked.

"No, I just met him," Hayley told him. "Why?"

Tyler shook his head. "No reason."



Klaus and Kaylin were walking together.

Klaus turned to face her. "I never answered your question. If I ever thought about being human. Once, I was on a trek in the Andies, and a hummingbird flew up to me. It just hovered there, staring at me, its tiny heart was pattering like a machine gun. And I thought, what a thing, you know, to have to work that hard every day just to stay alive. To be constantly on the verge of death and how satisfying every day must be that it survived. And that was the only time I thought about being human. What was your moment?"

"I think it's pretty obvious what my moment is, or at least what it's about," Kaylin told him.

Klaus nodded. "Nicola."

"Yes, Nikki," Kaylin answered. "I haven't been apart her full life. I only actually met her about a year ago when I came home for real. But ever since... I grew so close to her, wanting to protect her, wanting to take care of her, even if it meant I had to go against my own brothers, or someone like you to protect her, no matter what the cost. But then she started to do the same thing for me, and Stefan and Damon. She grew to love all of us, even Damon, and went to the extremes to save us, even after she was made into a target because of us. Repeatedly. She was helping me to try and keep our family from falling apart. And even when she was dying, with sickness that killed her mother, she was doing whatever it took to save me and my brothers, risking her already fragile state."

"And yet she survived," Klaus finished.

Kaylin nodded in agreement. "She survived, and she's still fighting for our family, even after everything that happened to her because of us. It makes me wonder what I would do if I were in her shoes and she was in mine. If I would be able to go through all what she did and still do what she still does."

Klaus smiled slightly. "You would, Kaylin. It's true what I called you repeatedly before. A ray of light in the dark. You prove being a ray of light even now."

Smiling a bit, Kaylin knew that they were closer than they had been since all this began, not trying to push him away this time, but just trying to cover up how vulnerable she felt for revealing that. "You ever gonna tell me what you've been doing with Stefan?"

Klaus sighed, nodding. "I have been using him to further Jeremy's Mark."

"By making him kill vampires?" Kaylin asked.

Klaus nodded. "Once you knew, I knew you'd be angry."

"And that's why you waited until after this to tell me," Kaylin finished. "Well, I'm about as angry at Stefan for letting you use him as I am at you for using him." 

Kaylin looked down, turning forward, sighing, walking along.

Klaus smiled, following her.



Alex walked across the yard.

Stefan followed after her. "Alex, wait."

"I have to find Jeremy," Alex told him. "This shouldn't be happening to him."

"Alex, wait," Stefan told her. "It's my fault."

Stefan grabbed Alex by her arm.

Alex turned to face him. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm starting to think that when a Hunter kills a vampire, the urge to keep killing gets stronger," Stefan told her.

Alex looked at him in suspicion. "Tell me that Jeremy hasn't been with you this entire time." Stefan didn't answer, looking away. "Tell me that you haven't been making him kill vampires, Stefan."

Stefan looked at Alex. "We need the map to get to the Cure."

"The Cure means nothing if Jeremy loses his humanity enough to where he would kill all of us in a single blow," Alex told him. "Including the guy I'm linked to, which kills all of you."

"He's the only way to fix all of this," Stefan told her.

They heard Elena's voice from behind Alex. "You mean me." Alex and Stefan turned to see Elena. "The only way to fix me. You don't have to love me like this. This is who I am now. The old Elena died when she went off that bridge. Let her go."

Stefan was clearly hurt.

Alex saw Damon standing several feet behind Elena.

They all looked at each other for a long moment.

Stefan walked away first, toward the house.

Alex walked away next, walking toward her car.

Elena watched them go expressionlessly.


Inside - Foyer

Kacie and Matt walked toward the stairs.

"So, thanks to Stefan and my sire, Jeremy is unwillingly killing vampires," Kacie told him. "That's just great. It's also partially my fault."

"Kacie, in no way is this your fault," Matt told her. "None of this is your fault. It's the hybrid's."

"And we can't kill him, 'cause if we kill him, our entire sireline dies," Kacie told him. "Which sucks more than you can imagine." She shook her head. "I don't wanna be like this, Matt. I just don't know what to do about it."

"Of course you don't," Matt told her. "Everything is so hard right now. And I'm so sorry." He wrapped his arms around Kacie. Kacie smiled a small smile, holding him. "Just try to get through it. Please. If anyone can get through this, it's Kacie Lockwood."

Kacie smiled, chuckling, pulling away. "Thanks, Matt."

Tory walked downstairs. "Why don't you two just get a room or something?"

Kacie chuckled.

Matt was slightly embarrassed. "Nice, Tory."

"Well, are we ready to go home or what?" Tory asked.

"Or what," Matt answered.

Tory looked at him in confusion.


Gilbert House - Jeremy's Room

Jeremy was packing a bag.

Matt and Tory walked in.

They were all in normal clothes.

"What are you doing?" Tory asked.

"I can't keep living here if I want to kill all of my sisters," Jeremy told them.

"They know that," Tory told him. "That's why they moved out and asked us to move in."

Jeremy looked up in surprise. "What?"

"Look, we're not one of them, Jer," Matt told him. "We'll keep an eye on you and we can keep this Hunter business in check."

"Where're Alex, Liv and Elena gonna go?" Jeremy asked.

Matt and Tory exchanged a look, looking at Jeremy, but didn't respond, because the answers were pretty obvious.


Lockwood Mansion - Foyer 

Kacie opened the door for Alex, both of whom were still in their pageant dresses. "This about what went down earlier?"

Alex nodded with an awkward smile. "Oh, yeah."

"Well, come on in," Kacie told her, stepping aside.

Alex walked in.

Kacie closed the door, turning to face her.

Alex sighed. "What happened earlier this year, and now this, and you've let let me stay here both times..." She turned to face her. "Kacie, I think it's safe to say you're the best friend ever."

Kacie smiled. "No problem. Because you're one of the only few who hasn't turned their backs on me."

"I'll talk to the others," Alex told her. "I'll do anything I can to make it easier."

"Alex, there's nothing you can do," Kacie told her, shaking her head sadly.

Alex stood in front of Kacie, placing either of her hands on her shoulders. "I will not give up on you. You're my best friend. I can't. Okay?"

Kacie smiled a small smile, nodding a barely noticeable nod. "Okay."

Alex and Kacie smiled.


Salvatore Boarding House - Foyer

Nicola opened the front door. She was still in her pageant dress.

Elena was outside, carrying her luggage. She walked in the house.

Stefan and Damon walked out of the parlor. They looked at each other.

Elena looked at Nicola. "I can't stay at home anymore."

Nicola nodded. "Pick a room."

"Then I'll crash somewhere else," Stefan told them, walking toward the door.

"Stefan..." Nicola trailed off.

Stefan nodded to Nicola. "It's okay, Nikki."

Stefan sighed, walking out of the house, leaving.

Nicola, Damon and Elena watched him go.

Nicola gave Damon and Elena a look, closing the door, turning around, walking down the hall toward the stairs.

"Nikki," Damon told her.

Nicola ignored him, walking upstairs, leaving Damon and Elena alone.


Young Farm

Kim was lying on the floor of the barn, tired from transforming into a wolf so many times. "Tell me it's over, Ty. I really don't think I can do this anymore."

Tyler knelt down in front of her. "It's over. Nice work. We're one step closer to ending this."

Tyler stood, pulling out his phone to send a text to Hayley.


Whitmore College - Shane's office

Hayley received the text from Tyler.

Kim broke the sire bond. Where are you?

Hayley looked up, smiling. "We got another one."

Rosalita walked closer, looking at Shane and Hayley, smirking. "Good. Then we're almost ready."

"Why are you having us do this, Rosalita?" Hayley asked.

Rosalita smirked. "Because I need you all to complete some tasks for me, so I can help free my brother Silas from captivity."

"Rosalita's the one that had Silas locked away, but she needs him free now because of a deal she's made with a group of witches that call themselves Travelers," Shane explained.

"Really?" Hayley asked.

"Yeah," Rosalita answered. "I've already mind controlled your friends, the hybrids, to turn against Klaus, and I'll mind control him to slaughter them all when the time comes, and to kill anyone else who stands in the way of completing the next sacrifice."

Hayley looked worried. "I want to leave Tyler and Kacie Lockwood, and Luke Thompson out of this when it all goes down. And I don't want Ryan Thompson to be harmed."

Rosalita looked at Hayley, tilting her head, smirking in amusement. "You have a crush on Tyler, and you see Kacie, Ryan and Luke as your friends. How sweet." Hayley rolled her eyes in annoyance. "We'll talk about leaving Tyler, Luke and Kacie alive when you've broken the last one. And we'll see what to do about Ryan. Leaving him alive, or killing him off. It's sweet how you think of the Thompsons and Lockwoods, though, Hayley."


Salvatore Boarding House - Parlor

Elena was sitting on the couch.

Damon walked over to her, handing her a drink.

"Thanks," Elena told him, taking a drink.

Damon sat down next to her. "I was being polite. I thought you hated whiskey."

"My brother wants to kill me and my sisters," Elena told him.

"Welcome to the club," Damon told her.

Damon held his glass out to her. Elena clinked her glass against his. They both drank.

"Stefan wants to fix me, Kaylin and Nicola hate me for what I'm doing to you two, Jeremy can't live with me, and both Alex and Liv flat-out admitted that they don't like me this way," Elena told him. "I think it's safe to say that I'm not so great at this vampire thing."

"You want to know what I think?" Damon asked. Elena looked at him. "I don't think I've ever seen you more alive."

They looked at each other for a moment.


Cristian's House - Study

Liv looked around in boredom. She was still in her dress.

Cristian leaned against the doorway behind her, crossing his arms over his chest. He was still in his suit. "You know you didn't have to come here."

"I didn't have anywhere else to go," Liv replied. She turned to face him. "And, honestly, Cristian, this place is better than my place right now. Our lives are crazy, Cris. Jeremy just tried to kill all of us by trying to kill Alex."

Cristian sighed, pushing away from the doorway, walking closer. "It sure has been one hell of roller coaster ride."

"You can say that again," Liv told him, walking closer.

Cristian stood in front of Liv, pulling the strand of hair that was in her face back behind her ear, his voice softer. "But it's one that I would never willingly ride again, with all the dangerous, deadly bumps and turns that we lost a few people because of."

Liv raised her eyebrows, barely nodding, her voice softer. "You can say that again." She looked up, her voice louder. "So here's to an uneventful next few days."

"Dream on, Liv," Cristian told her, using her words against her. "This is Mystic Falls. Nothing goes uneventful for long."

Liv smiled. "Oh, I am dreaming." She sighed, troubled. "You know, today was supposed to be a day of fun. Just to be there for my friends. And it turned into this."

"I know," Cristian told her.

"And all I can keep thinking about it how I wanted to spend the rest of the night with you," Liv told him. "We've danced before, Cris. But not the way they were dancing. I've never danced like that. You asked me if I would ever be in a pageant like that. And I told you the truth. I don't want to be. But I want to have a moment like that... with you."

(Song:) Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran 

Cristian smiled a small smile.

Liv looked at him.

Cristian took Liv's hand, leading her over to the front of the fireplace. He took her hand, lowering one of his to her waist. "I'll show you how it's done."

Liv smiled, placing her other hand on Cristian's shoulder. They started to dance to no music, placing their heads together.


Forbes House - Living Room

Caroline, Eliza and Stefan were sitting together, drinking.

Caroline and Eliza were still in their dresses.

Stefan poured a shot for them. "Elena's right. I just--I need to let go."

"No, you're right, Stefan," Caroline told him. "It's not pretty and it's not easy, but you can't give up on her."

"Caroline, she looked me in the eye and she told me to move on," Stefan told her.

"She's lost," Caroline told him. "Okay, you and her, epic. You and Alex, don't get me wrong, I don't like it as much. Either of them with Damon, ugh. God. There's something wrong with Elena, and there's always been something wrong with Alex."

Kaylin walked into the house, still in her dress.

Stefan didn't have to look at her to know she was there. "Not now, Kaylin."

Kaylin sighed, walking closer. "I'm not here to fight." She turned toward Caroline and Eliza. She looked at the shots on the table. "Ooh, shots."

Kaylin sat down, tossing one back.

Stefan sighed, taking a shot.

Eliza looked at Stefan. "Just promise me you won't stop looking for the Cure."

"Klaus won't let him even if he wanted to," Kaylin told them, placing her shot glass down, pouring herself another one.

"Why does he care?" Caroline asked. "He doesn't even want it. If Alex takes it, then he's human, too."

"He wants to keep Elena human so that he can make more hybrids," Kaylin answered.

Caroline sat back into her chair. "He's gonna need them. Tyler's almost got all of the unsired."

Kaylin looked as if she just realized something. She sat forward. "Oh, my God." Caroline, Eliza and Stefan looked at her in confusion. "Oh. My. God."

Eliza non-verbally asked her what was going on.


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room 

Elena and Damon were still sitting on the couch. They looked at each other for a long moment. Damon smiled, kissing Elena slowly but passionately. The longer the kiss went on, the more passionate it became.


Forbes House - Living Room

Stefan, Kaylin, Caroline and Eliza were talking.

Kaylin stood. "I was trying to understand why Klaus was so intrigued by Damon and Elena and Damon and Alex. He said I would figure it out. This is what he was talking about."

"What are you talking about?" Caroline asked.

"Think about it," Kaylin told them. "Every time they've had a problem, Damon's been the magic solution."


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

Damon and Elena were intertwined together, still kissing passionately.


Forbes House - Living Room

Stefan, Kaylin, Caroline and Eliza were talking.

Kaylin pointed at Caroline and Eliza. "Today, Alex was worried about Jeremy. Who swoops in and tells her to relax? Damon. And she listens." No one seemed to understand. Kaylin sighed. "When Elena started feeding, who said that she could only drink blood straight from the vein?"

Stefan seemed to be realizing what his sister was getting at. "Damon."


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

Elena rushed Damon into a wall, pushing a table aside to make room, breaking a lamp in the process.


Forbes House - Living Room

Stefan, Kaylin, Caroline and Eliza were talking.

"And when she tried to drink from animals?" Kaylin asked.

"She couldn't keep it down," Stefan answered.

"And blood bags?" Kaylin asked.

Eliza appeared to be thinking. "Same thing."


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

Elena had Damon pushed against the wall. They continued to kiss. Elena ripped Damon's shirt open.


Forbes House - Living Room

Stefan, Kaylin, Caroline and Eliza were talking.

"Name one vampire in the history of vampires who couldn't drink blood from a blood bag," Kaylin told them. "Damon said she couldn't, so she couldn't."


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

Damon rushed Elena into the wall next to the fireplace, continuing to kiss her. He was holding her leg up to his waist. Elena grabbed hold to the wall.


Forbes House - Living Room

Stefan, Kaylin, Caroline and Eliza were talking.

"Damon likes the red dress, Elena likes the red dress," Eliza added.

"Damon says kill Connor, they each try to kill Connor," Stefan agreed.

"He tells Alex to tell him the truth about what we were hiding, she tells him the truth," Caroline told them. "He says stop pretending, she stops pretending."

"What if it's possible?" Kaylin asked. "Damon's blood made them vampires, right? It's rare, but it happens. I mean, remember the Petrova Curse? The spell that says any Petrova has to go through hell with their friends, their families, their love lives... What if this is all because of that?" She sat down. "What if this is really happening?"


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

Damon and Elena were still making out.

(Song Ends)


Forbes House - Living Room

Stefan, Kaylin, Caroline and Eliza were talking.

Stefan leaned forward. "Alex and Elena are both sired to Damon."


Salvatore Boarding House - Damon's Room

Elena and Damon were now in Damon's bed with only their undergarments on. Elena was straddling Damon, pushing him on the bed. She kissed him. Damon rolled over her, kissing down her neck and chest. They sat up, continuing to kiss.


4.08 "We'll Always Have Bourbon Street" Trailer

(Song:) It Makes No Difference Who We Are - Celldweller  

From 4.08 "We'll Always Have Bourbon Street", in the library of the boarding house, the Salvatores were talking.

Nicola was wearing a black hat from 1942. "She was sired to you."

From 4.08 "We'll Always Have Bourbon Street", in Damon's room, Damon and Elena were in bed.

Nicola: (voice over from 4.08 We'll Always Have Bourbon Street) "You took full advantage of that."


From 4.08 "We'll Always Have Bourbon Street", in the street, Kaylin, Nicola, Stefan and Damon walked through the crowd, looking at their surroundings.

They stopped walking.

"One more fight about Alex and Elena, and I'm banging your heads together," Kaylin told them. "And I will find out how to break the sire bonds myself."


From 4.08 "We'll Always Have Bourbon Street", in flashback in a bar, Damon was sitting at the bar.

Stefan tapped his shoulder.

Damon turned, surprised to see that it was Stefan.

A blonde was walking away, her face hidden by the same black hat that Nicola had been wearing.

At the bar, Lexi Branson sat at the bar with Damon. "Stefan's better off alone than with your company."

"What makes you think I'm not balanced and restrained?" Damon asked.

"The fact that you never have been," Lexi answered.

From 4.08 "We'll Always Have Bourbon Street", in the Cristian's House, Alex, Elena, Liv, Bonnie, Lindsey, Tory, Caroline and Eliza were all dancing.


Kaylin, Stefan, Alex, Elena, Damon and Nicola walked down a corridor, in fine dresses and suits.

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