Complicated โ†  Damon Salvatore...

By -missmischief

393K 15.8K 4.4K

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5.1K 233 20
By -missmischief

when you lose someone, it stays with you. always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt

THE witch who Elena was with, immediately made fires start on the side of the path they were walking.

Elena narrowed her eyes at seeing two unconscious bodies on the ground. "Oh, god!" She exclaimed, rushing across the path, and towards her unconscious sister and aunt. "Jenna! Echo!" She checked both of their pulses, only to find that Echo was the only one with one. "No!" She shouted pa loudly that it jerked Echo awake.

Echo sat up, groaning, her head pounding before she met Elena's eyes. "You drugged me," she admitted before she saw the body beside her. "Oh, my god. Jenna!" She quickly grabbed her aunt, and looked up at Elena. "What — what happened?!"

Elena looked up at Greta as she spoke, "He killed her? Why? I did everything that he asked."

Jenna then shot up, gasping for air.

Greta looked amused at the look on Elena's and Echo's face, and said, "She's not dead. She's in transition."

"Ugh, my head. What's wrong with me?" Jenna asked, clutching her head.

"Do you remember what happened?" Echo questioned, biting her lip.

"You called me, Elena, you were so scared..." Jenna frowned, trailing off. "I should have realized it wasn't you." She sighed, realizing it was Katherine now. "The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me — a vampire." 

"It was Klaus." 

"He made me drink his blood, and I-I don't remember anything after that," Jenna explained. "Where are we? What happened?" she demands. 

"We're at the Quarry. He brought us here." Echo sighed, looking around at the forest area around them.

"Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna asked, once again.

"Jenna, do you remember how I told you someone becomes a vampire?" Elena asked cautiously. 

"Yeah, if someone dies with vampire blood in there system..." A look of horror crossed Jenna's face. "Oh God, he killed me," she realized.

"Jenna listen to me, everything is going to be okay. Echo and I will get you out of here," Elena told her, grabbing both of their hands.

"I'm a vampire," Jenna repeated.

"I bet you're hungry." Great smirked, walking down the steps towards them.

"I'm starving, could you run and pick me up something to eat?" Echo asked, smirking back at her, but anger and annoyance was in her eyes.

Elena suddenly jumped up, running toward a large rock. The witch flicked her hand and Elena went flying through the hair.

Echo glared at the witch, and jumped up to her feet. The second step she did so, she went flying though the air. She let cry out as she landed pretty hard on her hip.

The witch raised her hand once again and flames appear around Elena and Echo, trapping them in their own circle of fire.

Echo growled and tried to jump over the flames, but was stopped when the flames grew higher. 

"Don't bother trying to get through, I've spelled the circles," Greta stayed, grinning. "You're trapped no matter what you do." 

"Greta please, just let her go," Elena pleaded, looking at her sister and aunt in worry.

Greta took out a knife, slicing it across her wrist. "Klaus chose her." 

"Don't fucking touch her, bitch!" Echo shouted as Greta held her wrist out to Jenna.

"Drink," Greta demanded.

"Jenna don't!" Elena begged.

Jenna backed away from Greta, eyeing the blood. "I can't..." The twins watched in horror as Jenna got closer to Greta's wrist. Jenna gave in and bit into Greta's wrist

After a second, Greta pulled her wrist away, causing Jenna to fall to the ground. She then raised another circle of fire, trapping Jenna inside like she did the twins.

"Jenna look at me," Elena whispered. Jenna slowly turned around, blood around her mouth. Her eyes red and veiny. "It's gonna be okay."

In the distance, they heard a scream of pain and twigs snapping, before they saw the witch that was going to do the sacrifice tonight, walk out with a woman that they've seen before — Jules. She was the werewolf.

"That's the werewolf." Elena realized, as they watched Greta shoves Jules to the ground, no emotion on her face.

"What's happening to me?" Jules groaned out.

"I cast a spell to slow down your transformation," Greta informed Jules as the werewolf groaned in pain. "Your insides are trying to tear themselves free." She stepped away, flicked her wrist, and a third ring of fire encircled Jules.

"Greta," Elena spoke up, "witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed—"

"My duty is to Klaus!" She shouted over Elena. "The new order."

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner," Klaus said as he arrived, his British accent prominent. His eyes averted over to the four of them, his lips curving into a twisted smirk. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?"

"I've got the Moonstone," Klaus stated as he pulled the said object out of his pocket. "I spent five hundred years looking for this. I hate to part with it." 

Klaus handed the Moonstone to Greta, who looked up at the sky and said, "The moon has passed its apex. You remember everything you need to do?" 

"I remember." 

Greta dropped the moonstone into what appeared to be a sacrificial bowl. Sparks flew up as the spell was started, and Klaus walked over to Jules, who was groaning in pain on the ground. 

Greta chanted in Latin as the werewolf said, "Everything I did, I was just trying to help Tyler." 

"Are you Jules?" Elena asked in shock.

Jules groaned and said, "I didn't want him to be alone." 

"Shall we?" Klaus asked, letting the woman finish her final words.

Her circle opened, and the twin's eyes widened as she saw Jules' bright yellow eyes and canine teeth right before the werewolf charged at Klaus. He easily stopped her though, piercing his hand through her chest before ripping her heart out. 

Klaus walked over to stand across from Greta, squeezing the blood into the bowl. The water started boiling and he said, "Does that mean it's working?" 

"It's working," Greta said with a smile.

"The day that the lawyers called to tell me that I was going to become your guardian," Jenna spoke up, as the twins looked over at her. "You know what my first thought was? Isn't there someone else who can do this?" 

"Jenna," Elena spoke. "There was no one else who could have gotten us through all of that." 

Jenna shook her head. "It's just the thought that I almost passed up taking care of you." 

"But you didn't," Echo said, her voice cracking. She has lost so many people — she couldn't do it again. "You put your entire life on hold to help us." 

"Look around, Echo," she said. "I failed you." 

Nothing that was happening was her fault, nothing could've been done to change it. This was just Elena's fate, just like it had once been Katherine's, and there wasn't anything Jenna could've done to change that. 

"No." Elena shook her head. "You didn't. We failed you. I'm so sorry. Listen. Being a vampire, it intensifies your guilt."

"But it also makes you stronger," Echo stated, getting what Elena was going to say. "And faster. You can fight back." Her brown eyes were full of unleashed tears by now. "Elena and I are gonna get through this. We'll be okay. I need you to believe that. Promise me, when you get the chance..." she placed a finger to her lips, before mouthing, "Run.

"Hello, Jenna." Klaus said, as he approached her. 

"Let her go!" Echo demanded as the three of them stood up. "She doesn't deserve this!" As she neared him, the flames around her flared up, making her stumble back. 

"Careful," he warned her, a small smirk forming on his lips as he caught her gaze.

"No, Jenna!" Elena quickly spoke up, breaking Echo's gaze from his. "We can't leave Jeremy without a family. My sister and I followed your rules," she told Klaus. "We did everything that you asked. We didn't run. Please." 

His gaze shifted from Elena, over to something behind us. "Well, well," he said, "I don't recall you being on the guest list." 

Jenna, Elena and Echo all looked back to see Stefan standing by the top of the cliff.

Klaus then said, "Very well, then," before he blurred up to where Stefan was. They seemed to be in a heated argument.

"What's going on?" Jenna asked the twins in confusion.

Echo shrugged before realizing that Jenna could use her vamp hearing. "You can hear them," she told her, "You can hear anything. Just focus on them."

"I can't—" Jenna shook her head in disbelief. "I can't make it out."

"You can do this," Elena assured her, glancing between Stefan and Klaus. "Just relax. Focus."

Jenna nodded, before letting out a deep breath. "I can hear him," she said. "I hear Stefan." Her eyes then widened. "Oh, my god." She sighed, looking between Elena and Echo. "He wants to take my place."

"No..." Elena trailed off, her voice cracking at the thought of losing her boyfriend. "I have to do something." She began to pace. "This can't happen. None of it."

But it was happening. Tonight, they'd either lose Stefan or Jenna, and it was one choice that Echo didn't want to make. Sure, she didn't like or trust Stefan, but he made her sister happy, and she wasn't going to allow anything to ruin that for her.

"Quite the predicament," Klaus announced, as he and Stefan joined us. "You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, granting your wish."


"It's okay." Stefan nodded, looking between the both of the twins with soft eyes.

"No." Echo shook her head. "None of this is okay, Stefan.." "

"Well," Klaus pointed the stake he held in his hand between Jenna and Stefan. "Who's it going to be, girls?"

Echo's jaw clenched as she looked up at the original vampire. "I want to rip your arm off and beat you with it so bad," she threatened, her eyes cold.

Elena shook her head. "I'm not choosing."

"Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice." Klaus suddenly rushed around Stefan, staking him in the back.

"No!" Elena yelled as Stefan fell to the ground on his knees, shouting out in pain. Echo just clenched her hands and fists, shaking in anger.

"I have other plans for your boyfriend," Klaus said, before ripping the stake out of his back. "I want him alive. But for now..." Klaus snapped Stefan's neck causing Stefan to fall to the ground, lifeless and Elena began to cry. "Whenever you're ready, Greta."

Echo looked up from Stefan over to Jenna, fear painting her face as the witch began to chant once more, dispelling the ring of fire surrounding Jenna.

That was it.

He was going to kill her, and there was nothing that they could do. She had to watch, she had to listen — what kind of a sick bastard was he?

"Your turn," Klaus said, walking over to Jenna.

"No, Jenna, no!" Elena protested, attempting to get to her, but once again the fire flared up around her, trapping her.

"It's alright, Elena," Jenna assured her. "I know what I have to do." She met Echo's eyes for a second.

After a moment of shared silence, the twins watched as Jenna suddenly rushed over to Greta, biting into her neck. She screamed out at the top of her lungs. She was trying to kill the witch to stop the sacrifice, even though she could've ran to save herself.

Klaus grabbed Jenna, and pulled her off Greta, and staking her in the back just like he'd done to Stefan, but this time, it was through the heart.

Echo's heart was pounding so loud in her chest she could feel it beating in her ears.

She watched at Jenna's body hit the ground, and one single tear fell from her eyes as she trembled in her spot on the ground. Her hands dug into the ground at her sides, and she clenched her jaw so hard that it felt like she was breaking it.

Jenna was dead.

She was gone, and she was never coming back, and it was all Echo's fault. She should've told her sooner, she should've been more careful, but no, she thought she was going to be the sacrifice and everything would be okay.

But, of course not! She's a Winchester, nothing is ever easy for them.

Echo listened as Greta began chanting the next part of the spell, and could hear the distant drip-drop of Jenna's blood fall into the bowl.

From between the twins, Stefan awoke.

"Stefan," Elena whispered as he groaned in pain, still wounded from the stab to his back. 

His eyes flickered from theirs over to the scene past them, to the altar. "No," He breathed out, before looking back over at them. "I'm so sorry." 

Echo shushed him and whispered, "Are they going to kill him?"


Echo began to smirk at the thought of Klaus dead. They have lost Jenna, but at least Klaus would be taken down with her. 

"It's time," The original vampire said once he reached Elena.

The circle around Elena disappeared, and when Klaus held out his hand for the girl, Elena stood and walked past him to the altar.

Klaus walked up to Elena, moving her face so she was looking at him before saying, "Thank you, Elena."

"Go to Hell," Elena snapped at him.

Klaus simply sank his teeth into the side of her neck.

Echo let out silent cries as she watched the girl she had gotten close to in the past year — die right in front of her.

Klaus let go of Elena, dropping her to the ground and his bones started to break.

Echo just stared at her dead twin and aunt, grief being the only emotion running through her. And she was so out of it that she didn't notice when Bonnie showed up and when Damon appeared beside her. And she didn't notice when Damon picked her up, and sped her off somewhere safe.

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