Silence and Secrets • Corbyn...

By xlovingherronx

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Lily lived the perfect life in Pittsburgh until one day her mom got a new job and then they moved to Texas... More

1.New House
3.First Day
12.Hi I'm Daniel
14.Tough Week?
15.Music Class
17.Jacks Back
19.Where've you been?
21.I Like You
24.Tell me what?
25.1st Date
26.Catch up
28.He's Back
30.Daniel's Family
32.New Car
33. Zach mother freakin' drop dead handsome Herron
34.Would You Rather
35.Who Saw?
37.Let Me Explain
39.2nd Date
42.Talent Is Pretty Common Then?
43.Why Dont We?
44.Fake Friend
48. Sleepover
50.The 8 Letters
51.It's Official
52.Ladder Boy
53.Forgive and Forget
55. Instagram 1
56. Instagram 2
57. Instagram 3
61.Let's Do This
63.Look How Far We Come
Bonus Chapter: Stars
New Book
Out Now!


888 19 5
By xlovingherronx

Third person POV

Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, Zach, Jack and Lily were at school for the last time today. Yes they graduate this afternoon. Right now they are sat on the field for the last time remembering all the good times they've had at this school.

Jonah:Remember in freshman year when Zach hit his head off a lamppost trying to get to the basketball courts
Zach:Oh yeahhh I forgot about that! That hurt so much haha
Daniel:I remember when Jonah decided that he wanted to play baseball and you tried to hit the ball so many times but just ended up making a fool of yourself
Jonah:Hey Hey Hey! I got on the team though!
Jack:Yeah after like 4 training sessions haha
Jonah:Okay but I'm good now though!
Daniel:Yeah I mean we can't deny that
Jonah:Thank you

They all remembered the best times they had had during they're school lives until the bell went and they had to head to the assembly hall to prepare for the graduation.

They were all given hats and gowns and were put in an order to sit in. Jack and Corbyn were quite close to each other because Avery and Besson are quite close in the alphabetical order and Lily and Zach were next to each other because of Herron and Hampton being so close in the alphabetical order.

Once the ceremony started it went very fast and before they even realised it they were collecting their little scrolls and then throwing their hats in the air at the end.

The six friends found each other and then went to return their gowns before heading out of school for the last ever time.

Daniel:Can't believe we've graduated
Zach:I know right like we never have to go to school again
Jonah:That's honestly so crazy
Jack:Yeah I know
Lily:Well you guys can now concentrate on the band I guess
Corbyn:And we can all spend more time together
Daniel:Lets all go and do something
Lily:Lets get high on coffee and go somewhere
Corbyn:No way are you having any coffee after last time!
Lily:Oh come onnnn please?
Jonah:Just get decaffeinated
Lily:Ugh Fine
Daniel:Come on I'll drive us there

They headed to Starbucks in Daniel's car. Lily was secretly working out how to get normal coffee without the others knowing because decaffeinated is lowkey horrible and shouldn't be called coffee if it doesn't have the stuff coffee needs in it.

Lily's POV

I just graduated and all I wanna do is have some coffee but I'm being limited to 'decaf' ugh. Let's just say I've got a plan.

Jonah:Okay So what does everyone want?
Corbyn:Ooh the cookies and creme iced frappe
Zach:I'll have that too cause that is so nice (it's actually so good I had it once and Jesus Christ I was in love)
Daniel:I'll have a strawberry and kiwi smoothie
Jack:I'll have a latte
Jonah:Okay, Lily?
Lily:Erm I don't know yet I'll order in a sec you guys just get yours now
Jonah:Okay, but remember decaf!
Lily:Okay I remember mother
Jonah:Well done son

They ordered and went and sat down and waited for their order while I ordered a tall mocha frappe.

Once I got it the others already had their drinks so I just sat down and drank my coffee

Jonah:So what did you get?
Lily:Decaf mocha frappe
Jonah:Hmm Nice

The other four went on their phones and Daniel started to whisper in my ear

Daniel:Is it really decaf?
Lily:You think I'd ever get decaf?
Daniel:Well probably not
Lily:Exactly but it's not extra caffeine this time so I should be fine

Jack:What are you two whispering about?
Corbyn:Why Do I not believe you?
Lily:I don't know, why do you not believe me?
Corbyn:I don't know

(wattpad ruined the picture quality idk why 😭)


Liked by itslilymae, jacksnoodles, jonahmarais and 78,017 others

seaveydaniel i just graduated...
📸: itslilymae

wdwthemanband no more School Boy Dani 😢

imzachherron never thought you'd get all the way through school 😂
seaveydaniel why?! 😂
imzachherron you were literally late to every single lesson before you met Lily!

whydontwedrama Awh Dani became a good boy when he met Lily 🥺

Load more comments.....

We finished our drinks and then got back in Daniel's car

Daniel:So where we off to?
Zach:Don't mind
Jack:How about we see if there's any parties tonight?
Corbyn:Not really into parties
Lily:Neither I mean I've never been to one but they just seem so wild
Jonah:I will go to a party but I'm not bothered if we don't
Zach:I can't really be bothered tonight
Jack:Well we don't all have to go if there is one
Jonah:Apparently there's a party at that 'Eben' guys house
Jack:I'd be down to go anyone else?
Lily:I don't know I wanna go but I won't really know anyone apart from you guys and what if I wanna come home? I don't wanna ruin your night
Daniel:I'll come if Lily goes and I'll be the one who will go home with you if you want to at any point
Lily:Thanks Dani
Jack:So that's us four, Zach Corbyn?
Corbyn:I think I'm gonna stay at home, parties really aren't my scene
Zach:I'm gonna stay with Corbyn
Jack:Okay so should we all go home and change and then meet somewhere and then head to the party later?

Daniel dropped Jonah and Jack off at their houses and then Zach and Corbyn off at Zach's house before me and Daniel went to Daniels so that he could get ready.

I saw Daniel step out of his bathroom with some black jeans on and he was shirtless.

Daniel:Which shirt?
Lily:Erm well since you have black jeans on maybe wear this hoodie and then put this T-shirt on underneath just incase you wanna take your hoodie off

(This hoodie btw)

He put on some aftershave and then put his shoes on, which were the checkered vans that me, him and Corbyn bought in the mall ages ago. Then we walked to my house because Daniel didn't wanna take his car.

Daniel:What you thinking of wearing?
Lily:I really don't know yet
Daniel:I can help you choose an outfit if you like
Lily:I'd like that very much

When we got to my house I went to check if Corbyn and Zach were here but they weren't and I already knew my mom wasn't here because after our graduation ceremony she had to leave for the airport because she had to catch a flight to this business trip she was on for 3 days.

Daniel chose out a little dress that I was barely even aware of that I had. It was silver and quite tight fitted but honestly very comfortable

I started to do a little makeup whilst Daniel just loosely curled my hair for me, he said that he used to curl Anna's hair so i didn't even question it I just let him do it.

Daniel:Wow you look cute
Lily:Well you look ever so handsome Mr Seavey!
Daniel:Well Miss Hampton would you care to take my hand and we shall head to meet our two friends to go to our party

He said that in a very cute English accent and I couldn't help but laugh and blush before taking his hand and we started walking to meet Jack and Jonah

Once we met them we all headed to this 'Eben's' house. I don't even know who he is

We arrived at the front of the house and heard loud music and saw bright lights

Daniel:You ready?
Lily:Yes let's do this

Still gripping my hand Daniel led me into the house.

Here we go.

Word Count:1354

Kinda disappointed that 9/12 is just 8/12 but sang differently 😢

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