My Best Friend (Completed)

By Meruccubus_Girl28

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He is my best friend... And also... My lover.... And abusier... -------------- Sebastian and Dakota have been... More

My Story
The House and Nick
Damnit Nick
I Don't Know
Never Forget
My Memory Of Them
Day Out
Stalker? Creepy?...Maybe Both
Rumors And Break Up?
Character Info!
Forgive me?
Dear me!
The Girl In The Helmet
What The What?
Another Charater info
Really? I Would Love Too!
Meeting Them!
Why her?...
The Beauty Queen
What Have I Done?
Don't Leave Me Please?....
What Do I Do Now?
Wait what?
I Won't...I Promise
Nothing New Between Them
Different Ending #1

The Return

31 1 0
By Meruccubus_Girl28

Sebastian (POV):

I've been here for about a week now and let me say I love it here at the Hemsworth house and they treated me like there family, which brought me to a peace of mind if I should say.

Today Alex is going to finish showing me the rest of the property before he takes me back to Gordon's house, it was 8:03am and I was downstairs in the living room waiting but as I wait I get a text message. Your probably wondering how am I getting a text message if my phone was destroyed well, Gordon brought me a new phone which is the Samsung S10. Why that phone? Because I've never really been a big fan of IPhones(don't hate), anyways Alex picked up the phone for me from Gordon and I was about to keep the same phone number and all my stuff on it which I was happy about.

I snap out of whatever I was doing and stare at my phone and could feel my heart almost beat out me chest when I see all the messages I received from the one person I didn't expect.......Dakota...

Dakota☠️: I miss you Sebastian, when are you coming back home?

Dakota☠️: My parents are coming in two days and can't wait to see you again, please text me back I miss you.

Dakota☠️: I'm sorry for what I did to you that day when we went out, I was mad that you if me there alone.

Dakota☠️: where are you?...

Dakota☠️: why are you ignoring me?

Dakota☠️: answer me when I call or text you!

Dakota☠️: You son of a bitch you better fucking answer me right fucking now!

Dakota☠️: I don't like being ignored!!

Dakota☠️: Answer me dammit!

Dakota☠️: I should beat the fuck out of you to make you understand that fucking ignoring me will not help you!

I stare at my phone reading the messages as they started to turn violent but I ignored them and turn my ringer off and put my phone away, once I did put my phone away and look up, I almost jump out my skin seeing Alex stare at me with a blank expression on his face but it soon softened once he saw me looking at him.

"Dakota, I take it?" He asks.

"Yeah, he was wondering when I'm coming back" I say to him

"Are you planning on going back?" He asks with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I don't know honestly, I love him I do but I always get hurt. I know it's stupid of me to stay but I knew him for years, I know he'll change his bad behavior" I spoke the truth or at least I think.

"I just want you safe that's all" he tells me as he walks to me and places his hand on my shoulder and all I could do is nod.

"Let's go I have to show you the second part of the house and then the rest of my estate, so you'll know where everything is and won't get too lost here" he says as we walk down the hallway to the second building of the house.

We walk downstairs to a door and Alex unlocks it with a key and once we step in my eyes go wide.

"This is the girls relaxing and sleep over area, when they don't have a sleep over or don't want to be in their playroom, they come here and read a book or two or do homework" Alex tells me as he walks me around the area, even the fountain worked.

We head to the little house and Alex opens the door and all I saw was beds through the whole little living area

"The two beds on the left with the gold blankets belonged to the girls and the rest of the beds belonged to their friends for when they have a sleepover" He explains as I walk around as it was amazing to He how much he spoils his girls and how rich he really is.

After a few minutes we leave the downstairs area but I was still amazed at how nice that basement was for the girls.

"I'll show you where the girls sleep last since it's in the main house but let me show you the pool real quick and then we can head out to see the rest of the estate" he explains to me as we walk through the back door and I soon see the pool house and the pool, it was really nice.

"This is the pool area and on nice summer days we come out and barbecue or cool off, so that's that. Let's go" He says as we go back inside and head goes out front to the Audi Q7 and gets in, he starts the car and pulls off down a dirt road I failed to notice before.

Your probably wondering where the girls at, well Claire and Jack took them out for the day so it was just me and Alex, as for Hunter he was at doggy daycare which he loves to go too. I was pulled from my thoughts when we pull up to a white fence with horses.

"This is my horse rescue farm, I keep other animals too and I love horses ever since I was a kid so I said when I get enough money I'm building my own rescue farm for horses and other animals" he explains and I smile as I knew he was a kind hearted person to everything, didn't see why people would hurt a kind soul like him.

We pull off and we head down the same dirt road but to different part of the land, as we drive I decided to look at my phone and saw I have 20 missed calls and 54 messages from Dakota, I unlock my phone and look at the messages.

Dakota☠️: The fuck is wrong with you? Can't you hear me calling you?!

Dakota☠️: Your probably out with some random guy aren't you? Your such a slut.

Dakota☠️: You disgust me.

Dakota☠️: When I fucked you, I was wondering why you didn't have any walls. Your sleeping around and probably gave me something and I don't even know it.

Dakota☠️: Disgusting pig

Dakota☠️: Slut!

As I read over the messages, I can't help but get heart broken but I knew I was going to duck things between me and him. I was pulled from my thoughts when the car stopped and I look up from my phone look out the window to see a mansion at the bottom of the hill

"That's the gangs house, the guys and their families stay there. There are 50 bedrooms and bathrooms, 20 kitchens, 12 living rooms, 10 home theaters etc." he explains which makes my jaw drops from shock.

"So the whole bike gang and their families stay there without a problem" I ask and he nods, he pulls off and heads back to the house. When we get back home he stops at a nice size garage and we get out and he walks up the three steps and unlocks the door, we walk inside and he turns on the light to reveal his bike room

"You collect bikes?" I ask

"Yeah I do, I love this place and so does the other guys, we relax here sometimes" he tells me and I smile and nod

"We can head back to the house and I'll show you the girls room and we can go out and grab something to eat, sounds good?" He asks

"Yeah" I responded as we walk down the hallway back to the main house, my feet hurt from walking so much but I can get over it.

We head upstairs and walks to the end of the hallway and Alex opens the door to massive bedroom

"This is the girls room?!" I ask surprised as their room was massive.

"Yeah they picked this room before anyone else could and I couldn't say no to my girls" he says chuckling as we soon leave the room, we head back outside and gets back in the car to go out to eat and I was happy because I was starving. I look at the time and saw it was already 12:42pm and I was shocked we spent about 5 hours looking around the estate, I mean we did have to do a bit of driving and walking.
The next morning Alex was driving me back to my house not Gordon's because Gordon was out of town and Nick was staying with his husband and I was happy for them, at least someone found love.

When we pull up, Alex stops me from leaving and stares into my eyes with a serious look on his face.

"If anything happens, call me and I'll be there for you Okay? Don't be afraid to call me, you have my number and also Claire's and Jacks if you can't reach me" he tells me and I nod and hug him and he hugs back tight, before I could go he grabs my hand and places a key in my hand which makes me look up at him in confusion.

"It's a key too my house so whenever you come over, just use this and let yourself in" He tells and I smile as I get out and head inside but I wave Alex goodbye when he pulls off.

I step inside and the first thing I get was a punch in the nose which makes me fall to the floor holding my face in pain, I look up to see an angry Dakota standing above me.

"Who was that?!" He shouts at me, making me flinch back.

When I don't answer right away, he gives me a hard kick to the stomach and side.

"WHO WAS HE?!" He screams this time and I tremble out of fear.

"He's my friend...we didn't do anything because I was a son to him" I explain and he just stares down at me.

"Why didn't you answer me when I called and texted you" He asks me with a balled up fist.

"I got jumped and my phone was destroyed so I had no way of contacting you but I just got a new phone yesterday...I'm sorry for not responding..." I apologized to him

He stood there for a few seconds and his face relaxes and so does his body as he picks me up off the floor gently and brings me to the kitchen and sits me on the counter, he walks to the freezer and grabs an ice pack and walks back over to me.

"I'm sorry love, can you forgive for over reacting like that? You had me worried about you" he says in a soft voice.

I nod as I held the ice pack up to my nose, I stare him in the eyes.

"Words Sebastian, you know where nodding gets you" he spoke.

"I-I forgive you.." I said honestly and that earned me a peck on the lips.

"By the way, we're dating now so I'll give you a few rules to follow and I'll do the same" he said and I smile when he said we were dating now, finally I get to be the one I had a crush on for years.

"When did you get interested in me?" I ask.

"After I saw Nina's true colors and that you were always by my side so I decided to give you a chance" he explains as he helps me off the counter.

"Oh alright, well thank you" I said.

"I'll give you the rules later but for now just rest and I'll bring you something to eat before I leave" he tells me.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I got a job at Starbucks so I'm working there to have some money on the side so I don't always have to ask my parents" he explains to me and I nod in agreement not questioning him anymore.

I heading and takes a shower and put on some relaxing clothes which was a pair of sweats and a tank top, I climb into bed and waits for Dakota and as I wait I download a few games on my phone and a few social media apps. After a few mins he brings up a tray of food which was a burger and fries and a glass of water.

"Here you go love" he says and I blush when he called me 'love'

"Thank you, it smells delicious" I say as I dig in.

"I have to go, see you later okay?"

"Okay, be safe" I tell him

"I will, bye" he soon leaves my room and I then heard the front door close.

I finish eating and put the tray on the nightstand and gets underneath the covers, when my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.
Well this chapter was long and a few more chapters might be long as well but not all so bare with me, my fingers hurt from holding my phone for so long but I wanted to get this chapter out and I hope you all liked this, when I write this book there will be some mistakes and grammar issues but I'll try my best and fix them when I can. Also there will be pictures in this story to get the Just of things, but for now see you guys in the next chapter! Bye bye!!

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